// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
 * Device Tree Source for the RZ/G2LC SMARC EVK parts
 * Copyright (C) 2022 Renesas Electronics Corp.

#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/rzg2l-pinctrl.h>

 * DIP-Switch SW1 setting on SoM
 * 1 : High; 0: Low
 * SW1-2 : SW_SD0_DEV_SEL	(1: eMMC; 0: uSD)
 * SW1-3 : SW_SCIF_CAN		(1: CAN1; 0: SCIF1)
 * SW1-4 : SW_RSPI_CAN		(1: CAN1; 0: RSPI1)
 * SW1-5 : SW_I2S0_I2S1		(1: I2S2 (HDMI audio); 0: I2S0)
 * Please change below macros according to SW1 setting

#define SW_SD0_DEV_SEL	1

#define SW_SCIF_CAN	0
/* Due to HW routing, SW_RSPI_CAN is always 0 when SW_SCIF_CAN is set to 1 */
#define SW_RSPI_CAN	0
/* Please set SW_RSPI_CAN. Default value is 1 */
#define SW_RSPI_CAN	1

#error "Can not set 1 to both SW_SCIF_CAN and SW_RSPI_CAN due to HW routing"

#include "rzg2lc-smarc-som.dtsi"
#include "rzg2lc-smarc-pinfunction.dtsi"
#include "rz-smarc-common.dtsi"

/* comment the #define statement to disable SCIF1 (SER0) on PMOD1 (CN7) */
#define PMOD1_SER0	1

/ {
	aliases {
		serial1 = &scif1;

&canfd {
	pinctrl-0 = <&can1_pins>;
	/delete-node/ channel@0;
&canfd {
	/delete-property/ pinctrl-0;
	/delete-property/ pinctrl-names;
	status = "disabled";

 * To enable SCIF1 (SER0) on PMOD1 (CN7), On connector board
 * SW1 should be at position 2->3 so that SER0_CTS# line is activated
 * SW2 should be at position 2->3 so that SER0_TX line is activated
 * SW3 should be at position 2->3 so that SER0_RX line is activated
 * SW4 should be at position 2->3 so that SER0_RTS# line is activated
#if (!SW_SCIF_CAN && PMOD1_SER0)
&scif1 {
	pinctrl-0 = <&scif1_pins>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";

	status = "okay";