/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */

/* PORTSC - Port Status and Control Register - port_status_base bitmasks */
/* true: device connected */
#define PORT_CONNECT	(1 << 0)
/* true: port enabled */
#define PORT_PE		(1 << 1)
/* bit 2 reserved and zeroed */
/* true: port has an over-current condition */
#define PORT_OC		(1 << 3)
/* true: port reset signaling asserted */
#define PORT_RESET	(1 << 4)
/* Port Link State - bits 5:8
 * A read gives the current link PM state of the port,
 * a write with Link State Write Strobe set sets the link state.
#define PORT_PLS_MASK	(0xf << 5)
#define XDEV_U0		(0x0 << 5)
#define XDEV_U1		(0x1 << 5)
#define XDEV_U2		(0x2 << 5)
#define XDEV_U3		(0x3 << 5)
#define XDEV_DISABLED	(0x4 << 5)
#define XDEV_RXDETECT	(0x5 << 5)
#define XDEV_INACTIVE	(0x6 << 5)
#define XDEV_POLLING	(0x7 << 5)
#define XDEV_RECOVERY	(0x8 << 5)
#define XDEV_HOT_RESET	(0x9 << 5)
#define XDEV_COMP_MODE	(0xa << 5)
#define XDEV_TEST_MODE	(0xb << 5)
#define XDEV_RESUME	(0xf << 5)

/* true: port has power (see HCC_PPC) */
#define PORT_POWER	(1 << 9)
/* bits 10:13 indicate device speed:
 * 0 - undefined speed - port hasn't be initialized by a reset yet
 * 1 - full speed
 * 2 - low speed
 * 3 - high speed
 * 4 - super speed
 * 5-15 reserved
#define DEV_SPEED_MASK		(0xf << 10)
#define	XDEV_FS			(0x1 << 10)
#define	XDEV_LS			(0x2 << 10)
#define	XDEV_HS			(0x3 << 10)
#define	XDEV_SS			(0x4 << 10)
#define	XDEV_SSP		(0x5 << 10)
#define DEV_UNDEFSPEED(p)	(((p) & DEV_SPEED_MASK) == (0x0<<10))
#define DEV_FULLSPEED(p)	(((p) & DEV_SPEED_MASK) == XDEV_FS)
#define DEV_LOWSPEED(p)		(((p) & DEV_SPEED_MASK) == XDEV_LS)
#define DEV_HIGHSPEED(p)	(((p) & DEV_SPEED_MASK) == XDEV_HS)
#define DEV_PORT_SPEED(p)	(((p) >> 10) & 0x0f)

/* Bits 20:23 in the Slot Context are the speed for the device */
#define	SLOT_SPEED_FS		(XDEV_FS << 10)
#define	SLOT_SPEED_LS		(XDEV_LS << 10)
#define	SLOT_SPEED_HS		(XDEV_HS << 10)
#define	SLOT_SPEED_SS		(XDEV_SS << 10)
#define	SLOT_SPEED_SSP		(XDEV_SSP << 10)
/* Port Indicator Control */
#define PORT_LED_OFF	(0 << 14)
#define PORT_LED_AMBER	(1 << 14)
#define PORT_LED_GREEN	(2 << 14)
#define PORT_LED_MASK	(3 << 14)
/* Port Link State Write Strobe - set this when changing link state */
#define PORT_LINK_STROBE	(1 << 16)
/* true: connect status change */
#define PORT_CSC	(1 << 17)
/* true: port enable change */
#define PORT_PEC	(1 << 18)
/* true: warm reset for a USB 3.0 device is done.  A "hot" reset puts the port
 * into an enabled state, and the device into the default state.  A "warm" reset
 * also resets the link, forcing the device through the link training sequence.
 * SW can also look at the Port Reset register to see when warm reset is done.
#define PORT_WRC	(1 << 19)
/* true: over-current change */
#define PORT_OCC	(1 << 20)
/* true: reset change - 1 to 0 transition of PORT_RESET */
#define PORT_RC		(1 << 21)
/* port link status change - set on some port link state transitions:
 *  Transition				Reason
 *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  - U3 to Resume			Wakeup signaling from a device
 *  - Resume to Recovery to U0		USB 3.0 device resume
 *  - Resume to U0			USB 2.0 device resume
 *  - U3 to Recovery to U0		Software resume of USB 3.0 device complete
 *  - U3 to U0				Software resume of USB 2.0 device complete
 *  - U2 to U0				L1 resume of USB 2.1 device complete
 *  - U0 to U0 (???)			L1 entry rejection by USB 2.1 device
 *  - U0 to disabled			L1 entry error with USB 2.1 device
 *  - Any state to inactive		Error on USB 3.0 port
#define PORT_PLC	(1 << 22)
/* port configure error change - port failed to configure its link partner */
#define PORT_CEC	(1 << 23)

/* Cold Attach Status - xHC can set this bit to report device attached during
 * Sx state. Warm port reset should be perfomed to clear this bit and move port
 * to connected state.
#define PORT_CAS	(1 << 24)
/* wake on connect (enable) */
#define PORT_WKCONN_E	(1 << 25)
/* wake on disconnect (enable) */
#define PORT_WKDISC_E	(1 << 26)
/* wake on over-current (enable) */
#define PORT_WKOC_E	(1 << 27)
/* bits 28:29 reserved */
/* true: device is non-removable - for USB 3.0 roothub emulation */
#define PORT_DEV_REMOVE	(1 << 30)
/* Initiate a warm port reset - complete when PORT_WRC is '1' */
#define PORT_WR		(1 << 31)

/* We mark duplicate entries with -1 */
#define DUPLICATE_ENTRY ((u8)(-1))

/* Port Power Management Status and Control - port_power_base bitmasks */
/* Inactivity timer value for transitions into U1, in microseconds.
 * Timeout can be up to 127us.  0xFF means an infinite timeout.
#define PORT_U1_TIMEOUT(p)	((p) & 0xff)
#define PORT_U1_TIMEOUT_MASK	0xff
/* Inactivity timer value for transitions into U2 */
#define PORT_U2_TIMEOUT(p)	(((p) & 0xff) << 8)
#define PORT_U2_TIMEOUT_MASK	(0xff << 8)
/* Bits 24:31 for port testing */

/* USB2 Protocol PORTSPMSC */
#define	PORT_L1S_MASK		7
#define	PORT_L1S_SUCCESS	1
#define	PORT_RWE		(1 << 3)
#define	PORT_HIRD(p)		(((p) & 0xf) << 4)
#define	PORT_HIRD_MASK		(0xf << 4)
#define	PORT_L1DS_MASK		(0xff << 8)
#define	PORT_L1DS(p)		(((p) & 0xff) << 8)
#define	PORT_HLE		(1 << 16)

/* USB3 Protocol PORTLI  Port Link Information */
#define PORT_RX_LANES(p)	(((p) >> 16) & 0xf)
#define PORT_TX_LANES(p)	(((p) >> 20) & 0xf)

/* USB2 Protocol PORTHLPMC */
#define PORT_HIRDM(p)((p) & 3)
#define PORT_L1_TIMEOUT(p)(((p) & 0xff) << 2)
#define PORT_BESLD(p)(((p) & 0xf) << 10)

/* use 512 microseconds as USB2 LPM L1 default timeout. */
#define XHCI_L1_TIMEOUT		512

/* Set default HIRD/BESL value to 4 (350/400us) for USB2 L1 LPM resume latency.
 * Safe to use with mixed HIRD and BESL systems (host and device) and is used
 * by other operating systems.
 * XHCI 1.0 errata 8/14/12 Table 13 notes:
 * "Software should choose xHC BESL/BESLD field values that do not violate a
 * device's resume latency requirements,
 * e.g. not program values > '4' if BLC = '1' and a HIRD device is attached,
 * or not program values < '4' if BLC = '0' and a BESL device is attached.

 * USB3 specification define a 360ms tPollingLFPSTiemout for USB3 ports
 * to complete link training. usually link trainig completes much faster
 * so check status 10 times with 36ms sleep in places we need to wait for
 * polling to complete.