#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" Check for stop conditions. Return code of 2 if stop conditions are found. """ import argparse import os import re from gen_arg import * # NOQA from gen_call_robot import * # NOQA from gen_cmd import * # NOQA from gen_misc import * # NOQA from gen_plug_in_utils import * # NOQA from gen_print import * # NOQA from gen_valid import * # NOQA # Set exit_on_error for gen_valid functions. set_exit_on_error(True) # Initialize default plug-in parms.. STOP_REST_FAIL = 0 STOP_COMMAND = "" stop_test_rc = 2 STOP_VERIFY_HARDWARE_FAIL = 0 # Create parser object to process command line parameters and args. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="%(prog)s [OPTIONS]", description='If the "Stop" plug-in is selected by the user, %(prog)s' + " is called by OBMC Boot Test after each boot test. If %(prog)s returns" + " " + str(stop_test_rc) + ", then OBMC Boot Test will stop. The user" + " may set environment variable STOP_COMMAND to contain any valid bash" + " command or program. %(prog)s will run this stop command. If the stop" + " command returns non-zero, then %(prog)s will return " + str(stop_test_rc) + ". %(prog)s recognizes some special values for" + ' STOP_COMMAND: 1) "FAIL" means that OBMC Boot Test should stop' + ' whenever a boot test fails. 2) "ALL" means that OBMC Boot Test' + " should stop after any boot test. If environment variable" + " STOP_REST_FAIL is set, OBMC Boot Test will stop if REST commands are" + " no longer working.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, prefix_chars="-+", ) # The stock_list will be passed to gen_get_options. We populate it with the names of stock parm options we # want. These stock parms are pre-defined by gen_get_options. stock_list = [ ("test_mode", get_plug_default("test_mode", 0)), ("quiet", get_plug_default("quiet", 0)), ("debug", get_plug_default("debug", 0)), ] def exit_function(signal_number=0, frame=None): r""" Execute whenever the program ends normally or with the signals that we catch (i.e. TERM, INT). This function will be called by gen_exit_function(). """ process_robot_output_files() def validate_parms(): r""" Validate program parameters, etc. This function will be called by gen_setup(). """ get_plug_vars() def stop_check(): r""" Stop this program with the stop check return code. """ if MASTER_PID != PROGRAM_PID: save_plug_in_value(stop_check_rc=stop_test_rc) exit(stop_test_rc) def rest_fail(): r""" If STOP_REST_FAIL, then this function will determine whether REST commands to the target are working. If not, this function will stop the program by returning stop_test_rc. """ if not STOP_REST_FAIL: return REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE = int( os.environ.get("REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE", 0) ) or int(os.environ.get("AUTOBOOT_REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE", 0)) if REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE: interface = "redfish" else: interface = "rest" print_timen("Checking to see whether %s commands are working." % interface) init_robot_out_parms(get_plug_in_package_name() + "." + pgm_name + ".") lib_file_path = ( init_robot_file_path("lib/utils.robot") + ":" + init_robot_file_path("lib/gen_robot_print.py") ) set_mod_global(lib_file_path) timeout = "0 seconds" interval = "1 second" keyword_string = ( "${match_state}= Create Dictionary %s=1 ;" % interface + " ${state}= Wait State ${match_state} " + timeout + " " + interval + " quiet=${1} ; Rpvar state" ) set_mod_global(keyword_string) cmd_buf = create_robot_cmd_string( "extended/run_keyword.robot", OPENBMC_HOST, SSH_PORT, HTTPS_PORT, REST_USERNAME, REST_PASSWORD, OPENBMC_USERNAME, OPENBMC_PASSWORD, REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE, keyword_string, lib_file_path, quiet, test_mode, debug, outputdir, output, log, report, loglevel, ) if not robot_cmd_fnc(cmd_buf): print_timen( "The caller wishes to stop test execution if %s commands are" " failing." % interface ) stop_check() print_timen( "%s commands are working so no reason as of yet to stop the test." % interface ) def esel_stop_check(): r""" Run the esel_stop_check program to determine whether any eSEL entries found warrant stopping the test run. See esel_stop_check help text for details. """ if STOP_ESEL_STOP_FILE_PATH == "": return cmd_buf = ( "esel_stop_check --esel_stop_file_path=" + STOP_ESEL_STOP_FILE_PATH ) shell_rc, out_buf = shell_cmd(cmd_buf, show_err=0) if shell_rc == stop_test_rc: print_timen( "The caller wishes to stop test execution based on the presence of" " certain esel entries." ) stop_check() def pel_stop_check(): r""" Determine whether any PEL entries found warrant stopping the test run. """ if STOP_PEL_STOP_FILE_PATH == "": return pel_txt_file_path = ( os.environ.get("AUTOBOOT_FFDC_DIR_PATH", "") + os.environ.get("AUTOBOOT_FFDC_PREFIX", "") + "PEL_logs_list.json" ) if not os.path.isfile(pel_txt_file_path): qprint_timen( "The following file was not present so no further" + " action will be taken." ) qprint_var(pel_txt_file_path) return default_stop_dir_path = "" # If pel_stop_file_path is unqualified and cannot be found, pre-pend # default_stop_dir_path for the user. pel_stop_file_path = os.environ.get("STOP_PEL_STOP_FILE_PATH", "") if not os.path.isfile(pel_stop_file_path) and os.path.isfile( default_stop_dir_path + pel_stop_file_path ): pel_stop_file_path = default_stop_dir_path + pel_stop_file_path qprint_timen("Using default stop file path.") qprint_var(pel_stop_file_path) # First, read the file in and convert it to a list. pel_stop_list = file_to_list(pel_stop_file_path, newlines=0, comments=0) if len(pel_stop_list) == 0: print_timen( "There are no records to process in " + pel_stop_file_path + "." ) return pel_all_list = file_to_list(pel_txt_file_path, newlines=0, comments=0) if len(pel_all_list) == 0: print_timen( "There are no records to process in " + pel_txt_file_path + "." ) return for stop_pel in pel_stop_list: for pel_all in pel_all_list: pel_match = re.search(".*SRC.*" + stop_pel + ".*", pel_all) if pel_match: print_timen( "The caller wishes to stop test execution based on " + "the presence of certain PEL entries." ) stop_check() def main(): gen_setup() print_plug_in_header() if STOP_COMMAND.upper() == "FAIL": if AUTOBOOT_BOOT_SUCCESS == "0": print_timen("The caller wishes to stop after each boot failure.") stop_check() elif STOP_COMMAND.upper() == "ALL": print_timen("The caller wishes to stop after each boot test.") stop_check() elif len(STOP_COMMAND) > 0: shell_rc, out_buf = shell_cmd(STOP_COMMAND, quiet=quiet, show_err=0) if shell_rc != 0: print_timen("The caller wishes to stop test execution.") stop_check() rest_fail() esel_stop_check() pel_stop_check() if STOP_VERIFY_HARDWARE_FAIL: hardware_error_found = restore_plug_in_value(0, "Verify_hardware") if hardware_error_found: print_timen( "The caller wishes to stop test execution when the" " Verify_hardware plug-in detects a hardware error." ) stop_check() qprint_timen("The caller does not wish to stop the test run.") main()