/****************************************************************************** * Intel Management Engine Interface (Intel MEI) Linux driver * Intel MEI Interface Header * * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license. When using or * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license. * * GPL LICENSE SUMMARY * * Copyright(c) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, * USA * * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution * in the file called LICENSE.GPL. * * Contact Information: * Intel Corporation. * linux-mei@linux.intel.com * http://www.intel.com * * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2003 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *****************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <bits/wordsize.h> #include <linux/mei.h> /***************************************************************************** * Intel Management Engine Interface *****************************************************************************/ #define mei_msg(_me, fmt, ARGS...) do { \ if (_me->verbose) \ fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##ARGS); \ } while (0) #define mei_err(_me, fmt, ARGS...) do { \ fprintf(stderr, "Error: " fmt, ##ARGS); \ } while (0) struct mei { uuid_le guid; bool initialized; bool verbose; unsigned int buf_size; unsigned char prot_ver; int fd; }; static void mei_deinit(struct mei *cl) { if (cl->fd != -1) close(cl->fd); cl->fd = -1; cl->buf_size = 0; cl->prot_ver = 0; cl->initialized = false; } static bool mei_init(struct mei *me, const uuid_le *guid, unsigned char req_protocol_version, bool verbose) { int result; struct mei_client *cl; struct mei_connect_client_data data; me->verbose = verbose; me->fd = open("/dev/mei0", O_RDWR); if (me->fd == -1) { mei_err(me, "Cannot establish a handle to the Intel MEI driver\n"); goto err; } memcpy(&me->guid, guid, sizeof(*guid)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); me->initialized = true; memcpy(&data.in_client_uuid, &me->guid, sizeof(me->guid)); result = ioctl(me->fd, IOCTL_MEI_CONNECT_CLIENT, &data); if (result) { mei_err(me, "IOCTL_MEI_CONNECT_CLIENT receive message. err=%d\n", result); goto err; } cl = &data.out_client_properties; mei_msg(me, "max_message_length %d\n", cl->max_msg_length); mei_msg(me, "protocol_version %d\n", cl->protocol_version); if ((req_protocol_version > 0) && (cl->protocol_version != req_protocol_version)) { mei_err(me, "Intel MEI protocol version not supported\n"); goto err; } me->buf_size = cl->max_msg_length; me->prot_ver = cl->protocol_version; return true; err: mei_deinit(me); return false; } static ssize_t mei_recv_msg(struct mei *me, unsigned char *buffer, ssize_t len, unsigned long timeout) { struct timeval tv; fd_set set; ssize_t rc; tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000; mei_msg(me, "call read length = %zd\n", len); FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(me->fd, &set); rc = select(me->fd + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (rc > 0 && FD_ISSET(me->fd, &set)) { mei_msg(me, "have reply\n"); } else if (rc == 0) { rc = -1; mei_err(me, "read failed on timeout\n"); goto out; } else { /* rc < 0 */ rc = errno; mei_err(me, "read failed on select with status %zd %s\n", rc, strerror(errno)); goto out; } rc = read(me->fd, buffer, len); if (rc < 0) { mei_err(me, "read failed with status %zd %s\n", rc, strerror(errno)); goto out; } mei_msg(me, "read succeeded with result %zd\n", rc); out: if (rc < 0) mei_deinit(me); return rc; } static ssize_t mei_send_msg(struct mei *me, const unsigned char *buffer, ssize_t len, unsigned long timeout) { ssize_t written; ssize_t rc; mei_msg(me, "call write length = %zd\n", len); written = write(me->fd, buffer, len); if (written < 0) { rc = -errno; mei_err(me, "write failed with status %zd %s\n", written, strerror(errno)); goto out; } mei_msg(me, "write success\n"); rc = written; out: if (rc < 0) mei_deinit(me); return rc; } /*************************************************************************** * Intel Advanced Management Technology ME Client ***************************************************************************/ #define AMT_MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define AMT_MINOR_VERSION 1 #define AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS 0x0 #define AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x1 #define AMT_STATUS_NOT_READY 0x2 #define AMT_STATUS_INVALID_AMT_MODE 0x3 #define AMT_STATUS_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH 0x4 #define AMT_STATUS_HOST_IF_EMPTY_RESPONSE 0x4000 #define AMT_STATUS_SDK_RESOURCES 0x1004 #define AMT_BIOS_VERSION_LEN 65 #define AMT_VERSIONS_NUMBER 50 #define AMT_UNICODE_STRING_LEN 20 struct amt_unicode_string { uint16_t length; char string[AMT_UNICODE_STRING_LEN]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct amt_version_type { struct amt_unicode_string description; struct amt_unicode_string version; } __attribute__((packed)); struct amt_version { uint8_t major; uint8_t minor; } __attribute__((packed)); struct amt_code_versions { uint8_t bios[AMT_BIOS_VERSION_LEN]; uint32_t count; struct amt_version_type versions[AMT_VERSIONS_NUMBER]; } __attribute__((packed)); /*************************************************************************** * Intel Advanced Management Technology Host Interface ***************************************************************************/ struct amt_host_if_msg_header { struct amt_version version; uint16_t _reserved; uint32_t command; uint32_t length; } __attribute__((packed)); struct amt_host_if_resp_header { struct amt_host_if_msg_header header; uint32_t status; unsigned char data[]; } __attribute__((packed)); const uuid_le MEI_IAMTHIF = UUID_LE(0x12f80028, 0xb4b7, 0x4b2d, \ 0xac, 0xa8, 0x46, 0xe0, 0xff, 0x65, 0x81, 0x4c); #define AMT_HOST_IF_CODE_VERSIONS_REQUEST 0x0400001A #define AMT_HOST_IF_CODE_VERSIONS_RESPONSE 0x0480001A const struct amt_host_if_msg_header CODE_VERSION_REQ = { .version = {AMT_MAJOR_VERSION, AMT_MINOR_VERSION}, ._reserved = 0, .command = AMT_HOST_IF_CODE_VERSIONS_REQUEST, .length = 0 }; struct amt_host_if { struct mei mei_cl; unsigned long send_timeout; bool initialized; }; static bool amt_host_if_init(struct amt_host_if *acmd, unsigned long send_timeout, bool verbose) { acmd->send_timeout = (send_timeout) ? send_timeout : 20000; acmd->initialized = mei_init(&acmd->mei_cl, &MEI_IAMTHIF, 0, verbose); return acmd->initialized; } static void amt_host_if_deinit(struct amt_host_if *acmd) { mei_deinit(&acmd->mei_cl); acmd->initialized = false; } static uint32_t amt_verify_code_versions(const struct amt_host_if_resp_header *resp) { uint32_t status = AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct amt_code_versions *code_ver; size_t code_ver_len; uint32_t ver_type_cnt; uint32_t len; uint32_t i; code_ver = (struct amt_code_versions *)resp->data; /* length - sizeof(status) */ code_ver_len = resp->header.length - sizeof(uint32_t); ver_type_cnt = code_ver_len - sizeof(code_ver->bios) - sizeof(code_ver->count); if (code_ver->count != ver_type_cnt / sizeof(struct amt_version_type)) { status = AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto out; } for (i = 0; i < code_ver->count; i++) { len = code_ver->versions[i].description.length; if (len > AMT_UNICODE_STRING_LEN) { status = AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto out; } len = code_ver->versions[i].version.length; if (code_ver->versions[i].version.string[len] != '\0' || len != strlen(code_ver->versions[i].version.string)) { status = AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto out; } } out: return status; } static uint32_t amt_verify_response_header(uint32_t command, const struct amt_host_if_msg_header *resp_hdr, uint32_t response_size) { if (response_size < sizeof(struct amt_host_if_resp_header)) { return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (response_size != (resp_hdr->length + sizeof(struct amt_host_if_msg_header))) { return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (resp_hdr->command != command) { return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (resp_hdr->_reserved != 0) { return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else if (resp_hdr->version.major != AMT_MAJOR_VERSION || resp_hdr->version.minor < AMT_MINOR_VERSION) { return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static uint32_t amt_host_if_call(struct amt_host_if *acmd, const unsigned char *command, ssize_t command_sz, uint8_t **read_buf, uint32_t rcmd, unsigned int expected_sz) { uint32_t in_buf_sz; ssize_t out_buf_sz; ssize_t written; uint32_t status; struct amt_host_if_resp_header *msg_hdr; in_buf_sz = acmd->mei_cl.buf_size; *read_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * in_buf_sz); if (*read_buf == NULL) return AMT_STATUS_SDK_RESOURCES; memset(*read_buf, 0, in_buf_sz); msg_hdr = (struct amt_host_if_resp_header *)*read_buf; written = mei_send_msg(&acmd->mei_cl, command, command_sz, acmd->send_timeout); if (written != command_sz) return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; out_buf_sz = mei_recv_msg(&acmd->mei_cl, *read_buf, in_buf_sz, 2000); if (out_buf_sz <= 0) return AMT_STATUS_HOST_IF_EMPTY_RESPONSE; status = msg_hdr->status; if (status != AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; status = amt_verify_response_header(rcmd, &msg_hdr->header, out_buf_sz); if (status != AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; if (expected_sz && expected_sz != out_buf_sz) return AMT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; return AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static uint32_t amt_get_code_versions(struct amt_host_if *cmd, struct amt_code_versions *versions) { struct amt_host_if_resp_header *response = NULL; uint32_t status; status = amt_host_if_call(cmd, (const unsigned char *)&CODE_VERSION_REQ, sizeof(CODE_VERSION_REQ), (uint8_t **)&response, AMT_HOST_IF_CODE_VERSIONS_RESPONSE, 0); if (status != AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto out; status = amt_verify_code_versions(response); if (status != AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto out; memcpy(versions, response->data, sizeof(struct amt_code_versions)); out: if (response != NULL) free(response); return status; } /************************** end of amt_host_if_command ***********************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct amt_code_versions ver; struct amt_host_if acmd; unsigned int i; uint32_t status; int ret; bool verbose; verbose = (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0); if (!amt_host_if_init(&acmd, 5000, verbose)) { ret = 1; goto out; } status = amt_get_code_versions(&acmd, &ver); amt_host_if_deinit(&acmd); switch (status) { case AMT_STATUS_HOST_IF_EMPTY_RESPONSE: printf("Intel AMT: DISABLED\n"); ret = 0; break; case AMT_STATUS_SUCCESS: printf("Intel AMT: ENABLED\n"); for (i = 0; i < ver.count; i++) { printf("%s:\t%s\n", ver.versions[i].description.string, ver.versions[i].version.string); } ret = 0; break; default: printf("An error has occurred\n"); ret = 1; break; } out: return ret; }