/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 Linaro, Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc. */ #include <linux/pe.h> #include <linux/sizes.h> .macro efi_signature_nop #ifdef CONFIG_EFI .L_head: /* * This ccmp instruction has no meaningful effect except that * its opcode forms the magic "MZ" signature required by UEFI. */ ccmp x18, #0, #0xd, pl #else /* * Bootloaders may inspect the opcode at the start of the kernel * image to decide if the kernel is capable of booting via UEFI. * So put an ordinary NOP here, not the "MZ.." pseudo-nop above. */ nop #endif .endm .macro __EFI_PE_HEADER #ifdef CONFIG_EFI .set .Lpe_header_offset, . - .L_head .long PE_MAGIC .short IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 // Machine .short .Lsection_count // NumberOfSections .long 0 // TimeDateStamp .long 0 // PointerToSymbolTable .long 0 // NumberOfSymbols .short .Lsection_table - .Loptional_header // SizeOfOptionalHeader .short IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED | \ IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE | \ IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED // Characteristics .Loptional_header: .short PE_OPT_MAGIC_PE32PLUS // PE32+ format .byte 0x02 // MajorLinkerVersion .byte 0x14 // MinorLinkerVersion .long __initdata_begin - .Lefi_header_end // SizeOfCode .long __pecoff_data_size // SizeOfInitializedData .long 0 // SizeOfUninitializedData .long __efistub_efi_pe_entry - .L_head // AddressOfEntryPoint .long .Lefi_header_end - .L_head // BaseOfCode .quad 0 // ImageBase .long SEGMENT_ALIGN // SectionAlignment .long PECOFF_FILE_ALIGNMENT // FileAlignment .short 0 // MajorOperatingSystemVersion .short 0 // MinorOperatingSystemVersion .short LINUX_EFISTUB_MAJOR_VERSION // MajorImageVersion .short LINUX_EFISTUB_MINOR_VERSION // MinorImageVersion .short 0 // MajorSubsystemVersion .short 0 // MinorSubsystemVersion .long 0 // Win32VersionValue .long _end - .L_head // SizeOfImage // Everything before the kernel image is considered part of the header .long .Lefi_header_end - .L_head // SizeOfHeaders .long 0 // CheckSum .short IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_APPLICATION // Subsystem .short 0 // DllCharacteristics .quad 0 // SizeOfStackReserve .quad 0 // SizeOfStackCommit .quad 0 // SizeOfHeapReserve .quad 0 // SizeOfHeapCommit .long 0 // LoaderFlags .long (.Lsection_table - .) / 8 // NumberOfRvaAndSizes .quad 0 // ExportTable .quad 0 // ImportTable .quad 0 // ResourceTable .quad 0 // ExceptionTable .quad 0 // CertificationTable .quad 0 // BaseRelocationTable #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_EFI .long .Lefi_debug_table - .L_head // DebugTable .long .Lefi_debug_table_size #endif // Section table .Lsection_table: .ascii ".text\0\0\0" .long __initdata_begin - .Lefi_header_end // VirtualSize .long .Lefi_header_end - .L_head // VirtualAddress .long __initdata_begin - .Lefi_header_end // SizeOfRawData .long .Lefi_header_end - .L_head // PointerToRawData .long 0 // PointerToRelocations .long 0 // PointerToLineNumbers .short 0 // NumberOfRelocations .short 0 // NumberOfLineNumbers .long IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE | \ IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | \ IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE // Characteristics .ascii ".data\0\0\0" .long __pecoff_data_size // VirtualSize .long __initdata_begin - .L_head // VirtualAddress .long __pecoff_data_rawsize // SizeOfRawData .long __initdata_begin - .L_head // PointerToRawData .long 0 // PointerToRelocations .long 0 // PointerToLineNumbers .short 0 // NumberOfRelocations .short 0 // NumberOfLineNumbers .long IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA | \ IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | \ IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE // Characteristics .set .Lsection_count, (. - .Lsection_table) / 40 #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_EFI /* * The debug table is referenced via its Relative Virtual Address (RVA), * which is only defined for those parts of the image that are covered * by a section declaration. Since this header is not covered by any * section, the debug table must be emitted elsewhere. So stick it in * the .init.rodata section instead. * * Note that the EFI debug entry itself may legally have a zero RVA, * which means we can simply put it right after the section headers. */ __INITRODATA .align 2 .Lefi_debug_table: // EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_ENTRY .long 0 // Characteristics .long 0 // TimeDateStamp .short 0 // MajorVersion .short 0 // MinorVersion .long IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW // Type .long .Lefi_debug_entry_size // SizeOfData .long 0 // RVA .long .Lefi_debug_entry - .L_head // FileOffset .set .Lefi_debug_table_size, . - .Lefi_debug_table .previous .Lefi_debug_entry: // EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_CODEVIEW_NB10_ENTRY .ascii "NB10" // Signature .long 0 // Unknown .long 0 // Unknown2 .long 0 // Unknown3 .asciz VMLINUX_PATH .set .Lefi_debug_entry_size, . - .Lefi_debug_entry #endif .balign SEGMENT_ALIGN .Lefi_header_end: #else .set .Lpe_header_offset, 0x0 #endif .endm