#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" See help text for details. """ import sys import subprocess import re save_dir_path = sys.path.pop(0) modules = ['gen_arg', 'gen_print', 'gen_valid', 'gen_misc', 'gen_cmd', 'var_funcs'] for module in modules: exec("from " + module + " import *") sys.path.insert(0, save_dir_path) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s [OPTIONS]', description="%(prog)s will create a status file path name adhering to the" + " following pattern: <status dir path>/<prefix>.yymmdd." + "hhmmss.status. It will then run the command string and" + " direct its stdout/stderr to the status file and optionally" + " to stdout. This dual output streaming will be" + " accomplished using either the \"script\" or the \"tee\"" + " program. %(prog)s will also set and export environment" + " variable \"AUTO_STATUS_FILE_PATH\" for the benefit of" + " child programs.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, prefix_chars='-+') parser.add_argument( '--status_dir_path', default='', help="The path to the directory where the status file will be created." + "%(default)s The default value is obtained from environment" + " variable \"${STATUS_DIR_PATH}\", if set or from \"${HOME}/" + "status/\".") parser.add_argument( '--prefix', default='', help="The prefix for the generated file name.%(default)s The default value" + " is the command portion (i.e. the first token) of the command" + " string.") parser.add_argument( '--status_file_name', default='', help="This allows the user to explicitly specify the status file name. If" + " this argument is not used, %(prog)s composes a status file name." + " If this argument is specified, the \"--prefix\" argument is" + " ignored.") parser.add_argument( '--stdout', default=1, type=int, choices=[1, 0], help="Indicates that stdout/stderr from the command string execution" + " should be written to stdout as well as to the status file.") parser.add_argument( '--tee', default=1, type=int, choices=[1, 0], help="Indicates that \"tee\" rather than \"script\" should be used.") parser.add_argument( '--show_url', default=0, type=int, choices=[1, 0], help="Indicates that the status file path shown should be shown in the" + " form of a url. If the output is to be viewed from a browser," + " this may well become a clickable link. Note that the" + " get_file_path_url.py program must be found in the \"PATH\"" + " environment variable for this argument to be effective.") parser.add_argument( 'command_string', default='', nargs='*', help="The command string to be run.%(default)s") # Populate stock_list with options we want. stock_list = [("test_mode", 0), ("quiet", 1), ("debug", 0)] def validate_parms(): r""" Validate program parameters, etc. """ global status_dir_path global command_string # Convert command_string from list to string. command_string = " ".join(command_string) set_pgm_arg(command_string) valid_value(command_string) if status_dir_path == "": status_dir_path = \ os.environ.get("STATUS_DIR_PATH", os.environ.get("HOME") + "/status/") status_dir_path = add_trailing_slash(status_dir_path) set_pgm_arg(status_dir_path) valid_dir_path(status_dir_path) global prefix global status_file_name if status_file_name == "": if prefix == "": prefix = command_string.split(" ")[0] # File extensions (e.g. ".sh", ".py", .etc), look clumsy in status file names. extension_regex = "\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}$" prefix = re.sub(extension_regex, "", prefix) set_pgm_arg(prefix) status_file_name = prefix + "." + file_date_time_stamp() + ".status" set_pgm_arg(status_file_name) global status_file_path status_file_path = status_dir_path + status_file_name # Set environment variable for the benefit of child programs. os.environ['AUTO_STATUS_FILE_PATH'] = status_file_path # Set deprecated but still used AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH value. os.environ['AUTOSCRIPT_STATUS_FILE_PATH'] = status_file_path def script_func(command_string, status_file_path): r""" Run the command string producing both stdout and file output via the script command and return the shell_rc. Description of argument(s): command_string The command string to be run. status_file_path The path to the status file which is to contain a copy of all stdout. """ cmd_buf = "script -a -q -f " + status_file_path + " -c '" \ + escape_bash_quotes(command_string) + " ; printf \"\\n" \ + sprint_varx(ret_code_str, "${?}").rstrip("\n") + "\\n\"'" qprint_issuing(cmd_buf) sub_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_buf, shell=True) sub_proc.communicate() shell_rc = sub_proc.returncode # Retrieve return code by examining ret_code_str output statement from status file. # Example text to be analyzed. # auto_status_file_ret_code: 127 cmd_buf = "tail -n 10 " + status_file_path + " | egrep -a \"" \ + ret_code_str + ":[ ]+\"" rc, output = shell_cmd(cmd_buf) key, value = parse_key_value(output) shell_rc = int(value) return shell_rc def tee_func(command_string, status_file_path): r""" Run the command string producing both stdout and file output via the tee command and return the shell_rc. Description of argument(s): command_string The command string to be run. status_file_path The path to the status file which is to contain a copy of all stdout. """ cmd_buf = "set -o pipefail ; " + command_string + " 2>&1 | tee -a " \ + status_file_path qprint_issuing(cmd_buf) sub_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_buf, shell=True) sub_proc.communicate() shell_rc = sub_proc.returncode print print_varx(ret_code_str, shell_rc) with open(status_file_path, "a") as status_file: # Append ret code string and status_file_path to end of status file. status_file.write("\n" + sprint_varx(ret_code_str, shell_rc)) return shell_rc def main(): gen_setup() set_term_options(term_requests={'pgm_names': [command_string.split(" ")[0]]}) global ret_code_str ret_code_str = re.sub("\\.py$", "", pgm_name) + "_ret_code" global show_url if show_url: shell_rc, output = shell_cmd("which get_file_path_url.py", show_err=0) if shell_rc != 0: show_url = 0 set_pgm_arg(show_url) else: shell_rc, status_file_url = shell_cmd("get_file_path_url.py " + status_file_path) status_file_url = status_file_url.rstrip("\n") # Print status file path/url to stdout and to status file. with open(status_file_path, "w+") as status_file: if show_url: print_var(status_file_url) status_file.write(sprint_var(status_file_url)) else: print_var(status_file_path) status_file.write(sprint_var(status_file_path)) if stdout: if tee: shell_rc = tee_func(command_string, status_file_path) else: shell_rc = script_func(command_string, status_file_path) if show_url: print_var(status_file_url) else: print_var(status_file_path) else: cmd_buf = command_string + " >> " + status_file_path + " 2>&1" shell_rc, output = shell_cmd(cmd_buf, show_err=0) with open(status_file_path, "a") as status_file: # Append ret code string and status_file_path to end of status # file. status_file.write("\n" + sprint_varx(ret_code_str, shell_rc)) # Append status_file_path print statement to end of status file. with open(status_file_path, "a") as status_file: if show_url: status_file.write(sprint_var(status_file_url)) else: status_file.write(sprint_var(status_file_path)) exit(shell_rc) main()