[ { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_INST_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed operations that are SVE operations." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_PRED_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed predicated SVE operations." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_PRED_EMPTY_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed predicated SVE operations with no active predicate elements." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_PRED_FULL_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed predicated SVE operations with all predicate elements active." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_PRED_PARTIAL_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed predicated SVE operations with at least one but not all active predicate elements." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_PRED_NOT_FULL_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed predicated SVE operations with at least one non active predicate elements." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_LDFF_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed SVE first fault or non-fault load operations." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "SVE_LDFF_FAULT_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed SVE first fault or non-fault load operations that clear at least one bit in the FFR." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "ASE_SVE_INT8_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed Advanced SIMD or SVE integer operations with the largest data type an 8-bit integer." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "ASE_SVE_INT16_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed Advanced SIMD or SVE integer operations with the largest data type a 16-bit integer." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "ASE_SVE_INT32_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed Advanced SIMD or SVE integer operations with the largest data type a 32-bit integer." }, { "ArchStdEvent": "ASE_SVE_INT64_SPEC", "PublicDescription": "Counts speculatively executed Advanced SIMD or SVE integer operations with the largest data type a 64-bit integer." } ]