// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
/* Copyright (C) 2020 MediaTek Inc. */

#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>

#include "mt7915.h"
#include "mac.h"
#include "mcu.h"
#include "../trace.h"
#include "../dma.h"

static bool wed_enable;
module_param(wed_enable, bool, 0644);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(wed_enable, "Enable Wireless Ethernet Dispatch support");

static const u32 mt7915_reg[] = {
	[INT_SOURCE_CSR]		= 0xd7010,
	[INT_MASK_CSR]			= 0xd7014,
	[INT1_SOURCE_CSR]		= 0xd7088,
	[INT1_MASK_CSR]			= 0xd708c,
	[INT_MCU_CMD_SOURCE]		= 0xd51f0,
	[INT_MCU_CMD_EVENT]		= 0x3108,
	[WFDMA0_ADDR]			= 0xd4000,
	[WFDMA0_PCIE1_ADDR]		= 0xd8000,
	[WFDMA_EXT_CSR_ADDR]		= 0xd7000,
	[CBTOP1_PHY_END]		= 0x77ffffff,
	[INFRA_MCU_ADDR_END]		= 0x7c3fffff,
	[FW_ASSERT_STAT_ADDR]		= 0x219848,
	[FW_EXCEPT_TYPE_ADDR]		= 0x21987c,
	[FW_EXCEPT_COUNT_ADDR]		= 0x219848,
	[FW_CIRQ_COUNT_ADDR]		= 0x216f94,
	[FW_CIRQ_IDX_ADDR]		= 0x216ef8,
	[FW_CIRQ_LISR_ADDR]		= 0x2170ac,
	[FW_TASK_ID_ADDR]		= 0x216f90,
	[FW_TASK_IDX_ADDR]		= 0x216f9c,
	[FW_TASK_QID1_ADDR]		= 0x219680,
	[FW_TASK_QID2_ADDR]		= 0x219760,
	[FW_TASK_START_ADDR]		= 0x219558,
	[FW_TASK_END_ADDR]		= 0x219554,
	[FW_TASK_SIZE_ADDR]		= 0x219560,
	[FW_LAST_MSG_ID_ADDR]		= 0x216f70,
	[FW_EINT_INFO_ADDR]		= 0x219818,
	[FW_SCHED_INFO_ADDR]		= 0x219828,
	[SWDEF_BASE_ADDR]		= 0x41f200,
	[TXQ_WED_RING_BASE]		= 0xd7300,
	[RXQ_WED_RING_BASE]		= 0xd7410,
	[RXQ_WED_DATA_RING_BASE]	= 0xd4500,

static const u32 mt7916_reg[] = {
	[INT_SOURCE_CSR]		= 0xd4200,
	[INT_MASK_CSR]			= 0xd4204,
	[INT1_SOURCE_CSR]		= 0xd8200,
	[INT1_MASK_CSR]			= 0xd8204,
	[INT_MCU_CMD_SOURCE]		= 0xd41f0,
	[INT_MCU_CMD_EVENT]		= 0x2108,
	[WFDMA0_ADDR]			= 0xd4000,
	[WFDMA0_PCIE1_ADDR]		= 0xd8000,
	[WFDMA_EXT_CSR_ADDR]		= 0xd7000,
	[CBTOP1_PHY_END]		= 0x7fffffff,
	[INFRA_MCU_ADDR_END]		= 0x7c085fff,
	[FW_ASSERT_STAT_ADDR]		= 0x02204c14,
	[FW_EXCEPT_TYPE_ADDR]		= 0x022051a4,
	[FW_EXCEPT_COUNT_ADDR]		= 0x022050bc,
	[FW_CIRQ_COUNT_ADDR]		= 0x022001ac,
	[FW_CIRQ_IDX_ADDR]		= 0x02204f84,
	[FW_CIRQ_LISR_ADDR]		= 0x022050d0,
	[FW_TASK_ID_ADDR]		= 0x0220406c,
	[FW_TASK_IDX_ADDR]		= 0x0220500c,
	[FW_TASK_QID1_ADDR]		= 0x022028c8,
	[FW_TASK_QID2_ADDR]		= 0x02202a38,
	[FW_TASK_START_ADDR]		= 0x0220286c,
	[FW_TASK_END_ADDR]		= 0x02202870,
	[FW_TASK_SIZE_ADDR]		= 0x02202878,
	[FW_LAST_MSG_ID_ADDR]		= 0x02204fe8,
	[FW_EINT_INFO_ADDR]		= 0x0220525c,
	[FW_SCHED_INFO_ADDR]		= 0x0220516c,
	[SWDEF_BASE_ADDR]		= 0x411400,
	[TXQ_WED_RING_BASE]		= 0xd7300,
	[RXQ_WED_RING_BASE]		= 0xd7410,
	[RXQ_WED_DATA_RING_BASE]	= 0xd4540,

static const u32 mt7986_reg[] = {
	[INT_SOURCE_CSR]		= 0x24200,
	[INT_MASK_CSR]			= 0x24204,
	[INT1_SOURCE_CSR]		= 0x28200,
	[INT1_MASK_CSR]			= 0x28204,
	[INT_MCU_CMD_SOURCE]		= 0x241f0,
	[INT_MCU_CMD_EVENT]		= 0x54000108,
	[WFDMA0_ADDR]			= 0x24000,
	[WFDMA0_PCIE1_ADDR]		= 0x28000,
	[WFDMA_EXT_CSR_ADDR]		= 0x27000,
	[CBTOP1_PHY_END]		= 0x7fffffff,
	[INFRA_MCU_ADDR_END]		= 0x7c085fff,
	[FW_ASSERT_STAT_ADDR]		= 0x02204b54,
	[FW_EXCEPT_TYPE_ADDR]		= 0x022050dc,
	[FW_EXCEPT_COUNT_ADDR]		= 0x02204ffc,
	[FW_CIRQ_COUNT_ADDR]		= 0x022001ac,
	[FW_CIRQ_IDX_ADDR]		= 0x02204ec4,
	[FW_CIRQ_LISR_ADDR]		= 0x02205010,
	[FW_TASK_ID_ADDR]		= 0x02204fac,
	[FW_TASK_IDX_ADDR]		= 0x02204f4c,
	[FW_TASK_QID1_ADDR]		= 0x02202814,
	[FW_TASK_QID2_ADDR]		= 0x02202984,
	[FW_TASK_START_ADDR]		= 0x022027b8,
	[FW_TASK_END_ADDR]		= 0x022027bc,
	[FW_TASK_SIZE_ADDR]		= 0x022027c4,
	[FW_LAST_MSG_ID_ADDR]		= 0x02204f28,
	[FW_EINT_INFO_ADDR]		= 0x02205194,
	[FW_SCHED_INFO_ADDR]		= 0x022051a4,
	[SWDEF_BASE_ADDR]		= 0x411400,
	[TXQ_WED_RING_BASE]		= 0x24420,
	[RXQ_WED_RING_BASE]		= 0x24520,
	[RXQ_WED_DATA_RING_BASE]	= 0x24540,

static const u32 mt7915_offs[] = {
	[TMAC_CDTR]		= 0x090,
	[TMAC_ODTR]		= 0x094,
	[TMAC_ATCR]		= 0x098,
	[TMAC_TRCR0]		= 0x09c,
	[TMAC_ICR0]		= 0x0a4,
	[TMAC_ICR1]		= 0x0b4,
	[TMAC_CTCR0]		= 0x0f4,
	[TMAC_TFCR0]		= 0x1e0,
	[MDP_BNRCFR0]		= 0x070,
	[MDP_BNRCFR1]		= 0x074,
	[ARB_DRNGR0]		= 0x194,
	[ARB_SCR]		= 0x080,
	[RMAC_MIB_AIRTIME14]	= 0x3b8,
	[AGG_AWSCR0]		= 0x05c,
	[AGG_PCR0]		= 0x06c,
	[AGG_ACR0]		= 0x084,
	[AGG_ACR4]		= 0x08c,
	[AGG_MRCR]		= 0x098,
	[AGG_ATCR1]		= 0x0f0,
	[AGG_ATCR3]		= 0x0f4,
	[LPON_UTTR0]		= 0x080,
	[LPON_UTTR1]		= 0x084,
	[LPON_FRCR]		= 0x314,
	[MIB_SDR3]		= 0x014,
	[MIB_SDR4]		= 0x018,
	[MIB_SDR5]		= 0x01c,
	[MIB_SDR7]		= 0x024,
	[MIB_SDR8]		= 0x028,
	[MIB_SDR9]		= 0x02c,
	[MIB_SDR10]		= 0x030,
	[MIB_SDR11]		= 0x034,
	[MIB_SDR12]		= 0x038,
	[MIB_SDR13]		= 0x03c,
	[MIB_SDR14]		= 0x040,
	[MIB_SDR15]		= 0x044,
	[MIB_SDR16]		= 0x048,
	[MIB_SDR17]		= 0x04c,
	[MIB_SDR18]		= 0x050,
	[MIB_SDR19]		= 0x054,
	[MIB_SDR20]		= 0x058,
	[MIB_SDR21]		= 0x05c,
	[MIB_SDR22]		= 0x060,
	[MIB_SDR23]		= 0x064,
	[MIB_SDR24]		= 0x068,
	[MIB_SDR25]		= 0x06c,
	[MIB_SDR27]		= 0x074,
	[MIB_SDR28]		= 0x078,
	[MIB_SDR29]		= 0x07c,
	[MIB_SDRVEC]		= 0x080,
	[MIB_SDR31]		= 0x084,
	[MIB_SDR32]		= 0x088,
	[MIB_SDRMUBF]		= 0x090,
	[MIB_DR8]		= 0x0c0,
	[MIB_DR9]		= 0x0c4,
	[MIB_DR11]		= 0x0cc,
	[MIB_MB_SDR0]		= 0x100,
	[MIB_MB_SDR1]		= 0x104,
	[TX_AGG_CNT]		= 0x0a8,
	[TX_AGG_CNT2]		= 0x164,
	[MIB_ARNG]		= 0x4b8,
	[WTBL_UPDATE]		= 0x030,
	[PLE_FL_Q_EMPTY]	= 0x0b0,
	[PLE_FL_Q_CTRL]		= 0x1b0,
	[PLE_AC_QEMPTY]		= 0x500,
	[PLE_FREEPG_CNT]	= 0x100,
	[PLE_PG_HIF_GROUP]	= 0x110,
	[PLE_HIF_PG_INFO]	= 0x114,
	[AC_OFFSET]		= 0x040,
	[ETBF_PAR_RPT0]		= 0x068,

static const u32 mt7916_offs[] = {
	[TMAC_CDTR]		= 0x0c8,
	[TMAC_ODTR]		= 0x0cc,
	[TMAC_ATCR]		= 0x00c,
	[TMAC_TRCR0]		= 0x010,
	[TMAC_ICR0]		= 0x014,
	[TMAC_ICR1]		= 0x018,
	[TMAC_CTCR0]		= 0x114,
	[TMAC_TFCR0]		= 0x0e4,
	[MDP_BNRCFR0]		= 0x090,
	[MDP_BNRCFR1]		= 0x094,
	[ARB_DRNGR0]		= 0x1e0,
	[ARB_SCR]		= 0x000,
	[RMAC_MIB_AIRTIME14]	= 0x0398,
	[AGG_AWSCR0]		= 0x030,
	[AGG_PCR0]		= 0x040,
	[AGG_ACR0]		= 0x054,
	[AGG_ACR4]		= 0x05c,
	[AGG_MRCR]		= 0x068,
	[AGG_ATCR1]		= 0x1a8,
	[AGG_ATCR3]		= 0x080,
	[LPON_UTTR0]		= 0x360,
	[LPON_UTTR1]		= 0x364,
	[LPON_FRCR]		= 0x37c,
	[MIB_SDR3]		= 0x698,
	[MIB_SDR4]		= 0x788,
	[MIB_SDR5]		= 0x780,
	[MIB_SDR7]		= 0x5a8,
	[MIB_SDR8]		= 0x78c,
	[MIB_SDR9]		= 0x024,
	[MIB_SDR10]		= 0x76c,
	[MIB_SDR11]		= 0x790,
	[MIB_SDR12]		= 0x558,
	[MIB_SDR13]		= 0x560,
	[MIB_SDR14]		= 0x564,
	[MIB_SDR15]		= 0x568,
	[MIB_SDR16]		= 0x7fc,
	[MIB_SDR17]		= 0x800,
	[MIB_SDR18]		= 0x030,
	[MIB_SDR19]		= 0x5ac,
	[MIB_SDR20]		= 0x5b0,
	[MIB_SDR21]		= 0x5b4,
	[MIB_SDR22]		= 0x770,
	[MIB_SDR23]		= 0x774,
	[MIB_SDR24]		= 0x778,
	[MIB_SDR25]		= 0x77c,
	[MIB_SDR27]		= 0x080,
	[MIB_SDR28]		= 0x084,
	[MIB_SDR29]		= 0x650,
	[MIB_SDRVEC]		= 0x5a8,
	[MIB_SDR31]		= 0x55c,
	[MIB_SDR32]		= 0x7a8,
	[MIB_SDRMUBF]		= 0x7ac,
	[MIB_DR8]		= 0x56c,
	[MIB_DR9]		= 0x570,
	[MIB_DR11]		= 0x574,
	[MIB_MB_SDR0]		= 0x688,
	[MIB_MB_SDR1]		= 0x690,
	[TX_AGG_CNT]		= 0x7dc,
	[TX_AGG_CNT2]		= 0x7ec,
	[MIB_ARNG]		= 0x0b0,
	[WTBLON_TOP_WDUCR]	= 0x200,
	[WTBL_UPDATE]		= 0x230,
	[PLE_FL_Q_EMPTY]	= 0x360,
	[PLE_FL_Q_CTRL]		= 0x3e0,
	[PLE_AC_QEMPTY]		= 0x600,
	[PLE_FREEPG_CNT]	= 0x380,
	[PLE_PG_HIF_GROUP]	= 0x00c,
	[PLE_HIF_PG_INFO]	= 0x388,
	[AC_OFFSET]		= 0x080,
	[ETBF_PAR_RPT0]		= 0x100,

static const struct mt76_connac_reg_map mt7915_reg_map[] = {
	{ 0x00400000, 0x80000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_MCU_SYSRAM */
	{ 0x00410000, 0x90000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_MCU_SYSRAM (configure regs) */
	{ 0x40000000, 0x70000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_UMAC_SYSRAM */
	{ 0x54000000, 0x02000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA PCIE0 MCU DMA0 */
	{ 0x55000000, 0x03000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA PCIE0 MCU DMA1 */
	{ 0x58000000, 0x06000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA PCIE1 MCU DMA0 (MEM_DMA) */
	{ 0x59000000, 0x07000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA PCIE1 MCU DMA1 */
	{ 0x7c000000, 0xf0000, 0x10000 }, /* CONN_INFRA */
	{ 0x7c020000, 0xd0000, 0x10000 }, /* CONN_INFRA, WFDMA */
	{ 0x80020000, 0xb0000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_TOP_MISC_OFF */
	{ 0x81020000, 0xc0000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_TOP_MISC_ON */
	{ 0x820c0000, 0x08000, 0x04000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PLE) */
	{ 0x820c8000, 0x0c000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PSE) */
	{ 0x820cc000, 0x0e000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PP) */
	{ 0x820ce000, 0x21c00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_SEC) */
	{ 0x820cf000, 0x22000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_PF) */
	{ 0x820d0000, 0x30000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_WTBLON) */
	{ 0x820e0000, 0x20000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_CFG) */
	{ 0x820e1000, 0x20400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_TRB) */
	{ 0x820e2000, 0x20800, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_AGG) */
	{ 0x820e3000, 0x20c00, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_ARB) */
	{ 0x820e4000, 0x21000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_TMAC) */
	{ 0x820e5000, 0x21400, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_RMAC) */
	{ 0x820e7000, 0x21e00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_DMA) */
	{ 0x820e9000, 0x23400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_WTBLOFF) */
	{ 0x820ea000, 0x24000, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_ETBF) */
	{ 0x820eb000, 0x24200, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_LPON) */
	{ 0x820ec000, 0x24600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_INT) */
	{ 0x820ed000, 0x24800, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_MIB) */
	{ 0x820f0000, 0xa0000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_CFG) */
	{ 0x820f1000, 0xa0600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_TRB) */
	{ 0x820f2000, 0xa0800, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_AGG) */
	{ 0x820f3000, 0xa0c00, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_ARB) */
	{ 0x820f4000, 0xa1000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_TMAC) */
	{ 0x820f5000, 0xa1400, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_RMAC) */
	{ 0x820f7000, 0xa1e00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_DMA) */
	{ 0x820f9000, 0xa3400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_WTBLOFF) */
	{ 0x820fa000, 0xa4000, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_ETBF) */
	{ 0x820fb000, 0xa4200, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_LPON) */
	{ 0x820fc000, 0xa4600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_INT) */
	{ 0x820fd000, 0xa4800, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_MIB) */
	{ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }, /* imply end of search */

static const struct mt76_connac_reg_map mt7916_reg_map[] = {
	{ 0x54000000, 0x02000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_0 (PCIE0 MCU DMA0) */
	{ 0x55000000, 0x03000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_1 (PCIE0 MCU DMA1) */
	{ 0x56000000, 0x04000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_2 (Reserved) */
	{ 0x57000000, 0x05000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_3 (MCU wrap CR) */
	{ 0x58000000, 0x06000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_4 (PCIE1 MCU DMA0) */
	{ 0x59000000, 0x07000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_5 (PCIE1 MCU DMA1) */
	{ 0x820c0000, 0x08000, 0x04000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PLE) */
	{ 0x820c8000, 0x0c000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PSE) */
	{ 0x820cc000, 0x0e000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PP) */
	{ 0x820e0000, 0x20000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_CFG) */
	{ 0x820e1000, 0x20400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_TRB) */
	{ 0x820e2000, 0x20800, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_AGG) */
	{ 0x820e3000, 0x20c00, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_ARB) */
	{ 0x820e4000, 0x21000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_TMAC) */
	{ 0x820e5000, 0x21400, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_RMAC) */
	{ 0x820ce000, 0x21c00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_SEC) */
	{ 0x820e7000, 0x21e00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_DMA) */
	{ 0x820cf000, 0x22000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_PF) */
	{ 0x820e9000, 0x23400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_WTBLOFF) */
	{ 0x820ea000, 0x24000, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_ETBF) */
	{ 0x820eb000, 0x24200, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_LPON) */
	{ 0x820ec000, 0x24600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_INT) */
	{ 0x820ed000, 0x24800, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_MIB) */
	{ 0x820ca000, 0x26000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_MUCOP) */
	{ 0x820d0000, 0x30000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_WTBLON) */
	{ 0x00400000, 0x80000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_MCU_SYSRAM */
	{ 0x00410000, 0x90000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_MCU_SYSRAM (configure cr) */
	{ 0x820f0000, 0xa0000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_CFG) */
	{ 0x820f1000, 0xa0600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_TRB) */
	{ 0x820f2000, 0xa0800, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_AGG) */
	{ 0x820f3000, 0xa0c00, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_ARB) */
	{ 0x820f4000, 0xa1000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_TMAC) */
	{ 0x820f5000, 0xa1400, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_RMAC) */
	{ 0x820f7000, 0xa1e00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_DMA) */
	{ 0x820f9000, 0xa3400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_WTBLOFF) */
	{ 0x820fa000, 0xa4000, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_ETBF) */
	{ 0x820fb000, 0xa4200, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_LPON) */
	{ 0x820fc000, 0xa4600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_INT) */
	{ 0x820fd000, 0xa4800, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_MIB) */
	{ 0x820c4000, 0xa8000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_UWTBL ) */
	{ 0x820b0000, 0xae000, 0x01000 }, /* [APB2] WFSYS_ON */
	{ 0x80020000, 0xb0000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_TOP_MISC_OFF */
	{ 0x81020000, 0xc0000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_TOP_MISC_ON */
	{ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }, /* imply end of search */

static const struct mt76_connac_reg_map mt7986_reg_map[] = {
	{ 0x54000000, 0x402000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_0 (PCIE0 MCU DMA0) */
	{ 0x55000000, 0x403000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_1 (PCIE0 MCU DMA1) */
	{ 0x56000000, 0x404000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_2 (Reserved) */
	{ 0x57000000, 0x405000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_3 (MCU wrap CR) */
	{ 0x58000000, 0x406000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_4 (PCIE1 MCU DMA0) */
	{ 0x59000000, 0x407000, 0x01000 }, /* WFDMA_5 (PCIE1 MCU DMA1) */
	{ 0x820c0000, 0x408000, 0x04000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PLE) */
	{ 0x820c8000, 0x40c000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PSE) */
	{ 0x820cc000, 0x40e000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_UMAC_TOP (PP) */
	{ 0x820e0000, 0x420000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_CFG) */
	{ 0x820e1000, 0x420400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_TRB) */
	{ 0x820e2000, 0x420800, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_AGG) */
	{ 0x820e3000, 0x420c00, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_ARB) */
	{ 0x820e4000, 0x421000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_TMAC) */
	{ 0x820e5000, 0x421400, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_RMAC) */
	{ 0x820ce000, 0x421c00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_SEC) */
	{ 0x820e7000, 0x421e00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_DMA) */
	{ 0x820cf000, 0x422000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_PF) */
	{ 0x820e9000, 0x423400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_WTBLOFF) */
	{ 0x820ea000, 0x424000, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_ETBF) */
	{ 0x820eb000, 0x424200, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_LPON) */
	{ 0x820ec000, 0x424600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_INT) */
	{ 0x820ed000, 0x424800, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_MIB) */
	{ 0x820ca000, 0x426000, 0x02000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN0 (WF_MUCOP) */
	{ 0x820d0000, 0x430000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_WTBLON) */
	{ 0x00400000, 0x480000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_MCU_SYSRAM */
	{ 0x00410000, 0x490000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_MCU_SYSRAM */
	{ 0x820f0000, 0x4a0000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_CFG) */
	{ 0x820f1000, 0x4a0600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_TRB) */
	{ 0x820f2000, 0x4a0800, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_AGG) */
	{ 0x820f3000, 0x4a0c00, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_ARB) */
	{ 0x820f4000, 0x4a1000, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_TMAC) */
	{ 0x820f5000, 0x4a1400, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_RMAC) */
	{ 0x820f7000, 0x4a1e00, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_DMA) */
	{ 0x820f9000, 0x4a3400, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_WTBLOFF) */
	{ 0x820fa000, 0x4a4000, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_ETBF) */
	{ 0x820fb000, 0x4a4200, 0x00400 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_LPON) */
	{ 0x820fc000, 0x4a4600, 0x00200 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_INT) */
	{ 0x820fd000, 0x4a4800, 0x00800 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP BN1 (WF_MIB) */
	{ 0x820c4000, 0x4a8000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_LMAC_TOP (WF_UWTBL ) */
	{ 0x820b0000, 0x4ae000, 0x01000 }, /* [APB2] WFSYS_ON */
	{ 0x80020000, 0x4b0000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_TOP_MISC_OFF */
	{ 0x81020000, 0x4c0000, 0x10000 }, /* WF_TOP_MISC_ON */
	{ 0x89000000, 0x4d0000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_MCU_CFG_ON */
	{ 0x89010000, 0x4d1000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_MCU_CIRQ */
	{ 0x89020000, 0x4d2000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_MCU_GPT */
	{ 0x89030000, 0x4d3000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_MCU_WDT */
	{ 0x80010000, 0x4d4000, 0x01000 }, /* WF_AXIDMA */
	{ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }, /* imply end of search */

static u32 mt7915_reg_map_l1(struct mt7915_dev *dev, u32 addr)
	u32 offset = FIELD_GET(MT_HIF_REMAP_L1_OFFSET, addr);
	u32 base = FIELD_GET(MT_HIF_REMAP_L1_BASE, addr);
	u32 l1_remap;

	if (is_mt7986(&dev->mt76))
		return MT_CONN_INFRA_OFFSET(addr);

	l1_remap = is_mt7915(&dev->mt76) ?

	dev->bus_ops->rmw(&dev->mt76, l1_remap,
	/* use read to push write */
	dev->bus_ops->rr(&dev->mt76, l1_remap);

	return MT_HIF_REMAP_BASE_L1 + offset;

static u32 mt7915_reg_map_l2(struct mt7915_dev *dev, u32 addr)
	u32 offset, base;

	if (is_mt7915(&dev->mt76)) {
		offset = FIELD_GET(MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_OFFSET, addr);
		base = FIELD_GET(MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_BASE, addr);

		dev->bus_ops->rmw(&dev->mt76, MT_HIF_REMAP_L2,

		/* use read to push write */
		dev->bus_ops->rr(&dev->mt76, MT_HIF_REMAP_L2);
	} else {
		u32 ofs = is_mt7986(&dev->mt76) ? 0x400000 : 0;

		offset = FIELD_GET(MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_OFFSET_MT7916, addr);
		base = FIELD_GET(MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_BASE_MT7916, addr);

		dev->bus_ops->rmw(&dev->mt76, MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_MT7916 + ofs,
				  FIELD_PREP(MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_MASK_MT7916, base));

		/* use read to push write */
		dev->bus_ops->rr(&dev->mt76, MT_HIF_REMAP_L2_MT7916 + ofs);

		offset += (MT_HIF_REMAP_BASE_L2_MT7916 + ofs);

	return offset;

static u32 __mt7915_reg_addr(struct mt7915_dev *dev, u32 addr)
	int i;

	if (addr < 0x100000)
		return addr;

	if (!dev->reg.map) {
		dev_err(dev->mt76.dev, "err: reg_map is null\n");
		return addr;

	for (i = 0; i < dev->reg.map_size; i++) {
		u32 ofs;

		if (addr < dev->reg.map[i].phys)

		ofs = addr - dev->reg.map[i].phys;
		if (ofs > dev->reg.map[i].size)

		return dev->reg.map[i].maps + ofs;

	if ((addr >= MT_INFRA_BASE && addr < MT_WFSYS0_PHY_START) ||
	    (addr >= MT_WFSYS0_PHY_START && addr < MT_WFSYS1_PHY_START) ||
	    (addr >= MT_WFSYS1_PHY_START && addr <= MT_WFSYS1_PHY_END))
		return mt7915_reg_map_l1(dev, addr);

	if (dev_is_pci(dev->mt76.dev) &&
	    ((addr >= MT_CBTOP1_PHY_START && addr <= MT_CBTOP1_PHY_END) ||
	    addr >= MT_CBTOP2_PHY_START))
		return mt7915_reg_map_l1(dev, addr);

	/* CONN_INFRA: covert to phyiscal addr and use layer 1 remap */
	if (addr >= MT_INFRA_MCU_START && addr <= MT_INFRA_MCU_END) {
		return mt7915_reg_map_l1(dev, addr);

	return mt7915_reg_map_l2(dev, addr);

void mt7915_memcpy_fromio(struct mt7915_dev *dev, void *buf, u32 offset,
			  size_t len)
	u32 addr = __mt7915_reg_addr(dev, offset);

	memcpy_fromio(buf, dev->mt76.mmio.regs + addr, len);

static u32 mt7915_rr(struct mt76_dev *mdev, u32 offset)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);
	u32 addr = __mt7915_reg_addr(dev, offset);

	return dev->bus_ops->rr(mdev, addr);

static void mt7915_wr(struct mt76_dev *mdev, u32 offset, u32 val)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);
	u32 addr = __mt7915_reg_addr(dev, offset);

	dev->bus_ops->wr(mdev, addr, val);

static u32 mt7915_rmw(struct mt76_dev *mdev, u32 offset, u32 mask, u32 val)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);
	u32 addr = __mt7915_reg_addr(dev, offset);

	return dev->bus_ops->rmw(mdev, addr, mask, val);

static int mt7915_mmio_wed_offload_enable(struct mtk_wed_device *wed)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;
	struct mt7915_phy *phy;
	int ret;

	dev = container_of(wed, struct mt7915_dev, mt76.mmio.wed);

	dev->mt76.token_size = wed->wlan.token_start;

	ret = wait_event_timeout(dev->mt76.tx_wait,
				 !dev->mt76.wed_token_count, HZ);
	if (!ret)
		return -EAGAIN;

	phy = &dev->phy;
	mt76_set(dev, MT_AGG_ACR4(phy->mt76->band_idx), MT_AGG_ACR_PPDU_TXS2H);

	phy = dev->mt76.phys[MT_BAND1] ? dev->mt76.phys[MT_BAND1]->priv : NULL;
	if (phy)
		mt76_set(dev, MT_AGG_ACR4(phy->mt76->band_idx),

	return 0;

static void mt7915_mmio_wed_offload_disable(struct mtk_wed_device *wed)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;
	struct mt7915_phy *phy;

	dev = container_of(wed, struct mt7915_dev, mt76.mmio.wed);

	dev->mt76.token_size = MT7915_TOKEN_SIZE;

	/* MT_TXD5_TX_STATUS_HOST (MPDU format) has higher priority than
	 * MT_AGG_ACR_PPDU_TXS2H (PPDU format) even though ACR bit is set.
	phy = &dev->phy;
	mt76_clear(dev, MT_AGG_ACR4(phy->mt76->band_idx), MT_AGG_ACR_PPDU_TXS2H);

	phy = dev->mt76.phys[MT_BAND1] ? dev->mt76.phys[MT_BAND1]->priv : NULL;
	if (phy)
		mt76_clear(dev, MT_AGG_ACR4(phy->mt76->band_idx),

static void mt7915_mmio_wed_release_rx_buf(struct mtk_wed_device *wed)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;
	int i;

	dev = container_of(wed, struct mt7915_dev, mt76.mmio.wed);
	for (i = 0; i < dev->mt76.rx_token_size; i++) {
		struct mt76_txwi_cache *t;

		t = mt76_rx_token_release(&dev->mt76, i);
		if (!t || !t->ptr)

		mt76_put_page_pool_buf(t->ptr, false);
		t->ptr = NULL;

		mt76_put_rxwi(&dev->mt76, t);


static u32 mt7915_mmio_wed_init_rx_buf(struct mtk_wed_device *wed, int size)
	struct mtk_rxbm_desc *desc = wed->rx_buf_ring.desc;
	struct mt76_txwi_cache *t = NULL;
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;
	struct mt76_queue *q;
	int i, len;

	dev = container_of(wed, struct mt7915_dev, mt76.mmio.wed);
	q = &dev->mt76.q_rx[MT_RXQ_MAIN];
	len = SKB_WITH_OVERHEAD(q->buf_size);

	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
		enum dma_data_direction dir;
		dma_addr_t addr;
		u32 offset;
		int token;
		void *buf;

		t = mt76_get_rxwi(&dev->mt76);
		if (!t)
			goto unmap;

		buf = mt76_get_page_pool_buf(q, &offset, q->buf_size);
		if (!buf)
			goto unmap;

		addr = page_pool_get_dma_addr(virt_to_head_page(buf)) + offset;
		dir = page_pool_get_dma_dir(q->page_pool);
		dma_sync_single_for_device(dev->mt76.dma_dev, addr, len, dir);

		desc->buf0 = cpu_to_le32(addr);
		token = mt76_rx_token_consume(&dev->mt76, buf, t, addr);
		if (token < 0) {
			mt76_put_page_pool_buf(buf, false);
			goto unmap;

		desc->token |= cpu_to_le32(FIELD_PREP(MT_DMA_CTL_TOKEN,

	return 0;

	if (t)
		mt76_put_rxwi(&dev->mt76, t);
	return -ENOMEM;

static void mt7915_mmio_wed_update_rx_stats(struct mtk_wed_device *wed,
					    struct mtk_wed_wo_rx_stats *stats)
	int idx = le16_to_cpu(stats->wlan_idx);
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;
	struct mt76_wcid *wcid;

	dev = container_of(wed, struct mt7915_dev, mt76.mmio.wed);

	if (idx >= mt7915_wtbl_size(dev))


	wcid = rcu_dereference(dev->mt76.wcid[idx]);
	if (wcid) {
		wcid->stats.rx_bytes += le32_to_cpu(stats->rx_byte_cnt);
		wcid->stats.rx_packets += le32_to_cpu(stats->rx_pkt_cnt);
		wcid->stats.rx_errors += le32_to_cpu(stats->rx_err_cnt);
		wcid->stats.rx_drops += le32_to_cpu(stats->rx_drop_cnt);


static int mt7915_mmio_wed_reset(struct mtk_wed_device *wed)
	struct mt76_dev *mdev = container_of(wed, struct mt76_dev, mmio.wed);
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);
	struct mt76_phy *mphy = &dev->mphy;
	int ret;


	if (test_and_set_bit(MT76_STATE_WED_RESET, &mphy->state))
		return -EBUSY;

	ret = mt7915_mcu_set_ser(dev, SER_RECOVER, SER_SET_RECOVER_L1,
	if (ret)
		goto out;

	if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&mdev->mmio.wed_reset, 20 * HZ)) {
		dev_err(mdev->dev, "wed reset timeout\n");
		ret = -ETIMEDOUT;
	clear_bit(MT76_STATE_WED_RESET, &mphy->state);

	return ret;

static void mt7915_mmio_wed_reset_complete(struct mtk_wed_device *wed)
	struct mt76_dev *dev = container_of(wed, struct mt76_dev, mmio.wed);


int mt7915_mmio_wed_init(struct mt7915_dev *dev, void *pdev_ptr,
			 bool pci, int *irq)
	struct mtk_wed_device *wed = &dev->mt76.mmio.wed;
	int ret;

	if (!wed_enable)
		return 0;

	if (pci) {
		struct pci_dev *pci_dev = pdev_ptr;

		wed->wlan.pci_dev = pci_dev;
		wed->wlan.bus_type = MTK_WED_BUS_PCIE;
		wed->wlan.base = devm_ioremap(dev->mt76.dev,
					      pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0),
					      pci_resource_len(pci_dev, 0));
		wed->wlan.phy_base = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0);
		wed->wlan.wpdma_int = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
		wed->wlan.wpdma_mask = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
		wed->wlan.wpdma_phys = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
		wed->wlan.wpdma_tx = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
		wed->wlan.wpdma_txfree = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
		wed->wlan.wpdma_rx_glo = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
		wed->wlan.wpdma_rx = pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0) +
	} else {
		struct platform_device *plat_dev = pdev_ptr;
		struct resource *res;

		res = platform_get_resource(plat_dev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
		if (!res)
			return -ENOMEM;

		wed->wlan.platform_dev = plat_dev;
		wed->wlan.bus_type = MTK_WED_BUS_AXI;
		wed->wlan.base = devm_ioremap(dev->mt76.dev, res->start,
		wed->wlan.phy_base = res->start;
		wed->wlan.wpdma_int = res->start + MT_INT_SOURCE_CSR;
		wed->wlan.wpdma_mask = res->start + MT_INT_MASK_CSR;
		wed->wlan.wpdma_tx = res->start + MT_TXQ_WED_RING_BASE;
		wed->wlan.wpdma_txfree = res->start + MT_RXQ_WED_RING_BASE;
		wed->wlan.wpdma_rx_glo = res->start + MT_WPDMA_GLO_CFG;
		wed->wlan.wpdma_rx = res->start + MT_RXQ_WED_DATA_RING_BASE;
	wed->wlan.nbuf = MT7915_HW_TOKEN_SIZE;
	wed->wlan.tx_tbit[0] = is_mt7915(&dev->mt76) ? 4 : 30;
	wed->wlan.tx_tbit[1] = is_mt7915(&dev->mt76) ? 5 : 31;
	wed->wlan.txfree_tbit = is_mt7986(&dev->mt76) ? 2 : 1;
	wed->wlan.token_start = MT7915_TOKEN_SIZE - wed->wlan.nbuf;
	wed->wlan.wcid_512 = !is_mt7915(&dev->mt76);

	wed->wlan.rx_nbuf = 65536;
	wed->wlan.rx_npkt = MT7915_WED_RX_TOKEN_SIZE;
	wed->wlan.rx_size = SKB_WITH_OVERHEAD(MT_RX_BUF_SIZE);
	if (is_mt7915(&dev->mt76)) {
		wed->wlan.rx_tbit[0] = 16;
		wed->wlan.rx_tbit[1] = 17;
	} else if (is_mt7986(&dev->mt76)) {
		wed->wlan.rx_tbit[0] = 22;
		wed->wlan.rx_tbit[1] = 23;
	} else {
		wed->wlan.rx_tbit[0] = 18;
		wed->wlan.rx_tbit[1] = 19;

	wed->wlan.init_buf = mt7915_wed_init_buf;
	wed->wlan.offload_enable = mt7915_mmio_wed_offload_enable;
	wed->wlan.offload_disable = mt7915_mmio_wed_offload_disable;
	wed->wlan.init_rx_buf = mt7915_mmio_wed_init_rx_buf;
	wed->wlan.release_rx_buf = mt7915_mmio_wed_release_rx_buf;
	wed->wlan.update_wo_rx_stats = mt7915_mmio_wed_update_rx_stats;
	wed->wlan.reset = mt7915_mmio_wed_reset;
	wed->wlan.reset_complete = mt7915_mmio_wed_reset_complete;

	dev->mt76.rx_token_size = wed->wlan.rx_npkt;

	if (mtk_wed_device_attach(wed))
		return 0;

	*irq = wed->irq;
	dev->mt76.dma_dev = wed->dev;

	ret = dma_set_mask(wed->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	return 1;
	return 0;

static int mt7915_mmio_init(struct mt76_dev *mdev,
			    void __iomem *mem_base,
			    u32 device_id)
	struct mt76_bus_ops *bus_ops;
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;

	dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);
	mt76_mmio_init(&dev->mt76, mem_base);

	switch (device_id) {
	case 0x7915:
		dev->reg.reg_rev = mt7915_reg;
		dev->reg.offs_rev = mt7915_offs;
		dev->reg.map = mt7915_reg_map;
		dev->reg.map_size = ARRAY_SIZE(mt7915_reg_map);
	case 0x7906:
		dev->reg.reg_rev = mt7916_reg;
		dev->reg.offs_rev = mt7916_offs;
		dev->reg.map = mt7916_reg_map;
		dev->reg.map_size = ARRAY_SIZE(mt7916_reg_map);
	case 0x7986:
		dev->reg.reg_rev = mt7986_reg;
		dev->reg.offs_rev = mt7916_offs;
		dev->reg.map = mt7986_reg_map;
		dev->reg.map_size = ARRAY_SIZE(mt7986_reg_map);
		return -EINVAL;

	dev->bus_ops = dev->mt76.bus;
	bus_ops = devm_kmemdup(dev->mt76.dev, dev->bus_ops, sizeof(*bus_ops),
	if (!bus_ops)
		return -ENOMEM;

	bus_ops->rr = mt7915_rr;
	bus_ops->wr = mt7915_wr;
	bus_ops->rmw = mt7915_rmw;
	dev->mt76.bus = bus_ops;

	mdev->rev = (device_id << 16) |
		    (mt76_rr(dev, MT_HW_REV) & 0xff);
	dev_dbg(mdev->dev, "ASIC revision: %04x\n", mdev->rev);

	return 0;

void mt7915_dual_hif_set_irq_mask(struct mt7915_dev *dev,
				  bool write_reg,
				  u32 clear, u32 set)
	struct mt76_dev *mdev = &dev->mt76;
	unsigned long flags;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&mdev->mmio.irq_lock, flags);

	mdev->mmio.irqmask &= ~clear;
	mdev->mmio.irqmask |= set;

	if (write_reg) {
		if (mtk_wed_device_active(&mdev->mmio.wed))
			mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT_MASK_CSR, mdev->mmio.irqmask);
		mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT1_MASK_CSR, mdev->mmio.irqmask);

	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mdev->mmio.irq_lock, flags);

static void mt7915_rx_poll_complete(struct mt76_dev *mdev,
				    enum mt76_rxq_id q)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);

	mt7915_irq_enable(dev, MT_INT_RX(q));

/* TODO: support 2/4/6/8 MSI-X vectors */
static void mt7915_irq_tasklet(struct tasklet_struct *t)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = from_tasklet(dev, t, irq_tasklet);
	struct mtk_wed_device *wed = &dev->mt76.mmio.wed;
	u32 intr, intr1, mask;

	if (mtk_wed_device_active(wed)) {
		mtk_wed_device_irq_set_mask(wed, 0);
		if (dev->hif2)
			mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT1_MASK_CSR, 0);
		intr = mtk_wed_device_irq_get(wed, dev->mt76.mmio.irqmask);
	} else {
		mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT_MASK_CSR, 0);
		if (dev->hif2)
			mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT1_MASK_CSR, 0);

		intr = mt76_rr(dev, MT_INT_SOURCE_CSR);
		intr &= dev->mt76.mmio.irqmask;
		mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT_SOURCE_CSR, intr);

	if (dev->hif2) {
		intr1 = mt76_rr(dev, MT_INT1_SOURCE_CSR);
		intr1 &= dev->mt76.mmio.irqmask;
		mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT1_SOURCE_CSR, intr1);

		intr |= intr1;

	trace_dev_irq(&dev->mt76, intr, dev->mt76.mmio.irqmask);

	mask = intr & MT_INT_RX_DONE_ALL;
	if (intr & MT_INT_TX_DONE_MCU)
		mask |= MT_INT_TX_DONE_MCU;

	mt7915_irq_disable(dev, mask);

	if (intr & MT_INT_TX_DONE_MCU)

	if (intr & MT_INT_RX(MT_RXQ_MAIN))

	if (intr & MT_INT_RX(MT_RXQ_BAND1))

	if (intr & MT_INT_RX(MT_RXQ_MCU))

	if (intr & MT_INT_RX(MT_RXQ_MCU_WA))

	if (!is_mt7915(&dev->mt76) &&
	    (intr & MT_INT_RX(MT_RXQ_MAIN_WA)))

	if (intr & MT_INT_RX(MT_RXQ_BAND1_WA))

	if (intr & MT_INT_MCU_CMD) {
		u32 val = mt76_rr(dev, MT_MCU_CMD);

		mt76_wr(dev, MT_MCU_CMD, val);
			dev->recovery.state = val;

irqreturn_t mt7915_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_instance)
	struct mt7915_dev *dev = dev_instance;
	struct mtk_wed_device *wed = &dev->mt76.mmio.wed;

	if (mtk_wed_device_active(wed)) {
		mtk_wed_device_irq_set_mask(wed, 0);
	} else {
		mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT_MASK_CSR, 0);
		if (dev->hif2)
			mt76_wr(dev, MT_INT1_MASK_CSR, 0);

	if (!test_bit(MT76_STATE_INITIALIZED, &dev->mphy.state))
		return IRQ_NONE;


	return IRQ_HANDLED;

struct mt7915_dev *mt7915_mmio_probe(struct device *pdev,
				     void __iomem *mem_base, u32 device_id)
	static const struct mt76_driver_ops drv_ops = {
		/* txwi_size = txd size + txp size */
		.txwi_size = MT_TXD_SIZE + sizeof(struct mt76_connac_fw_txp),
		.survey_flags = SURVEY_INFO_TIME_TX |
		.token_size = MT7915_TOKEN_SIZE,
		.tx_prepare_skb = mt7915_tx_prepare_skb,
		.tx_complete_skb = mt76_connac_tx_complete_skb,
		.rx_skb = mt7915_queue_rx_skb,
		.rx_check = mt7915_rx_check,
		.rx_poll_complete = mt7915_rx_poll_complete,
		.sta_ps = mt7915_sta_ps,
		.sta_add = mt7915_mac_sta_add,
		.sta_remove = mt7915_mac_sta_remove,
		.update_survey = mt7915_update_channel,
	struct mt7915_dev *dev;
	struct mt76_dev *mdev;
	int ret;

	mdev = mt76_alloc_device(pdev, sizeof(*dev), &mt7915_ops, &drv_ops);
	if (!mdev)
		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);

	dev = container_of(mdev, struct mt7915_dev, mt76);

	ret = mt7915_mmio_init(mdev, mem_base, device_id);
	if (ret)
		goto error;

	tasklet_setup(&dev->irq_tasklet, mt7915_irq_tasklet);

	return dev;


	return ERR_PTR(ret);

static int __init mt7915_init(void)
	int ret;

	ret = pci_register_driver(&mt7915_hif_driver);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	ret = pci_register_driver(&mt7915_pci_driver);
	if (ret)
		goto error_pci;

		ret = platform_driver_register(&mt7986_wmac_driver);
		if (ret)
			goto error_wmac;

	return 0;


	return ret;

static void __exit mt7915_exit(void)

