#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Build the required docker image to run package unit tests # # Script Variables: # DOCKER_IMG_NAME: # default is openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test # DISTRO: # FORCE_DOCKER_BUILD: # BUILD_URL: # BRANCH: # default is master, which will be used if input branch not # provided or not found # UBUNTU_MIRROR: # default is empty, and no mirror is used. # http_proxy The HTTP address of the proxy server to connect to. # Default: "", proxy is not setup if this is not set import os import sys import threading from datetime import date from hashlib import sha256 # typing.Dict is used for type-hints. from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional # noqa: F401 from sh import docker, git, nproc, uname # type: ignore try: # Python before 3.8 doesn't have TypedDict, so reroute to standard 'dict'. from typing import TypedDict except Exception: class TypedDict(dict): # type: ignore # We need to do this to eat the 'total' argument. def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init_subclass__() # Declare some variables used in package definitions. prefix = "/usr/local" proc_count = nproc().strip() class PackageDef(TypedDict, total=False): """Package Definition for packages dictionary.""" # rev [optional]: Revision of package to use. rev: str # url [optional]: lambda function to create URL: (package, rev) -> url. url: Callable[[str, str], str] # depends [optional]: List of package dependencies. depends: Iterable[str] # build_type [required]: Build type used for package. # Currently supported: autoconf, cmake, custom, make, meson build_type: str # build_steps [optional]: Steps to run for 'custom' build_type. build_steps: Iterable[str] # config_flags [optional]: List of options to pass configuration tool. config_flags: Iterable[str] # config_env [optional]: List of environment variables to set for config. config_env: Iterable[str] # custom_post_dl [optional]: List of steps to run after download, but # before config / build / install. custom_post_dl: Iterable[str] # custom_post_install [optional]: List of steps to run after install. custom_post_install: Iterable[str] # __tag [private]: Generated Docker tag name for package stage. __tag: str # __package [private]: Package object associated with this package. __package: Any # Type is Package, but not defined yet. # Packages to include in image. packages = { "boost": PackageDef( rev="1.81.0", url=( lambda pkg, rev: f"https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/{rev}/source/{pkg}_{rev.replace('.', '_')}.tar.gz" # noqa: E501 ), build_type="custom", build_steps=[ ( "./bootstrap.sh" f" --prefix={prefix} --with-libraries=context,coroutine" ), "./b2", f"./b2 install --prefix={prefix}", ], ), "USCiLab/cereal": PackageDef( rev="v1.3.2", build_type="custom", build_steps=[f"cp -a include/cereal/ {prefix}/include/"], ), "danmar/cppcheck": PackageDef( rev="2.9", build_type="cmake", ), "CLIUtils/CLI11": PackageDef( rev="v1.9.1", build_type="cmake", config_flags=[ "-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF", "-DCLI11_BUILD_DOCS=OFF", "-DCLI11_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF", ], ), "fmtlib/fmt": PackageDef( rev="9.1.0", build_type="cmake", config_flags=[ "-DFMT_DOC=OFF", "-DFMT_TEST=OFF", ], ), "Naios/function2": PackageDef( rev="4.2.1", build_type="custom", build_steps=[ f"mkdir {prefix}/include/function2", f"cp include/function2/function2.hpp {prefix}/include/function2/", ], ), # release-1.12.1 "google/googletest": PackageDef( rev="58d77fa8070e8cec2dc1ed015d66b454c8d78850", build_type="cmake", config_env=["CXXFLAGS=-std=c++20"], config_flags=["-DTHREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG=ON"], ), "nlohmann/json": PackageDef( rev="v3.11.2", build_type="cmake", config_flags=["-DJSON_BuildTests=OFF"], custom_post_install=[ ( f"ln -s {prefix}/include/nlohmann/json.hpp" f" {prefix}/include/json.hpp" ), ], ), "json-c/json-c": PackageDef( rev="json-c-0.16-20220414", build_type="cmake", ), # Snapshot from 2019-05-24 "linux-test-project/lcov": PackageDef( rev="v1.15", build_type="make", ), "LibVNC/libvncserver": PackageDef( rev="LibVNCServer-0.9.13", build_type="cmake", ), "leethomason/tinyxml2": PackageDef( rev="9.0.0", build_type="cmake", ), "tristanpenman/valijson": PackageDef( rev="v0.7", build_type="cmake", config_flags=[ "-Dvalijson_BUILD_TESTS=0", "-Dvalijson_INSTALL_HEADERS=1", ], ), "open-power/pdbg": PackageDef(build_type="autoconf"), "openbmc/gpioplus": PackageDef( depends=["openbmc/stdplus"], build_type="meson", config_flags=[ "-Dexamples=false", "-Dtests=disabled", ], ), "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces": PackageDef( depends=["openbmc/sdbusplus"], build_type="meson", config_flags=["-Dgenerate_md=false"], ), "openbmc/phosphor-logging": PackageDef( depends=[ "USCiLab/cereal", "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces", "openbmc/sdbusplus", "openbmc/sdeventplus", ], build_type="meson", config_flags=[ "-Dlibonly=true", "-Dtests=disabled", f"-Dyamldir={prefix}/share/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml", ], ), "openbmc/phosphor-objmgr": PackageDef( depends=[ "CLIUtils/CLI11", "boost", "leethomason/tinyxml2", "openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces", "openbmc/phosphor-logging", "openbmc/sdbusplus", ], build_type="meson", config_flags=[ "-Dtests=disabled", ], ), "openbmc/libpldm": PackageDef( build_type="meson", config_flags=[ "-Doem-ibm=enabled", "-Dtests=disabled", ], ), "openbmc/sdbusplus": PackageDef( build_type="meson", custom_post_dl=[ "cd tools", f"./setup.py install --root=/ --prefix={prefix}", "cd ..", ], config_flags=[ "-Dexamples=disabled", "-Dtests=disabled", ], ), "openbmc/sdeventplus": PackageDef( depends=[ "Naios/function2", "openbmc/stdplus", ], build_type="meson", config_flags=[ "-Dexamples=false", "-Dtests=disabled", ], ), "openbmc/stdplus": PackageDef( depends=[ "fmtlib/fmt", "google/googletest", "Naios/function2", ], build_type="meson", config_flags=[ "-Dexamples=false", "-Dtests=disabled", "-Dgtest=enabled", ], ), } # type: Dict[str, PackageDef] # Define common flags used for builds configure_flags = " ".join( [ f"--prefix={prefix}", ] ) cmake_flags = " ".join( [ "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo", f"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH={prefix}", "-GNinja", "-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja", ] ) meson_flags = " ".join( [ "--wrap-mode=nodownload", f"-Dprefix={prefix}", ] ) class Package(threading.Thread): """Class used to build the Docker stages for each package. Generally, this class should not be instantiated directly but through Package.generate_all(). """ # Copy the packages dictionary. packages = packages.copy() # Lock used for thread-safety. lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, pkg: str): """pkg - The name of this package (ex. foo/bar )""" super(Package, self).__init__() self.package = pkg self.exception = None # type: Optional[Exception] # Reference to this package's self.pkg_def = Package.packages[pkg] self.pkg_def["__package"] = self def run(self) -> None: """Thread 'run' function. Builds the Docker stage.""" # In case this package has no rev, fetch it from Github. self._update_rev() # Find all the Package objects that this package depends on. # This section is locked because we are looking into another # package's PackageDef dict, which could be being modified. Package.lock.acquire() deps: Iterable[Package] = [ Package.packages[deppkg]["__package"] for deppkg in self.pkg_def.get("depends", []) ] Package.lock.release() # Wait until all the depends finish building. We need them complete # for the "COPY" commands. for deppkg in deps: deppkg.join() # Generate this package's Dockerfile. dockerfile = f""" FROM {docker_base_img_name} {self._df_copycmds()} {self._df_build()} """ # Generate the resulting tag name and save it to the PackageDef. # This section is locked because we are modifying the PackageDef, # which can be accessed by other threads. Package.lock.acquire() tag = Docker.tagname(self._stagename(), dockerfile) self.pkg_def["__tag"] = tag Package.lock.release() # Do the build / save any exceptions. try: Docker.build(self.package, tag, dockerfile) except Exception as e: self.exception = e @classmethod def generate_all(cls) -> None: """Ensure a Docker stage is created for all defined packages. These are done in parallel but with appropriate blocking per package 'depends' specifications. """ # Create a Package for each defined package. pkg_threads = [Package(p) for p in cls.packages.keys()] # Start building them all. # This section is locked because threads depend on each other, # based on the packages, and they cannot 'join' on a thread # which is not yet started. Adding a lock here allows all the # threads to start before they 'join' their dependencies. Package.lock.acquire() for t in pkg_threads: t.start() Package.lock.release() # Wait for completion. for t in pkg_threads: t.join() # Check if the thread saved off its own exception. if t.exception: print(f"Package {t.package} failed!", file=sys.stderr) raise t.exception @staticmethod def df_all_copycmds() -> str: """Formulate the Dockerfile snippet necessary to copy all packages into the final image. """ return Package.df_copycmds_set(Package.packages.keys()) @classmethod def depcache(cls) -> str: """Create the contents of the '/tmp/depcache'. This file is a comma-separated list of ":". """ # This needs to be sorted for consistency. depcache = "" for pkg in sorted(cls.packages.keys()): depcache += "%s:%s," % (pkg, cls.packages[pkg]["rev"]) return depcache def _update_rev(self) -> None: """Look up the HEAD for missing a static rev.""" if "rev" in self.pkg_def: return # Check if Jenkins/Gerrit gave us a revision and use it. if gerrit_project == self.package and gerrit_rev: print( f"Found Gerrit revision for {self.package}: {gerrit_rev}", file=sys.stderr, ) self.pkg_def["rev"] = gerrit_rev return # Ask Github for all the branches. lookup = git( "ls-remote", "--heads", f"https://github.com/{self.package}" ) # Find the branch matching {branch} (or fallback to master). # This section is locked because we are modifying the PackageDef. Package.lock.acquire() for line in lookup.split("\n"): if f"refs/heads/{branch}" in line: self.pkg_def["rev"] = line.split()[0] elif ( "refs/heads/master" in line or "refs/heads/main" in line ) and "rev" not in self.pkg_def: self.pkg_def["rev"] = line.split()[0] Package.lock.release() def _stagename(self) -> str: """Create a name for the Docker stage associated with this pkg.""" return self.package.replace("/", "-").lower() def _url(self) -> str: """Get the URL for this package.""" rev = self.pkg_def["rev"] # If the lambda exists, call it. if "url" in self.pkg_def: return self.pkg_def["url"](self.package, rev) # Default to the github archive URL. return f"https://github.com/{self.package}/archive/{rev}.tar.gz" def _cmd_download(self) -> str: """Formulate the command necessary to download and unpack to source.""" url = self._url() if ".tar." not in url: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unhandled download type for {self.package}: {url}" ) cmd = f"curl -L {url} | tar -x" if url.endswith(".bz2"): cmd += "j" elif url.endswith(".gz"): cmd += "z" else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown tar flags needed for {self.package}: {url}" ) return cmd def _cmd_cd_srcdir(self) -> str: """Formulate the command necessary to 'cd' into the source dir.""" return f"cd {self.package.split('/')[-1]}*" def _df_copycmds(self) -> str: """Formulate the dockerfile snippet necessary to COPY all depends.""" if "depends" not in self.pkg_def: return "" return Package.df_copycmds_set(self.pkg_def["depends"]) @staticmethod def df_copycmds_set(pkgs: Iterable[str]) -> str: """Formulate the Dockerfile snippet necessary to COPY a set of packages into a Docker stage. """ copy_cmds = "" # Sort the packages for consistency. for p in sorted(pkgs): tag = Package.packages[p]["__tag"] copy_cmds += f"COPY --from={tag} {prefix} {prefix}\n" # Workaround for upstream docker bug and multiple COPY cmds # https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/37965 copy_cmds += "RUN true\n" return copy_cmds def _df_build(self) -> str: """Formulate the Dockerfile snippet necessary to download, build, and install a package into a Docker stage. """ # Download and extract source. result = f"RUN {self._cmd_download()} && {self._cmd_cd_srcdir()} && " # Handle 'custom_post_dl' commands. custom_post_dl = self.pkg_def.get("custom_post_dl") if custom_post_dl: result += " && ".join(custom_post_dl) + " && " # Build and install package based on 'build_type'. build_type = self.pkg_def["build_type"] if build_type == "autoconf": result += self._cmd_build_autoconf() elif build_type == "cmake": result += self._cmd_build_cmake() elif build_type == "custom": result += self._cmd_build_custom() elif build_type == "make": result += self._cmd_build_make() elif build_type == "meson": result += self._cmd_build_meson() else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unhandled build type for {self.package}: {build_type}" ) # Handle 'custom_post_install' commands. custom_post_install = self.pkg_def.get("custom_post_install") if custom_post_install: result += " && " + " && ".join(custom_post_install) return result def _cmd_build_autoconf(self) -> str: options = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_flags", [])) env = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_env", [])) result = "./bootstrap.sh && " result += f"{env} ./configure {configure_flags} {options} && " result += f"make -j{proc_count} && make install" return result def _cmd_build_cmake(self) -> str: options = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_flags", [])) env = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_env", [])) result = "mkdir builddir && cd builddir && " result += f"{env} cmake {cmake_flags} {options} .. && " result += "cmake --build . --target all && " result += "cmake --build . --target install && " result += "cd .." return result def _cmd_build_custom(self) -> str: return " && ".join(self.pkg_def.get("build_steps", [])) def _cmd_build_make(self) -> str: return f"make -j{proc_count} && make install" def _cmd_build_meson(self) -> str: options = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_flags", [])) env = " ".join(self.pkg_def.get("config_env", [])) result = f"{env} meson builddir {meson_flags} {options} && " result += "ninja -C builddir && ninja -C builddir install" return result class Docker: """Class to assist with Docker interactions. All methods are static.""" @staticmethod def timestamp() -> str: """Generate a timestamp for today using the ISO week.""" today = date.today().isocalendar() return f"{today[0]}-W{today[1]:02}" @staticmethod def tagname(pkgname: Optional[str], dockerfile: str) -> str: """Generate a tag name for a package using a hash of the Dockerfile.""" result = docker_image_name if pkgname: result += "-" + pkgname result += ":" + Docker.timestamp() result += "-" + sha256(dockerfile.encode()).hexdigest()[0:16] return result @staticmethod def build(pkg: str, tag: str, dockerfile: str) -> None: """Build a docker image using the Dockerfile and tagging it with 'tag'.""" # If we're not forcing builds, check if it already exists and skip. if not force_build: if docker.image.ls(tag, "--format", '"{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}"'): print( f"Image {tag} already exists. Skipping.", file=sys.stderr ) return # Build it. # Capture the output of the 'docker build' command and send it to # stderr (prefixed with the package name). This allows us to see # progress but not polute stdout. Later on we output the final # docker tag to stdout and we want to keep that pristine. # # Other unusual flags: # --no-cache: Bypass the Docker cache if 'force_build'. # --force-rm: Clean up Docker processes if they fail. docker.build( proxy_args, "--network=host", "--force-rm", "--no-cache=true" if force_build else "--no-cache=false", "-t", tag, "-", _in=dockerfile, _out=( lambda line: print( pkg + ":", line, end="", file=sys.stderr, flush=True ) ), ) # Read a bunch of environment variables. docker_image_name = os.environ.get( "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME", "openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test" ) force_build = os.environ.get("FORCE_DOCKER_BUILD") is_automated_ci_build = os.environ.get("BUILD_URL", False) distro = os.environ.get("DISTRO", "ubuntu:kinetic") branch = os.environ.get("BRANCH", "master") ubuntu_mirror = os.environ.get("UBUNTU_MIRROR") http_proxy = os.environ.get("http_proxy") gerrit_project = os.environ.get("GERRIT_PROJECT") gerrit_rev = os.environ.get("GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION") # Ensure appropriate docker build output to see progress and identify # any issues os.environ["BUILDKIT_PROGRESS"] = "plain" # Set up some common variables. username = os.environ.get("USER", "root") homedir = os.environ.get("HOME", "/root") gid = os.getgid() uid = os.getuid() # Use well-known constants if user is root if username == "root": homedir = "/root" gid = 0 uid = 0 # Determine the architecture for Docker. arch = uname("-m").strip() if arch == "ppc64le": docker_base = "ppc64le/" elif arch == "x86_64": docker_base = "" elif arch == "aarch64": docker_base = "arm64v8/" else: print( f"Unsupported system architecture({arch}) found for docker image", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) # Special flags if setting up a deb mirror. mirror = "" if "ubuntu" in distro and ubuntu_mirror: mirror = f""" RUN echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME) \ main restricted universe multiverse" > /etc/apt/sources.list && \\ echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-updates \ main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \\ echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-security \ main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \\ echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-proposed \ main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \\ echo "deb {ubuntu_mirror} \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME)-backports \ main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list """ # Special flags for proxying. proxy_cmd = "" proxy_keyserver = "" proxy_args = [] if http_proxy: proxy_cmd = f""" RUN echo "[http]" >> {homedir}/.gitconfig && \ echo "proxy = {http_proxy}" >> {homedir}/.gitconfig """ proxy_keyserver = f"--keyserver-options http-proxy={http_proxy}" proxy_args.extend( [ "--build-arg", f"http_proxy={http_proxy}", "--build-arg", f"https_proxy={http_proxy}", ] ) # Create base Dockerfile. dockerfile_base = f""" FROM {docker_base}{distro} {mirror} ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive ENV PYTHONPATH "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/" # Sometimes the ubuntu key expires and we need a way to force an execution # of the apt-get commands for the dbgsym-keyring. When this happens we see # an error like: "Release: The following signatures were invalid:" # Insert a bogus echo that we can change here when we get this error to force # the update. RUN echo "ubuntu keyserver rev as of 2021-04-21" # We need the keys to be imported for dbgsym repos # New releases have a package, older ones fall back to manual fetching # https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy && \ ( apt-get install gpgv ubuntu-dbgsym-keyring || \ ( apt-get install -yy dirmngr && \ apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com \ {proxy_keyserver} \ --recv-keys F2EDC64DC5AEE1F6B9C621F0C8CAB6595FDFF622 ) ) # Parse the current repo list into a debug repo list RUN sed -n '/^deb /s,^deb [^ ]* ,deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com ,p' \ /etc/apt/sources.list >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list # Remove non-existent debug repos RUN sed -i '/-\\(backports\\|security\\) /d' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list RUN cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debug.list RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy && apt-get install -yy \ autoconf \ autoconf-archive \ bison \ clang-15 \ clang-format-15 \ clang-tidy-15 \ clang-tools-15 \ cmake \ curl \ dbus \ device-tree-compiler \ flex \ g++-12 \ gcc-12 \ git \ iproute2 \ iputils-ping \ libaudit-dev \ libc6-dbg \ libc6-dev \ libconfig++-dev \ libcryptsetup-dev \ libdbus-1-dev \ libevdev-dev \ libgpiod-dev \ libi2c-dev \ libjpeg-dev \ libjson-perl \ libldap2-dev \ libmimetic-dev \ libnl-3-dev \ libnl-genl-3-dev \ libpam0g-dev \ libpciaccess-dev \ libperlio-gzip-perl \ libpng-dev \ libprotobuf-dev \ libsnmp-dev \ libssl-dev \ libsystemd-dev \ libtool \ liburing2-dbgsym \ liburing-dev \ libxml2-utils \ libxml-simple-perl \ ninja-build \ npm \ pkg-config \ protobuf-compiler \ python3 \ python3-dev\ python3-git \ python3-mako \ python3-pip \ python3-setuptools \ python3-socks \ python3-yaml \ rsync \ shellcheck \ sudo \ systemd \ valgrind \ valgrind-dbg \ vim \ wget \ xxd # Kinetic comes with GCC-12, so skip this. #RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-12 12 \ # --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-12 \ # --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-12 \ # --slave /usr/bin/gcov-dump gcov-dump /usr/bin/gcov-dump-12 \ # --slave /usr/bin/gcov-tool gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov-tool-12 #RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cpp cpp /usr/bin/cpp-12 12 RUN update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-15 1000 \ --slave /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-15 \ --slave /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy /usr/bin/clang-tidy-15 \ --slave /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format /usr/bin/clang-format-15 \ --slave /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy run-clang-tidy.py \ /usr/bin/run-clang-tidy-15 \ --slave /usr/bin/scan-build scan-build /usr/bin/scan-build-15 """ if is_automated_ci_build: dockerfile_base += f""" # Run an arbitrary command to polute the docker cache regularly force us # to re-run `apt-get update` daily. RUN echo {Docker.timestamp()} RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -yy """ dockerfile_base += """ RUN pip3 install beautysh RUN pip3 install black RUN pip3 install codespell RUN pip3 install flake8 RUN pip3 install gitlint RUN pip3 install inflection RUN pip3 install isort RUN pip3 install jsonschema RUN pip3 install meson==0.63.0 RUN pip3 install protobuf RUN pip3 install requests RUN npm install -g \ eslint@latest eslint-plugin-json@latest \ markdownlint-cli@latest \ prettier@latest """ # Build the base and stage docker images. docker_base_img_name = Docker.tagname("base", dockerfile_base) Docker.build("base", docker_base_img_name, dockerfile_base) Package.generate_all() # Create the final Dockerfile. dockerfile = f""" # Build the final output image FROM {docker_base_img_name} {Package.df_all_copycmds()} # Some of our infrastructure still relies on the presence of this file # even though it is no longer needed to rebuild the docker environment # NOTE: The file is sorted to ensure the ordering is stable. RUN echo '{Package.depcache()}' > /tmp/depcache # Final configuration for the workspace RUN grep -q {gid} /etc/group || groupadd -f -g {gid} {username} RUN mkdir -p "{os.path.dirname(homedir)}" RUN grep -q {uid} /etc/passwd || \ useradd -d {homedir} -m -u {uid} -g {gid} {username} RUN sed -i '1iDefaults umask=000' /etc/sudoers RUN echo "{username} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >>/etc/sudoers # Ensure user has ability to write to /usr/local for different tool # and data installs RUN chown -R {username}:{username} /usr/local/share {proxy_cmd} RUN /bin/bash """ # Do the final docker build docker_final_img_name = Docker.tagname(None, dockerfile) Docker.build("final", docker_final_img_name, dockerfile) # Print the tag of the final image. print(docker_final_img_name)