Intel hybrid support
Support for Intel hybrid events within perf tools.

For some Intel platforms, such as AlderLake, which is hybrid platform and
it consists of atom cpu and core cpu. Each cpu has dedicated event list.
Part of events are available on core cpu, part of events are available
on atom cpu and even part of events are available on both.

Kernel exports two new cpu pmus via sysfs:

The 'cpus' files are created under the directories. For example,

cat /sys/devices/cpu_core/cpus

cat /sys/devices/cpu_atom/cpus

It indicates cpu0-cpu15 are core cpus and cpu16-cpu23 are atom cpus.


List hybrid event

As before, use perf-list to list the symbolic event.

perf list

	[Fixed Counter: Counts the number of instructions retired. Unit: cpu_atom]
	[Number of instructions retired. Fixed Counter - architectural event. Unit: cpu_core]

The 'Unit: xxx' is added to brief description to indicate which pmu
the event is belong to. Same event name but with different pmu can
be supported.

Enable hybrid event with a specific pmu

To enable a core only event or atom only event, following syntax is supported:

	cpu_core/<event name>/
	cpu_atom/<event name>/

For example, count the 'cycles' event on core cpus.

	perf stat -e cpu_core/cycles/

Create two events for one hardware event automatically

When creating one event and the event is available on both atom and core,
two events are created automatically. One is for atom, the other is for
core. Most of hardware events and cache events are available on both
cpu_core and cpu_atom.

For hardware events, they have pre-defined configs (e.g. 0 for cycles).
But on hybrid platform, kernel needs to know where the event comes from
(from atom or from core). The original perf event type PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE
can't carry pmu information. So now this type is extended to be PMU aware
type. The PMU type ID is stored at attr.config[63:32].

PMU type ID is retrieved from sysfs.

The new attr.config layout for PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE:

PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE:                 0xEEEEEEEE000000AA
                                    AA: hardware event ID
                                    EEEEEEEE: PMU type ID

Cache event is similar. The type PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE is extended to be
PMU aware type. The PMU type ID is stored at attr.config[63:32].

The new attr.config layout for PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE:

                                    BB: hardware cache ID
                                    CC: hardware cache op ID
                                    DD: hardware cache op result ID
                                    EEEEEEEE: PMU type ID

When enabling a hardware event without specified pmu, such as,
perf stat -e cycles -a (use system-wide in this example), two events
are created automatically.

    size                             120
    config                           0x400000000
    sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
    read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
    disabled                         1
    inherit                          1
    exclude_guest                    1


    size                             120
    config                           0x800000000
    sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
    read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
    disabled                         1
    inherit                          1
    exclude_guest                    1

0x4 in 0x400000000 indicates it's cpu_core pmu.
0x8 in 0x800000000 indicates it's cpu_atom pmu (atom pmu type id is random).

The kernel creates 'cycles' (0x400000000) on cpu0-cpu15 (core cpus),
and create 'cycles' (0x800000000) on cpu16-cpu23 (atom cpus).

For perf-stat result, it displays two events:

 Performance counter stats for 'system wide':

           6,744,979      cpu_core/cycles/
           1,965,552      cpu_atom/cycles/

The first 'cycles' is core event, the second 'cycles' is atom event.

Thread mode example:

perf-stat reports the scaled counts for hybrid event and with a percentage
displayed. The percentage is the event's running time/enabling time.

One example, 'triad_loop' runs on cpu16 (atom core), while we can see the
scaled value for core cycles is 160,444,092 and the percentage is 0.47%.

perf stat -e cycles \-- taskset -c 16 ./triad_loop

As previous, two events are created.

  size                             120
  config                           0x400000000
  sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
  read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
  disabled                         1
  inherit                          1
  enable_on_exec                   1
  exclude_guest                    1


  size                             120
  config                           0x800000000
  sample_type                      IDENTIFIER
  read_format                      TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED|TOTAL_TIME_RUNNING
  disabled                         1
  inherit                          1
  enable_on_exec                   1
  exclude_guest                    1

 Performance counter stats for 'taskset -c 16 ./triad_loop':

       233,066,666      cpu_core/cycles/                                              (0.43%)
       604,097,080      cpu_atom/cycles/                                              (99.57%)


If there is no '-e' specified in perf record, on hybrid platform,
it creates two default 'cycles' and adds them to event list. One
is for core, the other is for atom.


If there is no '-e' specified in perf stat, on hybrid platform,
besides of software events, following events are created and
added to event list in order.


Of course, both perf-stat and perf-record support to enable
hybrid event with a specific pmu.

perf stat -e cpu_core/cycles/
perf stat -e cpu_atom/cycles/
perf stat -e cpu_core/r1a/
perf stat -e cpu_atom/L1-icache-loads/
perf stat -e cpu_core/cycles/,cpu_atom/instructions/
perf stat -e '{cpu_core/cycles/,cpu_core/instructions/}'

But '{cpu_core/cycles/,cpu_atom/instructions/}' will return
warning and disable grouping, because the pmus in group are
not matched (cpu_core vs. cpu_atom).