/***********************license start************************************ * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * License: one of 'Cavium License' or 'GNU General Public License Version 2' * * This file is provided under the terms of the Cavium License (see below) * or under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. 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THE * ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES * WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ #include "zip_crypto.h" static void zip_static_init_zip_ops(struct zip_operation *zip_ops, int lzs_flag) { zip_ops->flush = ZIP_FLUSH_FINISH; /* equivalent to level 6 of opensource zlib */ zip_ops->speed = 1; if (!lzs_flag) { zip_ops->ccode = 0; /* Auto Huffman */ zip_ops->lzs_flag = 0; zip_ops->format = ZLIB_FORMAT; } else { zip_ops->ccode = 3; /* LZS Encoding */ zip_ops->lzs_flag = 1; zip_ops->format = LZS_FORMAT; } zip_ops->begin_file = 1; zip_ops->history_len = 0; zip_ops->end_file = 1; zip_ops->compcode = 0; zip_ops->csum = 1; /* Adler checksum desired */ } int zip_ctx_init(struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx, int lzs_flag) { struct zip_operation *comp_ctx = &zip_ctx->zip_comp; struct zip_operation *decomp_ctx = &zip_ctx->zip_decomp; zip_static_init_zip_ops(comp_ctx, lzs_flag); zip_static_init_zip_ops(decomp_ctx, lzs_flag); comp_ctx->input = zip_data_buf_alloc(MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!comp_ctx->input) return -ENOMEM; comp_ctx->output = zip_data_buf_alloc(MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!comp_ctx->output) goto err_comp_input; decomp_ctx->input = zip_data_buf_alloc(MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!decomp_ctx->input) goto err_comp_output; decomp_ctx->output = zip_data_buf_alloc(MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!decomp_ctx->output) goto err_decomp_input; return 0; err_decomp_input: zip_data_buf_free(decomp_ctx->input, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); err_comp_output: zip_data_buf_free(comp_ctx->output, MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); err_comp_input: zip_data_buf_free(comp_ctx->input, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); return -ENOMEM; } void zip_ctx_exit(struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx) { struct zip_operation *comp_ctx = &zip_ctx->zip_comp; struct zip_operation *dec_ctx = &zip_ctx->zip_decomp; zip_data_buf_free(comp_ctx->input, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); zip_data_buf_free(comp_ctx->output, MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); zip_data_buf_free(dec_ctx->input, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); zip_data_buf_free(dec_ctx->output, MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); } int zip_compress(const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen, struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx) { struct zip_operation *zip_ops = NULL; struct zip_state zip_state; struct zip_device *zip = NULL; int ret; if (!zip_ctx || !src || !dst || !dlen) return -ENOMEM; zip = zip_get_device(zip_get_node_id()); if (!zip) return -ENODEV; memset(&zip_state, 0, sizeof(struct zip_state)); zip_ops = &zip_ctx->zip_comp; zip_ops->input_len = slen; zip_ops->output_len = *dlen; memcpy(zip_ops->input, src, slen); ret = zip_deflate(zip_ops, &zip_state, zip); if (!ret) { *dlen = zip_ops->output_len; memcpy(dst, zip_ops->output, *dlen); } return ret; } int zip_decompress(const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen, struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx) { struct zip_operation *zip_ops = NULL; struct zip_state zip_state; struct zip_device *zip = NULL; int ret; if (!zip_ctx || !src || !dst || !dlen) return -ENOMEM; zip = zip_get_device(zip_get_node_id()); if (!zip) return -ENODEV; memset(&zip_state, 0, sizeof(struct zip_state)); zip_ops = &zip_ctx->zip_decomp; memcpy(zip_ops->input, src, slen); /* Work around for a bug in zlib which needs an extra bytes sometimes */ if (zip_ops->ccode != 3) /* Not LZS Encoding */ zip_ops->input[slen++] = 0; zip_ops->input_len = slen; zip_ops->output_len = *dlen; ret = zip_inflate(zip_ops, &zip_state, zip); if (!ret) { *dlen = zip_ops->output_len; memcpy(dst, zip_ops->output, *dlen); } return ret; } /* Legacy Compress framework start */ int zip_alloc_comp_ctx_deflate(struct crypto_tfm *tfm) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); ret = zip_ctx_init(zip_ctx, 0); return ret; } int zip_alloc_comp_ctx_lzs(struct crypto_tfm *tfm) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); ret = zip_ctx_init(zip_ctx, 1); return ret; } void zip_free_comp_ctx(struct crypto_tfm *tfm) { struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); zip_ctx_exit(zip_ctx); } int zip_comp_compress(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); ret = zip_compress(src, slen, dst, dlen, zip_ctx); return ret; } int zip_comp_decompress(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm); ret = zip_decompress(src, slen, dst, dlen, zip_ctx); return ret; } /* Legacy compress framework end */ /* SCOMP framework start */ void *zip_alloc_scomp_ctx_deflate(struct crypto_scomp *tfm) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx; zip_ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*zip_ctx), GFP_KERNEL); if (!zip_ctx) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); ret = zip_ctx_init(zip_ctx, 0); if (ret) { kzfree(zip_ctx); return ERR_PTR(ret); } return zip_ctx; } void *zip_alloc_scomp_ctx_lzs(struct crypto_scomp *tfm) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx; zip_ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*zip_ctx), GFP_KERNEL); if (!zip_ctx) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); ret = zip_ctx_init(zip_ctx, 1); if (ret) { kzfree(zip_ctx); return ERR_PTR(ret); } return zip_ctx; } void zip_free_scomp_ctx(struct crypto_scomp *tfm, void *ctx) { struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = ctx; zip_ctx_exit(zip_ctx); kzfree(zip_ctx); } int zip_scomp_compress(struct crypto_scomp *tfm, const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen, void *ctx) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = ctx; ret = zip_compress(src, slen, dst, dlen, zip_ctx); return ret; } int zip_scomp_decompress(struct crypto_scomp *tfm, const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen, void *ctx) { int ret; struct zip_kernel_ctx *zip_ctx = ctx; ret = zip_decompress(src, slen, dst, dlen, zip_ctx); return ret; } /* SCOMP framework end */