#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 source ./benchs/run_common.sh set -eufo pipefail header "Bloom filter map" for v in 2 4 8 16 40; do for t in 1 4 8 12 16; do for h in {1..10}; do subtitle "value_size: $v bytes, # threads: $t, # hashes: $h" for e in 10000 50000 75000 100000 250000 500000 750000 1000000 2500000 5000000; do printf "%'d entries -\n" $e printf "\t" summarize "Lookups, total operations: " \ "$($RUN_BENCH -p $t --nr_hash_funcs $h --nr_entries $e --value_size $v bloom-lookup)" printf "\t" summarize "Updates, total operations: " \ "$($RUN_BENCH -p $t --nr_hash_funcs $h --nr_entries $e --value_size $v bloom-update)" printf "\t" summarize_percentage "False positive rate: " \ "$($RUN_BENCH -p $t --nr_hash_funcs $h --nr_entries $e --value_size $v bloom-false-positive)" done printf "\n" done done done header "Hashmap without bloom filter vs. hashmap with bloom filter (throughput, 8 threads)" for v in 2 4 8 16 40; do for h in {1..10}; do subtitle "value_size: $v, # hashes: $h" for e in 10000 50000 75000 100000 250000 500000 750000 1000000 2500000 5000000; do printf "%'d entries -\n" $e printf "\t" summarize_total "Hashmap without bloom filter: " \ "$($RUN_BENCH --nr_hash_funcs $h --nr_entries $e --value_size $v -p 8 hashmap-without-bloom)" printf "\t" summarize_total "Hashmap with bloom filter: " \ "$($RUN_BENCH --nr_hash_funcs $h --nr_entries $e --value_size $v -p 8 hashmap-with-bloom)" done printf "\n" done done