#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Copyright (C) 2021 Bartosz Golaszewski <brgl@bgdev.pl> BASE_DIR=`dirname $0` CONFIGFS_DIR="/sys/kernel/config/gpio-sim" MODULE="gpio-sim" fail() { echo "$*" >&2 echo "GPIO $MODULE test FAIL" exit 1 } skip() { echo "$*" >&2 echo "GPIO $MODULE test SKIP" exit 4 } remove_chip() { local CHIP=$1 for FILE in $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/*; do BANK=`basename $FILE` if [ "$BANK" = "live" -o "$BANK" = "dev_name" ]; then continue fi LINES=`ls $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/ | grep -E ^line` if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then for LINE in $LINES; do if [ -e $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/$LINE/hog ]; then rmdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/$LINE/hog || \ fail "Unable to remove the hog" fi rmdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/$LINE || \ fail "Unable to remove the line" done fi rmdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK done rmdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP || fail "Unable to remove the chip" } configfs_cleanup() { for CHIP in `ls $CONFIGFS_DIR/`; do remove_chip $CHIP done } create_chip() { local CHIP=$1 mkdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP } create_bank() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 mkdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK } set_label() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 local LABEL=$3 echo $LABEL > $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/label || fail "Unable to set the chip label" } set_num_lines() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 local NUM_LINES=$3 echo $NUM_LINES > $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/num_lines || \ fail "Unable to set the number of lines" } set_line_name() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 local OFFSET=$3 local NAME=$4 local LINE_DIR=$CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/line$OFFSET test -d $LINE_DIR || mkdir $LINE_DIR echo $NAME > $LINE_DIR/name || fail "Unable to set the line name" } enable_chip() { local CHIP=$1 echo 1 > $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/live || fail "Unable to enable the chip" } disable_chip() { local CHIP=$1 echo 0 > $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/live || fail "Unable to disable the chip" } configfs_chip_name() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 cat $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/$BANK/chip_name 2> /dev/null || \ fail "unable to read the chip name from configfs" } configfs_dev_name() { local CHIP=$1 cat $CONFIGFS_DIR/$CHIP/dev_name 2> /dev/null || \ fail "unable to read the device name from configfs" } get_chip_num_lines() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 $BASE_DIR/gpio-chip-info /dev/`configfs_chip_name $CHIP $BANK` num-lines || \ fail "unable to read the number of lines from the character device" } get_chip_label() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 $BASE_DIR/gpio-chip-info /dev/`configfs_chip_name $CHIP $BANK` label || \ fail "unable to read the chip label from the character device" } get_line_name() { local CHIP=$1 local BANK=$2 local OFFSET=$3 $BASE_DIR/gpio-line-name /dev/`configfs_chip_name $CHIP $BANK` $OFFSET || \ fail "unable to read the line name from the character device" } sysfs_set_pull() { local DEV=$1 local BANK=$2 local OFFSET=$3 local PULL=$4 local DEVNAME=`configfs_dev_name $DEV` local CHIPNAME=`configfs_chip_name $DEV $BANK` local SYSFSPATH="/sys/devices/platform/$DEVNAME/$CHIPNAME/sim_gpio$OFFSET/pull" echo $PULL > $SYSFSPATH || fail "Unable to set line pull in sysfs" } # Load the gpio-sim module. This will pull in configfs if needed too. modprobe gpio-sim || skip "unable to load the gpio-sim module" # Make sure configfs is mounted at /sys/kernel/config. Wait a bit if needed. for IDX in `seq 5`; do if [ "$IDX" -eq "5" ]; then skip "configfs not mounted at /sys/kernel/config" fi mountpoint -q /sys/kernel/config && break sleep 0.1 done # If the module was already loaded: remove all previous chips configfs_cleanup trap "exit 1" SIGTERM SIGINT trap configfs_cleanup EXIT echo "1. chip_name and dev_name attributes" echo "1.1. Chip name is communicated to user" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip test -n `cat $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/chip_name` || fail "chip_name doesn't work" remove_chip chip echo "1.2. chip_name returns 'none' if the chip is still pending" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank test "`cat $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/chip_name`" = "none" || \ fail "chip_name doesn't return 'none' for a pending chip" remove_chip chip echo "1.3. Device name is communicated to user" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip test -n `cat $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/dev_name` || fail "dev_name doesn't work" remove_chip chip echo "2. Creating and configuring simulated chips" echo "2.1. Default number of lines is 1" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip test "`get_chip_num_lines chip bank`" = "1" || fail "default number of lines is not 1" remove_chip chip echo "2.2. Number of lines can be specified" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 16 enable_chip chip test "`get_chip_num_lines chip bank`" = "16" || fail "number of lines is not 16" remove_chip chip echo "2.3. Label can be set" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_label chip bank foobar enable_chip chip test "`get_chip_label chip bank`" = "foobar" || fail "label is incorrect" remove_chip chip echo "2.4. Label can be left empty" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip test -z "`cat $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/label`" || fail "label is not empty" remove_chip chip echo "2.5. Line names can be configured" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 16 set_line_name chip bank 0 foo set_line_name chip bank 2 bar enable_chip chip test "`get_line_name chip bank 0`" = "foo" || fail "line name is incorrect" test "`get_line_name chip bank 2`" = "bar" || fail "line name is incorrect" remove_chip chip echo "2.6. Line config can remain unused if offset is greater than number of lines" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 2 set_line_name chip bank 5 foobar enable_chip chip test "`get_line_name chip bank 0`" = "" || fail "line name is incorrect" test "`get_line_name chip bank 1`" = "" || fail "line name is incorrect" remove_chip chip echo "2.7. Line configfs directory names are sanitized" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank mkdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/line12foobar 2> /dev/null && \ fail "invalid configfs line name accepted" mkdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/line_no_offset 2> /dev/null && \ fail "invalid configfs line name accepted" remove_chip chip echo "2.8. Multiple chips can be created" CHIPS="chip0 chip1 chip2" for CHIP in $CHIPS; do create_chip $CHIP create_bank $CHIP bank enable_chip $CHIP done for CHIP in $CHIPS; do remove_chip $CHIP done echo "2.9. Can't modify settings when chip is live" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip echo foobar > $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/label 2> /dev/null && \ fail "Setting label of a live chip should fail" echo 8 > $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/num_lines 2> /dev/null && \ fail "Setting number of lines of a live chip should fail" remove_chip chip echo "2.10. Can't create line items when chip is live" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip mkdir $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/line0 2> /dev/null && fail "Creating line item should fail" remove_chip chip echo "2.11. Probe errors are propagated to user-space" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 99999 echo 1 > $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/live 2> /dev/null && fail "Probe error was not propagated" remove_chip chip echo "2.12. Cannot enable a chip without any GPIO banks" create_chip chip echo 1 > $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/live 2> /dev/null && fail "Chip enabled without any GPIO banks" remove_chip chip echo "2.13. Duplicate chip labels are not allowed" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank0 set_label chip bank0 foobar create_bank chip bank1 set_label chip bank1 foobar echo 1 > $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/live 2> /dev/null && fail "Duplicate chip labels were not rejected" remove_chip chip echo "2.14. Lines can be hogged" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 8 mkdir -p $CONFIGFS_DIR/chip/bank/line4/hog enable_chip chip $BASE_DIR/gpio-mockup-cdev -s 1 /dev/`configfs_chip_name chip bank` 4 2> /dev/null && \ fail "Setting the value of a hogged line shouldn't succeed" remove_chip chip echo "3. Controlling simulated chips" echo "3.1. Pull can be set over sysfs" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 8 enable_chip chip sysfs_set_pull chip bank 0 pull-up $BASE_DIR/gpio-mockup-cdev /dev/`configfs_chip_name chip bank` 0 test "$?" = "1" || fail "pull set incorrectly" sysfs_set_pull chip bank 0 pull-down $BASE_DIR/gpio-mockup-cdev /dev/`configfs_chip_name chip bank` 1 test "$?" = "0" || fail "pull set incorrectly" remove_chip chip echo "3.2. Pull can be read from sysfs" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 8 enable_chip chip DEVNAME=`configfs_dev_name chip` CHIPNAME=`configfs_chip_name chip bank` SYSFS_PATH=/sys/devices/platform/$DEVNAME/$CHIPNAME/sim_gpio0/pull test `cat $SYSFS_PATH` = "pull-down" || fail "reading the pull failed" sysfs_set_pull chip bank 0 pull-up test `cat $SYSFS_PATH` = "pull-up" || fail "reading the pull failed" remove_chip chip echo "3.3. Incorrect input in sysfs is rejected" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 8 enable_chip chip DEVNAME=`configfs_dev_name chip` CHIPNAME=`configfs_chip_name chip bank` SYSFS_PATH="/sys/devices/platform/$DEVNAME/$CHIPNAME/sim_gpio0/pull" echo foobar > $SYSFS_PATH 2> /dev/null && fail "invalid input not detected" remove_chip chip echo "3.4. Can't write to value" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank enable_chip chip DEVNAME=`configfs_dev_name chip` CHIPNAME=`configfs_chip_name chip bank` SYSFS_PATH="/sys/devices/platform/$DEVNAME/$CHIPNAME/sim_gpio0/value" echo 1 > $SYSFS_PATH 2> /dev/null && fail "writing to 'value' succeeded unexpectedly" remove_chip chip echo "4. Simulated GPIO chips are functional" echo "4.1. Values can be read from sysfs" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 8 enable_chip chip DEVNAME=`configfs_dev_name chip` CHIPNAME=`configfs_chip_name chip bank` SYSFS_PATH="/sys/devices/platform/$DEVNAME/$CHIPNAME/sim_gpio0/value" test `cat $SYSFS_PATH` = "0" || fail "incorrect value read from sysfs" $BASE_DIR/gpio-mockup-cdev -s 1 /dev/`configfs_chip_name chip bank` 0 & sleep 0.1 # FIXME Any better way? test `cat $SYSFS_PATH` = "1" || fail "incorrect value read from sysfs" kill $! remove_chip chip echo "4.2. Bias settings work correctly" create_chip chip create_bank chip bank set_num_lines chip bank 8 enable_chip chip $BASE_DIR/gpio-mockup-cdev -b pull-up /dev/`configfs_chip_name chip bank` 0 test `cat $SYSFS_PATH` = "1" || fail "bias setting does not work" remove_chip chip echo "GPIO $MODULE test PASS"