/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2 * * Selftests for execveat(2). */ #define _GNU_SOURCE /* to get O_PATH, AT_EMPTY_PATH */ #include <sys/sendfile.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "../kselftest.h" static char longpath[2 * PATH_MAX] = ""; static char *envp[] = { "IN_TEST=yes", NULL, NULL }; static char *argv[] = { "execveat", "99", NULL }; static int execveat_(int fd, const char *path, char **argv, char **envp, int flags) { #ifdef __NR_execveat return syscall(__NR_execveat, fd, path, argv, envp, flags); #else errno = ENOSYS; return -1; #endif } #define check_execveat_fail(fd, path, flags, errno) \ _check_execveat_fail(fd, path, flags, errno, #errno) static int _check_execveat_fail(int fd, const char *path, int flags, int expected_errno, const char *errno_str) { int rc; errno = 0; printf("Check failure of execveat(%d, '%s', %d) with %s... ", fd, path?:"(null)", flags, errno_str); rc = execveat_(fd, path, argv, envp, flags); if (rc > 0) { printf("[FAIL] (unexpected success from execveat(2))\n"); return 1; } if (errno != expected_errno) { printf("[FAIL] (expected errno %d (%s) not %d (%s)\n", expected_errno, strerror(expected_errno), errno, strerror(errno)); return 1; } printf("[OK]\n"); return 0; } static int check_execveat_invoked_rc(int fd, const char *path, int flags, int expected_rc, int expected_rc2) { int status; int rc; pid_t child; int pathlen = path ? strlen(path) : 0; if (pathlen > 40) printf("Check success of execveat(%d, '%.20s...%s', %d)... ", fd, path, (path + pathlen - 20), flags); else printf("Check success of execveat(%d, '%s', %d)... ", fd, path?:"(null)", flags); child = fork(); if (child < 0) { printf("[FAIL] (fork() failed)\n"); return 1; } if (child == 0) { /* Child: do execveat(). */ rc = execveat_(fd, path, argv, envp, flags); printf("[FAIL]: execveat() failed, rc=%d errno=%d (%s)\n", rc, errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); /* should not reach here */ } /* Parent: wait for & check child's exit status. */ rc = waitpid(child, &status, 0); if (rc != child) { printf("[FAIL] (waitpid(%d,...) returned %d)\n", child, rc); return 1; } if (!WIFEXITED(status)) { printf("[FAIL] (child %d did not exit cleanly, status=%08x)\n", child, status); return 1; } if ((WEXITSTATUS(status) != expected_rc) && (WEXITSTATUS(status) != expected_rc2)) { printf("[FAIL] (child %d exited with %d not %d nor %d)\n", child, WEXITSTATUS(status), expected_rc, expected_rc2); return 1; } printf("[OK]\n"); return 0; } static int check_execveat(int fd, const char *path, int flags) { return check_execveat_invoked_rc(fd, path, flags, 99, 99); } static char *concat(const char *left, const char *right) { char *result = malloc(strlen(left) + strlen(right) + 1); strcpy(result, left); strcat(result, right); return result; } static int open_or_die(const char *filename, int flags) { int fd = open(filename, flags); if (fd < 0) { printf("Failed to open '%s'; " "check prerequisites are available\n", filename); exit(1); } return fd; } static void exe_cp(const char *src, const char *dest) { int in_fd = open_or_die(src, O_RDONLY); int out_fd = open(dest, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755); struct stat info; fstat(in_fd, &info); sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, NULL, info.st_size); close(in_fd); close(out_fd); } #define XX_DIR_LEN 200 static int check_execveat_pathmax(int root_dfd, const char *src, int is_script) { int fail = 0; int ii, count, len; char longname[XX_DIR_LEN + 1]; int fd; if (*longpath == '\0') { /* Create a filename close to PATH_MAX in length */ char *cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (!cwd) { printf("Failed to getcwd(), errno=%d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return 2; } strcpy(longpath, cwd); strcat(longpath, "/"); memset(longname, 'x', XX_DIR_LEN - 1); longname[XX_DIR_LEN - 1] = '/'; longname[XX_DIR_LEN] = '\0'; count = (PATH_MAX - 3 - strlen(cwd)) / XX_DIR_LEN; for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { strcat(longpath, longname); mkdir(longpath, 0755); } len = (PATH_MAX - 3 - strlen(cwd)) - (count * XX_DIR_LEN); if (len <= 0) len = 1; memset(longname, 'y', len); longname[len] = '\0'; strcat(longpath, longname); free(cwd); } exe_cp(src, longpath); /* * Execute as a pre-opened file descriptor, which works whether this is * a script or not (because the interpreter sees a filename like * "/dev/fd/20"). */ fd = open(longpath, O_RDONLY); if (fd > 0) { printf("Invoke copy of '%s' via filename of length %zu:\n", src, strlen(longpath)); fail += check_execveat(fd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); } else { printf("Failed to open length %zu filename, errno=%d (%s)\n", strlen(longpath), errno, strerror(errno)); fail++; } /* * Execute as a long pathname relative to "/". If this is a script, * the interpreter will launch but fail to open the script because its * name ("/dev/fd/5/xxx....") is bigger than PATH_MAX. * * The failure code is usually 127 (POSIX: "If a command is not found, * the exit status shall be 127."), but some systems give 126 (POSIX: * "If the command name is found, but it is not an executable utility, * the exit status shall be 126."), so allow either. */ if (is_script) fail += check_execveat_invoked_rc(root_dfd, longpath + 1, 0, 127, 126); else fail += check_execveat(root_dfd, longpath + 1, 0); return fail; } static int run_tests(void) { int fail = 0; char *fullname = realpath("execveat", NULL); char *fullname_script = realpath("script", NULL); char *fullname_symlink = concat(fullname, ".symlink"); int subdir_dfd = open_or_die("subdir", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY); int subdir_dfd_ephemeral = open_or_die("subdir.ephemeral", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY); int dot_dfd = open_or_die(".", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY); int root_dfd = open_or_die("/", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY); int dot_dfd_path = open_or_die(".", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY|O_PATH); int dot_dfd_cloexec = open_or_die(".", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC); int fd = open_or_die("execveat", O_RDONLY); int fd_path = open_or_die("execveat", O_RDONLY|O_PATH); int fd_symlink = open_or_die("execveat.symlink", O_RDONLY); int fd_denatured = open_or_die("execveat.denatured", O_RDONLY); int fd_denatured_path = open_or_die("execveat.denatured", O_RDONLY|O_PATH); int fd_script = open_or_die("script", O_RDONLY); int fd_ephemeral = open_or_die("execveat.ephemeral", O_RDONLY); int fd_ephemeral_path = open_or_die("execveat.path.ephemeral", O_RDONLY|O_PATH); int fd_script_ephemeral = open_or_die("script.ephemeral", O_RDONLY); int fd_cloexec = open_or_die("execveat", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC); int fd_script_cloexec = open_or_die("script", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC); /* Check if we have execveat at all, and bail early if not */ errno = 0; execveat_(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (errno == ENOSYS) { ksft_exit_skip( "ENOSYS calling execveat - no kernel support?\n"); } /* Change file position to confirm it doesn't affect anything */ lseek(fd, 10, SEEK_SET); /* Normal executable file: */ /* dfd + path */ fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd, "../execveat", 0); fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd, "execveat", 0); fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd_path, "execveat", 0); /* absolute path */ fail += check_execveat(AT_FDCWD, fullname, 0); /* absolute path with nonsense dfd */ fail += check_execveat(99, fullname, 0); /* fd + no path */ fail += check_execveat(fd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* O_CLOEXEC fd + no path */ fail += check_execveat(fd_cloexec, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* O_PATH fd */ fail += check_execveat(fd_path, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* Mess with executable file that's already open: */ /* fd + no path to a file that's been renamed */ rename("execveat.ephemeral", "execveat.moved"); fail += check_execveat(fd_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* fd + no path to a file that's been deleted */ unlink("execveat.moved"); /* remove the file now fd open */ fail += check_execveat(fd_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* Mess with executable file that's already open with O_PATH */ /* fd + no path to a file that's been deleted */ unlink("execveat.path.ephemeral"); fail += check_execveat(fd_ephemeral_path, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* Invalid argument failures */ fail += check_execveat_fail(fd, "", 0, ENOENT); fail += check_execveat_fail(fd, NULL, AT_EMPTY_PATH, EFAULT); /* Symlink to executable file: */ /* dfd + path */ fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd, "execveat.symlink", 0); fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd_path, "execveat.symlink", 0); /* absolute path */ fail += check_execveat(AT_FDCWD, fullname_symlink, 0); /* fd + no path, even with AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW (already followed) */ fail += check_execveat(fd_symlink, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); fail += check_execveat(fd_symlink, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH|AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW); /* Symlink fails when AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW set: */ /* dfd + path */ fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "execveat.symlink", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, ELOOP); fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd_path, "execveat.symlink", AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, ELOOP); /* absolute path */ fail += check_execveat_fail(AT_FDCWD, fullname_symlink, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, ELOOP); /* Shell script wrapping executable file: */ /* dfd + path */ fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd, "../script", 0); fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd, "script", 0); fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd_path, "script", 0); /* absolute path */ fail += check_execveat(AT_FDCWD, fullname_script, 0); /* fd + no path */ fail += check_execveat(fd_script, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); fail += check_execveat(fd_script, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH|AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW); /* O_CLOEXEC fd fails for a script (as script file inaccessible) */ fail += check_execveat_fail(fd_script_cloexec, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, ENOENT); fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd_cloexec, "script", 0, ENOENT); /* Mess with script file that's already open: */ /* fd + no path to a file that's been renamed */ rename("script.ephemeral", "script.moved"); fail += check_execveat(fd_script_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* fd + no path to a file that's been deleted */ unlink("script.moved"); /* remove the file while fd open */ fail += check_execveat(fd_script_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH); /* Rename a subdirectory in the path: */ rename("subdir.ephemeral", "subdir.moved"); fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "../script", 0); fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "script", 0); /* Remove the subdir and its contents */ unlink("subdir.moved/script"); unlink("subdir.moved"); /* Shell loads via deleted subdir OK because name starts with .. */ fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "../script", 0); fail += check_execveat_fail(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "script", 0, ENOENT); /* Flag values other than AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW => EINVAL */ fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "execveat", 0xFFFF, EINVAL); /* Invalid path => ENOENT */ fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "no-such-file", 0, ENOENT); fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd_path, "no-such-file", 0, ENOENT); fail += check_execveat_fail(AT_FDCWD, "no-such-file", 0, ENOENT); /* Attempt to execute directory => EACCES */ fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EACCES); /* Attempt to execute non-executable => EACCES */ fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "Makefile", 0, EACCES); fail += check_execveat_fail(fd_denatured, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EACCES); fail += check_execveat_fail(fd_denatured_path, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EACCES); /* Attempt to execute nonsense FD => EBADF */ fail += check_execveat_fail(99, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EBADF); fail += check_execveat_fail(99, "execveat", 0, EBADF); /* Attempt to execute relative to non-directory => ENOTDIR */ fail += check_execveat_fail(fd, "execveat", 0, ENOTDIR); fail += check_execveat_pathmax(root_dfd, "execveat", 0); fail += check_execveat_pathmax(root_dfd, "script", 1); return fail; } static void prerequisites(void) { int fd; const char *script = "#!/bin/sh\nexit $*\n"; /* Create ephemeral copies of files */ exe_cp("execveat", "execveat.ephemeral"); exe_cp("execveat", "execveat.path.ephemeral"); exe_cp("script", "script.ephemeral"); mkdir("subdir.ephemeral", 0755); fd = open("subdir.ephemeral/script", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755); write(fd, script, strlen(script)); close(fd); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ii; int rc; const char *verbose = getenv("VERBOSE"); if (argc >= 2) { /* If we are invoked with an argument, don't run tests. */ const char *in_test = getenv("IN_TEST"); if (verbose) { printf(" invoked with:"); for (ii = 0; ii < argc; ii++) printf(" [%d]='%s'", ii, argv[ii]); printf("\n"); } /* Check expected environment transferred. */ if (!in_test || strcmp(in_test, "yes") != 0) { printf("[FAIL] (no IN_TEST=yes in env)\n"); return 1; } /* Use the final argument as an exit code. */ rc = atoi(argv[argc - 1]); fflush(stdout); } else { prerequisites(); if (verbose) envp[1] = "VERBOSE=1"; rc = run_tests(); if (rc > 0) printf("%d tests failed\n", rc); } return rc; }