// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * otg_fsm.c - ChipIdea USB IP core OTG FSM driver * * Copyright (C) 2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * * Author: Jun Li */ /* * This file mainly handles OTG fsm, it includes OTG fsm operations * for HNP and SRP. * * TODO List * - ADP * - OTG test device */ #include <linux/usb/otg.h> #include <linux/usb/gadget.h> #include <linux/usb/hcd.h> #include <linux/usb/chipidea.h> #include <linux/regulator/consumer.h> #include "ci.h" #include "bits.h" #include "otg.h" #include "otg_fsm.h" /* Add for otg: interact with user space app */ static ssize_t a_bus_req_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { char *next; unsigned size, t; struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); next = buf; size = PAGE_SIZE; t = scnprintf(next, size, "%d\n", ci->fsm.a_bus_req); size -= t; next += t; return PAGE_SIZE - size; } static ssize_t a_bus_req_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (count > 2) return -1; mutex_lock(&ci->fsm.lock); if (buf[0] == '0') { ci->fsm.a_bus_req = 0; } else if (buf[0] == '1') { /* If a_bus_drop is TRUE, a_bus_req can't be set */ if (ci->fsm.a_bus_drop) { mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } ci->fsm.a_bus_req = 1; if (ci->fsm.otg->state == OTG_STATE_A_PERIPHERAL) { ci->gadget.host_request_flag = 1; mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } } ci_otg_queue_work(ci); mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(a_bus_req); static ssize_t a_bus_drop_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { char *next; unsigned size, t; struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); next = buf; size = PAGE_SIZE; t = scnprintf(next, size, "%d\n", ci->fsm.a_bus_drop); size -= t; next += t; return PAGE_SIZE - size; } static ssize_t a_bus_drop_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (count > 2) return -1; mutex_lock(&ci->fsm.lock); if (buf[0] == '0') { ci->fsm.a_bus_drop = 0; } else if (buf[0] == '1') { ci->fsm.a_bus_drop = 1; ci->fsm.a_bus_req = 0; } ci_otg_queue_work(ci); mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(a_bus_drop); static ssize_t b_bus_req_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { char *next; unsigned size, t; struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); next = buf; size = PAGE_SIZE; t = scnprintf(next, size, "%d\n", ci->fsm.b_bus_req); size -= t; next += t; return PAGE_SIZE - size; } static ssize_t b_bus_req_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (count > 2) return -1; mutex_lock(&ci->fsm.lock); if (buf[0] == '0') ci->fsm.b_bus_req = 0; else if (buf[0] == '1') { ci->fsm.b_bus_req = 1; if (ci->fsm.otg->state == OTG_STATE_B_PERIPHERAL) { ci->gadget.host_request_flag = 1; mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } } ci_otg_queue_work(ci); mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(b_bus_req); static ssize_t a_clr_err_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (count > 2) return -1; mutex_lock(&ci->fsm.lock); if (buf[0] == '1') ci->fsm.a_clr_err = 1; ci_otg_queue_work(ci); mutex_unlock(&ci->fsm.lock); return count; } static DEVICE_ATTR_WO(a_clr_err); static struct attribute *inputs_attrs[] = { &dev_attr_a_bus_req.attr, &dev_attr_a_bus_drop.attr, &dev_attr_b_bus_req.attr, &dev_attr_a_clr_err.attr, NULL, }; static const struct attribute_group inputs_attr_group = { .name = "inputs", .attrs = inputs_attrs, }; /* * Keep this list in the same order as timers indexed * by enum otg_fsm_timer in include/linux/usb/otg-fsm.h */ static unsigned otg_timer_ms[] = { TA_WAIT_VRISE, TA_WAIT_VFALL, TA_WAIT_BCON, TA_AIDL_BDIS, TB_ASE0_BRST, TA_BIDL_ADIS, TB_AIDL_BDIS, TB_SE0_SRP, TB_SRP_FAIL, 0, TB_DATA_PLS, TB_SSEND_SRP, }; /* * Add timer to active timer list */ static void ci_otg_add_timer(struct ci_hdrc *ci, enum otg_fsm_timer t) { unsigned long flags, timer_sec, timer_nsec; if (t >= NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) return; spin_lock_irqsave(&ci->lock, flags); timer_sec = otg_timer_ms[t] / MSEC_PER_SEC; timer_nsec = (otg_timer_ms[t] % MSEC_PER_SEC) * NSEC_PER_MSEC; ci->hr_timeouts[t] = ktime_add(ktime_get(), ktime_set(timer_sec, timer_nsec)); ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits |= (1 << t); if ((ci->next_otg_timer == NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) || ktime_after(ci->hr_timeouts[ci->next_otg_timer], ci->hr_timeouts[t])) { ci->next_otg_timer = t; hrtimer_start_range_ns(&ci->otg_fsm_hrtimer, ci->hr_timeouts[t], NSEC_PER_MSEC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ci->lock, flags); } /* * Remove timer from active timer list */ static void ci_otg_del_timer(struct ci_hdrc *ci, enum otg_fsm_timer t) { unsigned long flags, enabled_timer_bits; enum otg_fsm_timer cur_timer, next_timer = NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS; if ((t >= NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) || !(ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits & (1 << t))) return; spin_lock_irqsave(&ci->lock, flags); ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits &= ~(1 << t); if (ci->next_otg_timer == t) { if (ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits == 0) { /* No enabled timers after delete it */ hrtimer_cancel(&ci->otg_fsm_hrtimer); ci->next_otg_timer = NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS; } else { /* Find the next timer */ enabled_timer_bits = ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits; for_each_set_bit(cur_timer, &enabled_timer_bits, NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) { if ((next_timer == NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) || ktime_before(ci->hr_timeouts[next_timer], ci->hr_timeouts[cur_timer])) next_timer = cur_timer; } } } if (next_timer != NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) { ci->next_otg_timer = next_timer; hrtimer_start_range_ns(&ci->otg_fsm_hrtimer, ci->hr_timeouts[next_timer], NSEC_PER_MSEC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ci->lock, flags); } /* OTG FSM timer handlers */ static int a_wait_vrise_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.a_wait_vrise_tmout = 1; return 0; } static int a_wait_vfall_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.a_wait_vfall_tmout = 1; return 0; } static int a_wait_bcon_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.a_wait_bcon_tmout = 1; return 0; } static int a_aidl_bdis_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.a_aidl_bdis_tmout = 1; return 0; } static int b_ase0_brst_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.b_ase0_brst_tmout = 1; return 0; } static int a_bidl_adis_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.a_bidl_adis_tmout = 1; return 0; } static int b_aidl_bdis_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.a_bus_suspend = 1; return 0; } static int b_se0_srp_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.b_se0_srp = 1; return 0; } static int b_srp_fail_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.b_srp_done = 1; return 1; } static int b_data_pls_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.b_srp_done = 1; ci->fsm.b_bus_req = 0; if (ci->fsm.power_up) ci->fsm.power_up = 0; hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_HABA, 0); pm_runtime_put(ci->dev); return 0; } static int b_ssend_srp_tmout(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci->fsm.b_ssend_srp = 1; /* only vbus fall below B_sess_vld in b_idle state */ if (ci->fsm.otg->state == OTG_STATE_B_IDLE) return 0; else return 1; } /* * Keep this list in the same order as timers indexed * by enum otg_fsm_timer in include/linux/usb/otg-fsm.h */ static int (*otg_timer_handlers[])(struct ci_hdrc *) = { a_wait_vrise_tmout, /* A_WAIT_VRISE */ a_wait_vfall_tmout, /* A_WAIT_VFALL */ a_wait_bcon_tmout, /* A_WAIT_BCON */ a_aidl_bdis_tmout, /* A_AIDL_BDIS */ b_ase0_brst_tmout, /* B_ASE0_BRST */ a_bidl_adis_tmout, /* A_BIDL_ADIS */ b_aidl_bdis_tmout, /* B_AIDL_BDIS */ b_se0_srp_tmout, /* B_SE0_SRP */ b_srp_fail_tmout, /* B_SRP_FAIL */ NULL, /* A_WAIT_ENUM */ b_data_pls_tmout, /* B_DATA_PLS */ b_ssend_srp_tmout, /* B_SSEND_SRP */ }; /* * Enable the next nearest enabled timer if have */ static enum hrtimer_restart ci_otg_hrtimer_func(struct hrtimer *t) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(t, struct ci_hdrc, otg_fsm_hrtimer); ktime_t now, *timeout; unsigned long enabled_timer_bits; unsigned long flags; enum otg_fsm_timer cur_timer, next_timer = NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS; int ret = -EINVAL; spin_lock_irqsave(&ci->lock, flags); enabled_timer_bits = ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits; ci->next_otg_timer = NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS; now = ktime_get(); for_each_set_bit(cur_timer, &enabled_timer_bits, NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) { if (ktime_compare(now, ci->hr_timeouts[cur_timer]) >= 0) { ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits &= ~(1 << cur_timer); if (otg_timer_handlers[cur_timer]) ret = otg_timer_handlers[cur_timer](ci); } else { if ((next_timer == NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) || ktime_before(ci->hr_timeouts[cur_timer], ci->hr_timeouts[next_timer])) next_timer = cur_timer; } } /* Enable the next nearest timer */ if (next_timer < NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) { timeout = &ci->hr_timeouts[next_timer]; hrtimer_start_range_ns(&ci->otg_fsm_hrtimer, *timeout, NSEC_PER_MSEC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS); ci->next_otg_timer = next_timer; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ci->lock, flags); if (!ret) ci_otg_queue_work(ci); return HRTIMER_NORESTART; } /* Initialize timers */ static int ci_otg_init_timers(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { hrtimer_init(&ci->otg_fsm_hrtimer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS); ci->otg_fsm_hrtimer.function = ci_otg_hrtimer_func; return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Operations that will be called from OTG Finite State Machine */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ci_otg_fsm_add_timer(struct otg_fsm *fsm, enum otg_fsm_timer t) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); if (t < NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) ci_otg_add_timer(ci, t); return; } static void ci_otg_fsm_del_timer(struct otg_fsm *fsm, enum otg_fsm_timer t) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); if (t < NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS) ci_otg_del_timer(ci, t); return; } /* * A-device drive vbus: turn on vbus regulator and enable port power * Data pulse irq should be disabled while vbus is on. */ static void ci_otg_drv_vbus(struct otg_fsm *fsm, int on) { int ret; struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); if (on) { /* Enable power */ hw_write(ci, OP_PORTSC, PORTSC_W1C_BITS | PORTSC_PP, PORTSC_PP); if (ci->platdata->reg_vbus) { ret = regulator_enable(ci->platdata->reg_vbus); if (ret) { dev_err(ci->dev, "Failed to enable vbus regulator, ret=%d\n", ret); return; } } if (ci->platdata->flags & CI_HDRC_PHY_VBUS_CONTROL) usb_phy_vbus_on(ci->usb_phy); /* Disable data pulse irq */ hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_DPIE, 0); fsm->a_srp_det = 0; fsm->power_up = 0; } else { if (ci->platdata->reg_vbus) regulator_disable(ci->platdata->reg_vbus); if (ci->platdata->flags & CI_HDRC_PHY_VBUS_CONTROL) usb_phy_vbus_off(ci->usb_phy); fsm->a_bus_drop = 1; fsm->a_bus_req = 0; } } /* * Control data line by Run Stop bit. */ static void ci_otg_loc_conn(struct otg_fsm *fsm, int on) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); if (on) hw_write(ci, OP_USBCMD, USBCMD_RS, USBCMD_RS); else hw_write(ci, OP_USBCMD, USBCMD_RS, 0); } /* * Generate SOF by host. * In host mode, controller will automatically send SOF. * Suspend will block the data on the port. * * This is controlled through usbcore by usb autosuspend, * so the usb device class driver need support autosuspend, * otherwise the bus suspend will not happen. */ static void ci_otg_loc_sof(struct otg_fsm *fsm, int on) { struct usb_device *udev; if (!fsm->otg->host) return; udev = usb_hub_find_child(fsm->otg->host->root_hub, 1); if (!udev) return; if (on) { usb_disable_autosuspend(udev); } else { pm_runtime_set_autosuspend_delay(&udev->dev, 0); usb_enable_autosuspend(udev); } } /* * Start SRP pulsing by data-line pulsing, * no v-bus pulsing followed */ static void ci_otg_start_pulse(struct otg_fsm *fsm) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); /* Hardware Assistant Data pulse */ hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_HADP, OTGSC_HADP); pm_runtime_get(ci->dev); ci_otg_add_timer(ci, B_DATA_PLS); } static int ci_otg_start_host(struct otg_fsm *fsm, int on) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); if (on) { ci_role_stop(ci); ci_role_start(ci, CI_ROLE_HOST); } else { ci_role_stop(ci); ci_role_start(ci, CI_ROLE_GADGET); } return 0; } static int ci_otg_start_gadget(struct otg_fsm *fsm, int on) { struct ci_hdrc *ci = container_of(fsm, struct ci_hdrc, fsm); if (on) usb_gadget_vbus_connect(&ci->gadget); else usb_gadget_vbus_disconnect(&ci->gadget); return 0; } static struct otg_fsm_ops ci_otg_ops = { .drv_vbus = ci_otg_drv_vbus, .loc_conn = ci_otg_loc_conn, .loc_sof = ci_otg_loc_sof, .start_pulse = ci_otg_start_pulse, .add_timer = ci_otg_fsm_add_timer, .del_timer = ci_otg_fsm_del_timer, .start_host = ci_otg_start_host, .start_gadget = ci_otg_start_gadget, }; int ci_otg_fsm_work(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { /* * Don't do fsm transition for B device * when there is no gadget class driver */ if (ci->fsm.id && !(ci->driver) && ci->fsm.otg->state < OTG_STATE_A_IDLE) return 0; pm_runtime_get_sync(ci->dev); if (otg_statemachine(&ci->fsm)) { if (ci->fsm.otg->state == OTG_STATE_A_IDLE) { /* * Further state change for cases: * a_idle to b_idle; or * a_idle to a_wait_vrise due to ID change(1->0), so * B-dev becomes A-dev can try to start new session * consequently; or * a_idle to a_wait_vrise when power up */ if ((ci->fsm.id) || (ci->id_event) || (ci->fsm.power_up)) { ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } else { /* Enable data pulse irq */ hw_write(ci, OP_PORTSC, PORTSC_W1C_BITS | PORTSC_PP, 0); hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_DPIS, OTGSC_DPIS); hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_DPIE, OTGSC_DPIE); } if (ci->id_event) ci->id_event = false; } else if (ci->fsm.otg->state == OTG_STATE_B_IDLE) { if (ci->fsm.b_sess_vld) { ci->fsm.power_up = 0; /* * Further transite to b_periphearl state * when register gadget driver with vbus on */ ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } } else if (ci->fsm.otg->state == OTG_STATE_A_HOST) { pm_runtime_mark_last_busy(ci->dev); pm_runtime_put_autosuspend(ci->dev); return 0; } } pm_runtime_put_sync(ci->dev); return 0; } /* * Update fsm variables in each state if catching expected interrupts, * called by otg fsm isr. */ static void ci_otg_fsm_event(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { u32 intr_sts, otg_bsess_vld, port_conn; struct otg_fsm *fsm = &ci->fsm; intr_sts = hw_read_intr_status(ci); otg_bsess_vld = hw_read_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_BSV); port_conn = hw_read(ci, OP_PORTSC, PORTSC_CCS); switch (ci->fsm.otg->state) { case OTG_STATE_A_WAIT_BCON: if (port_conn) { fsm->b_conn = 1; fsm->a_bus_req = 1; ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } break; case OTG_STATE_B_IDLE: if (otg_bsess_vld && (intr_sts & USBi_PCI) && port_conn) { fsm->b_sess_vld = 1; ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } break; case OTG_STATE_B_PERIPHERAL: if ((intr_sts & USBi_SLI) && port_conn && otg_bsess_vld) { ci_otg_add_timer(ci, B_AIDL_BDIS); } else if (intr_sts & USBi_PCI) { ci_otg_del_timer(ci, B_AIDL_BDIS); if (fsm->a_bus_suspend == 1) fsm->a_bus_suspend = 0; } break; case OTG_STATE_B_HOST: if ((intr_sts & USBi_PCI) && !port_conn) { fsm->a_conn = 0; fsm->b_bus_req = 0; ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } break; case OTG_STATE_A_PERIPHERAL: if (intr_sts & USBi_SLI) { fsm->b_bus_suspend = 1; /* * Init a timer to know how long this suspend * will continue, if time out, indicates B no longer * wants to be host role */ ci_otg_add_timer(ci, A_BIDL_ADIS); } if (intr_sts & USBi_URI) ci_otg_del_timer(ci, A_BIDL_ADIS); if (intr_sts & USBi_PCI) { if (fsm->b_bus_suspend == 1) { ci_otg_del_timer(ci, A_BIDL_ADIS); fsm->b_bus_suspend = 0; } } break; case OTG_STATE_A_SUSPEND: if ((intr_sts & USBi_PCI) && !port_conn) { fsm->b_conn = 0; /* if gadget driver is binded */ if (ci->driver) { /* A device to be peripheral mode */ ci->gadget.is_a_peripheral = 1; } ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } break; case OTG_STATE_A_HOST: if ((intr_sts & USBi_PCI) && !port_conn) { fsm->b_conn = 0; ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } break; case OTG_STATE_B_WAIT_ACON: if ((intr_sts & USBi_PCI) && port_conn) { fsm->a_conn = 1; ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } break; default: break; } } /* * ci_otg_irq - otg fsm related irq handling * and also update otg fsm variable by monitoring usb host and udc * state change interrupts. * @ci: ci_hdrc */ irqreturn_t ci_otg_fsm_irq(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { irqreturn_t retval = IRQ_NONE; u32 otgsc, otg_int_src = 0; struct otg_fsm *fsm = &ci->fsm; otgsc = hw_read_otgsc(ci, ~0); otg_int_src = otgsc & OTGSC_INT_STATUS_BITS & (otgsc >> 8); fsm->id = (otgsc & OTGSC_ID) ? 1 : 0; if (otg_int_src) { if (otg_int_src & OTGSC_DPIS) { hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_DPIS, OTGSC_DPIS); fsm->a_srp_det = 1; fsm->a_bus_drop = 0; } else if (otg_int_src & OTGSC_IDIS) { hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_IDIS, OTGSC_IDIS); if (fsm->id == 0) { fsm->a_bus_drop = 0; fsm->a_bus_req = 1; ci->id_event = true; } } else if (otg_int_src & OTGSC_BSVIS) { hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_BSVIS, OTGSC_BSVIS); if (otgsc & OTGSC_BSV) { fsm->b_sess_vld = 1; ci_otg_del_timer(ci, B_SSEND_SRP); ci_otg_del_timer(ci, B_SRP_FAIL); fsm->b_ssend_srp = 0; } else { fsm->b_sess_vld = 0; if (fsm->id) ci_otg_add_timer(ci, B_SSEND_SRP); } } else if (otg_int_src & OTGSC_AVVIS) { hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_AVVIS, OTGSC_AVVIS); if (otgsc & OTGSC_AVV) { fsm->a_vbus_vld = 1; } else { fsm->a_vbus_vld = 0; fsm->b_conn = 0; } } ci_otg_queue_work(ci); return IRQ_HANDLED; } ci_otg_fsm_event(ci); return retval; } void ci_hdrc_otg_fsm_start(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { ci_otg_queue_work(ci); } int ci_hdrc_otg_fsm_init(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { int retval = 0; if (ci->phy) ci->otg.phy = ci->phy; else ci->otg.usb_phy = ci->usb_phy; ci->otg.gadget = &ci->gadget; ci->fsm.otg = &ci->otg; ci->fsm.power_up = 1; ci->fsm.id = hw_read_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_ID) ? 1 : 0; ci->fsm.otg->state = OTG_STATE_UNDEFINED; ci->fsm.ops = &ci_otg_ops; ci->gadget.hnp_polling_support = 1; ci->fsm.host_req_flag = devm_kzalloc(ci->dev, 1, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ci->fsm.host_req_flag) return -ENOMEM; mutex_init(&ci->fsm.lock); retval = ci_otg_init_timers(ci); if (retval) { dev_err(ci->dev, "Couldn't init OTG timers\n"); return retval; } ci->enabled_otg_timer_bits = 0; ci->next_otg_timer = NUM_OTG_FSM_TIMERS; retval = sysfs_create_group(&ci->dev->kobj, &inputs_attr_group); if (retval < 0) { dev_dbg(ci->dev, "Can't register sysfs attr group: %d\n", retval); return retval; } /* Enable A vbus valid irq */ hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_AVVIE, OTGSC_AVVIE); if (ci->fsm.id) { ci->fsm.b_ssend_srp = hw_read_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_BSV) ? 0 : 1; ci->fsm.b_sess_vld = hw_read_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_BSV) ? 1 : 0; /* Enable BSV irq */ hw_write_otgsc(ci, OTGSC_BSVIE, OTGSC_BSVIE); } return 0; } void ci_hdrc_otg_fsm_remove(struct ci_hdrc *ci) { sysfs_remove_group(&ci->dev->kobj, &inputs_attr_group); }