 * Copyright(c) 2009-2012  Realtek Corporation.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the
 * file called LICENSE.
 * Contact Information:
 * wlanfae <wlanfae@realtek.com>
 * Realtek Corporation, No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park,
 * Hsinchu 300, Taiwan.
 * Larry Finger <Larry.Finger@lwfinger.net>

#ifndef __RTL_DEBUG_H__
#define __RTL_DEBUG_H__

			Debug level
 *Fatal bug.
 *For example, Tx/Rx/IO locked up,
 *memory access violation,
 *resource allocation failed,
 *unexpected HW behavior, HW BUG
 *and so on.
/*#define DBG_EMERG			0 */

 *Abnormal, rare, or unexpeted cases.
 *For example, Packet/IO Ctl canceled,
 *device suprisely unremoved and so on.
#define	DBG_WARNING			2

 *Normal case driver developer should
 *open, we can see link status like
 *assoc/AddBA/DHCP/adapter start and
 *so on basic and useful infromations.
#define DBG_DMESG			3

 *Normal case with useful information
 *about current SW or HW state.
 *For example, Tx/Rx descriptor to fill,
 *Tx/Rx descriptor completed status,
 *SW protocol state change, dynamic
 *mechanism state change and so on.
#define DBG_LOUD			4

 *Normal case with detail execution
 *flow or information.
#define	DBG_TRACE			5

		Define the rt_trace components
#define COMP_ERR			BIT(0)
#define COMP_FW				BIT(1)
#define COMP_INIT			BIT(2)	/*For init/deinit */
#define COMP_RECV			BIT(3)	/*For Rx. */
#define COMP_SEND			BIT(4)	/*For Tx. */
#define COMP_MLME			BIT(5)	/*For MLME. */
#define COMP_SCAN			BIT(6)	/*For Scan. */
#define COMP_INTR			BIT(7)	/*For interrupt Related. */
#define COMP_LED			BIT(8)	/*For LED. */
#define COMP_SEC			BIT(9)	/*For sec. */
#define COMP_BEACON			BIT(10)	/*For beacon. */
#define COMP_RATE			BIT(11)	/*For rate. */
#define COMP_RXDESC			BIT(12)	/*For rx desc. */
#define COMP_DIG			BIT(13)	/*For DIG */
#define COMP_TXAGC			BIT(14)	/*For Tx power */
#define COMP_HIPWR			BIT(15)	/*For High Power Mechanism */
#define COMP_POWER			BIT(16)	/*For lps/ips/aspm. */
#define COMP_SWAS			BIT(19)	/*For SW Antenna Switch */
#define COMP_RF				BIT(20)	/*For RF. */
#define COMP_TURBO			BIT(21)	/*For EDCA TURBO. */
#define COMP_RATR			BIT(22)
#define COMP_CMD			BIT(23)
#define COMP_EFUSE			BIT(24)
#define COMP_QOS			BIT(25)
#define COMP_MAC80211		BIT(26)
#define COMP_REGD			BIT(27)
#define COMP_CHAN			BIT(28)
#define COMP_USB			BIT(29)
#define COMP_EASY_CONCURRENT	COMP_USB /* reuse of this bit is OK */
#define COMP_BT_COEXIST			BIT(30)
#define COMP_IQK			BIT(31)
#define COMP_TX_REPORT			BIT_ULL(32)

		Define the rt_print components
/* Define EEPROM and EFUSE  check module bit*/
#define EEPROM_W			BIT(0)
#define EFUSE_PG			BIT(1)
#define EFUSE_READ_ALL			BIT(2)

/* Define init check for module bit*/
#define	INIT_EEPROM			BIT(0)
#define	INIT_TXPOWER			BIT(1)
#define	INIT_IQK			BIT(2)
#define	INIT_RF				BIT(3)

/* Define PHY-BB/RF/MAC check module bit */
#define	PHY_BBR				BIT(0)
#define	PHY_BBW				BIT(1)
#define	PHY_RFR				BIT(2)
#define	PHY_RFW				BIT(3)
#define	PHY_MACR			BIT(4)
#define	PHY_MACW			BIT(5)
#define	PHY_ALLR			BIT(6)
#define	PHY_ALLW			BIT(7)
#define	PHY_TXPWR			BIT(8)
#define	PHY_PWRDIFF			BIT(9)

/* Define Dynamic Mechanism check module bit --> FDM */
#define WA_IOT				BIT(0)
#define DM_PWDB				BIT(1)
#define DM_MONITOR			BIT(2)
#define DM_DIG				BIT(3)
#define DM_EDCA_TURBO			BIT(4)

#define DM_PWDB				BIT(1)

enum dbgp_flag_e {
	FQOS = 0,
	FTX = 1,
	FRX = 2,
	FSEC = 3,
	FMGNT = 4,
	FMLME = 5,
	FISR = 8,
	FPHY = 9,
	FMP = 10,
	FEEPROM = 11,
	FPWR = 12,
	FDM = 13,
	FDBGCtrl = 14,
	FC2H = 15,
	FBT = 16,
	FINIT = 17,
	FIOCTL = 18,


struct rtl_priv;

__printf(4, 5)
void _rtl_dbg_trace(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u64 comp, int level,
		    const char *fmt, ...);

__printf(4, 5)
void _rtl_dbg_print(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u64 comp, int level,
		    const char *fmt, ...);

void _rtl_dbg_print_data(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, u64 comp, int level,
			 const char *titlestring,
			 const void *hexdata, int hexdatalen);

#define RT_TRACE(rtlpriv, comp, level, fmt, ...)			\
	_rtl_dbg_trace(rtlpriv, comp, level,				\
		       fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define RTPRINT(rtlpriv, dbgtype, dbgflag, fmt, ...)			\
	_rtl_dbg_print(rtlpriv, dbgtype, dbgflag, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define RT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, _comp, _level, _titlestring, _hexdata,	\
		      _hexdatalen)					\
	_rtl_dbg_print_data(rtlpriv, _comp, _level,			\
			    _titlestring, _hexdata, _hexdatalen)


struct rtl_priv;

__printf(4, 5)
static inline void RT_TRACE(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv,
			    u64 comp, int level,
			    const char *fmt, ...)

__printf(4, 5)
static inline void RTPRINT(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv,
			   int dbgtype, int dbgflag,
			   const char *fmt, ...)

static inline void RT_PRINT_DATA(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv,
				 u64 comp, int level,
				 const char *titlestring,
				 const void *hexdata, size_t hexdatalen)


void rtl_debug_add_one(struct ieee80211_hw *hw);
void rtl_debug_remove_one(struct ieee80211_hw *hw);
void rtl_debugfs_add_topdir(void);
void rtl_debugfs_remove_topdir(void);
#define rtl_debug_add_one(hw)
#define rtl_debug_remove_one(hw)
#define rtl_debugfs_add_topdir()
#define rtl_debugfs_remove_topdir()