/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ #if !defined(_TRACE_ARM_ARM64_KVM_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ) #define _TRACE_ARM_ARM64_KVM_H #include <asm/kvm_emulate.h> #include <kvm/arm_arch_timer.h> #include <linux/tracepoint.h> #undef TRACE_SYSTEM #define TRACE_SYSTEM kvm /* * Tracepoints for entry/exit to guest */ TRACE_EVENT(kvm_entry, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_pc), TP_ARGS(vcpu_pc), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_pc ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_pc = vcpu_pc; ), TP_printk("PC: 0x%016lx", __entry->vcpu_pc) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_exit, TP_PROTO(int ret, unsigned int esr_ec, unsigned long vcpu_pc), TP_ARGS(ret, esr_ec, vcpu_pc), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( int, ret ) __field( unsigned int, esr_ec ) __field( unsigned long, vcpu_pc ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->ret = ARM_EXCEPTION_CODE(ret); __entry->esr_ec = ARM_EXCEPTION_IS_TRAP(ret) ? esr_ec : 0; __entry->vcpu_pc = vcpu_pc; ), TP_printk("%s: HSR_EC: 0x%04x (%s), PC: 0x%016lx", __print_symbolic(__entry->ret, kvm_arm_exception_type), __entry->esr_ec, __print_symbolic(__entry->esr_ec, kvm_arm_exception_class), __entry->vcpu_pc) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_guest_fault, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_pc, unsigned long hsr, unsigned long hxfar, unsigned long long ipa), TP_ARGS(vcpu_pc, hsr, hxfar, ipa), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_pc ) __field( unsigned long, hsr ) __field( unsigned long, hxfar ) __field( unsigned long long, ipa ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_pc = vcpu_pc; __entry->hsr = hsr; __entry->hxfar = hxfar; __entry->ipa = ipa; ), TP_printk("ipa %#llx, hsr %#08lx, hxfar %#08lx, pc %#016lx", __entry->ipa, __entry->hsr, __entry->hxfar, __entry->vcpu_pc) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_access_fault, TP_PROTO(unsigned long ipa), TP_ARGS(ipa), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, ipa ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->ipa = ipa; ), TP_printk("IPA: %lx", __entry->ipa) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_irq_line, TP_PROTO(unsigned int type, int vcpu_idx, int irq_num, int level), TP_ARGS(type, vcpu_idx, irq_num, level), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned int, type ) __field( int, vcpu_idx ) __field( int, irq_num ) __field( int, level ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->type = type; __entry->vcpu_idx = vcpu_idx; __entry->irq_num = irq_num; __entry->level = level; ), TP_printk("Inject %s interrupt (%d), vcpu->idx: %d, num: %d, level: %d", (__entry->type == KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_CPU) ? "CPU" : (__entry->type == KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_PPI) ? "VGIC PPI" : (__entry->type == KVM_ARM_IRQ_TYPE_SPI) ? "VGIC SPI" : "UNKNOWN", __entry->type, __entry->vcpu_idx, __entry->irq_num, __entry->level) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_mmio_emulate, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_pc, unsigned long instr, unsigned long cpsr), TP_ARGS(vcpu_pc, instr, cpsr), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_pc ) __field( unsigned long, instr ) __field( unsigned long, cpsr ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_pc = vcpu_pc; __entry->instr = instr; __entry->cpsr = cpsr; ), TP_printk("Emulate MMIO at: 0x%016lx (instr: %08lx, cpsr: %08lx)", __entry->vcpu_pc, __entry->instr, __entry->cpsr) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_set_way_flush, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_pc, bool cache), TP_ARGS(vcpu_pc, cache), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_pc ) __field( bool, cache ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_pc = vcpu_pc; __entry->cache = cache; ), TP_printk("S/W flush at 0x%016lx (cache %s)", __entry->vcpu_pc, __entry->cache ? "on" : "off") ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_toggle_cache, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_pc, bool was, bool now), TP_ARGS(vcpu_pc, was, now), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_pc ) __field( bool, was ) __field( bool, now ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_pc = vcpu_pc; __entry->was = was; __entry->now = now; ), TP_printk("VM op at 0x%016lx (cache was %s, now %s)", __entry->vcpu_pc, __entry->was ? "on" : "off", __entry->now ? "on" : "off") ); /* * Tracepoints for arch_timer */ TRACE_EVENT(kvm_timer_update_irq, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_id, __u32 irq, int level), TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, irq, level), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_id ) __field( __u32, irq ) __field( int, level ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id; __entry->irq = irq; __entry->level = level; ), TP_printk("VCPU: %ld, IRQ %d, level %d", __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->irq, __entry->level) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_get_timer_map, TP_PROTO(unsigned long vcpu_id, struct timer_map *map), TP_ARGS(vcpu_id, map), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, vcpu_id ) __field( int, direct_vtimer ) __field( int, direct_ptimer ) __field( int, emul_vtimer ) __field( int, emul_ptimer ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu_id = vcpu_id; __entry->direct_vtimer = arch_timer_ctx_index(map->direct_vtimer); __entry->direct_ptimer = (map->direct_ptimer) ? arch_timer_ctx_index(map->direct_ptimer) : -1; __entry->emul_vtimer = (map->emul_vtimer) ? arch_timer_ctx_index(map->emul_vtimer) : -1; __entry->emul_ptimer = (map->emul_ptimer) ? arch_timer_ctx_index(map->emul_ptimer) : -1; ), TP_printk("VCPU: %ld, dv: %d, dp: %d, ev: %d, ep: %d", __entry->vcpu_id, __entry->direct_vtimer, __entry->direct_ptimer, __entry->emul_vtimer, __entry->emul_ptimer) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_timer_save_state, TP_PROTO(struct arch_timer_context *ctx), TP_ARGS(ctx), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, ctl ) __field( unsigned long long, cval ) __field( int, timer_idx ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->ctl = timer_get_ctl(ctx); __entry->cval = timer_get_cval(ctx); __entry->timer_idx = arch_timer_ctx_index(ctx); ), TP_printk(" CTL: %#08lx CVAL: %#16llx arch_timer_ctx_index: %d", __entry->ctl, __entry->cval, __entry->timer_idx) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_timer_restore_state, TP_PROTO(struct arch_timer_context *ctx), TP_ARGS(ctx), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( unsigned long, ctl ) __field( unsigned long long, cval ) __field( int, timer_idx ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->ctl = timer_get_ctl(ctx); __entry->cval = timer_get_cval(ctx); __entry->timer_idx = arch_timer_ctx_index(ctx); ), TP_printk("CTL: %#08lx CVAL: %#16llx arch_timer_ctx_index: %d", __entry->ctl, __entry->cval, __entry->timer_idx) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_timer_hrtimer_expire, TP_PROTO(struct arch_timer_context *ctx), TP_ARGS(ctx), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( int, timer_idx ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->timer_idx = arch_timer_ctx_index(ctx); ), TP_printk("arch_timer_ctx_index: %d", __entry->timer_idx) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_timer_emulate, TP_PROTO(struct arch_timer_context *ctx, bool should_fire), TP_ARGS(ctx, should_fire), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field( int, timer_idx ) __field( bool, should_fire ) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->timer_idx = arch_timer_ctx_index(ctx); __entry->should_fire = should_fire; ), TP_printk("arch_timer_ctx_index: %d (should_fire: %d)", __entry->timer_idx, __entry->should_fire) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_nested_eret, TP_PROTO(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, unsigned long elr_el2, unsigned long spsr_el2), TP_ARGS(vcpu, elr_el2, spsr_el2), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(struct kvm_vcpu *, vcpu) __field(unsigned long, elr_el2) __field(unsigned long, spsr_el2) __field(unsigned long, target_mode) __field(unsigned long, hcr_el2) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu = vcpu; __entry->elr_el2 = elr_el2; __entry->spsr_el2 = spsr_el2; __entry->target_mode = spsr_el2 & (PSR_MODE_MASK | PSR_MODE32_BIT); __entry->hcr_el2 = __vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, HCR_EL2); ), TP_printk("elr_el2: 0x%lx spsr_el2: 0x%08lx (M: %s) hcr_el2: %lx", __entry->elr_el2, __entry->spsr_el2, __print_symbolic(__entry->target_mode, kvm_mode_names), __entry->hcr_el2) ); TRACE_EVENT(kvm_inject_nested_exception, TP_PROTO(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u64 esr_el2, int type), TP_ARGS(vcpu, esr_el2, type), TP_STRUCT__entry( __field(struct kvm_vcpu *, vcpu) __field(unsigned long, esr_el2) __field(int, type) __field(unsigned long, spsr_el2) __field(unsigned long, pc) __field(unsigned long, source_mode) __field(unsigned long, hcr_el2) ), TP_fast_assign( __entry->vcpu = vcpu; __entry->esr_el2 = esr_el2; __entry->type = type; __entry->spsr_el2 = *vcpu_cpsr(vcpu); __entry->pc = *vcpu_pc(vcpu); __entry->source_mode = *vcpu_cpsr(vcpu) & (PSR_MODE_MASK | PSR_MODE32_BIT); __entry->hcr_el2 = __vcpu_sys_reg(vcpu, HCR_EL2); ), TP_printk("%s: esr_el2 0x%lx elr_el2: 0x%lx spsr_el2: 0x%08lx (M: %s) hcr_el2: %lx", __print_symbolic(__entry->type, kvm_exception_type_names), __entry->esr_el2, __entry->pc, __entry->spsr_el2, __print_symbolic(__entry->source_mode, kvm_mode_names), __entry->hcr_el2) ); #endif /* _TRACE_ARM_ARM64_KVM_H */ #undef TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH #define TRACE_INCLUDE_PATH . #undef TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE #define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE trace_arm /* This part must be outside protection */ #include <trace/define_trace.h>