#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 speeds_arr_get() { cmd='/ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_[^[:space:]]*_BIT[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+/ \ {sub(/,$/, "") \ sub(/ETHTOOL_LINK_MODE_/,"") \ sub(/_BIT/,"") \ sub(/_Full/,"/Full") \ sub(/_Half/,"/Half");\ print "["$1"]="$3}' awk "${cmd}" /usr/include/linux/ethtool.h } ethtool_set() { local cmd="$@" local out=$(ethtool -s $cmd 2>&1 | wc -l) check_err $out "error in configuration. $cmd" } dev_speeds_get() { local dev=$1; shift local with_mode=$1; shift local adver=$1; shift local speeds_str if (($adver)); then mode="Advertised link modes" else mode="Supported link modes" fi speeds_str=$(ethtool "$dev" | \ # Snip everything before the link modes section. sed -n '/'"$mode"':/,$p' | \ # Quit processing the rest at the start of the next section. # When checking, skip the header of this section (hence the 2,). sed -n '2,${/^[\t][^ \t]/q};p' | \ # Drop the section header of the current section. cut -d':' -f2) local -a speeds_arr=($speeds_str) if [[ $with_mode -eq 0 ]]; then for ((i=0; i<${#speeds_arr[@]}; i++)); do speeds_arr[$i]=${speeds_arr[$i]%base*} done fi echo ${speeds_arr[@]} } common_speeds_get() { dev1=$1; shift dev2=$1; shift with_mode=$1; shift adver=$1; shift local -a dev1_speeds=($(dev_speeds_get $dev1 $with_mode $adver)) local -a dev2_speeds=($(dev_speeds_get $dev2 $with_mode $adver)) comm -12 \ <(printf '%s\n' "${dev1_speeds[@]}" | sort -u) \ <(printf '%s\n' "${dev2_speeds[@]}" | sort -u) } different_speeds_get() { local dev1=$1; shift local dev2=$1; shift local with_mode=$1; shift local adver=$1; shift local -a speeds_arr speeds_arr=($(common_speeds_get $dev1 $dev2 $with_mode $adver)) if [[ ${#speeds_arr[@]} < 2 ]]; then check_err 1 "cannot check different speeds. There are not enough speeds" fi echo ${speeds_arr[0]} ${speeds_arr[1]} }