#!/bin/bash # This script reformats source files using the clang-format utility. # # Files are changed in-place, so make sure you don't have anything open in an # editor, and you may want to commit before formatting in case of awryness. # # This must be run on a clean repository to succeed # # Input parmameter must be full path to git repo to scan DIR=$1 WORKSPACE=$PWD set -e echo "Running spelling check on Commit Message" # Run the codespell with openbmc spcific spellings on the patchset echo "openbmc-dictionary - misspelling count >> " codespell -D openbmc-spelling.txt -d --count "${DIR}"/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG # Run the codespell with generic dictionary on the patchset echo "generic-dictionary - misspelling count >> " codespell --builtin clear,rare,en-GB_to_en-US -d --count "${DIR}"/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG cd "${DIR}" echo "Formatting code under $DIR/" if [[ -f ".eslintignore" ]]; then ESLINT_IGNORE="--ignore-path .eslintignore" elif [[ -f ".gitignore" ]]; then ESLINT_IGNORE="--ignore-path .gitignore" fi # Get the eslint configuration from the repository if [[ -f ".eslintrc.json" ]]; then echo "Running the json validator on the repo using it's config > " ESLINT_RC="-c .eslintrc.json" else echo "Running the json validator on the repo using the global config" ESLINT_RC="--no-eslintrc -c ${WORKSPACE}/eslint-global-config.json" fi ESLINT_COMMAND="eslint . ${ESLINT_IGNORE} ${ESLINT_RC} \ --ext .json --format=json \ --resolve-plugins-relative-to /usr/local/lib/node_modules \ --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern" # Print eslint command echo "$ESLINT_COMMAND" # Run eslint $ESLINT_COMMAND if [[ -f "setup.cfg" ]]; then pycodestyle --show-source --exclude=subprojects . rc=$? if [[ ${rc} -ne 0 ]]; then exit ${rc} fi fi # If .shellcheck exists, stop on error. Otherwise, allow pass. if [[ -f ".shellcheck" ]]; then shellcheck_allowfail="false" else shellcheck_allowfail="true" fi # Run shellcheck on any shell-script. shell_scripts="$(git ls-files | xargs -n1 file -0 | \ grep -a "shell script" | cut -d '' -f 1)" for script in ${shell_scripts}; do shellcheck --color=never -x "${script}" || ${shellcheck_allowfail} done # Allow called scripts to know which clang format we are using export CLANG_FORMAT="clang-format" IGNORE_FILE=".clang-ignore" declare -a IGNORE_LIST if [[ -f "${IGNORE_FILE}" ]]; then readarray -t IGNORE_LIST < "${IGNORE_FILE}" fi ignorepaths="" ignorefiles="" for path in "${IGNORE_LIST[@]}"; do # Check for comment, line starting with space, or zero-length string. # Checking for [[:space:]] checks all options. if [[ -z "${path}" ]] || [[ "${path}" =~ ^(#|[[:space:]]).*$ ]]; then continue fi # All paths must start with ./ for find's path prune expectation. if [[ "${path}" =~ ^\.\/.+$ ]]; then ignorepaths+=" ${path}" else ignorefiles+=" ${path}" fi done searchfiles="" while read -r path; do # skip ignorefiles if [[ $ignorefiles == *"$(basename "${path}")"* ]]; then continue fi skip=false #skip paths in ingorepaths for pathname in $ignorepaths; do if [[ "./${path}" == "${pathname}"* ]]; then skip=true break fi done if [ "$skip" = true ]; then continue fi # shellcheck disable=2089 searchfiles+="\"./${path}\" " # Get C and C++ files managed by git and skip the mako files done <<<"$(git ls-files | grep -e '\.[ch]pp$' -e '\.[ch]$' | grep -v '\.mako\.')" if [[ -f ".clang-format" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2090 disable=SC2086 echo ${searchfiles} | xargs "${CLANG_FORMAT}" -i git --no-pager diff --exit-code fi # Sometimes your situation is terrible enough that you need the flexibility. # For example, phosphor-mboxd. if [[ -f "format-code.sh" ]]; then ./format-code.sh git --no-pager diff --exit-code fi