[ { "BriefDescription": "% of finished branches that were treated as BC+8", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_BC_8_CONV / PM_BRU_FIN * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "bc_8_branch_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of finished branches that were pairable but not treated as BC+8", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_BC_8 / PM_BRU_FIN * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "bc_8_not_converted_branch_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of mispredicted branches out of all predicted (correctly and incorrectly) branches that completed", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_CMPL / (PM_BR_PRED_BR0 + PM_BR_PRED_BR1) * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "br_misprediction_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of Branch miss predictions per instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_CMPL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "branch_mispredict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Count cache branch misprediction per instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_CCACHE / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "ccache_mispredict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of count catch mispredictions out of all completed branches that required count cache predictionn", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_CCACHE / (PM_BR_PRED_CCACHE_BR0 + PM_BR_PRED_CCACHE_BR1) * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "ccache_misprediction_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "CR MisPredictions per Instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_CR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "cr_mispredict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Link stack branch misprediction", "MetricExpr": "(PM_BR_MPRED_TA - PM_BR_MPRED_CCACHE) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "lstack_mispredict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of link stack mispredictions out of all completed branches that required link stack prediction", "MetricExpr": "(PM_BR_MPRED_TA - PM_BR_MPRED_CCACHE) / (PM_BR_PRED_LSTACK_BR0 + PM_BR_PRED_LSTACK_BR1) * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "lstack_misprediction_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "TA MisPredictions per Instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_TA / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "ta_mispredict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of target address mispredictions out of all completed branches that required address prediction", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_MPRED_TA / (PM_BR_PRED_CCACHE_BR0 + PM_BR_PRED_CCACHE_BR1 + PM_BR_PRED_LSTACK_BR0 + PM_BR_PRED_LSTACK_BR1) * 100", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "ta_misprediction_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of branches completed that were taken", "MetricExpr": "PM_BR_TAKEN_CMPL * 100 / PM_BR_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "branch_prediction", "MetricName": "taken_branches_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of chip+group+sys pumps that were incorrectly predicted", "MetricExpr": "PM_PUMP_MPRED * 100 / (PM_PUMP_CPRED + PM_PUMP_MPRED)", "MetricGroup": "bus_stats", "MetricName": "any_pump_mpred_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of chip pumps that were correctly predicted as chip pumps the first time", "MetricExpr": "PM_CHIP_PUMP_CPRED * 100 / PM_L2_CHIP_PUMP", "MetricGroup": "bus_stats", "MetricName": "chip_pump_cpred_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of group pumps that were correctly predicted as group pumps the first time", "MetricExpr": "PM_GRP_PUMP_CPRED * 100 / PM_L2_GROUP_PUMP", "MetricGroup": "bus_stats", "MetricName": "group_pump_cpred_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percent of system pumps that were correctly predicted as group pumps the first time", "MetricExpr": "PM_SYS_PUMP_CPRED * 100 / PM_L2_GROUP_PUMP", "MetricGroup": "bus_stats", "MetricName": "sys_pump_cpred_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled due to CRU or BRU operations", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_BRU_CRU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "bru_cru_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled due to ISU Branch Operations", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_BRU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "bru_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles in which a Group Completed", "MetricExpr": "PM_GRP_CMPL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "completion_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by CO queue full", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_COQ_FULL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "coq_full_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled due to CRU Operations", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_BRU_CRU - PM_CMPLU_STALL_BRU) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "cru_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by flushes", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_FLUSH / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "flush_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by FXU Multi-Cycle Instructions", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_FXLONG / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "fxu_multi_cyc_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by FXU", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_FXU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "fxu_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Other cycles stalled by FXU", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_FXU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_FXLONG / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "fxu_stall_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty due to Branch Mispredicts", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_BR_MPRED / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_br_mpred_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty due to Branch Mispredicts and Icache Misses", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_BR_MPRED_ICMISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_br_mpred_ic_miss_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "GCT empty cycles", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_CYC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty where dispatch was held", "MetricExpr": "(PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_MAP + PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_SRQ + PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_ISSQ + PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_OTHER) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_disp_held_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty where dispatch was held due to issue queue", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_ISSQ / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_disp_held_issq_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty where dispatch was held due to maps", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_MAP / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_disp_held_map_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty where dispatch was held due to syncs and other effects", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_OTHER / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_disp_held_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles GCT empty where dispatch was held due to SRQ", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_SRQ / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_disp_held_srq_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by GCT empty due to Icache misses", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_IC_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_ic_miss_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by GCT empty due to Icache misses that resolve in the local L2 or L3", "MetricExpr": "(PM_GCT_NOSLOT_IC_MISS - PM_GCT_NOSLOT_IC_L3MISS) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_ic_miss_l2l3_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by GCT empty due to Icache misses that resolve off-chip", "MetricExpr": "PM_GCT_NOSLOT_IC_L3MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_ic_miss_l3miss_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Other GCT empty cycles", "MetricExpr": "(PM_GCT_NOSLOT_CYC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_IC_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_BR_MPRED / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_BR_MPRED_ICMISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - ((PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_MAP / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) + (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_SRQ / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) + (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_ISSQ / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) + (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_DISP_HELD_OTHER / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL))", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "gct_empty_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by heavyweight syncs", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_HWSYNC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "hwsync_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LSU", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_LSU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in distant interventions and memory", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L3MISS - PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_LMEM - PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L21_L31 - PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_REMOTE) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_distant_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in remote or distant caches", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L21_L31 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_l21l31_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in the local L2 or L3, where there was a conflict", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L2L3_CONFLICT / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_l2l3_conflict_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in the local L2 or L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L2L3 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_l2l3_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in the local L2 or L3, where there was no conflict", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L2L3 - PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L2L3_CONFLICT) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_l2l3_noconflict_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in other core's caches or memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_L3MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_l3miss_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in local memory or local L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_LMEM / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_lmem_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by D-Cache Misses that resolved in remote interventions and memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_DMISS_REMOTE / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_dcache_miss_remote_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by ERAT Translation rejects", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_ERAT_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_erat_miss_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LSU load finishes", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_LOAD_FINISH / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_ld_fin_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LHS rejects", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJECT_LHS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_lhs_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LMQ Full rejects", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJ_LMQ_FULL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_lmq_full_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by Other LSU Operations", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_LSU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJECT / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_STORE / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_LOAD_FINISH / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_ST_FWD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LSU Rejects", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJECT / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_reject_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by Other LSU Rejects", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJECT / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJECT_LHS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_ERAT_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_REJ_LMQ_FULL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_reject_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LSU store forwarding", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_ST_FWD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_st_fwd_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by LSU Stores", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_STORE / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lsu_stall_store_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by lightweight syncs", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_LWSYNC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "lwsync_stall_cpi" }, { "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_MEM_ECC_DELAY / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "mem_ecc_delay_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by nops (nothing next to finish)", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_NO_NTF / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "no_ntf_stall_cpi" }, { "MetricExpr": "PM_NTCG_ALL_FIN / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "ntcg_all_fin_cpi" }, { "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_NTCG_FLUSH / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "ntcg_flush_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Other thread block stall cycles", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_THRD - PM_CMPLU_STALL_LWSYNC - PM_CMPLU_STALL_HWSYNC - PM_CMPLU_STALL_MEM_ECC_DELAY - PM_CMPLU_STALL_FLUSH - PM_CMPLU_STALL_COQ_FULL) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "other_block_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles unaccounted for", "MetricExpr": "(PM_RUN_CYC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_GCT_NOSLOT_CYC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_NTCG_ALL_FIN / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_THRD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_GRP_CMPL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Stall cycles unaccounted for", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_BRU_CRU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_FXU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_VSU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_LSU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_NTCG_FLUSH / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_NO_NTF / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "other_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Run cycles per run instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_RUN_CYC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "run_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Completion Stall Cycles", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles a thread was blocked", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_THRD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "thread_block_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by VSU", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_VSU / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by other VSU Operations", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_VSU - PM_CMPLU_STALL_VECTOR - PM_CMPLU_STALL_SCALAR) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by VSU Scalar Operations", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_SCALAR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_scalar_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by VSU Scalar Long Operations", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_SCALAR_LONG / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_scalar_long_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by Other VSU Scalar Operations", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_SCALAR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) - (PM_CMPLU_STALL_SCALAR_LONG / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_scalar_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by VSU Vector Operations", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_VECTOR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_vector_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by VSU Vector Long Operations", "MetricExpr": "PM_CMPLU_STALL_VECTOR_LONG / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_vector_long_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles stalled by other VSU Vector Operations", "MetricExpr": "(PM_CMPLU_STALL_VECTOR - PM_CMPLU_STALL_VECTOR_LONG) / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "cpi_breakdown", "MetricName": "vsu_stall_vector_other_cpi" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Modified) per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dl2l3_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Shared) per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dl2l3_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Distant L4 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dl4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Distant Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L2, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l21_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L2, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l21_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L2 load hits per instruction where the L2 experienced a Load-Hit-Store conflict", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_LDHITST * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_lhs_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from L2 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2MISS * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_miss_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L2 load hits per instruction where the L2 did not experience a conflict", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2_NO_CONFLICT * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_no_conflict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L2 load hits per instruction where the L2 experienced some conflict other than Load-Hit-Store", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_OTHER * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_other_conflict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from L2 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L3 M state, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l31_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L3 S tate, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l31_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L3 load hits per instruction where the load collided with a pending prefetch", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3_DISP_CONFLICT * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_conflict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from L3 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3MISS * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_miss_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L3 load hits per instruction where the L3 did not experience a conflict", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3_NO_CONFLICT * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_no_conflict_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from L3 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Local L4 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_ll4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Local Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_lmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L3, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rl2l3_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L3, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rl2l3_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Remote Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rl4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from Remote Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L1 demand load misses per run instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_LD_MISS_L1 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "l1_ld_miss_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 misses that result in a cache reload", "MetricExpr": "PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID * 100 / PM_LD_MISS_L1", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_miss_reloads_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Modified)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dl2l3_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Shared)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dl2l3_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Distant L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DL4 * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dl4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Distant Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_dmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L2, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l21_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L2, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l21_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of DL1 reloads from L2 with a Load-Hit-Store conflict", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_LDHITST * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_lhs_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of DL1 reloads from L2 with no conflicts", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2_NO_CONFLICT * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_no_conflict_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of DL1 reloads from L2 with some conflict other than Load-Hit-Store", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_OTHER * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_other_conflict_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from L2", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L2 * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l2_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L3, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l31_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 reloads from Private L3, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l31_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of DL1 reloads from L3 where the load collided with a pending prefetch", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3_DISP_CONFLICT * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_conflict_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L3 load hits per instruction where the line was brought into the L3 by a prefetch operation", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3_MEPF * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_mepf_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of DL1 reloads from L3 without conflicts", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3_NO_CONFLICT * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_no_conflict_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 Reloads from L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_L3 * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_l3_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Local L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_ll4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Local Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_lmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Modified)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rl2l3_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Shared)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rl2l3_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Remote L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RL4 * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rl4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DL1 dL1_Reloads from Remote Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM * 100 / PM_L1_DCACHE_RELOAD_VALID", "MetricGroup": "dl1_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "dl1_reload_from_rmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "dL1 miss portion of CPI", "MetricExpr": "( (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)/ (PM_RUN_CYC / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) * 100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "dcache_miss_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl2l3 distant MOD miss rates with measured DL2L3 MOD latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "dl2l3_mod_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl2l3 distant SHR miss rates with measured DL2L3 SHR latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "dl2l3_shr_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of distant L4 miss rates with measured DL4 latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_DL4 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL4_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL4)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "dl4_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of distant memory miss rates with measured DMEM latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DMEM_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DMEM)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "dmem_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl21 MOD miss rates with measured L21 MOD latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "l21_mod_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl21 SHR miss rates with measured L21 SHR latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "l21_shr_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl2 miss rates with measured L2 latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_L2 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) ) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "l2_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl31 MOD miss rates with measured L31 MOD latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "l31_mod_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl31 SHR miss rates with measured L31 SHR latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "l31_shr_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl3 miss rates with measured L3 latency as a % of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_L3 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) * 100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "l3_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of Local L4 miss rates with measured LL4 latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LL4_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LL4)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "ll4_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of Local memory miss rates with measured LMEM latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LMEM_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LMEM)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "lmem_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl2l3 remote MOD miss rates with measured RL2L3 MOD latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "rl2l3_mod_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of dl2l3 shared miss rates with measured RL2L3 SHR latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) * 100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "rl2l3_shr_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of remote L4 miss rates with measured RL4 latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_RL4 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL4_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL4)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "rl4_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimate of remote memory miss rates with measured RMEM latency as a %of dcache miss cpi", "MetricExpr": "(((PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL) * (PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RMEM_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RMEM)) / (PM_CMPLU_STALL_DCACHE_MISS / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL)) *100", "MetricGroup": "estimated_dcache_miss_cpi", "MetricName": "rmem_cpi_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Modified) per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_dl2l3_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Shared) per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_dl2l3_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant L4 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_dl4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_dmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L2, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L21_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_l21_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L2, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L21_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_l21_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from L2 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L2 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_l2_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L3, other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L31_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_l31_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L3 other core per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L31_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_l31_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from L3 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L3 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_l3_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Local L4 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_LL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_ll4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Local Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_LMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_lmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Modified) per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_rl2l3_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Shared) per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_rl2l3_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote L4 per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_rl4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote Memory per Inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "inst_from_rmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Instruction Cache Miss Rate (Per run Instruction)(%)", "MetricExpr": "PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_misses_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "l1_inst_miss_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% Branches per instruction", "MetricExpr": "PM_BRU_FIN / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "branches_per_inst" }, { "BriefDescription": "Total Fixed point operations", "MetricExpr": "(PM_FXU0_FIN + PM_FXU1_FIN)/PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fixed_per_inst" }, { "BriefDescription": "FXU0 balance", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU0_FIN / (PM_FXU0_FIN + PM_FXU1_FIN)", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu0_balance" }, { "BriefDescription": "Fraction of cycles that FXU0 is in use", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU0_FIN / PM_RUN_CYC", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu0_fin" }, { "BriefDescription": "FXU0 only Busy", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU0_BUSY_FXU1_IDLE / PM_CYC", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu0_only_busy" }, { "BriefDescription": "Fraction of cycles that FXU1 is in use", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU1_FIN / PM_RUN_CYC", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu1_fin" }, { "BriefDescription": "FXU1 only Busy", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU1_BUSY_FXU0_IDLE / PM_CYC", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu1_only_busy" }, { "BriefDescription": "Both FXU Busy", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU_BUSY / PM_CYC", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu_both_busy" }, { "BriefDescription": "Both FXU Idle", "MetricExpr": "PM_FXU_IDLE / PM_CYC", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "fxu_both_idle" }, { "BriefDescription": "PCT instruction loads", "MetricExpr": "PM_LD_REF_L1 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "loads_per_inst" }, { "BriefDescription": "PCT instruction stores", "MetricExpr": "PM_ST_FIN / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "instruction_mix", "MetricName": "stores_per_inst" }, { "BriefDescription": "Icache Fetchs per Icache Miss", "MetricExpr": "(PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS - PM_IC_PREF_WRITE) / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "icache_miss_reload" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads due to prefetch", "MetricExpr": "PM_IC_PREF_WRITE * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "icache_pref_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Modified)", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_dl2l3_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Shared)", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_dl2l3_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DL4 * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_dl4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Distant Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_DMEM * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_dmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L2, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L21_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_l21_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L2, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L21_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_l21_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from L2", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L2 * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_l2_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L3, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L31_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_l31_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Private L3, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L31_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_l31_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_L3 * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_l3_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Local L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_LL4 * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_ll4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Local Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_LMEM * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_lmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Modified)", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_rl2l3_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Shared)", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_rl2l3_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RL4 * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_rl4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of ICache reloads from Remote Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_INST_FROM_RMEM * 100 / PM_L1_ICACHE_MISS", "MetricGroup": "instruction_stats_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "inst_from_rmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average number of stores that gather in the store buffer before being sent to an L2 RC machine", "MetricExpr": "PM_ST_CMPL / (PM_L2_ST / 2)", "MetricGroup": "l2_stats", "MetricName": "avg_stores_gathered" }, { "BriefDescription": "L2 Store misses as a % of total L2 Store dispatches (per thread)", "MetricExpr": "PM_L2_ST_MISS / PM_L2_ST * 100", "MetricGroup": "l2_stats", "MetricName": "l2_st_miss_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Percentage of L2 store misses per drained store. A drained store may contain multiple individual stores if they target the same line", "MetricExpr": "PM_L2_ST_MISS / (PM_L2_ST / 2)", "MetricGroup": "l2_stats", "MetricName": "l2_store_miss_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "average L1 miss latency using marked events", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_LD_MISS_L1_CYC / PM_MRK_LD_MISS_L1", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "average_dl1miss_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average icache miss latency", "MetricExpr": "(PM_IC_DEMAND_CYC / PM_IC_DEMAND_REQ)", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "average_il1_miss_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "average service time for SYNC", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_SRQ_SYNC_CYC / PM_LSU_SRQ_SYNC", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "average_sync_cyc" }, { "BriefDescription": "Cycles LMQ slot0 was active on an average", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_LMQ_S0_VALID / PM_LSU_LMQ_S0_ALLOC", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "avg_lmq_life_time" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average number of cycles LRQ stays active for one load. Slot 0 is VALID ONLY FOR EVEN THREADS", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_LRQ_S0_VALID / PM_LSU_LRQ_S0_ALLOC", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "avg_lrq_life_time_even" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average number of cycles LRQ stays active for one load. Slot 43 is valid ONLY FOR ODD THREADS", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_LRQ_S43_VALID / PM_LSU_LRQ_S43_ALLOC", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "avg_lrq_life_time_odd" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average number of cycles SRQ stays active for one load. Slot 0 is VALID ONLY FOR EVEN THREADS", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_SRQ_S0_VALID / PM_LSU_SRQ_S0_ALLOC", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "avg_srq_life_time_even" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average number of cycles SRQ stays active for one load. Slot 39 is valid ONLY FOR ODD THREADS", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_SRQ_S39_VALID / PM_LSU_SRQ_S39_ALLOC", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "avg_srq_life_time_odd" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked background kill latency, measured in L2", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_FAB_RSP_BKILL_CYC / PM_MRK_FAB_RSP_BKILL", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "bkill_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked dclaim latency, measured in L2", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_FAB_RSP_DCLAIM_CYC / PM_MRK_FAB_RSP_DCLAIM", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "dclaim_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked L2L3 remote Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_MOD", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "dl2l3_mod_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked L2L3 distant Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL2L3_SHR", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "dl2l3_shr_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Distant L4 average load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL4_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DL4", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "dl4_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked Dmem Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DMEM_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_DMEM", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "dmem_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "estimated exposed miss latency for dL1 misses, ie load miss when we were NTC", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_LD_MISS_EXPOSED_CYC / PM_MRK_LD_MISS_EXPOSED", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "exposed_dl1miss_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from L2.1 in the M state", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_MOD", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l21_mod_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from L2.1 in the S state", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L21_SHR", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l21_shr_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L2 and suffered a conflict at RC machine dispatch time due to load-hit-store", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_LDHITST_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_LDHITST", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l2_disp_conflict_ldhitst_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L2 and suffered a conflict at RC machine dispatch time NOT due load-hit-store", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_OTHER_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_DISP_CONFLICT_OTHER", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l2_disp_conflict_other_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L2", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l2_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that were satisfied by lines prefetched into the L3. This information is forwarded from the L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_MEPF_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l2_mepf_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L2 and suffered no conflicts", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2_NO_CONFLICT_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l2_no_conflict_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L3 and beyond", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2MISS_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2MISS", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l2miss_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked L31 Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_MOD", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l31_mod_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked L31 Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L31_SHR", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l31_shr_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l3_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that came from the L3 and suffered no conflicts", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3_NO_CONFLICT_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L2", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l3_no_conflict_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average load latency for all marked demand loads that come from beyond the L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3MISS_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3MISS", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l3miss_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Average latency for marked reloads that hit in the L3 on the MEPF state. i.e. lines that were prefetched into the L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3_MEPF_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_L3_MEPF", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "l3pref_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Local L4 average load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LL4_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LL4", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "ll4_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked Lmem Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LMEM_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_LMEM", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "lmem_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Latency for marked reloads that hit in the L2 or L3 of any other core on a different chip", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_OFF_CHIP_CACHE_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_OFF_CHIP_CACHE", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "off_chip_cache_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Latency for marked reloads that hit in the L2 or L3 of any other core on the same chip", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_ON_CHIP_CACHE_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_ON_CHIP_CACHE", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "on_chip_cache_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked L2L3 remote Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_MOD", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "rl2l3_mod_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked L2L3 remote Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL2L3_SHR", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "rl2l3_shr_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Remote L4 average load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL4_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RL4", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "rl4_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "Marked Rmem Load latency", "MetricExpr": "PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RMEM_CYC/ PM_MRK_DATA_FROM_RMEM", "MetricGroup": "latency", "MetricName": "rmem_latency" }, { "BriefDescription": "ERAT miss reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT_ERAT_MISS * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "erat_reject_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "ERAT miss reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT_ERAT_MISS * 100 / (PM_LSU_FIN - PM_LSU_FX_FIN)", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "erat_reject_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "LHS reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT_LHS *100/ PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "lhs_reject_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "LHS reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT_LHS *100/ (PM_LSU_FIN - PM_LSU_FX_FIN)", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "lhs_reject_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "LMQ full reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT_LMQ_FULL * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "lmq_full_reject_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "ERAT miss reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT_LMQ_FULL * 100 / PM_LD_REF_L1", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "lmq_full_reject_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "LSU reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT *100/ PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "lsu_reject_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "LSU reject ratio", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_REJECT *100/ (PM_LSU_FIN - PM_LSU_FX_FIN)", "MetricGroup": "lsu_rejects", "MetricName": "lsu_reject_ratio_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "Ratio of reloads from local L4 to distant L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 / PM_DATA_FROM_DL4", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_ll4_per_ld_dmem" }, { "BriefDescription": "Ratio of reloads from local L4 to remote+distant L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 / (PM_DATA_FROM_DL4 + PM_DATA_FROM_RL4)", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_ll4_per_ld_mem" }, { "BriefDescription": "Ratio of reloads from local L4 to remote L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 / PM_DATA_FROM_RL4", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_ll4_per_ld_rl4" }, { "BriefDescription": "Number of loads from local memory per loads from distant memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM / PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_lmem_per_ld_dmem" }, { "BriefDescription": "Number of loads from local memory per loads from remote and distant memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM / (PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM + PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM)", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_lmem_per_ld_mem" }, { "BriefDescription": "Number of loads from local memory per loads from remote memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM / PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_lmem_per_ld_rmem" }, { "BriefDescription": "Number of loads from remote memory per loads from distant memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM / PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "ld_rmem_per_ld_dmem" }, { "BriefDescription": "Memory locality", "MetricExpr": "(PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 + PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM) * 100/ (PM_DATA_FROM_LMEM + PM_DATA_FROM_LL4 + PM_DATA_FROM_RMEM + PM_DATA_FROM_RL4 + PM_DATA_FROM_DMEM + PM_DATA_FROM_DL4)", "MetricGroup": "memory", "MetricName": "mem_locality_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "DERAT Miss Rate (per run instruction)(%)", "MetricExpr": "PM_LSU_DERAT_MISS * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "derat_miss_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Modified) per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dl2l3_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Shared) per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dl2l3_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant L4 per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dl4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant Memory per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L2, other core per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L21_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l21_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L2, other core per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L21_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l21_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from L2 per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L2 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l2_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L3, other core per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L31_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l31_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L3, other core per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L31_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l31_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from L3 per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L3 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l3_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Local L4 per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_LL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_ll4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Local Memory per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_LMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_lmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Modified) per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rl2l3_mod_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Shared) per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rl2l3_shr_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote L4 per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RL4 * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rl4_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote Memory per inst", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RMEM * 100 / PM_RUN_INST_CMPL", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_inst", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rmem_rate_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT misses that result in an ERAT reload", "MetricExpr": "PM_DTLB_MISS * 100 / PM_LSU_DERAT_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "derat_miss_reload_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Modified)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dl2l3_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant L2 or L3 (Shared)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dl2l3_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DL4 * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dl4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Distant Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_DMEM * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_dmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L2, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L21_MOD * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l21_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L2, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L21_SHR * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l21_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from L2", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L2 * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l2_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L3, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L31_MOD * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l31_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Private L3, other core", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L31_SHR * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l31_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from L3", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_L3 * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_l3_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Local L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_LL4 * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_ll4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Local Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_LMEM * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_lmem_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Modified)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RL2L3_MOD * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rl2l3_mod_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote L2 or L3 (Shared)", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RL2L3_SHR * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rl2l3_shr_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote L4", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RL4 * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rl4_percent" }, { "BriefDescription": "% of DERAT reloads from Remote Memory", "MetricExpr": "PM_DPTEG_FROM_RMEM * 100 / PM_DTLB_MISS", "MetricGroup": "pteg_reloads_percent_per_ref", "MetricName": "pteg_from_rmem_percent" } ]