TI ADC128D818 ADC System Monitor With Temperature Sensor

Operation modes:

 - Mode 0:  7 single-ended voltage readings (IN0-IN6),
            1 temperature reading (internal)
 - Mode 1:  8 single-ended voltage readings (IN0-IN7),
            no temperature
 - Mode 2:  4 pseudo-differential voltage readings
              (IN0-IN1, IN3-IN2, IN4-IN5, IN7-IN6),
            1 temperature reading (internal)
 - Mode 3:  4 single-ended voltage readings (IN0-IN3),
            2 pseudo-differential voltage readings
              (IN4-IN5, IN7-IN6),
            1 temperature reading (internal)

If no operation mode is configured via device tree, the driver keeps the
currently active chip operation mode (default is mode 0).

Required node properties:

 - compatible:  must be set to "ti,adc128d818"
 - reg:         I2C address of the device

Optional node properties:

 - ti,mode:     Operation mode (see above).

Example (operation mode 2):

	adc128d818@1d {
		compatible = "ti,adc128d818";
		reg = <0x1d>;
		ti,mode = <2>;