/* * linux/drivers/scsi/esas2r/esas2r.h * For use with ATTO ExpressSAS R6xx SAS/SATA RAID controllers * * Copyright (c) 2001-2013 ATTO Technology, Inc. * (mailto:linuxdrivers@attotech.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * NO WARRANTY * THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT * LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is * solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and * distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its * exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to * the risks and costs of program errors, damage to or loss of data, * programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. * * DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY * NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED * HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/vmalloc.h> #include <scsi/scsi.h> #include <scsi/scsi_host.h> #include <scsi/scsi_cmnd.h> #include <scsi/scsi_device.h> #include <scsi/scsi_eh.h> #include <scsi/scsi_tcq.h> #include "esas2r_log.h" #include "atioctl.h" #include "atvda.h" #ifndef ESAS2R_H #define ESAS2R_H /* Global Variables */ extern struct esas2r_adapter *esas2r_adapters[]; extern u8 *esas2r_buffered_ioctl; extern dma_addr_t esas2r_buffered_ioctl_addr; extern u32 esas2r_buffered_ioctl_size; extern struct pci_dev *esas2r_buffered_ioctl_pcid; #define SGL_PG_SZ_MIN 64 #define SGL_PG_SZ_MAX 1024 extern int sgl_page_size; #define NUM_SGL_MIN 8 #define NUM_SGL_MAX 2048 extern int num_sg_lists; #define NUM_REQ_MIN 4 #define NUM_REQ_MAX 256 extern int num_requests; #define NUM_AE_MIN 2 #define NUM_AE_MAX 8 extern int num_ae_requests; extern int cmd_per_lun; extern int can_queue; extern int esas2r_max_sectors; extern int sg_tablesize; extern int interrupt_mode; extern int num_io_requests; /* Macro defintions */ #define ESAS2R_MAX_ID 255 #define MAX_ADAPTERS 32 #define ESAS2R_DRVR_NAME "esas2r" #define ESAS2R_LONGNAME "ATTO ExpressSAS 6GB RAID Adapter" #define ESAS2R_MAX_DEVICES 32 #define ATTONODE_NAME "ATTONode" #define ESAS2R_MAJOR_REV 1 #define ESAS2R_MINOR_REV 00 #define ESAS2R_VERSION_STR DEFINED_NUM_TO_STR(ESAS2R_MAJOR_REV) "." \ DEFINED_NUM_TO_STR(ESAS2R_MINOR_REV) #define ESAS2R_COPYRIGHT_YEARS "2001-2013" #define ESAS2R_DEFAULT_SGL_PAGE_SIZE 384 #define ESAS2R_DEFAULT_CMD_PER_LUN 64 #define ESAS2R_DEFAULT_NUM_SG_LISTS 1024 #define DEFINED_NUM_TO_STR(num) NUM_TO_STR(num) #define NUM_TO_STR(num) #num #define ESAS2R_SGL_ALIGN 16 #define ESAS2R_LIST_ALIGN 16 #define ESAS2R_LIST_EXTRA ESAS2R_NUM_EXTRA #define ESAS2R_DATA_BUF_LEN 256 #define ESAS2R_DEFAULT_TMO 5000 #define ESAS2R_DISC_BUF_LEN 512 #define ESAS2R_FWCOREDUMP_SZ 0x80000 #define ESAS2R_NUM_PHYS 8 #define ESAS2R_TARG_ID_INV 0xFFFF #define ESAS2R_INT_STS_MASK MU_INTSTAT_MASK #define ESAS2R_INT_ENB_MASK MU_INTSTAT_MASK #define ESAS2R_INT_DIS_MASK 0 #define ESAS2R_MAX_TARGETS 256 #define ESAS2R_KOBJ_NAME_LEN 20 /* u16 (WORD) component macros */ #define LOBYTE(w) ((u8)(u16)(w)) #define HIBYTE(w) ((u8)(((u16)(w)) >> 8)) #define MAKEWORD(lo, hi) ((u16)((u8)(lo) | ((u16)(u8)(hi) << 8))) /* u32 (DWORD) component macros */ #define LOWORD(d) ((u16)(u32)(d)) #define HIWORD(d) ((u16)(((u32)(d)) >> 16)) #define MAKEDWORD(lo, hi) ((u32)((u16)(lo) | ((u32)(u16)(hi) << 16))) /* macro to get the lowest nonzero bit of a value */ #define LOBIT(x) ((x) & (0 - (x))) /* These functions are provided to access the chip's control registers. * The register is specified by its byte offset from the register base * for the adapter. */ #define esas2r_read_register_dword(a, reg) \ readl((void __iomem *)a->regs + (reg) + MW_REG_OFFSET_HWREG) #define esas2r_write_register_dword(a, reg, data) \ writel(data, (void __iomem *)(a->regs + (reg) + MW_REG_OFFSET_HWREG)) #define esas2r_flush_register_dword(a, r) esas2r_read_register_dword(a, r) /* This function is provided to access the chip's data window. The * register is specified by its byte offset from the window base * for the adapter. */ #define esas2r_read_data_byte(a, reg) \ readb((void __iomem *)a->data_window + (reg)) /* ATTO vendor and device Ids */ #define ATTO_VENDOR_ID 0x117C #define ATTO_DID_INTEL_IOP348 0x002C #define ATTO_DID_MV_88RC9580 0x0049 #define ATTO_DID_MV_88RC9580TS 0x0066 #define ATTO_DID_MV_88RC9580TSE 0x0067 #define ATTO_DID_MV_88RC9580TL 0x0068 /* ATTO subsystem device Ids */ #define ATTO_SSDID_TBT 0x4000 #define ATTO_TSSC_3808 0x4066 #define ATTO_TSSC_3808E 0x4067 #define ATTO_TLSH_1068 0x4068 #define ATTO_ESAS_R680 0x0049 #define ATTO_ESAS_R608 0x004A #define ATTO_ESAS_R60F 0x004B #define ATTO_ESAS_R6F0 0x004C #define ATTO_ESAS_R644 0x004D #define ATTO_ESAS_R648 0x004E /* * flash definitions & structures * define the code types */ #define FBT_CPYR 0xAA00 #define FBT_SETUP 0xAA02 #define FBT_FLASH_VER 0xAA04 /* offsets to various locations in flash */ #define FLS_OFFSET_BOOT (u32)(0x00700000) #define FLS_OFFSET_NVR (u32)(0x007C0000) #define FLS_OFFSET_CPYR FLS_OFFSET_NVR #define FLS_LENGTH_BOOT (FLS_OFFSET_CPYR - FLS_OFFSET_BOOT) #define FLS_BLOCK_SIZE (u32)(0x00020000) #define FI_NVR_2KB 0x0800 #define FI_NVR_8KB 0x2000 #define FM_BUF_SZ 0x800 /* * marvell frey (88R9580) register definitions * chip revision identifiers */ #define MVR_FREY_B2 0xB2 /* * memory window definitions. window 0 is the data window with definitions * of MW_DATA_XXX. window 1 is the register window with definitions of * MW_REG_XXX. */ #define MW_REG_WINDOW_SIZE (u32)(0x00040000) #define MW_REG_OFFSET_HWREG (u32)(0x00000000) #define MW_REG_OFFSET_PCI (u32)(0x00008000) #define MW_REG_PCI_HWREG_DELTA (MW_REG_OFFSET_PCI - MW_REG_OFFSET_HWREG) #define MW_DATA_WINDOW_SIZE (u32)(0x00020000) #define MW_DATA_ADDR_SER_FLASH (u32)(0xEC000000) #define MW_DATA_ADDR_SRAM (u32)(0xF4000000) #define MW_DATA_ADDR_PAR_FLASH (u32)(0xFC000000) /* * the following registers are for the communication * list interface (AKA message unit (MU)) */ #define MU_IN_LIST_ADDR_LO (u32)(0x00004000) #define MU_IN_LIST_ADDR_HI (u32)(0x00004004) #define MU_IN_LIST_WRITE (u32)(0x00004018) #define MU_ILW_TOGGLE (u32)(0x00004000) #define MU_IN_LIST_READ (u32)(0x0000401C) #define MU_ILR_TOGGLE (u32)(0x00004000) #define MU_ILIC_LIST (u32)(0x0000000F) #define MU_ILIC_LIST_F0 (u32)(0x00000000) #define MU_ILIC_DEST (u32)(0x00000F00) #define MU_ILIC_DEST_DDR (u32)(0x00000200) #define MU_IN_LIST_IFC_CONFIG (u32)(0x00004028) #define MU_IN_LIST_CONFIG (u32)(0x0000402C) #define MU_ILC_ENABLE (u32)(0x00000001) #define MU_ILC_ENTRY_MASK (u32)(0x000000F0) #define MU_ILC_ENTRY_4_DW (u32)(0x00000020) #define MU_ILC_DYNAMIC_SRC (u32)(0x00008000) #define MU_ILC_NUMBER_MASK (u32)(0x7FFF0000) #define MU_ILC_NUMBER_SHIFT 16 #define MU_OUT_LIST_ADDR_LO (u32)(0x00004050) #define MU_OUT_LIST_ADDR_HI (u32)(0x00004054) #define MU_OUT_LIST_COPY_PTR_LO (u32)(0x00004058) #define MU_OUT_LIST_COPY_PTR_HI (u32)(0x0000405C) #define MU_OUT_LIST_WRITE (u32)(0x00004068) #define MU_OLW_TOGGLE (u32)(0x00004000) #define MU_OUT_LIST_COPY (u32)(0x0000406C) #define MU_OLC_TOGGLE (u32)(0x00004000) #define MU_OLC_WRT_PTR (u32)(0x00003FFF) #define MU_OUT_LIST_IFC_CONFIG (u32)(0x00004078) #define MU_OLIC_LIST (u32)(0x0000000F) #define MU_OLIC_LIST_F0 (u32)(0x00000000) #define MU_OLIC_SOURCE (u32)(0x00000F00) #define MU_OLIC_SOURCE_DDR (u32)(0x00000200) #define MU_OUT_LIST_CONFIG (u32)(0x0000407C) #define MU_OLC_ENABLE (u32)(0x00000001) #define MU_OLC_ENTRY_MASK (u32)(0x000000F0) #define MU_OLC_ENTRY_4_DW (u32)(0x00000020) #define MU_OLC_NUMBER_MASK (u32)(0x7FFF0000) #define MU_OLC_NUMBER_SHIFT 16 #define MU_OUT_LIST_INT_STAT (u32)(0x00004088) #define MU_OLIS_INT (u32)(0x00000001) #define MU_OUT_LIST_INT_MASK (u32)(0x0000408C) #define MU_OLIS_MASK (u32)(0x00000001) /* * the maximum size of the communication lists is two greater than the * maximum amount of VDA requests. the extra are to prevent queue overflow. */ #define ESAS2R_MAX_NUM_REQS 256 #define ESAS2R_NUM_EXTRA 2 #define ESAS2R_MAX_COMM_LIST_SIZE (ESAS2R_MAX_NUM_REQS + ESAS2R_NUM_EXTRA) /* * the following registers are for the CPU interface */ #define MU_CTL_STATUS_IN (u32)(0x00010108) #define MU_CTL_IN_FULL_RST (u32)(0x00000020) #define MU_CTL_STATUS_IN_B2 (u32)(0x00010130) #define MU_CTL_IN_FULL_RST2 (u32)(0x80000000) #define MU_DOORBELL_IN (u32)(0x00010460) #define DRBL_RESET_BUS (u32)(0x00000002) #define DRBL_PAUSE_AE (u32)(0x00000004) #define DRBL_RESUME_AE (u32)(0x00000008) #define DRBL_MSG_IFC_DOWN (u32)(0x00000010) #define DRBL_FLASH_REQ (u32)(0x00000020) #define DRBL_FLASH_DONE (u32)(0x00000040) #define DRBL_FORCE_INT (u32)(0x00000080) #define DRBL_MSG_IFC_INIT (u32)(0x00000100) #define DRBL_POWER_DOWN (u32)(0x00000200) #define DRBL_DRV_VER_1 (u32)(0x00010000) #define DRBL_DRV_VER DRBL_DRV_VER_1 #define MU_DOORBELL_IN_ENB (u32)(0x00010464) #define MU_DOORBELL_OUT (u32)(0x00010480) #define DRBL_PANIC_REASON_MASK (u32)(0x00F00000) #define DRBL_UNUSED_HANDLER (u32)(0x00100000) #define DRBL_UNDEF_INSTR (u32)(0x00200000) #define DRBL_PREFETCH_ABORT (u32)(0x00300000) #define DRBL_DATA_ABORT (u32)(0x00400000) #define DRBL_JUMP_TO_ZERO (u32)(0x00500000) #define DRBL_FW_RESET (u32)(0x00080000) #define DRBL_FW_VER_MSK (u32)(0x00070000) #define DRBL_FW_VER_0 (u32)(0x00000000) #define DRBL_FW_VER_1 (u32)(0x00010000) #define DRBL_FW_VER DRBL_FW_VER_1 #define MU_DOORBELL_OUT_ENB (u32)(0x00010484) #define DRBL_ENB_MASK (u32)(0x00F803FF) #define MU_INT_STATUS_OUT (u32)(0x00010200) #define MU_INTSTAT_POST_OUT (u32)(0x00000010) #define MU_INTSTAT_DRBL_IN (u32)(0x00000100) #define MU_INTSTAT_DRBL (u32)(0x00001000) #define MU_INTSTAT_MASK (u32)(0x00001010) #define MU_INT_MASK_OUT (u32)(0x0001020C) /* PCI express registers accessed via window 1 */ #define MVR_PCI_WIN1_REMAP (u32)(0x00008438) #define MVRPW1R_ENABLE (u32)(0x00000001) /* structures */ /* inbound list dynamic source entry */ struct esas2r_inbound_list_source_entry { u64 address; u32 length; #define HWILSE_INTERFACE_F0 0x00000000 u32 reserved; }; /* PCI data structure in expansion ROM images */ struct __packed esas2r_boot_header { char signature[4]; u16 vendor_id; u16 device_id; u16 VPD; u16 struct_length; u8 struct_revision; u8 class_code[3]; u16 image_length; u16 code_revision; u8 code_type; #define CODE_TYPE_PC 0 #define CODE_TYPE_OPEN 1 #define CODE_TYPE_EFI 3 u8 indicator; #define INDICATOR_LAST 0x80 u8 reserved[2]; }; struct __packed esas2r_boot_image { u16 signature; u8 reserved[22]; u16 header_offset; u16 pnp_offset; }; struct __packed esas2r_pc_image { u16 signature; u8 length; u8 entry_point[3]; u8 checksum; u16 image_end; u16 min_size; u8 rom_flags; u8 reserved[12]; u16 header_offset; u16 pnp_offset; struct esas2r_boot_header boot_image; }; struct __packed esas2r_efi_image { u16 signature; u16 length; u32 efi_signature; #define EFI_ROM_SIG 0x00000EF1 u16 image_type; #define EFI_IMAGE_APP 10 #define EFI_IMAGE_BSD 11 #define EFI_IMAGE_RTD 12 u16 machine_type; #define EFI_MACHINE_IA32 0x014c #define EFI_MACHINE_IA64 0x0200 #define EFI_MACHINE_X64 0x8664 #define EFI_MACHINE_EBC 0x0EBC u16 compression; #define EFI_UNCOMPRESSED 0x0000 #define EFI_COMPRESSED 0x0001 u8 reserved[8]; u16 efi_offset; u16 header_offset; u16 reserved2; struct esas2r_boot_header boot_image; }; struct esas2r_adapter; struct esas2r_sg_context; struct esas2r_request; typedef void (*RQCALLBK) (struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); typedef bool (*RQBUILDSGL) (struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc); struct esas2r_component_header { u8 img_type; #define CH_IT_FW 0x00 #define CH_IT_NVR 0x01 #define CH_IT_BIOS 0x02 #define CH_IT_MAC 0x03 #define CH_IT_CFG 0x04 #define CH_IT_EFI 0x05 u8 status; #define CH_STAT_PENDING 0xff #define CH_STAT_FAILED 0x00 #define CH_STAT_SUCCESS 0x01 #define CH_STAT_RETRY 0x02 #define CH_STAT_INVALID 0x03 u8 pad[2]; u32 version; u32 length; u32 image_offset; }; #define FI_REL_VER_SZ 16 struct esas2r_flash_img_v0 { u8 fi_version; #define FI_VERSION_0 00 u8 status; u8 adap_typ; u8 action; u32 length; u16 checksum; u16 driver_error; u16 flags; u16 num_comps; #define FI_NUM_COMPS_V0 5 u8 rel_version[FI_REL_VER_SZ]; struct esas2r_component_header cmp_hdr[FI_NUM_COMPS_V0]; u8 scratch_buf[FM_BUF_SZ]; }; struct esas2r_flash_img { u8 fi_version; #define FI_VERSION_1 01 u8 status; #define FI_STAT_SUCCESS 0x00 #define FI_STAT_FAILED 0x01 #define FI_STAT_REBOOT 0x02 #define FI_STAT_ADAPTYP 0x03 #define FI_STAT_INVALID 0x04 #define FI_STAT_CHKSUM 0x05 #define FI_STAT_LENGTH 0x06 #define FI_STAT_UNKNOWN 0x07 #define FI_STAT_IMG_VER 0x08 #define FI_STAT_BUSY 0x09 #define FI_STAT_DUAL 0x0A #define FI_STAT_MISSING 0x0B #define FI_STAT_UNSUPP 0x0C #define FI_STAT_ERASE 0x0D #define FI_STAT_FLASH 0x0E #define FI_STAT_DEGRADED 0x0F u8 adap_typ; #define FI_AT_UNKNWN 0xFF #define FI_AT_SUN_LAKE 0x0B #define FI_AT_MV_9580 0x0F u8 action; #define FI_ACT_DOWN 0x00 #define FI_ACT_UP 0x01 #define FI_ACT_UPSZ 0x02 #define FI_ACT_MAX 0x02 #define FI_ACT_DOWN1 0x80 u32 length; u16 checksum; u16 driver_error; u16 flags; #define FI_FLG_NVR_DEF 0x0001 u16 num_comps; #define FI_NUM_COMPS_V1 6 u8 rel_version[FI_REL_VER_SZ]; struct esas2r_component_header cmp_hdr[FI_NUM_COMPS_V1]; u8 scratch_buf[FM_BUF_SZ]; }; /* definitions for flash script (FS) commands */ struct esas2r_ioctlfs_command { u8 command; #define ESAS2R_FS_CMD_ERASE 0 #define ESAS2R_FS_CMD_READ 1 #define ESAS2R_FS_CMD_BEGINW 2 #define ESAS2R_FS_CMD_WRITE 3 #define ESAS2R_FS_CMD_COMMIT 4 #define ESAS2R_FS_CMD_CANCEL 5 u8 checksum; u8 reserved[2]; u32 flash_addr; u32 length; u32 image_offset; }; struct esas2r_ioctl_fs { u8 version; #define ESAS2R_FS_VER 0 u8 status; u8 driver_error; u8 adap_type; #define ESAS2R_FS_AT_ESASRAID2 3 #define ESAS2R_FS_AT_TSSASRAID2 4 #define ESAS2R_FS_AT_TSSASRAID2E 5 #define ESAS2R_FS_AT_TLSASHBA 6 u8 driver_ver; u8 reserved[11]; struct esas2r_ioctlfs_command command; u8 data[1]; }; struct esas2r_sas_nvram { u8 signature[4]; u8 version; #define SASNVR_VERSION_0 0x00 #define SASNVR_VERSION SASNVR_VERSION_0 u8 checksum; #define SASNVR_CKSUM_SEED 0x5A u8 max_lun_for_target; u8 pci_latency; #define SASNVR_PCILAT_DIS 0x00 #define SASNVR_PCILAT_MIN 0x10 #define SASNVR_PCILAT_MAX 0xF8 u8 options1; #define SASNVR1_BOOT_DRVR 0x01 #define SASNVR1_BOOT_SCAN 0x02 #define SASNVR1_DIS_PCI_MWI 0x04 #define SASNVR1_FORCE_ORD_Q 0x08 #define SASNVR1_CACHELINE_0 0x10 #define SASNVR1_DIS_DEVSORT 0x20 #define SASNVR1_PWR_MGT_EN 0x40 #define SASNVR1_WIDEPORT 0x80 u8 options2; #define SASNVR2_SINGLE_BUS 0x01 #define SASNVR2_SLOT_BIND 0x02 #define SASNVR2_EXP_PROG 0x04 #define SASNVR2_CMDTHR_LUN 0x08 #define SASNVR2_HEARTBEAT 0x10 #define SASNVR2_INT_CONNECT 0x20 #define SASNVR2_SW_MUX_CTRL 0x40 #define SASNVR2_DISABLE_NCQ 0x80 u8 int_coalescing; #define SASNVR_COAL_DIS 0x00 #define SASNVR_COAL_LOW 0x01 #define SASNVR_COAL_MED 0x02 #define SASNVR_COAL_HI 0x03 u8 cmd_throttle; #define SASNVR_CMDTHR_NONE 0x00 u8 dev_wait_time; u8 dev_wait_count; u8 spin_up_delay; #define SASNVR_SPINUP_MAX 0x14 u8 ssp_align_rate; u8 sas_addr[8]; u8 phy_speed[16]; #define SASNVR_SPEED_AUTO 0x00 #define SASNVR_SPEED_1_5GB 0x01 #define SASNVR_SPEED_3GB 0x02 #define SASNVR_SPEED_6GB 0x03 #define SASNVR_SPEED_12GB 0x04 u8 phy_mux[16]; #define SASNVR_MUX_DISABLED 0x00 #define SASNVR_MUX_1_5GB 0x01 #define SASNVR_MUX_3GB 0x02 #define SASNVR_MUX_6GB 0x03 u8 phy_flags[16]; #define SASNVR_PHF_DISABLED 0x01 #define SASNVR_PHF_RD_ONLY 0x02 u8 sort_type; #define SASNVR_SORT_SAS_ADDR 0x00 #define SASNVR_SORT_H308_CONN 0x01 #define SASNVR_SORT_PHY_ID 0x02 #define SASNVR_SORT_SLOT_ID 0x03 u8 dpm_reqcmd_lmt; u8 dpm_stndby_time; u8 dpm_active_time; u8 phy_target_id[16]; #define SASNVR_PTI_DISABLED 0xFF u8 virt_ses_mode; #define SASNVR_VSMH_DISABLED 0x00 u8 read_write_mode; #define SASNVR_RWM_DEFAULT 0x00 u8 link_down_to; u8 reserved[0xA1]; }; typedef u32 (*PGETPHYSADDR) (struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc, u64 *addr); struct esas2r_sg_context { struct esas2r_adapter *adapter; struct esas2r_request *first_req; u32 length; u8 *cur_offset; PGETPHYSADDR get_phys_addr; union { struct { struct atto_vda_sge *curr; struct atto_vda_sge *last; struct atto_vda_sge *limit; struct atto_vda_sge *chain; } a64; struct { struct atto_physical_region_description *curr; struct atto_physical_region_description *chain; u32 sgl_max_cnt; u32 sge_cnt; } prd; } sge; struct scatterlist *cur_sgel; u8 *exp_offset; int num_sgel; int sgel_count; }; struct esas2r_target { u8 flags; #define TF_PASS_THRU 0x01 #define TF_USED 0x02 u8 new_target_state; u8 target_state; u8 buffered_target_state; #define TS_NOT_PRESENT 0x00 #define TS_PRESENT 0x05 #define TS_LUN_CHANGE 0x06 #define TS_INVALID 0xFF u32 block_size; u32 inter_block; u32 inter_byte; u16 virt_targ_id; u16 phys_targ_id; u8 identifier_len; u64 sas_addr; u8 identifier[60]; struct atto_vda_ae_lu lu_event; }; struct esas2r_request { struct list_head comp_list; struct list_head req_list; union atto_vda_req *vrq; struct esas2r_mem_desc *vrq_md; union { void *data_buf; union atto_vda_rsp_data *vda_rsp_data; }; u8 *sense_buf; struct list_head sg_table_head; struct esas2r_mem_desc *sg_table; u32 timeout; #define RQ_TIMEOUT_S1 0xFFFFFFFF #define RQ_TIMEOUT_S2 0xFFFFFFFE #define RQ_MAX_TIMEOUT 0xFFFFFFFD u16 target_id; u8 req_type; #define RT_INI_REQ 0x01 #define RT_DISC_REQ 0x02 u8 sense_len; union atto_vda_func_rsp func_rsp; RQCALLBK comp_cb; RQCALLBK interrupt_cb; void *interrupt_cx; u8 flags; #define RF_1ST_IBLK_BASE 0x04 #define RF_FAILURE_OK 0x08 u8 req_stat; u16 vda_req_sz; #define RQ_SIZE_DEFAULT 0 u64 lba; RQCALLBK aux_req_cb; void *aux_req_cx; u32 blk_len; u32 max_blk_len; union { struct scsi_cmnd *cmd; u8 *task_management_status_ptr; }; }; struct esas2r_flash_context { struct esas2r_flash_img *fi; RQCALLBK interrupt_cb; u8 *sgc_offset; u8 *scratch; u32 fi_hdr_len; u8 task; #define FMTSK_ERASE_BOOT 0 #define FMTSK_WRTBIOS 1 #define FMTSK_READBIOS 2 #define FMTSK_WRTMAC 3 #define FMTSK_READMAC 4 #define FMTSK_WRTEFI 5 #define FMTSK_READEFI 6 #define FMTSK_WRTCFG 7 #define FMTSK_READCFG 8 u8 func; u16 num_comps; u32 cmp_len; u32 flsh_addr; u32 curr_len; u8 comp_typ; struct esas2r_sg_context sgc; }; struct esas2r_disc_context { u8 disc_evt; #define DCDE_DEV_CHANGE 0x01 #define DCDE_DEV_SCAN 0x02 u8 state; #define DCS_DEV_RMV 0x00 #define DCS_DEV_ADD 0x01 #define DCS_BLOCK_DEV_SCAN 0x02 #define DCS_RAID_GRP_INFO 0x03 #define DCS_PART_INFO 0x04 #define DCS_PT_DEV_INFO 0x05 #define DCS_PT_DEV_ADDR 0x06 #define DCS_DISC_DONE 0xFF u16 flags; #define DCF_DEV_CHANGE 0x0001 #define DCF_DEV_SCAN 0x0002 #define DCF_POLLED 0x8000 u32 interleave; u32 block_size; u16 dev_ix; u8 part_num; u8 raid_grp_ix; char raid_grp_name[16]; struct esas2r_target *curr_targ; u16 curr_virt_id; u16 curr_phys_id; u8 scan_gen; u8 dev_addr_type; u64 sas_addr; }; struct esas2r_mem_desc { struct list_head next_desc; void *virt_addr; u64 phys_addr; void *pad; void *esas2r_data; u32 esas2r_param; u32 size; }; enum fw_event_type { fw_event_null, fw_event_lun_change, fw_event_present, fw_event_not_present, fw_event_vda_ae }; struct esas2r_vda_ae { u32 signature; #define ESAS2R_VDA_EVENT_SIG 0x4154544F u8 bus_number; u8 devfn; u8 pad[2]; union atto_vda_ae vda_ae; }; struct esas2r_fw_event_work { struct list_head list; struct delayed_work work; struct esas2r_adapter *a; enum fw_event_type type; u8 data[sizeof(struct esas2r_vda_ae)]; }; enum state { FW_INVALID_ST, FW_STATUS_ST, FW_COMMAND_ST }; struct esas2r_firmware { enum state state; struct esas2r_flash_img header; u8 *data; u64 phys; int orig_len; void *header_buff; u64 header_buff_phys; }; struct esas2r_adapter { struct esas2r_target targetdb[ESAS2R_MAX_TARGETS]; struct esas2r_target *targetdb_end; unsigned char *regs; unsigned char *data_window; u32 volatile flags; #define AF_PORT_CHANGE (u32)(0x00000001) #define AF_CHPRST_NEEDED (u32)(0x00000004) #define AF_CHPRST_PENDING (u32)(0x00000008) #define AF_CHPRST_DETECTED (u32)(0x00000010) #define AF_BUSRST_NEEDED (u32)(0x00000020) #define AF_BUSRST_PENDING (u32)(0x00000040) #define AF_BUSRST_DETECTED (u32)(0x00000080) #define AF_DISABLED (u32)(0x00000100) #define AF_FLASH_LOCK (u32)(0x00000200) #define AF_OS_RESET (u32)(0x00002000) #define AF_FLASHING (u32)(0x00004000) #define AF_POWER_MGT (u32)(0x00008000) #define AF_NVR_VALID (u32)(0x00010000) #define AF_DEGRADED_MODE (u32)(0x00020000) #define AF_DISC_PENDING (u32)(0x00040000) #define AF_TASKLET_SCHEDULED (u32)(0x00080000) #define AF_HEARTBEAT (u32)(0x00200000) #define AF_HEARTBEAT_ENB (u32)(0x00400000) #define AF_NOT_PRESENT (u32)(0x00800000) #define AF_CHPRST_STARTED (u32)(0x01000000) #define AF_FIRST_INIT (u32)(0x02000000) #define AF_POWER_DOWN (u32)(0x04000000) #define AF_DISC_IN_PROG (u32)(0x08000000) #define AF_COMM_LIST_TOGGLE (u32)(0x10000000) #define AF_LEGACY_SGE_MODE (u32)(0x20000000) #define AF_DISC_POLLED (u32)(0x40000000) u32 volatile flags2; #define AF2_SERIAL_FLASH (u32)(0x00000001) #define AF2_DEV_SCAN (u32)(0x00000002) #define AF2_DEV_CNT_OK (u32)(0x00000004) #define AF2_COREDUMP_AVAIL (u32)(0x00000008) #define AF2_COREDUMP_SAVED (u32)(0x00000010) #define AF2_VDA_POWER_DOWN (u32)(0x00000100) #define AF2_THUNDERLINK (u32)(0x00000200) #define AF2_THUNDERBOLT (u32)(0x00000400) #define AF2_INIT_DONE (u32)(0x00000800) #define AF2_INT_PENDING (u32)(0x00001000) #define AF2_TIMER_TICK (u32)(0x00002000) #define AF2_IRQ_CLAIMED (u32)(0x00004000) #define AF2_MSI_ENABLED (u32)(0x00008000) atomic_t disable_cnt; atomic_t dis_ints_cnt; u32 int_stat; u32 int_mask; u32 volatile *outbound_copy; struct list_head avail_request; spinlock_t request_lock; spinlock_t sg_list_lock; spinlock_t queue_lock; spinlock_t mem_lock; struct list_head free_sg_list_head; struct esas2r_mem_desc *sg_list_mds; struct list_head active_list; struct list_head defer_list; struct esas2r_request **req_table; union { u16 prev_dev_cnt; u32 heartbeat_time; #define ESAS2R_HEARTBEAT_TIME (3000) }; u32 chip_uptime; #define ESAS2R_CHP_UPTIME_MAX (60000) #define ESAS2R_CHP_UPTIME_CNT (20000) u64 uncached_phys; u8 *uncached; struct esas2r_sas_nvram *nvram; struct esas2r_request general_req; u8 init_msg; #define ESAS2R_INIT_MSG_START 1 #define ESAS2R_INIT_MSG_INIT 2 #define ESAS2R_INIT_MSG_GET_INIT 3 #define ESAS2R_INIT_MSG_REINIT 4 u16 cmd_ref_no; u32 fw_version; u32 fw_build; u32 chip_init_time; #define ESAS2R_CHPRST_TIME (180000) #define ESAS2R_CHPRST_WAIT_TIME (2000) u32 last_tick_time; u32 window_base; RQBUILDSGL build_sgl; struct esas2r_request *first_ae_req; u32 list_size; u32 last_write; u32 last_read; u16 max_vdareq_size; u16 disc_wait_cnt; struct esas2r_mem_desc inbound_list_md; struct esas2r_mem_desc outbound_list_md; struct esas2r_disc_context disc_ctx; u8 *disc_buffer; u32 disc_start_time; u32 disc_wait_time; u32 flash_ver; char flash_rev[16]; char fw_rev[16]; char image_type[16]; struct esas2r_flash_context flash_context; u32 num_targets_backend; u32 ioctl_tunnel; struct tasklet_struct tasklet; struct pci_dev *pcid; struct Scsi_Host *host; unsigned int index; char name[32]; struct timer_list timer; struct esas2r_firmware firmware; wait_queue_head_t nvram_waiter; int nvram_command_done; wait_queue_head_t fm_api_waiter; int fm_api_command_done; wait_queue_head_t vda_waiter; int vda_command_done; u8 *vda_buffer; u64 ppvda_buffer; #define VDA_BUFFER_HEADER_SZ (offsetof(struct atto_ioctl_vda, data)) #define VDA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (0x40000 + VDA_BUFFER_HEADER_SZ) wait_queue_head_t fs_api_waiter; int fs_api_command_done; u64 ppfs_api_buffer; u8 *fs_api_buffer; u32 fs_api_buffer_size; wait_queue_head_t buffered_ioctl_waiter; int buffered_ioctl_done; int uncached_size; struct workqueue_struct *fw_event_q; struct list_head fw_event_list; spinlock_t fw_event_lock; u8 fw_events_off; /* if '1', then ignore events */ char fw_event_q_name[ESAS2R_KOBJ_NAME_LEN]; /* * intr_mode stores the interrupt mode currently being used by this * adapter. it is based on the interrupt_mode module parameter, but * can be changed based on the ability (or not) to utilize the * mode requested by the parameter. */ int intr_mode; #define INTR_MODE_LEGACY 0 #define INTR_MODE_MSI 1 #define INTR_MODE_MSIX 2 struct esas2r_sg_context fm_api_sgc; u8 *save_offset; struct list_head vrq_mds_head; struct esas2r_mem_desc *vrq_mds; int num_vrqs; struct semaphore fm_api_semaphore; struct semaphore fs_api_semaphore; struct semaphore nvram_semaphore; struct atto_ioctl *local_atto_ioctl; u8 fw_coredump_buff[ESAS2R_FWCOREDUMP_SZ]; unsigned int sysfs_fw_created:1; unsigned int sysfs_fs_created:1; unsigned int sysfs_vda_created:1; unsigned int sysfs_hw_created:1; unsigned int sysfs_live_nvram_created:1; unsigned int sysfs_default_nvram_created:1; }; /* * Function Declarations * SCSI functions */ int esas2r_release(struct Scsi_Host *); const char *esas2r_info(struct Scsi_Host *); int esas2r_write_params(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_sas_nvram *data); int esas2r_ioctl_handler(void *hostdata, int cmd, void __user *arg); int esas2r_ioctl(struct scsi_device *dev, int cmd, void __user *arg); u8 handle_hba_ioctl(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct atto_ioctl *ioctl_hba); int esas2r_queuecommand(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct scsi_cmnd *cmd); int esas2r_show_info(struct seq_file *m, struct Scsi_Host *sh); int esas2r_slave_alloc(struct scsi_device *dev); int esas2r_slave_configure(struct scsi_device *dev); void esas2r_slave_destroy(struct scsi_device *dev); int esas2r_change_queue_depth(struct scsi_device *dev, int depth, int reason); int esas2r_change_queue_type(struct scsi_device *dev, int type); long esas2r_proc_ioctl(struct file *fp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg); /* SCSI error handler (eh) functions */ int esas2r_eh_abort(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd); int esas2r_device_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd); int esas2r_host_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd); int esas2r_bus_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd); int esas2r_target_reset(struct scsi_cmnd *cmd); /* Internal functions */ int esas2r_init_adapter(struct Scsi_Host *host, struct pci_dev *pcid, int index); int esas2r_cleanup(struct Scsi_Host *host); int esas2r_read_fw(struct esas2r_adapter *a, char *buf, long off, int count); int esas2r_write_fw(struct esas2r_adapter *a, const char *buf, long off, int count); int esas2r_read_vda(struct esas2r_adapter *a, char *buf, long off, int count); int esas2r_write_vda(struct esas2r_adapter *a, const char *buf, long off, int count); int esas2r_read_fs(struct esas2r_adapter *a, char *buf, long off, int count); int esas2r_write_fs(struct esas2r_adapter *a, const char *buf, long off, int count); void esas2r_adapter_tasklet(unsigned long context); irqreturn_t esas2r_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id); irqreturn_t esas2r_msi_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id); void esas2r_kickoff_timer(struct esas2r_adapter *a); int esas2r_suspend(struct pci_dev *pcid, pm_message_t state); int esas2r_resume(struct pci_dev *pcid); void esas2r_fw_event_off(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_fw_event_on(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_nvram_write(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_sas_nvram *nvram); void esas2r_nvram_get_defaults(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_sas_nvram *nvram); void esas2r_complete_request_cb(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_reset_detected(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_target_state_changed(struct esas2r_adapter *ha, u16 targ_id, u8 state); int esas2r_req_status_to_error(u8 req_stat); void esas2r_kill_adapter(int i); void esas2r_free_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); struct esas2r_request *esas2r_alloc_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a); u32 esas2r_get_uncached_size(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_init_adapter_struct(struct esas2r_adapter *a, void **uncached_area); bool esas2r_check_adapter(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_init_adapter_hw(struct esas2r_adapter *a, bool init_poll); void esas2r_start_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); bool esas2r_send_task_mgmt(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rqaux, u8 task_mgt_func); void esas2r_do_tasklet_tasks(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_adapter_interrupt(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_do_deferred_processes(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_reset_bus(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_reset_adapter(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_timer_tick(struct esas2r_adapter *a); const char *esas2r_get_model_name(struct esas2r_adapter *a); const char *esas2r_get_model_name_short(struct esas2r_adapter *a); u32 esas2r_stall_execution(struct esas2r_adapter *a, u32 start_time, u32 *delay); void esas2r_build_flash_req(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, u8 sub_func, u8 cksum, u32 addr, u32 length); void esas2r_build_mgt_req(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, u8 sub_func, u8 scan_gen, u16 dev_index, u32 length, void *data); void esas2r_build_ae_req(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_build_cli_req(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, u32 length, u32 cmd_rsp_len); void esas2r_build_ioctl_req(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, u32 length, u8 sub_func); void esas2r_build_cfg_req(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, u8 sub_func, u32 length, void *data); void esas2r_power_down(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_power_up(struct esas2r_adapter *a, bool init_poll); void esas2r_wait_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); u32 esas2r_map_data_window(struct esas2r_adapter *a, u32 addr_lo); bool esas2r_process_fs_ioctl(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_ioctl_fs *fs, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc); bool esas2r_read_flash_block(struct esas2r_adapter *a, void *to, u32 from, u32 size); bool esas2r_read_mem_block(struct esas2r_adapter *a, void *to, u32 from, u32 size); bool esas2r_fm_api(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_flash_img *fi, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc); void esas2r_force_interrupt(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_local_start_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_process_adapter_reset(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_complete_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_dummy_complete(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_ae_complete(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_start_vda_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); bool esas2r_read_flash_rev(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_read_image_type(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_nvram_read_direct(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_nvram_validate(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_nvram_set_defaults(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_print_flash_rev(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_send_reset_ae(struct esas2r_adapter *a, bool pwr_mgt); bool esas2r_init_msgs(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_is_adapter_present(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_nuxi_mgt_data(u8 function, void *data); void esas2r_nuxi_cfg_data(u8 function, void *data); void esas2r_nuxi_ae_data(union atto_vda_ae *ae); void esas2r_reset_chip(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_log_request_failure(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); void esas2r_polled_interrupt(struct esas2r_adapter *a); bool esas2r_ioreq_aborted(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, u8 status); bool esas2r_build_sg_list_sge(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc); bool esas2r_build_sg_list_prd(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc); void esas2r_targ_db_initialize(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_targ_db_remove_all(struct esas2r_adapter *a, bool notify); void esas2r_targ_db_report_changes(struct esas2r_adapter *a); struct esas2r_target *esas2r_targ_db_add_raid(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_disc_context *dc); struct esas2r_target *esas2r_targ_db_add_pthru(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_disc_context *dc, u8 *ident, u8 ident_len); void esas2r_targ_db_remove(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_target *t); struct esas2r_target *esas2r_targ_db_find_by_sas_addr(struct esas2r_adapter *a, u64 *sas_addr); struct esas2r_target *esas2r_targ_db_find_by_ident(struct esas2r_adapter *a, void *identifier, u8 ident_len); u16 esas2r_targ_db_find_next_present(struct esas2r_adapter *a, u16 target_id); struct esas2r_target *esas2r_targ_db_find_by_virt_id(struct esas2r_adapter *a, u16 virt_id); u16 esas2r_targ_db_get_tgt_cnt(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_disc_initialize(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_disc_start_waiting(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_disc_check_for_work(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_disc_check_complete(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_disc_queue_event(struct esas2r_adapter *a, u8 disc_evt); bool esas2r_disc_start_port(struct esas2r_adapter *a); void esas2r_disc_local_start_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq); bool esas2r_set_degraded_mode(struct esas2r_adapter *a, char *error_str); bool esas2r_process_vda_ioctl(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct atto_ioctl_vda *vi, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc); void esas2r_queue_fw_event(struct esas2r_adapter *a, enum fw_event_type type, void *data, int data_sz); /* Inline functions */ static inline u32 esas2r_lock_set_flags(volatile u32 *flags, u32 bits) { return test_and_set_bit(ilog2(bits), (volatile unsigned long *)flags); } static inline u32 esas2r_lock_clear_flags(volatile u32 *flags, u32 bits) { return test_and_clear_bit(ilog2(bits), (volatile unsigned long *)flags); } /* Allocate a chip scatter/gather list entry */ static inline struct esas2r_mem_desc *esas2r_alloc_sgl(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { unsigned long flags; struct list_head *sgl; struct esas2r_mem_desc *result = NULL; spin_lock_irqsave(&a->sg_list_lock, flags); if (likely(!list_empty(&a->free_sg_list_head))) { sgl = a->free_sg_list_head.next; result = list_entry(sgl, struct esas2r_mem_desc, next_desc); list_del_init(sgl); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&a->sg_list_lock, flags); return result; } /* Initialize a scatter/gather context */ static inline void esas2r_sgc_init(struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc, struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct atto_vda_sge *first) { sgc->adapter = a; sgc->first_req = rq; /* * set the limit pointer such that an SGE pointer above this value * would be the first one to overflow the SGL. */ sgc->sge.a64.limit = (struct atto_vda_sge *)((u8 *)rq->vrq + (sizeof(union atto_vda_req) / 8) - sizeof(struct atto_vda_sge)); if (first) { sgc->sge.a64.last = sgc->sge.a64.curr = first; rq->vrq->scsi.sg_list_offset = (u8) ((u8 *)first - (u8 *)rq->vrq); } else { sgc->sge.a64.last = sgc->sge.a64.curr = &rq->vrq->scsi.u.sge[0]; rq->vrq->scsi.sg_list_offset = (u8)offsetof(struct atto_vda_scsi_req, u.sge); } sgc->sge.a64.chain = NULL; } static inline void esas2r_rq_init_request(struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_adapter *a) { union atto_vda_req *vrq = rq->vrq; u32 handle; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rq->sg_table_head); rq->data_buf = (void *)(vrq + 1); rq->interrupt_cb = NULL; rq->comp_cb = esas2r_complete_request_cb; rq->flags = 0; rq->timeout = 0; rq->req_stat = RS_PENDING; rq->req_type = RT_INI_REQ; /* clear the outbound response */ rq->func_rsp.dwords[0] = 0; rq->func_rsp.dwords[1] = 0; /* * clear the size of the VDA request. esas2r_build_sg_list() will * only allow the size of the request to grow. there are some * management requests that go through there twice and the second * time through sets a smaller request size. if this is not modified * at all we'll set it to the size of the entire VDA request. */ rq->vda_req_sz = RQ_SIZE_DEFAULT; /* req_table entry should be NULL at this point - if not, halt */ if (a->req_table[LOWORD(vrq->scsi.handle)]) esas2r_bugon(); /* fill in the table for this handle so we can get back to the * request. */ a->req_table[LOWORD(vrq->scsi.handle)] = rq; /* * add a reference number to the handle to make it unique (until it * wraps of course) while preserving the upper word */ handle = be32_to_cpu(vrq->scsi.handle) & 0xFFFF0000; vrq->scsi.handle = cpu_to_be32(handle + a->cmd_ref_no++); /* * the following formats a SCSI request. the caller can override as * necessary. clear_vda_request can be called to clear the VDA * request for another type of request. */ vrq->scsi.function = VDA_FUNC_SCSI; vrq->scsi.sense_len = SENSE_DATA_SZ; /* clear out sg_list_offset and chain_offset */ vrq->scsi.sg_list_offset = 0; vrq->scsi.chain_offset = 0; vrq->scsi.flags = 0; vrq->scsi.reserved = 0; /* set the sense buffer to be the data payload buffer */ vrq->scsi.ppsense_buf = cpu_to_le64(rq->vrq_md->phys_addr + sizeof(union atto_vda_req)); } static inline void esas2r_rq_free_sg_lists(struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_adapter *a) { unsigned long flags; if (list_empty(&rq->sg_table_head)) return; spin_lock_irqsave(&a->sg_list_lock, flags); list_splice_tail_init(&rq->sg_table_head, &a->free_sg_list_head); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&a->sg_list_lock, flags); } static inline void esas2r_rq_destroy_request(struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_adapter *a) { esas2r_rq_free_sg_lists(rq, a); a->req_table[LOWORD(rq->vrq->scsi.handle)] = NULL; rq->data_buf = NULL; } static inline bool esas2r_is_tasklet_pending(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { return (a->flags & (AF_BUSRST_NEEDED | AF_BUSRST_DETECTED | AF_CHPRST_NEEDED | AF_CHPRST_DETECTED | AF_PORT_CHANGE)) ? true : false; } /* * Build the scatter/gather list for an I/O request according to the * specifications placed in the esas2r_sg_context. The caller must initialize * struct esas2r_sg_context prior to the initial call by calling * esas2r_sgc_init() */ static inline bool esas2r_build_sg_list(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq, struct esas2r_sg_context *sgc) { if (unlikely(le32_to_cpu(rq->vrq->scsi.length) == 0)) return true; return (*a->build_sgl)(a, sgc); } static inline void esas2r_disable_chip_interrupts(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { if (atomic_inc_return(&a->dis_ints_cnt) == 1) esas2r_write_register_dword(a, MU_INT_MASK_OUT, ESAS2R_INT_DIS_MASK); } static inline void esas2r_enable_chip_interrupts(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { if (atomic_dec_return(&a->dis_ints_cnt) == 0) esas2r_write_register_dword(a, MU_INT_MASK_OUT, ESAS2R_INT_ENB_MASK); } /* Schedule a TASKLET to perform non-interrupt tasks that may require delays * or long completion times. */ static inline void esas2r_schedule_tasklet(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { /* make sure we don't schedule twice */ if (!(esas2r_lock_set_flags(&a->flags, AF_TASKLET_SCHEDULED) & ilog2(AF_TASKLET_SCHEDULED))) tasklet_hi_schedule(&a->tasklet); } static inline void esas2r_enable_heartbeat(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { if (!(a->flags & (AF_DEGRADED_MODE | AF_CHPRST_PENDING)) && (a->nvram->options2 & SASNVR2_HEARTBEAT)) esas2r_lock_set_flags(&a->flags, AF_HEARTBEAT_ENB); else esas2r_lock_clear_flags(&a->flags, AF_HEARTBEAT_ENB); } static inline void esas2r_disable_heartbeat(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { esas2r_lock_clear_flags(&a->flags, AF_HEARTBEAT_ENB); esas2r_lock_clear_flags(&a->flags, AF_HEARTBEAT); } /* Set the initial state for resetting the adapter on the next pass through * esas2r_do_deferred. */ static inline void esas2r_local_reset_adapter(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { esas2r_disable_heartbeat(a); esas2r_lock_set_flags(&a->flags, AF_CHPRST_NEEDED); esas2r_lock_set_flags(&a->flags, AF_CHPRST_PENDING); esas2r_lock_set_flags(&a->flags, AF_DISC_PENDING); } /* See if an interrupt is pending on the adapter. */ static inline bool esas2r_adapter_interrupt_pending(struct esas2r_adapter *a) { u32 intstat; if (a->int_mask == 0) return false; intstat = esas2r_read_register_dword(a, MU_INT_STATUS_OUT); if ((intstat & a->int_mask) == 0) return false; esas2r_disable_chip_interrupts(a); a->int_stat = intstat; a->int_mask = 0; return true; } static inline u16 esas2r_targ_get_id(struct esas2r_target *t, struct esas2r_adapter *a) { return (u16)(uintptr_t)(t - a->targetdb); } /* Build and start an asynchronous event request */ static inline void esas2r_start_ae_request(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct esas2r_request *rq) { unsigned long flags; esas2r_build_ae_req(a, rq); spin_lock_irqsave(&a->queue_lock, flags); esas2r_start_vda_request(a, rq); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&a->queue_lock, flags); } static inline void esas2r_comp_list_drain(struct esas2r_adapter *a, struct list_head *comp_list) { struct esas2r_request *rq; struct list_head *element, *next; list_for_each_safe(element, next, comp_list) { rq = list_entry(element, struct esas2r_request, comp_list); list_del_init(element); esas2r_complete_request(a, rq); } } /* sysfs handlers */ extern struct bin_attribute bin_attr_fw; extern struct bin_attribute bin_attr_fs; extern struct bin_attribute bin_attr_vda; extern struct bin_attribute bin_attr_hw; extern struct bin_attribute bin_attr_live_nvram; extern struct bin_attribute bin_attr_default_nvram; #endif /* ESAS2R_H */