#!/usr/bin/env python r""" Set the auto_boot policy according to the caller's wishes. """ import os import sys save_dir_path = sys.path.pop(0) modules = ['gen_arg', 'gen_print', 'gen_valid', 'gen_misc', 'gen_cmd', 'gen_plug_in_utils', 'gen_call_robot'] for module in modules: exec("from " + module + " import *") sys.path.insert(0, save_dir_path) # Set exit_on_error for gen_valid functions. set_exit_on_error(True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s [OPTIONS]', description="%(prog)s will set the auto_boot policy according to the" + " user's wishes.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, prefix_chars='-+') # Populate stock_list with options we want. stock_list = [("test_mode", get_plug_default("test_mode", 0)), ("quiet", get_plug_default("quiet", 0)), ("debug", get_plug_default("debug", 0))] AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE = "1" def validate_parms(): r""" Validate program parameters, etc. Return True or False (i.e. pass/fail) accordingly. """ get_plug_vars() valid_value(AUTOBOOT_OPENBMC_HOST) global AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE if pgm_name == "cp_cleanup": AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE = 0 else: valid_value(AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE, valid_values=["0", "1"]) AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE = int(AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE) def main(): gen_setup() set_term_options(term_requests='children') print_plug_in_header() if pgm_name == "cp_setup" or pgm_name == "cp_cleanup": exit_not_master() init_robot_out_parms(get_plug_in_package_name() + "." + pgm_name + ".") lib_file_path = init_robot_file_path("lib/utils.robot") enable_auto_reboot = 1 - AUTO_REBOOT_DISABLE print_var(enable_auto_reboot) keyword_string = "Set Auto Reboot Setting ${%i}" % enable_auto_reboot cmd_buf = create_robot_cmd_string("extended/run_keyword.robot", OPENBMC_HOST, SSH_PORT, HTTPS_PORT, REST_USERNAME, REST_PASSWORD, OPENBMC_USERNAME, OPENBMC_PASSWORD, REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE, keyword_string, lib_file_path, quiet, test_mode, debug, outputdir, output, log, report) if not robot_cmd_fnc(cmd_buf): print_error_report("Robot command execution failed.") exit(1) main()