 * aQuantia Corporation Network Driver
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 aQuantia Corporation. All rights reserved
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
 * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

/* File aq_hw_utils.h: Declaration of helper functions used across hardware
 * layer.

#ifndef AQ_HW_UTILS_H
#define AQ_HW_UTILS_H

#include "aq_common.h"

#ifndef HIDWORD
#define LODWORD(_qw)    ((u32)(_qw))
#define HIDWORD(_qw)    ((u32)(((_qw) >> 32) & 0xffffffff))

#define AQ_HW_SLEEP(_US_) mdelay(_US_)

#define AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR(_B_, _US_, _N_) \
do { \
	unsigned int AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR_i; \
	for (AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR_i = _N_; (!(_B_)) && (AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR_i);\
	--AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR_i) {\
		udelay(_US_); \
	} \
	if (!AQ_HW_WAIT_FOR_i) {\
		err = -ETIME; \
	} \
} while (0)

struct aq_hw_s;

void aq_hw_write_reg_bit(struct aq_hw_s *aq_hw, u32 addr, u32 msk,
			 u32 shift, u32 val);
u32 aq_hw_read_reg_bit(struct aq_hw_s *aq_hw, u32 addr, u32 msk, u32 shift);
u32 aq_hw_read_reg(struct aq_hw_s *hw, u32 reg);
void aq_hw_write_reg(struct aq_hw_s *hw, u32 reg, u32 value);
int aq_hw_err_from_flags(struct aq_hw_s *hw);

#endif /* AQ_HW_UTILS_H */