\documentclass{report} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{adjustbox} \usepackage{placeins} % Metadata. \title{CPER-JSON Specification} \author{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering% Lawrence Tang\endgraf Lawrence.Tang@arm.com\endgraf\medskip}} \date{\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering% Revision v0.0.1 (\today)\endgraf First revision released [DATE].}} % Commands. \newcommand*{\thead}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\bfseries #1}} \newcommand*{\jsontable}[1]{ \begin{table}[!ht] \label{#1} \centering \begin{adjustbox}{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|p{8cm}|} \hline \thead{Field Name} & \thead{Type} & \thead{Description} \\ \hline } \newcommand*{\jsontableend}[1]{ \hline \end{tabular} \end{adjustbox} \caption{#1} \label{table:#1} \end{table} \FloatBarrier } \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \listoftables % Introductory section. \chapter{Preface} \section{Introduction \& Summary} This document lays out a structure for representing UEFI CPER records, as described in UEFI Appendix N \footnote{Version referenced is \href{https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/UEFI_Spec_2_9_2021_03_18.pdf}{UEFI Specification 2021/03/18}.}, in a human-readable JSON format, intended to be interoperable with standard CPER binary. \\\\ The C library released with this specification allows for the conversion between UEFI CPER records, an intermediate format, and the JSON structures defined in this document. There is also a comprehensive JSON schema\footnote{As defined by \href{https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/json-schema-core.html}{JSON schema Draft (2020/12)}} included within the same repository, at \texttt{specification/json}. % Specification section. \chapter{Main Structure Specification} \section{Parent Structure} \label{section:parentstructure} This structure contains descriptions of the CPER log header, as well as the section descriptors and section structures themselves within arrays. This is the structure returned by \texttt{cper\_to\_ir(FILE* cper\_file)} as JSON IR. % Parent structure table. \jsontable{table:parentstructure} header & object & A CPER header structure as defined in Section \ref{section:headerstructure}. \\ \hline sectionDescriptors & array & An array of section descriptor objects as defined in Section \ref{section:sectiondescriptorstructure}. \\ \hline sections & array & An array of section objects as defined in Chapter \ref{chapter:sectionchapter}. These sections are at the same index as their corresponding section descriptor within the \texttt{sectionDescriptors} array.\\ \jsontableend{Parent structure field table.} % Header structure. \section{Header Structure} \label{section:headerstructure} This structure describes the JSON format of the standard CPER header as defined in section N.2.1 of the UEFI specification. % Header structure table. \jsontable{table:headerstructure} revision & object & A CPER revision object structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:revisionstructure}. \\ \hline sectionCount & int & The number of sections that are described by the CPER record.\\ \hline severity & object & An error severity structure as described in \ref{subsection:headererrorseveritystructure}.\\ \hline validationBits & object & A CPER header validation bitfield as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:headervalidbitfieldstructure}.\\ \hline recordLength & uint64 & The total length of the binary CPER record, including the header, in bytes.\\ \hline timestamp & string (\textbf{optional}) & The attached record timestamp, if the validity field is set. Formatted identically to \texttt{Date.toJson()} (ISO 8601), minus the trailing timezone letter. Timezone is local to the machine creating the record.\\ \hline timestampIsPrecise & boolean (\textbf{optional}) & If a timestamp is attached, indicates whether the provided timestamp is precise.\\ \hline platformID & string (\textbf{optional}) & If validation bit is set, uniquely identifying GUID of the platform. Platform SMBIOS UUID should be used to populate this field.\\ \hline partitionID & string (\textbf{optional}) & If validation bit is set, GUID identifying the partition on which the error occurred.\\ \hline creatorID & string & A GUID identifying the creator of the error record. May be overwritten by subsequent owners of the record.\\ \hline notificationType & object & A CPER notification type structure as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:notificationtypestructure}.\\ \hline recordID & uint64 & A unique value which, when combined with the \texttt{creatorID} field, uniquely identifies this error record on a given system.\\ \hline flags & object & A CPER header flags structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:headerflagsstructure}.\\ \hline persistenceInfo & uint64 & Produced and consumed by the creator of the error record identified by \texttt{creatorID}. Format undefined.\\ \jsontableend{Header structure field table.} % Header error severity. \subsection{Header Error Severity Structure} \label{subsection:headererrorseveritystructure} This structure describes the error severity of a single CPER record. \jsontable{table:headererrorseveritystructure} name & string & The human readable name of this error severity, if known. \\ \hline code & uint64 & The integer value of this error severity. \\ \jsontableend{Header error severity structure field table.} % Header validation bitfield. \subsection{Header Validation Bitfield Structure} \label{subsection:headervalidbitfieldstructure} This structure describes a bitfield for validating the fields of the header of a single CPER record. \jsontable{table:headervalidbitfieldstructure} platformIDValid & boolean & Whether the "platformID" field in the header structure (\ref{section:headerstructure}) is valid. \\ \hline timestampValid & boolean & Whether the "timestamp" field in the header structure (\ref{section:headerstructure}) is valid. \\ \hline partitionIDValid & boolean & Whether the "partitionID" field in the header structure (\ref{section:headerstructure}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{Header validation bitfield structure field table.} % Header notification type. \subsection{Notification Type Structure} \label{subsection:notificationtypestructure} This structure describes the notification type of a single CPER record. \jsontable{table:notificationtypestructure} guid & string & The GUID of this notification type. Assigned GUIDs for types of CPER records are defined in UEFI Specification section N.2.1.1.\\ \hline type & string & A human readable name, if available, of the notification type for the given GUID.\\ \jsontableend{Notification type structure field table.} % Header flags. \subsection{Header Flags Structure} \label{subsection:headerflagsstructure} This structure describes the enabled flag on a given CPER record header. \jsontable{table:headerflagsstructure} name & string & A human readable name, if available, of this flag.\\ \hline value & uint64 & The integer value of this flag.\\ \jsontableend{Header flags structure field table.} %Section descriptor structure. \section{Section Descriptor Structure} \label{section:sectiondescriptorstructure} This section describes the JSON format of a single CPER record section descriptor as defined by section N.2.2 of the UEFI specification. An array of these structures is contained within the parent structure as defined in Section \ref{section:parentstructure}. %Section descriptor structure table. \jsontable{table:sectiondescriptorstructure} sectionOffset & uint64 & The offset (in bytes) of the section body this section descriptor describes from the base of the record header.\\ \hline sectionLength & uint64 & The length (in bytes) of the section body.\\ \hline revision & object & A CPER revision structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:revisionstructure}.\\ \hline validationBits.fruIDValid & boolean & Whether the "fruID" field on this section descriptor contains valid data.\\ validationBits.fruStringValid & boolean & Whether the "fruString" field on this section descriptor contains valid data.\\ \hline flags & object & A CPER section descriptor flags structure as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:sectiondescriptorflagsstructure}.\\ \hline sectionType.data & string & GUID data for the type of section body.\\ sectionType.type & string & The human readable name, if possible, for the type of section body. GUIDs for types of sectoin body are defined in UEFI specification section N.2.2 Table N-5 and section N.2.4.\\ \hline fruID & string (\textbf{optional}) & If validation field set, the FRU ID of the section reporting the error.\\ \hline severity.code & uint64 & The integer value of the severity of the described section.\\ severity.name & string & If available, the human readable name for the severity of the described section.\\ \hline fruText & string (\textbf{optional}) & If validation field set, ASCII string identifying the FRU hardware.\\ \jsontableend{Section descriptor structure field table.} % Section descriptor flags. \subsection{Section Descriptor Flags Structure} \label{subsection:sectiondescriptorflagsstructure} This structure describes the enabled flags on a given CPER section descriptor. \jsontable{table:sectiondescriptorflagsstructure} primary & boolean & If true, indicates the section body should be associated with the error condition.\\ \hline containmentWarning & boolean & If true, the error was not contained within the processor or memory heirarchy, and may have propagated elsewhere.\\ \hline reset & boolean & If true, indicates the component has been reset and must be re-initialised or re-enabled by the operating system.\\ \hline errorThresholdExceeded & boolean & If true, indicates the operating system may choose to discontinue use of this resource.\\ \hline resourceNotAccessible & boolean & If true, the resource could not be queried for error information due to conflicts with other system software or resources. Some fields of the section will be invalid.\\ \hline latentError & boolean & If true, indicates that action has been taken to ensure error containment, but the error has not been fully corrected. System software may choose to take further action before the data is consumed.\\ \hline propagated & boolean & If true, indicates that the error has been propagated due to hardware poisoning.\\ \hline overflow & boolean & If true, overflow of data structures used to manage errors has been detected. Some error records may be lost.\\ \jsontableend{Section descriptor flags structure field table.} % Generic CPER structures. \section{Generic CPER Structures} This section describes generic CPER structures that are re-used throughout the specification. % Revision. \subsection{Revision Structure} \label{subsection:revisionstructure} This structure describes the revision of a single CPER record or sub-structure. \jsontable{table:revisionstructure} major & int & The major version number. An increase in this revision indicates the changes are not backward compatible. \\ \hline minor & int & The minor version number. Incremented on additions of new GUID types, errata fixes, or clarifications. Backwards compatible with the same major version number. \\ \jsontableend{CPER revision structure field table.} % Generic Error Status \subsection{Generic Error Status Structure} \label{subsection:genericerrorstatusstructure} This structure describes the a generic CPER error status, that can be used by any CPER section. \jsontable{table:genericerrorstatusstructure} errorType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the error type.\\ errorType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the error type.\\ errorType.description & string & A human readable description, if available, of the error type.\\ \hline addressSignal & boolean & Whether the error was detected on the address signals/address portion of the transaction.\\ \hline controlSignal & boolean & Whether the error was detected on the control signals/control portion of the transaction.\\ \hline dataSignal & boolean & Whether the error was detected on the data signals/data portion of the transaction.\\ \hline detectedByResponder & boolean & Whether the error was detected by the responder of the transaction.\\ \hline detectedByRequester & boolean & Whether the error was detected by the requester of the transaction.\\ \hline firstError & boolean & If multiple errors are logged for a single type of section, this indicates this is the first error in a chronological sequence. This field is optional to set.\\ \hline overflowDroppedLogs & boolean & Additional errors occurred and were not logged due to lack of resources.\\ \jsontableend{Generic Error Status structure field table.} %Sections. \chapter{Section Specification} \label{chapter:sectionchapter} This chapter defines section body formats for all of the sections defined within UEFI Specification section N.2.4. % Generic processor error section. \section{Generic Processor Error Section} \label{section:genericprocessorerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single Generic Processor Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for Generic Processor Error Sections is \texttt{\{0x9876CCAD, 0x47B4, 0x4bdb, \{0xB6, 0x5E, 0x16, 0xF1, 0x93, 0xC4, 0xF3, 0xDB\}\}}. \jsontable{table:genericprocessorerrorsection} validationBits & object & A Generic Processor Error Validation Structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:genericprocessorvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline processorType.name & string & If available, the human readable name of the processor type.\\ processorType.value & uint64 & The integer value of the processor type.\\ \hline processorISA.name & string & If available, the human readable name of the processor ISA.\\ processorISA.value & uint64 & The integer value corresponding to the processor ISA.\\ \hline errorType.name & string & If available, the human readable name of the type of processor error this section describes.\\ errorType.value & uint64 & The integer value corresponding to the processor error type.\\ \hline operation.name & string & If available, the human readable name of the operation.\\ operation.value & uint64 & The integer value corresponding to the operation.\\ \hline flags & object & Flag information for the Generic Processor Error as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:genericprocessorflagsstructure}.\\ \hline level & int & The level of the structure at which the error occurred.\\ \hline cpuVersionInfo & uint64 & The CPU version information as reported by CPUID with EAX=1. On ARM, this is MIDR\_EL1.\\ \hline cpuBrandString & string & The ASCII brand string of the CPU. This field is optional on ARM.\\ \hline processorID & uint64 & The unique identifier of the logical processor. On ARM, this is MPIDR\_EL1.\\ \hline targetAddress & uint64 & The target address associated with the error.\\ \hline requestorID & uint64 & ID of the requestor associated with the error.\\ \hline responderID & uint64 & ID of the responder associated with the error.\\ \hline instructionIP & uint64 & Identifies the instruction pointer at the point of error.\\ \jsontableend{Generic Processor Error structure field table.} % Generic processor error validation structure. \subsection{Generic Processor Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:genericprocessorvalidationstructure} This structure describes the valdation bits structure of a General Processor Error CPER section. \jsontable{table:genericprocessorvalidationstructure} processorTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "processorType" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline processorISAValid & boolean & Whether the "processorISA" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline errorTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "errorType" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline operationValid & boolean & Whether the "operation" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline flagsValid & boolean & Whether the "flags" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline levelValid & boolean & Whether the "levelValid" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cpuVersionValid & boolean & Whether the "cpuVersion" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cpuBrandInfoValid & boolean & Whether the "cpuBrandInfo" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cpuIDValid & boolean & Whether the "cpuID" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline targetAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "targetAddress" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline requestorIDValid & boolean & Whether the "requestorID" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline responderIDValid & boolean & Whether the "responderID" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline instructionIPValid & boolean & Whether the "instructionIP" field of the Generic Processor Error section (\ref{section:genericprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{Generic Processor Error validation structure field table.} % Generic processor error flags structure. \subsection{Generic Processor Error Flags Structure} \label{subsection:genericprocessorflagsstructure} This structure describes the flags structure of a General Processor Error CPER section. \jsontable{table:genericprocessorflagsstructure} restartable & boolean & Whether program execution can be restarted reliably after the error.\\ \hline preciseIP & boolean & Whether the instruction IP captured is directly associated with the error.\\ \hline overflow & boolean & Whether a machine check overflow occurred (multiple errors occurred at once).\\ \hline corrected & boolean & Whether the error was corrected by hardware/firmware.\\ \jsontableend{Generic Processor Error flags structure field table.} % IA32/x64 error section. \section{IA32/x64 Processor Error Section} \label{section:ia32x64errorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single IA32/x64 Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for IA32/x64 Processor Error Sections is \texttt{\{0xDC3EA0B0, 0xA144, 0x4797, \{0xB9, 0x5B, 0x53, 0xFA, 0x24, 0x2B, 0x6E, 0x1D\}\}}. \jsontable{table:genericprocessorerrorsection} validationBits & object & IA32/x64 Processor Error Validation Structure as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorflagsstructure}.\\ \hline localAPICID & uint64 & The APIC ID of the processor.\\ \hline cpuidInfo & object & IA32/x64 CPUINFO Structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64cpuinfostructure}.\\ \hline processorErrorInfo & array & Array of IA32/x64 Processor Error Info Structures as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}.\\ \hline processorContextInfo & array & Array of IA32/x64 Processor Context Info Structures as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure}.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error structure field table.} % IA32/x64 validation bitfield structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorflagsstructure} This structure describes the validation bitfield structure of an IA32/x64 Error CPER section. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorflagsstructure} localAPICIDValid & boolean & Whether the "localAPICID" field of the IA32/x64 Error section (\ref{section:ia32x64errorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cpuIDInfoValid & boolean & Whether the "cpuidInfo" field of the IA32/x64 Error section (\ref{section:ia32x64errorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline processorErrorInfoNum & int & The number of IA32/x64 Processor Error Info Structures (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) that are included with this error section.\\ \hline processorContextInfoNum & int & The number of IA32/x64 Processor Context Info Structures (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure}) that are included with this error section.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error validation structure field table.} % IA32/x64 CPUINFO structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 CPUINFO Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64cpuinfostructure} This structure describes the CPUINFO structure of an IA32/x64 Error CPER section. \jsontable{table:ia32x64cpuinfostructure} eax & uint64 & Value of the EAX register resulting from a call to CPUID with EAX=1.\\ \hline ebx & uint64 & Value of the EBX register resulting from a call to CPUID with EAX=1.\\ \hline ecx & uint64 & Value of the ECX register resulting from a call to CPUID with EAX=1.\\ \hline edx & uint64 & Value of the EDX register resulting from a call to CPUID with EAX=1.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 CPUINFO structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Info structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Info Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 Processor Error Info sub-section, which is part of the larger IA32/x64 record (\ref{section:ia32x64errorsection}). \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure} type & string & A GUID indicating the type of processor error defined in this structure. See \texttt{edk/Cper.h} in the library repository for the defined GUID values.\\ \hline validationBits & object & An IA32/x64 Processor Error Info Validation structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfovalidationstructure}.\\ \hline checkInfo & object & Check information structure for this error. One of the structures defined in Subsections \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfocachetlbstructure}, \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfobusstructure}, or \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}. Which section is placed here is dependent on the \texttt{type} field.\\ \hline targetAddressID & uint64 & Identifies the target address associated with the error.\\ \hline requestorID & uint64 & Identifies the requestor associated with the error.\\ \hline responderID & uint64 & Identifies the responder associated with the error.\\ \hline instructionPointer & uint64 & Identifies the instruction executing when the error occurred.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Info structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Info Validation structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Info Validation Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfovalidationstructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 Processor Error Info structure's valid fields, as a set of boolean values. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorinfovalidationstructure} checkInfoValid & boolean & Whether the "checkInfo" field in the Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline targetAddressIDValid & boolean & Whether the "targetAddressID" field in the Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline requestorIDValid & boolean & Whether the "requestorID" field in the Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline responderIDValid & boolean & Whether the "responderID" field in the Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline instructionPointerValid & boolean & Whether the "instructionPointer" field in the Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Info validation structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB Error) \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB Error) Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfocachetlbstructure} This structure describes check info for an IA32/x64 Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) stemming from a cache or TLB error. The GUIDs for cache and TLB error check info structures can be found in the library repository's \texttt{edk/Cper.h}. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfocachetlbstructure} validationBits & object & An IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB/Bus) Validation structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfovalidationstructure}.\\ \hline transactionType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of cache/TLB error that occurred.\\ transactionType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of cache/TLB error that occurred.\\ \hline operation.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of cache/TLB operation that caused the error.\\ operation.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of cache/TLB operation that caused the error.\\ \hline level & uint64 & The cache/TLB level at which the error occurred.\\ \hline processorContextCorrupt & boolean & Whether the processor context might have been corrupted.\\ \hline uncorrected & boolean & Whether the error remained uncorrected.\\ \hline preciseIP & boolean & Whether the instruction pointed pushed onto the stack is directly associated with the error.\\ \hline restartableIP & boolean & Whether program execution can be restarted reliably at the instruction pointer pushed onto the stack.\\ \hline overflow & boolean & Whether an error overflow occurred (multiple errors within a short timeframe may cause this, can indicate loss of data).\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB Error) structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Bus Error) \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Bus Error) Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfobusstructure} This structure describes check info for an IA32/x64 Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) stemming from a bus error. The GUID for bus error check info structures can be found in the library repository's \texttt{edk/Cper.h}. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfobusstructure} validationBits & object & An IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB/Bus) Validation structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfovalidationstructure}.\\ \hline transactionType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of bus error that occurred.\\ transactionType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of bus error that occurred.\\ \hline operation.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of bus operation that caused the error.\\ operation.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of bus operation that caused the error.\\ \hline level & uint64 & The bus heirarchy level at which the error occurred.\\ \hline processorContextCorrupt & boolean & Whether the processor context might have been corrupted.\\ \hline uncorrected & boolean & Whether the error remained uncorrected.\\ \hline preciseIP & boolean & Whether the instruction pointed pushed onto the stack is directly associated with the error.\\ \hline restartableIP & boolean & Whether program execution can be restarted reliably at the instruction pointer pushed onto the stack.\\ \hline overflow & boolean & Whether an error overflow occurred (multiple errors within a short timeframe may cause this, can indicate loss of data).\\ \hline participationType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of participation.\\ participationType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of participation.\\ \hline timedOut & boolean & Whether the request timed out.\\ \hline addressSpace.value & uint64 & The raw value of the address space the error was in.\\ addressSpace.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the address space the error was in.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Bus Error) structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check Error) \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check Error) Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure} This structure describes check info for an IA32/x64 Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorinfostructure}) stemming from an MS check error. The GUID for MS check check info structures can be found in the library repository's \texttt{edk/Cper.h}. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure} validationBits & object & An IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) Validation structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline errorType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of operation that caused the error.\\ errorType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of operation that caused the error.\\ \hline processorContextCorrupt & boolean & Whether the processor context might have been corrupted.\\ \hline uncorrected & boolean & Whether the error remained uncorrected.\\ \hline preciseIP & boolean & Whether the instruction pointed pushed onto the stack is directly associated with the error.\\ \hline restartableIP & boolean & Whether program execution can be restarted reliably at the instruction pointer pushed onto the stack.\\ \hline overflow & boolean & Whether an error overflow occurred (multiple errors within a short timeframe may cause this, can indicate loss of data).\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check Error) structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info Validation structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB/Bus) Validation Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfovalidationstructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info structure's valid fields for cache, TLB and bus errors, as a set of boolean values. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfovalidationstructure} transactionTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "transactionType" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline operationValid & boolean & Whether the "operation" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline levelValid & boolean & Whether the "level" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline processorContextCorruptValid & boolean & Whether the "processorContextCorrupt" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline uncorrectedValid & boolean & Whether the "uncorrected" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline preciseIPValid & boolean & Whether the "preciseIP" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline restartableIPValid & boolean & Whether the "restartableIP" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline overflowValid & boolean & Whether the "overflow" field in a Processor Error Check Info structure is valid.\\ \hline participationTypeValid & boolean (\textbf{optional}) & Whether the "participationType" field in the Processor Error Check Info (Bus Error) structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfobusstructure}) is valid. \textbf{This field is only present on bus related check info structures.}\\ \hline timedOutValid & boolean (\textbf{optional}) & Whether the "timeOut" field in the Processor Error Check Info (Bus Error) structure (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfobusstructure}) is valid. \textbf{This field is only present on bus related check info structures.}\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (Cache/TLB/Bus) validation structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) Validation structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) Validation Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckvalidationstructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info structure's valid fields for MS check errors, as a set of boolean values. \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckvalidationstructure} errorTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "transactionType" field in a Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}) structure is valid.\\ \hline processorContextCorruptValid & boolean & Whether the "processorContextCorrupt" field in a Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}) structure is valid.\\ \hline uncorrectedValid & boolean & Whether the "uncorrected" field in a Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}) structure is valid.\\ \hline preciseIPValid & boolean & Whether the "preciseIP" field in a Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}) structure is valid.\\ \hline restartableIPValid & boolean & Whether the "restartableIP" field in a Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}) structure is valid.\\ \hline overflowValid & boolean & Whether the "overflow" field in a Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorerrorcheckinfomscheckstructure}) structure is valid.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Error Check Info (MS Check) validation structure field table.} % IA32/x64 Processor Context Info structure. \subsection{IA32/x64 Processor Context Info Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 Processor Context Info sub-section, which is part of the larger IA32/x64 record (\ref{section:ia32x64errorsection}). \jsontable{table:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure} registerContextType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of processor context state being reported.\\ registerContextType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of processor context state being reported.\\ \hline registerArraySize & uint64 & The total size of the array for the data type being reported, in bytes.\\ \hline msrAddress & uint64 & The starting MSR address. Valid when the \texttt{registerContextType.value} field is "1" (MSR Registers).\\ \hline mmRegisterAddress & uint64 & The starting memory address for when the \texttt{registerContextType.value} field is "7" (Memory Mapped Registers).\\ \hline registerArray & object & Register data, formatted as object fields. If the \texttt{registerContextType.value} field has the value "2" or "3", this takes the structure of Subsections \ref{subsection:ia32x64ia32registerstatestructure} and \ref{subsection:ia32x64x64registerstatestructure} respectively. If the value is any other, it takes the form of the structure defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:ia32x64unformattedregisterstatestructure}.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Processor Context Info structure field table.} % IA32/x64 IA32 Register State structure \subsection{IA32/x64 IA32 Register State Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64ia32registerstatestructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 IA32 register state, which is contained in IA32/x64 Processor Context Info structures (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure}) when \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value "2". \jsontable{table:ia32x64ia32registerstatestructure} eax & uint64 & The EAX register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ebx & uint64 & The EBX register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ecx & uint64 & The ECX register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline edx & uint64 & The EDX register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline esi & uint64 & The ESI register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline edi & uint64 & The EDI register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ebp & uint64 & The EBP register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline esp & uint64 & The ESP register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline cs & uint64 & The CS register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ds & uint64 & The DS register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ss & uint64 & The SS register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline es & uint64 & The ES register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline fs & uint64 & The FS register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline gs & uint64 & The GS register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline eflags & uint64 & The EFLAGS register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline eip & uint64 & The EIP register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline cr0 & uint64 & The CR0 register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline cr1 & uint64 & The CR1 register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline cr2 & uint64 & The CR2 register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline cr3 & uint64 & The CR3 register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline cr4 & uint64 & The CR4 register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline gdtr & uint64 & The GDTR register.\\ \hline idtr & uint64 & The IDTR register.\\ \hline ldtr & uint64 & The LDTR register.\\ \hline tr & uint64 & The TR register. Real maximum is \texttt{UINT32}, null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 IA32 Register State structure field table.} % IA32/x64 x64 Register State structure \subsection{IA32/x64 x64 Register State Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64x64registerstatestructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 x64 register state, which is contained in IA32/x64 Processor Context Info structures (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure}) when \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value "3". \jsontable{table:ia32x64x64registerstatestructure} rax & uint64 & The RAX register.\\ \hline rbx & uint64 & The RBX register.\\ \hline rcx & uint64 & The RCX register.\\ \hline rdx & uint64 & The RDX register.\\ \hline rsi & uint64 & The RSI register.\\ \hline rdi & uint64 & The RDI register.\\ \hline rbp & uint64 & The RBP register.\\ \hline rsp & uint64 & The RSP register.\\ \hline r8 & uint64 & The R8 register.\\ \hline r9 & uint64 & The R9 register.\\ \hline r10 & uint64 & The R10 register.\\ \hline r11 & uint64 & The R11 register.\\ \hline r12 & uint64 & The R12 register.\\ \hline r13 & uint64 & The R13 register.\\ \hline r14 & uint64 & The R14 register.\\ \hline r15 & uint64 & The R15 register.\\ \hline cs & uint64 & The CS register.\\ \hline ds & uint64 & The DS register.\\ \hline ss & uint64 & The SS register.\\ \hline es & uint64 & The ES register.\\ \hline fs & uint64 & The FS register.\\ \hline gs & uint64 & The GS register.\\ \hline rflags & uint64 & The RFLAGS register.\\ \hline eip & uint64 & The EIP register.\\ \hline cr0 & uint64 & The CR0 register.\\ \hline cr1 & uint64 & The CR1 register.\\ \hline cr2 & uint64 & The CR2 register.\\ \hline cr3 & uint64 & The CR3 register.\\ \hline cr4 & uint64 & The CR4 register.\\ \hline cr8 & uint64 & The CR8 register.\\ \hline gdtr\_0 & uint64 & The first \texttt{UINT64} of the GDTR register.\\ \hline gdtr\_1 & uint64 & The second \texttt{UINT64} of the GDTR register.\\ \hline idtr\_0 & uint64 & The first \texttt{UINT64} of the IDTR register.\\ \hline idtr\_1 & uint64 & The second \texttt{UINT64} of the IDTR register.\\ \hline ldtr & uint64 & The LDTR register.\\ \hline tr & uint64 & The TR register.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 x64 Register State structure field table.} % IA32/x64 IA32 Register State structure \subsection{IA32/x64 Unformatted Register State Structure} \label{subsection:ia32x64unformattedregisterstatestructure} This structure describes a single IA32/x64 unformatted register state, which is contained in IA32/x64 Processor Context Info structures (\ref{subsection:ia32x64processorcontextinfostructure}) when\\\texttt{registerContextType.value} has a value other than "2" or "3". \jsontable{table:ia32x64unformattedregisterstatestructure} data & string & A base64-formatted binary representation of the register array.\\ \jsontableend{IA32/x64 Unformatted Register State structure field table.} % ARM processor error section. \section{ARM Processor Error Section} \label{section:armprocessorerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single ARM Processor Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for ARM Processor Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0xe19e3d16, 0xbc11, 0x11e4, \{ 0x9c, 0xaa, 0xc2, 0x05, 0x1d, 0x5d, 0x46, 0xb0 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorsection} validationBits & object & An ARM Processor Error Validation structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline errorInfoNum & int & The number of error info structures attached to this error.\\ \hline contextInfoNum & int & The number of context info structures attached to this error.\\ \hline sectionLength & uint64 & The total size (in bytes) of this error section.\\ \hline errorAffinity.value & int & The raw value of the error affinity for this error.\\ errorAffinity.type & string & The human readable type of the error affinity for this error. All values are vendor defined, so specific names cannot be provided.\\ \hline mpidrEl1 & uint64 & The processor ID (\texttt{MPIDR\_EL1}) for this error.\\ \hline midrEl1 & uint64 & The chip ID (\texttt{MIDR\_EL1}) for this error.\\ \hline running & boolean & Whether the processor is running or not. If true, the \texttt{psciState} field is not included.\\ \hline psciState & uint64 (\textbf{optional}) & The PSCI state of the processor. Only \textbf{optionally} included when the "running" field is false. Cannot be made human readable, as this could either be in the pre-PSCI 1.0 format, or the newer "Extended StateID" format. For more information, see the ARM PSCI specification.\\ \hline errorInfo & array & Array of ARM Processor Error Info structures, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}.\\ \hline contextInfo & array & Array of ARM Processor Context Info structures, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}.\\ \hline vendorSpecificInfo.data & string (\textbf{optional}) & If it exists, a base64-encoded binary representation of any attached vendor specific information.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Validation structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorvalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields are valid in a single ARM Processor Error structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}) with boolean fields. \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorvalidationstructure} mpidrValid & boolean & Whether the "mpidrEl1" field in the ARM Processor Error structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline errorAffinityLevelValid & boolean & Whether the "errorAffinity" field in the ARM Processor Error structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline runningStateValid & boolean & Whether the "running" field in the ARM Processor Error structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline vendorSpecificInfoValid & boolean & Whether the trailing vendor specific info (if present) in the ARM Processor Error Structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error validation structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure} This structure describes a single ARM Processor Error Info structure, as part of a whole ARM Processor Error structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}). \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfostructure} version & int & The version of the structure that is implemented.\\ \hline length & int & The length of the structure, in bytes. For version 0, this is 32.\\ \hline validationBits & object & An ARM Processor Error Info Validation structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfovalidationstructure}.\\ \hline errorType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the error type this error info describes.\\ errorType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the error type this error info describes.\\ \hline multipleError.value & int & If the value of this field is 2 or greater, the raw value of the number of errors that occurred. Otherwise, the raw value of the multiple error status.\\ multipleError.type & string & The human readable value, if available, of what type of multiple error this is (single error, multiple error).\\ \hline flags & object & An ARM Processor Error Info Flags structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoflagsstructure}.\\ \hline errorInformation & object & An error information structure, as defined in one of Subsections \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure} or \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}. Which structure this is depends on the \texttt{errorType.value} field.\\ \hline virtualFaultAddress & uint64 & Indicates a virtual fault address associated with the error, such as when an error occurs in virtually indexed cache.\\ \hline physicalFaultAddress & uint64 & Indicates a physical fault address associated with the error.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info Validation structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Validation Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfovalidationstructure} This structure describes the valid fields in a single ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}), using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfovalidationstructure} multipleErrorValid & boolean & Whether the "multipleError" field in the ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline flagsValid & boolean & Whether the "flags" field in the ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline errorInformationValid & boolean & Whether the "errorInformation" field in the ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline virtualFaultAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "virtualFaultAddress" field in the ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \hline physicalFaultAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "physicalFaultAddress" field in the ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info validation structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info Validation structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Flags Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoflagsstructure} This structure describes the flags in a single ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}), using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfoflagsstructure} firstErrorCaptured & boolean & Whether this is the first error captured.\\ \hline lastErrorCaptured & boolean & Whether this is the last error captured.\\ \hline propagated & boolean & Whether the error has propagated.\\ \hline overflow & boolean & Whether error buffer overflow was detected. This is usually from multiple errors occurring in a short timespan, and indicates loss of error data.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info Flags structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info Error Information (Cache/TLB) structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Cache/TLB Information Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure} This structure describes cache/TLB error information for a single ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}). \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure} validationBits & object & An ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Validation structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfocachetlbvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline transactionType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of cache/TLB error.\\ transactionType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of cache/TLB error.\\ \hline operation.value & uint64 & The raw value of the cache/TLB operation that caused the error.\\ operation.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the cache/TLB operation that caused the error.\\ \hline level & int & The cache/TLB level that the error occurred at.\\ \hline processorContextCorrupt & boolean & Whether the processor context may have been corrupted.\\ \hline corrected & boolean & Whether the error was corrected.\\ \hline precisePC & boolean & Whether the program counter is directly associated with the error.\\ \hline restartablePC & boolean & Whether program execution can be restarted reliably at the program counter associated with the error.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info Cache/TLB Information structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info Error Information (Cache/TLB) validation structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Cache/TLB Validation Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfocachetlbvalidationstructure} This structure describes valid fields in a single ARM Processor Error Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}), as a set of boolean fields. \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfocachetlbvalidationstructure} transactionTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "transactionType" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline operationValid & boolean & Whether the "operation" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline levelValid & boolean & Whether the "level" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline processorContextCorruptValid & boolean & Whether the "processorContextCorrupt" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline correctedValid & boolean & Whether the "corrected" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline precisePCValid & boolean & Whether the "precisePC" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline restartablePCValid & boolean & Whether the "restartablePC" field in the ARM Processor Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationcachetlbstructure}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info Cache/TLB validation structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info Error Information (Bus) structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Bus Information Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure} This structure describes bus error information for a single ARM Processor Error Info structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfostructure}). \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure} validationBits & object & An ARM Processor Info Bus Validation structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfobusvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline transactionType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of bus error.\\ transactionType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of bus error.\\ \hline operation.value & uint64 & The raw value of the bus operation that caused the error.\\ operation.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the bus operation that caused the error.\\ \hline level & int & The affinity level that the bus error occurred at.\\ \hline processorContextCorrupt & boolean & Whether the processor context may have been corrupted.\\ \hline corrected & boolean & Whether the error was corrected.\\ \hline precisePC & boolean & Whether the program counter is directly associated with the error.\\ \hline restartablePC & boolean & Whether program execution can be restarted reliably at the program counter associated with the error.\\ \hline timedOut & boolean & Whether the request timed out.\\ \hline participationType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of participation that occurred in the bus error.\\ participationType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of participation that occurred in the bus error.\\ \hline addressSpace.value & uint64 & The raw value of the address space in which the bus error occurred.\\ addressSpace.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the address space in which the bus error occurred.\\ \hline memoryAttributes & int & Memory access attributes for this bus error as described in the ARM ARM.\\ \hline accessMode.value & int & The raw value of the access mode of the bus request (secure/normal).\\ accessMode.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the access mode of the bus request (secure/normal).\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info Bus Information structure field table.} % ARM Processor Error Info Error Information (Bus) validation structure \subsection{ARM Processor Error Info Bus Validation Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfobusvalidationstructure} This structure describes valid fields in a single ARM Processor Error Info Cache/TLB Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}), as a set of boolean fields. \jsontable{table:armprocessorerrorinfobusvalidationstructure} transactionTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "transactionType" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline operationValid & boolean & Whether the "operation" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline levelValid & boolean & Whether the "level" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline processorContextCorruptValid & boolean & Whether the "processorContextCorrupt" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline correctedValid & boolean & Whether the "corrected" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline precisePCValid & boolean & Whether the "precisePC" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline restartablePCValid & boolean & Whether the "restartablePC" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline participationTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "participationType" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline timedOutValid & boolean & Whether the "timedOut" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline addressSpaceValid & boolean & Whether the "addressSpace" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline memoryAttributesValid & boolean & Whether the "memoryAttributes" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \hline accessModeValid & boolean & Whether the "accessMode" field in the ARM Processor Info Bus Information structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorerrorinfoerrorinformationbusstructure}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Error Info Bus validation structure field table.} % ARM Processor Context Info structure \subsection{ARM Processor Context Info Structure} \label{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure} This structure describes a single ARM Processor Context Info structure, as part of a whole ARM Processor Error structure (\ref{section:armprocessorerrorsection}). \jsontable{table:armprocessorcontextinfostructure} registerContextType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of processor context state being reported.\\ registerContextType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of processor context state being reported.\\ \hline registerArraySize & uint64 & The size of the attached register array, in bytes.\\ \hline registerArray & object & The attached register array, with registers encoded as object fields. Structured as shown in one of subsections \ref{subsection:armaarch32gprstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch32el1contextregistersstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch32el2contextregistersstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch32secureregistersstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch64gprstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch64el1contextregistersstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch64el2contextregistersstructure}, \ref{subsection:armaarch64el3contextregistersstructure}, \ref{subsection:armmiscregistersstructure} or \ref{subsection:armunknownregistersstructure}. Type of structure depends on the \texttt{registerContextType.value} field.\\ \jsontableend{ARM Processor Context Info structure field table.} % ARM AARCH32 General Purpose Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH32 General Purpose Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch32gprstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH32 GPRs as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 0. \jsontable{table:armaarch32gprstructure} r0 & uint64 & Register R0. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r1 & uint64 & Register R1. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r2 & uint64 & Register R2. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r3 & uint64 & Register R3. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r4 & uint64 & Register R4. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r5 & uint64 & Register R5. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r6 & uint64 & Register R6. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r7 & uint64 & Register R7. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r8 & uint64 & Register R8. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r9 & uint64 & Register R9. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r10 & uint64 & Register R10. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r11 & uint64 & Register R11. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r12 & uint64 & Register R12. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r13\_sp & uint64 & Register R13 (SP). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r14\_lr & uint64 & Register R14 (LR). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline r15\_pc & uint64 & Register R15 (PC). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH32 General Purpose Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH32 EL1 Context Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH32 EL1 Context Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch32el1contextregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH32 EL1 context registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 1. \jsontable{table:armaarch32el1contextregistersstructure} dfar & uint64 & Register DFAR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline dfsr & uint64 & Register DFSR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ifar & uint64 & Register IFAR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline isr & uint64 & Register ISR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline mair0 & uint64 & Register MAIR0. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline mair1 & uint64 & Register MAIR1. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline midr & uint64 & Register MIDR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline mpidr & uint64 & Register MPIDR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline nmrr & uint64 & Register NMRR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline prrr & uint64 & Register PRRR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline sctlr\_ns & uint64 & Register SCTLR (NS). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr & uint64 & Register SPSR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_abt & uint64 & Register SPSR (ABT). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_fiq & uint64 & Register SPSR (FIQ). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_irq & uint64 & Register SPSR (IRQ). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_svc & uint64 & Register SPSR (SVC). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_und & uint64 & Register SPSR (UND). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline tpidrprw & uint64 & Register TPIDR (PRW). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline tpidruro & uint64 & Register TPIDR (URO). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline tpidrurw & uint64 & Register TPIDR (URW). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ttbcr & uint64 & Register TTBCR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ttbr0 & uint64 & Register TTBR0. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline ttbr1 & uint64 & Register TTBR1. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline dacr & uint64 & Register DACR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH32 EL1 Context Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH32 EL2 Context Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH32 EL2 Context Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch32el2contextregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH32 EL2 context registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 2. \jsontable{table:armaarch32el2contextregistersstructure} elr\_hyp & uint64 & Register ELR\_HYP. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hamair0 & uint64 & Register HAMAIR0. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hamair1 & uint64 & Register HAMAIR1. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hcr & uint64 & Register HCR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hcr2 & uint64 & Register HCR2. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hdfar & uint64 & Register HDFAR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hifar & uint64 & Register HIFAR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hpfar & uint64 & Register HPFAR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline hsr & uint64 & Register HSR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline htcr & uint64 & Register HTCR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline htpidr & uint64 & Register HTPIDR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline httbr & uint64 & Register HTTBR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_hyp & uint64 & Register SPSR (HYP). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline vtcr & uint64 & Register VTCR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline vttbr & uint64 & Register VTTBR. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline dacr32\_el2 & uint64 & Register DACR32 (EL2). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline \jsontableend{ARM AARCH32 EL2 Context Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH32 Secure Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH32 Secure Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch32secureregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH32 secure registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 3. \jsontable{table:armaarch32secureregistersstructure} sctlr\_s & uint64 & Register SCTLR\_S. \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \hline spsr\_mon & uint64 & Register SPSR (MON). \texttt{UINT32} value null extended to \texttt{UINT64}.\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH32 Secure Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH64 General Purpose Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH64 General Purpose Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch64gprstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH64 GPRs as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 4. \jsontable{table:armaarch64gprstructure} x0 & uint64 & Register X0.\\ \hline x1 & uint64 & Register X1.\\ \hline x2 & uint64 & Register X2.\\ \hline x3 & uint64 & Register X3.\\ \hline x4 & uint64 & Register X4.\\ \hline x5 & uint64 & Register X5.\\ \hline x6 & uint64 & Register X6.\\ \hline x7 & uint64 & Register X7.\\ \hline x8 & uint64 & Register X8.\\ \hline x9 & uint64 & Register X9.\\ \hline x10 & uint64 & Register X10.\\ \hline x11 & uint64 & Register X11.\\ \hline x12 & uint64 & Register X12.\\ \hline x13 & uint64 & Register X13.\\ \hline x14 & uint64 & Register X14.\\ \hline x15 & uint64 & Register X15.\\ \hline x16 & uint64 & Register X16.\\ \hline x17 & uint64 & Register X17.\\ \hline x18 & uint64 & Register X18.\\ \hline x19 & uint64 & Register X19.\\ \hline x20 & uint64 & Register X20.\\ \hline x21 & uint64 & Register X21.\\ \hline x22 & uint64 & Register X22.\\ \hline x23 & uint64 & Register X23.\\ \hline x24 & uint64 & Register X24.\\ \hline x25 & uint64 & Register X25.\\ \hline x26 & uint64 & Register X26.\\ \hline x27 & uint64 & Register X27.\\ \hline x28 & uint64 & Register X28.\\ \hline x29 & uint64 & Register X29.\\ \hline x30 & uint64 & Register X30.\\ \hline sp & uint64 & Register SP.\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH64 General Purpose Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH64 EL1 Context Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH64 EL1 Context Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch64el1contextregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH64 EL1 context registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 5. \jsontable{table:armaarch64el1contextregistersstructure} elr\_el1 & uint64 & Register ELR (EL1).\\ \hline esr\_el1 & uint64 & Register ESR (EL1).\\ \hline far\_el1 & uint64 & Register FAR (EL1).\\ \hline isr\_el1 & uint64 & Register ISR (EL1).\\ \hline mair\_el1 & uint64 & Register MAIR (EL1).\\ \hline midr\_el1 & uint64 & Register MIDR (EL1).\\ \hline mpidr\_el1 & uint64 & Register MPIDR (EL1).\\ \hline sctlr\_el1 & uint64 & Register SCTLR (EL1).\\ \hline sp\_el0 & uint64 & Register SP (EL0).\\ \hline sp\_el1 & uint64 & Register SP (EL1).\\ \hline spsr\_el1 & uint64 & Register SPSR (EL1).\\ \hline tcr\_el1 & uint64 & Register TCR (EL1).\\ \hline tpidr\_el0 & uint64 & Register TPIDR (EL0).\\ \hline tpidr\_el1 & uint64 & Register TPIDR (EL1).\\ \hline tpidrro\_el0 & uint64 & Register TPIDRRO (EL0).\\ \hline ttbr0\_el1 & uint64 & Register TTBR0 (EL1).\\ \hline ttbr1\_el1 & uint64 & Register TTBR1 (EL1).\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH64 EL1 Context Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH64 EL2 Context Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH64 EL2 Context Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch64el2contextregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH64 EL2 context registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 6. \jsontable{table:armaarch64el2contextregistersstructure} elr\_el2 & uint64 & Register ELR (EL2).\\ \hline esr\_el2 & uint64 & Register ESR (EL2).\\ \hline far\_el2 & uint64 & Register FAR (EL2).\\ \hline hacr\_el2 & uint64 & Register HACR (EL2).\\ \hline hcr\_el2 & uint64 & Register HCR (EL2).\\ \hline hpfar\_el2 & uint64 & Register HPFAR (EL2).\\ \hline mair\_el2 & uint64 & Register MAIR (EL2).\\ \hline sctlr\_el2 & uint64 & Register SCTLR (EL2).\\ \hline sp\_el2 & uint64 & Register SP (EL2).\\ \hline spsr\_el2 & uint64 & Register SPSR (EL2).\\ \hline tcr\_el2 & uint64 & Register TCR (EL2).\\ \hline tpidr\_el2 & uint64 & Register TPIDR (EL2).\\ \hline ttbr0\_el2 & uint64 & Register TTBR0 (EL2).\\ \hline vtcr\_el2 & uint64 & Register VTCR (EL2).\\ \hline vttbr\_el2 & uint64 & Register VTTBR (EL2).\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH64 EL2 Context Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH64 EL3 Context Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH64 EL3 Context Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armaarch64el3contextregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for AARCH64 EL3 context registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 7. \jsontable{table:armaarch64el3contextregistersstructure} elr\_el3 & uint64 & Register ELR (EL3).\\ \hline esr\_el3 & uint64 & Register ESR (EL3).\\ \hline far\_el3 & uint64 & Register FAR (EL3).\\ \hline mair\_el3 & uint64 & Register MAIR (EL3).\\ \hline sctlr\_el3 & uint64 & Register SCTLR (EL3).\\ \hline sp\_el3 & uint64 & Register SP (EL3).\\ \hline spsr\_el3 & uint64 & Register SPSR (EL3).\\ \hline tcr\_el3 & uint64 & Register TCR (EL3).\\ \hline tpidr\_el3 & uint64 & Register TPIDR (EL3).\\ \hline ttbr0\_el3 & uint64 & Register TTBR0 (EL3).\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH64 EL3 Context Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH64 Miscellaneous Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH64 Miscellaneous Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armmiscregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for miscellaneous ARM registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has the value 8. \jsontable{table:armmiscregistersstructure} mrsEncoding.op2 & uint64 & MRS Encoding OP2.\\ \hline mrsEncoding.crm & uint64 & MRS Encoding CRm.\\ \hline mrsEncoding.crn & uint64 & MRS Encoding CRn.\\ \hline mrsEncoding.op1 & uint64 & MRS Encoding Op1.\\ \hline mrsEncoding.o0 & uint64 & MRS Encoding O0.\\ \hline value & uint64 & Value of the single register.\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH64 Miscellaneous Registers structure field table.} % ARM AARCH64 Unknown Registers structure \subsection{ARM AARCH64 Unknown Registers Structure} \label{subsection:armunknownregistersstructure} This structure describes the register array for unknown ARM registers as part of an ARM Processor Context Info Structure (\ref{subsection:armprocessorcontextinfostructure}). This structure is included when the field \texttt{registerContextType.value} has any value other than 0-8 (inclusive). \jsontable{table:armunknownregistersstructure} data & string & A base64 representation of the unknown binary register array data.\\ \jsontableend{ARM AARCH64 Unknown Registers structure field table.} % Memory error section. \section{Memory Error Section} \label{section:memoryerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single Memory Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for Memory Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0xa5bc1114, 0x6f64, 0x4ede, \{ 0xb8, 0x63, 0x3e, 0x83, 0xed, 0x7c, 0x83, 0xb1 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:memoryerrorsection} validationBits & object & A Memory Error Validation structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:memoryerrorvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline errorStatus & object & A CPER Generic Error Status structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:genericerrorstatusstructure}.\\ \hline bank & object & Structure as described in one of Subsection \ref{subsection:memoryerrorstandardbankaddressstructure} or Subsection \ref{subsection:memoryerroraddressgroupbankaddressstructure}. Selected structure depends on the \texttt{validationBits.bankValid} field.\\ \hline memoryErrorType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the memory error type.\\ memoryErrorType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the memory error type.\\ \hline extended.rowBit16 & boolean & Bit 16 of the row number of the memory error location.\\ extended.rowBit17 & boolean & Bit 17 of the row number of the memory error location.\\ extended.chipIdentification & int & The ID of the related chip.\\ \hline physicalAddress & uint64 & The physical address at which the error occurred.\\ \hline physicalAddressMask & uint64 & Defines the valid address bits in the \texttt{physicalAddress} field.\\ \hline node & uint64 & Identifies the node containing the memory error, if in a multi-node system.\\ \hline card & uint64 & The card number of the memory error location.\\ \hline moduleRank & uint64 & The module or rank number of the offending memory error location.\\ \hline device & uint64 & The device number of the memory associated with the error.\\ \hline row & uint64 & The first 16 bits of the row number of the memory location.\\ \hline column & uint64 & The column number of the memory error location.\\ \hline bitPosition & uint64 & The bit position at which the error occurred.\\ \hline requestorID & uint64 & Hardware address of the device that initiated the errored transaction.\\ \hline responderID & uint64 & Hardware address of the device that responded to the transaction.\\ \hline targetID & uint64 & Hardware address of the intended target of the transaction.\\ \hline rankNumber & uint64 & The rank number of the memory error location.\\ \hline cardSmbiosHandle & uint64 & The SMBIOS handle for the memory card's Type 16 Memory Array Structure.\\ \hline moduleSmbiosHandle & uint64 & The SMBIOS handle for the memory module's Type 17 Memory Device Structure.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error structure field table.} % Memory error validation structure. \subsection{Memory Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:memoryerrorvalidationstructure} This structure describes whether fields in a single Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) are valid, using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:memoryerrorvalidationstructure} errorStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "errorStatus" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline physicalAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "physicalAddress" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline physicalAddressMaskValid & boolean & Whether the "physicalAddressMask" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline nodeValid & boolean & Whether the "node" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cardValid & boolean & Whether the "card" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline moduleValid & boolean & Whether the "module" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline bankValid & boolean & Whether the "bank.value" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid. When the bank is addressed by group/address, refer to \texttt{bankGroupValid} and \texttt{bankAddressValid} instead.\\ \hline deviceValid & boolean & Whether the "device" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline rowValid & boolean & Whether the "row" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline memoryPlatformTargetValid & boolean & Whether the memory platform target of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline memoryErrorTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "memoryErrorType" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline rankNumberValid & boolean & Whether the "rankNumber" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cardHandleValid & boolean & Whether the "cardSmbiosHandle" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline moduleHandleValid & boolean & Whether the "moduleSmbiosHandle" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline extendedRowBitsValid & boolean & Whether the "extended.rowBit16" and "extended.rowBit17" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline bankGroupValid & boolean & Whether the "bank.group" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline bankAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "bank.address" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline chipIdentificationValid & boolean & Whether the "extended.chipIdentification" field of a Memory Error (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error validation structure field table.} % Memory error normal bank addressing structure. \subsection{Memory Error Standard Bank Address Structure} \label{subsection:memoryerrorstandardbankaddressstructure} This structure describes a simple bank address for a Memory Error section (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}). This structure is selected when the \texttt{bankValid} field in the corresponding Memory Error Validation Structure (\ref{subsection:memoryerrorvalidationstructure}) is set to "true". \jsontable{table:memoryerrorstandardbankaddressstructure} value & uint64 & The value of the bank address.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error Standard Bank Address structure field table.} % Memory error address/group bank addressing structure. \subsection{Memory Error Address/Group Bank Address Structure} \label{subsection:memoryerroraddressgroupbankaddressstructure} This structure describes an address/group bank address for a Memory Error section (\ref{section:memoryerrorsection}). This structure is selected when the \texttt{bankValid} field in the corresponding Memory Error Validation Structure (\ref{subsection:memoryerrorvalidationstructure}) is set to "false". \jsontable{table:memoryerroraddressgroupbankaddressstructure} address & uint64 & The address of the bank.\\ \hline group & uint64 & The group of the bank.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error Address/Group Bank Address structure field table.} % Memory error 2 section. \section{Memory Error 2 Section} \label{section:memoryerror2section} This section describes the JSON format for a single Memory Error 2 Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for Memory Error 2 Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x61EC04FC, 0x48E6, 0xD813, \{ 0x25, 0xC9, 0x8D, 0xAA, 0x44, 0x75, 0x0B, 0x12 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:memoryerror2section} validationBits & object & A Memory Error 2 Validation structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:memoryerror2validationstructure}.\\ \hline errorStatus & object & A CPER Generic Error Status structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:genericerrorstatusstructure}.\\ \hline bank & object & Structure as described in one of Subsection \ref{subsection:memoryerror2standardbankaddressstructure} or Subsection \ref{subsection:memoryerror2addressgroupbankaddressstructure}. Selected structure depends on the \texttt{validationBits.bankValid} field.\\ \hline memoryErrorType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the memory error type.\\ memoryErrorType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the memory error type.\\ \hline status.value & int & The raw value of the memory error status.\\ status.state & string & The human readable value, if available, of the memory error status (corrected/uncorrected).\\ \hline physicalAddress & uint64 & The physical address at which the error occurred.\\ \hline physicalAddressMask & uint64 & Defines the valid address bits in the \texttt{physicalAddress} field.\\ \hline node & uint64 & Identifies the node containing the memory error, if in a multi-node system.\\ \hline card & uint64 & The card number of the memory error location.\\ \hline module & uint64 & The module of the offending memory error location.\\ \hline device & uint64 & The device number of the memory associated with the error.\\ \hline row & uint64 & The first 16 bits of the row number of the memory location.\\ \hline column & uint64 & The column number of the memory error location.\\ \hline bitPosition & uint64 & The bit position at which the error occurred.\\ \hline rank & uint64 & The rank number of the error location.\\ \hline chipID & uint64 & Chip identifier. Encoded field used to address the die in 3DS packages.\\ \hline requestorID & uint64 & Hardware address of the device that initiated the errored transaction.\\ \hline responderID & uint64 & Hardware address of the device that responded to the transaction.\\ \hline targetID & uint64 & Hardware address of the intended target of the transaction.\\ \hline cardSmbiosHandle & uint64 & The SMBIOS handle for the memory card's Type 16 Memory Array Structure.\\ \hline moduleSmbiosHandle & uint64 & The SMBIOS handle for the memory module's Type 17 Memory Device Structure.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error 2 structure field table.} % Memory error 2 validation structure. \subsection{Memory Error 2 Validation Structure} \label{subsection:memoryerror2validationstructure} This structure describes whether fields in a single Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) are valid, using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:memoryerror2validationstructure} errorStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "errorStatus" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline physicalAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "physicalAddress" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline physicalAddressMaskValid & boolean & Whether the "physicalAddressMask" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline nodeValid & boolean & Whether the "node" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline cardValid & boolean & Whether the "card" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline moduleValid & boolean & Whether the "module" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline bankValid & boolean & Whether the "bank.value" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid. When the bank is addressed by group/address, refer to \texttt{bankGroupValid} and \texttt{bankAddressValid} instead.\\ \hline deviceValid & boolean & Whether the "device" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline rowValid & boolean & Whether the "row" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline columnValid & boolean & Whether the "column" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline rankValid & boolean & Whether the "rank" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline bitPositionValid & boolean & Whether the "bitPosition" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline chipIDValid & boolean & Whether the "chipID" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline memoryErrorTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "memoryErrorType" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline statusValid & boolean & Whether the "status" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline requestorIDValid & boolean & Whether the "requestorID" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline responderIDValid & boolean & Whether the "responderID" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline targetIDValid & boolean & Whether the "targetID" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline cardHandleValid & boolean & Whether the "cardSmbiosHandle" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline moduleHandleValid & boolean & Whether the "moduleSmbiosHandle" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline bankGroupValid & boolean & Whether the "bankGroup" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \hline bankAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "bankAddress" field of a Memory Error 2 (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error 2 validation structure field table.} % Memory error 2 normal bank addressing structure. \subsection{Memory Error 2 Standard Bank Address Structure} \label{subsection:memoryerror2standardbankaddressstructure} This structure describes a simple bank address for a Memory Error 2 section (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}). This structure is selected when the \texttt{bankValid} field in the corresponding Memory Error 2 Validation Structure (\ref{subsection:memoryerror2validationstructure}) is set to "true". \jsontable{table:memoryerror2standardbankaddressstructure} value & uint64 & The value of the bank address.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error 2 Standard Bank Address structure field table.} % Memory error 2 address/group bank addressing structure. \subsection{Memory Error 2 Address/Group Bank Address Structure} \label{subsection:memoryerror2addressgroupbankaddressstructure} This structure describes an address/group bank address for a Memory Error 2 section (\ref{section:memoryerror2section}). This structure is selected when the \texttt{bankValid} field in the corresponding Memory Error 2 Validation Structure (\ref{subsection:memoryerror2validationstructure}) is set to "false". \jsontable{table:memoryerror2addressgroupbankaddressstructure} address & uint64 & The address of the bank.\\ \hline group & uint64 & The group of the bank.\\ \jsontableend{Memory Error 2 Address/Group Bank Address structure field table.} % PCIe error section. \section{PCIe Error Section} \label{section:pcieerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single PCIe Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for PCIe Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0xd995e954, 0xbbc1, 0x430f, \{ 0xad, 0x91, 0xb4, 0x4d, 0xcb, 0x3c, 0x6f, 0x35 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:pcieerrorsection} validationBits & object & A PCIe Error Validation structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:pcieerrorvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline portType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the port type for this error.\\ portType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the port type for this error.\\ \hline version.major & int & The major version number for the PCIe specification supported.\\ version.minor & int & The minor version number for the PCIe specification supported.\\ \hline commandStatus.commandRegister & uint64 & The PCI command register value.\\ commandStatus.statusRegister & uint64 & The PCI status register value.\\ \hline deviceID & object & A PCIe Device ID structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:pciedeviceidstructure}.\\ \hline deviceSerialNumber & uint64 & The serial number of the device.\\ \hline bridgeControlStatus.secondaryStatusRegister & uint64 & The bridge secondary status register. \emph{This field is valid for bridges only.}\\ \hline bridgeControlStatus.controlRegister & uint64 & The bridge control register. \emph{This field is valid for bridges only.}\\ \hline capabilityStructure.data & string & A base-64 formatted binary dump of the PCIe capability structure for this device. The structure could either be a PCIe 1.1 Capability Structure (36-byte, padded to 60 bytes) or a PCIe 2.0 Capability Structure (60-byte).\\ \hline aerInfo & object & A PCIe AER Extended Capability structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:pcieaerecstructure}.\\ \jsontableend{PCIe Error structure field table.} % PCIe error validation structure. \subsection{PCIe Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:pcieerrorvalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) are valid, using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:pcieerrorvalidationstructure} portTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "portType" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline versionValid & boolean & Whether the "version" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline commandStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "commandStatus" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline deviceIDValid & boolean & Whether the "deviceID" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline deviceSerialNumberValid & boolean & Whether the "deviceSerialNumber" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline bridgeControlStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "bridgeControlStatus" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline capabilityStructureStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "capabilityStructure" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline aerInfoValid & boolean & Whether the "aerInfo" field within a PCIe Error section (\ref{section:pcieerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline \jsontableend{PCIe Error validation structure field table.} % PCIe Device ID structure. \subsection{PCIe Device ID Structure} \label{subsection:pciedeviceidstructure} This structure describes a PCIe device ID, for use in a PCI Error section (\ref{table:pcieerrorsection}). \jsontable{table:pciedeviceidstructure} vendorID & uint64 & The vendor ID of the PCIe device.\\ \hline deviceID & uint64 & The device ID of the PCIe device.\\ \hline classCode & uint64 & The class code of the PCIe device.\\ \hline functionNumber & uint64 & The function number of the PCIe device.\\ \hline deviceNumber & uint64 & The device number of the PCIe device.\\ \hline segmentNumber & uint64 & The segment number of the PCIe device.\\ \hline primaryOrDeviceBusNumber & uint64 & The root port/bridge primary bus number or device bus number of the PCIe device.\\ \hline secondaryBusNumber & uint64 & The root port/bridge secondary bus number of the PCIe device.\\ \hline slotNumber & uint64 & The slot number of the PCIe device.\\ \jsontableend{PCIe Device ID structure field table.} % PCIe Advanced Error Reporting Extended Capability structure. \subsection{PCIe AER Extended Capability Structure} \label{subsection:pcieaerecstructure} This structure describes a PCIe Advanced Error Reporting Extended Capability structure, for use in a PCI Error section (\ref{table:pcieerrorsection}). \jsontable{table:pcieaerecstructure} capabilityID & uint64 & The capability ID for this AER structure.\\ \hline capabilityVersion & uint64 & The capability structure version for this AER structure.\\ \hline uncorrectableErrorStatusRegister & uint64 & The uncorrectable error status register value.\\ \hline uncorrectableErrorMaskRegister & uint64 & The uncorrectable error mask register value.\\ \hline uncorrectableErrorSeverityRegister & uint64 & The uncorrectable error severity register value.\\ \hline correctableErrorStatusRegister & uint64 & The correctable error status register value.\\ \hline correctableErrorMaskRegister & uint64 & The correctable error mask register value.\\ \hline aeccReg & uint64 & The AECC register value.\\ \hline headerLogRegister & string & A base64-encoded binary dump of the header log register.\\ \hline rootErrorCommand & uint64 & The root error command.\\ \hline rootErrorStatus & uint64 & The root error status.\\ \hline errorSourceIDRegister & uint64 & The error source ID register.\\ \hline correctableErrorSourceIDRegister & uint64 & The correctable error source ID register.\\ \jsontableend{PCIe AER Extended Capability structure field table.} % PCI/PCI-X Bus error section. \section{PCI/PCI-X Bus Error Section} \label{section:pcibuserrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single PCI/PCI-X Bus Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for PCI/PCI-X Bus Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0xc5753963, 0x3b84, 0x4095, \{ 0xbf, 0x78, 0xed, 0xda, 0xd3, 0xf9, 0xc9, 0xdd \}\}}. \jsontable{table:pcibuserrorsection} validationBits & object & A PCI/PCI-X Bus Error Validation structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:pcibuserrorvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline errorStatus & object & A CPER Generic Error Status structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:genericerrorstatusstructure}.\\ \hline errorType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the error type for this bus error.\\ errorType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the error type for this bus error.\\ \hline busID.busNumber & int & The bus number of this bus ID.\\ busID.segmentNumber & int & The segment number of this bus ID.\\ \hline busAddress & uint64 & The memory or I/O address on the bus at the time of the error.\\ \hline busData & uint64 & Data on the bus at the time of the error.\\ \hline busCommandType & string & The type of command at the time of the error. Either "PCI" or "PCI-X".\\ \hline busRequestorID & uint64 & The PCI bus requestor ID for the error.\\ \hline busCompleterID & uint64 & The PCI bus completer ID for the error.\\ \hline targetID & uint64 & The PCI bus intended target ID for the error.\\ \jsontableend{PCI/PCI-X Bus Error structure field table.} % PCI/PCI-X Bus error validation structure. \subsection{PCI/PCI-X Bus Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:pcibuserrorvalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields within a PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) are valid, using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:pcibuserrorvalidationstructure} errorStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "errorStatus" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline errorTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "errorType" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline busIDValid & boolean & Whether the "busID" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline busAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "busAddress" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline busDataValid & boolean & Whether the "busData" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline commandValid & boolean & Whether the "busCommandType" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline requestorIDValid & boolean & Whether the "busRequestorID" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline completerIDValid & boolean & Whether the "busCompleterID" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline targetIDValid & boolean & Whether the "targetID" field of the PCI/PCI-X Bus Error section (\ref{section:pcibuserrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{PCI/PCI-X Bus Error validation structure field table.} % PCI/PCI-X Component error section. \section{PCI/PCI-X Component Error Section} \label{section:pcicomponenterrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single PCI/PCI-X Component Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for PCI/PCI-X Component Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0xeb5e4685, 0xca66, 0x4769, \{ 0xb6, 0xa2, 0x26, 0x06, 0x8b, 0x00, 0x13, 0x26 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:pcicomponenterrorsection} validationBits & object & A PCI/PCI-X Component Error Validation structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:pcicomponenterrorvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline errorStatus & object & A CPER Generic Error Status structure, as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:genericerrorstatusstructure}.\\ \hline idInfo & object & A PCI/PCI-X Component ID structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:pcicomponentidstructure}.\\ \hline memoryNumber & uint64 & The number of PCI/PCI-X component memory mapped register address/data pair values are present in this structure.\\ \hline ioNumber & uint64 & The number of PCI/PCI-X component programmed I/O register address/data pair values are present in this structure.\\ \hline registerDataPairs & array & An array of PCI/PCI-X Component Register Pair structures, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:pcicomponentregisterpairstructure}. The length corresponds to the amounts listed in fields \texttt{memoryNumber} and \texttt{ioNumber}.\\ \jsontableend{PCI/PCI-X Component Error structure field table.} % PCI/PCI-X Component error validation structure. \subsection{PCI/PCI-X Component Error Validation Structure} \label{subsection:pcicomponenterrorvalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields within a PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}) are valid, using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:pcicomponenterrorvalidationstructure} errorStatusValid & boolean & Whether the "errorStatus" field of the PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline idInfoValid & boolean & Whether the "idInfo" field of the PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline memoryNumberValid & boolean & Whether the "memoryNumber" field of the PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline ioNumberValid & boolean & Whether the "ioNumber" field of the PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline registerDataPairsValid & boolean & Whether the "registerDataPairs" field of the PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{PCI/PCI-X Component Error validation structure field table.} % PCI/PCI-X Component ID structure. \subsection{PCI/PCI-X Component ID Structure} \label{subsection:pcicomponentidstructure} This structure describes the ID of a single PCI/PCI-X component for use in a PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}). \jsontable{table:pcicomponentidstructure} vendorID & uint64 & The vendor ID of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \hline deviceID & uint64 & The device ID of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \hline classCode & uint64 & The class code of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \hline functionNumber & uint64 & The function number of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \hline deviceNumber & uint64 & The device number of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \hline busNumber & uint64 & The bus number of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \hline segmentNumber & uint64 & The segment number of this PCI/PCI-X component.\\ \jsontableend{PCI/PCI-X Component ID structure field table.} % PCI/PCI-X Component Register Pair structure. \subsection{PCI/PCI-X Component Register Pair Structure} \label{subsection:pcicomponentregisterpairstructure} This structure describes a single pair of registers from a PCI/PCI-X component for use in a PCI/PCI-X Component Error section (\ref{section:pcicomponenterrorsection}). The actual "pairs" of address and data aren't necessarily all 16 bytes allocated long, and there is no field to indicate their length, so do not assume that the address is in the first field and the data in the second. \jsontable{table:pcicomponentregisterpairstructure} firstHalf & uint64 & The first 8 bytes of the 16 byte register pair structure.\\ \hline secondHalf & uint64 & The second 8 bytes of the 16 byte register pair structure.\\ \jsontableend{PCI/PCI-X Component Register Pair structure field table.} % Firmware error section. \section{Firmware Error Section} \label{section:firmwareerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single Firmware Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for Firmware Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x81212a96, 0x09ed, 0x4996, \{ 0x94, 0x71, 0x8d, 0x72, 0x9c, 0x8e, 0x69, 0xed \}\}}. \jsontable{table:firmwareerrorsection} errorRecordType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of firmware error record this is.\\ errorRecordType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of firmware error record this is.\\ \hline revision & int & The header revision of this record. For the referenced UEFI specification, this value is 2.\\ \hline recordID & uint64 & Identifier for the referenced firmware error record. When the \texttt{revision} field is greater than 1 (which is expected here), this value will be null.\\ \hline recordIDGUID & string & GUID of the firmware error record referenced by this section. \textbf{This field is only valid when the \texttt{errorRecordType} field has a value of 2.} Otherwise, this field is ignored.\\ \jsontableend{Firmware Error structure field table.} % Generic DMAr error section. \section{Generic DMAr Error Section} \label{section:dmargenericerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single Generic DMAr Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for Generic DMAr Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x5b51fef7, 0xc79d, 0x4434, \{ 0x8f, 0x1b, 0xaa, 0x62, 0xde, 0x3e, 0x2c, 0x64 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:dmargenericerrorsection} requesterID & int & The device ID associated with the fault condition.\\ \hline segmentNumber & int & The segment number associated with the device.\\ \hline faultReason.value & uint64 & The raw value of the reason for the fault.\\ faultReason.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the reason for the fault.\\ faultReason.description & string & A human readable description, if available, of the reason for the fault.\\ \hline accessType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the access type that caused the fault.\\ accessType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the access type that caused the fault.\\ \hline addressType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the addressing type that caused the fault.\\ addressType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the addressing type that caused the fault.\\ \hline architectureType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the DMAr architecture type.\\ architectureType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the DMAr architecture type.\\ \hline deviceAddress & uint64 & The 64-bit device virtual address contained in the faulted DMA request.\\ \jsontableend{Generic DMAr Error structure field table.} % VT-d DMAr error section. \section{VT-d DMAr Error Section} \label{section:vtddmarerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single VT-d DMAr Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for VT-d DMAr Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x71761d37, 0x32b2, 0x45cd, \{ 0xa7, 0xd0, 0xb0, 0xfe, 0xdd, 0x93, 0xe8, 0xcf \}\}}. \jsontable{table:vtddmarerrorsection} version & int & Version register value as defined in the VT-d specification.\\ \hline revision & int & Revision field in VT-d specific DMA remapping reporting structure.\\ \hline oemID & uint64 & OEM ID field in VT-d specific DMA remapping reporting structure.\\ \hline capabilityRegister & uint64 & Value of VT-d capability register.\\ \hline extendedCapabilityRegister & uint64 & Value of VT-d extended capability register.\\ \hline globalCommandRegister & uint64 & Value of VT-d global command register.\\ \hline globalStatusRegister & uint64 & Value of VT-d global status register.\\ \hline faultStatusRegister & uint64 & Value of VT-d fault status register.\\ \hline faultRecord & object & A VT-d DMAR Fault Record structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:vtddmarfaultrecordstructure}.\\ \hline rootEntry & string & A base64-represented binary dump of the root entry table for the associated requester ID.\\ \hline contextEntry & string & A base64-represented binary dump of the context entry table for the associated requester ID.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level6 & uint64 & The page table entry for the device virtual address in page level 6.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level5 & uint64 & The page table entry for the device virtual address in page level 5.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level4 & uint64 & The page table entry for the device virtual address in page level 4.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level3 & uint64 & The page table entry for the device virtual address in page level 3.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level2 & uint64 & The page table entry for the device virtual address in page level 2.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level1 & uint64 & The page table entry for the device virtual address in page level 1.\\ \jsontableend{VT-d DMAr Error structure field table.} % VT-d DMAR Fault Record structure. \subsection{VT-d DMAR Fault Record Structure} \label{subsection:vtddmarfaultrecordstructure} This structure describes a fault record, which forms part of a single VT-d DMAr Error section (\ref{section:vtddmarerrorsection}). \jsontable{table:vtddmarfaultrecordstructure} faultInformation & uint64 & Fault information field as defined in the VT-d specification.\\ \hline sourceIdentifier & uint64 & Identifier of the source of the VT-d fault.\\ \hline privelegeModeRequested & boolean & Whether privelege mode was requested.\\ \hline executePermissionRequested & boolean & Whether execute permission was requested.\\ \hline pasidPresent & boolean & Whether the "pasidValue" field contains valid data.\\ \hline faultReason & uint64 & The reason for the VT-d fault, as defined in the VT-d specification.\\ \hline pasidValue & uint64 & The PASID associated with the fault.\\ \hline addressType & uint64 & The addressing type of the fault, as defined by the VT-d specification.\\ \hline type.value & uint64 & The raw value of the type of VT-d fault record.\\ type.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the type of VT-d fault record.\\ \jsontableend{VT-d DMAR Fault Record structure field table.} % IOMMU DMAr error section. \section{IOMMU DMAr Error Section} \label{section:iommudmarerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single IOMMU DMAr Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for IOMMU DMAr Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x036f84e1, 0x7f37, 0x428c, \{ 0xa7, 0x9e, 0x57, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0xaa, 0x84, 0xec \}\}}. \jsontable{table:iommudmarerrorsection} revision & int & The IOMMU specification revision.\\ \hline controlRegister & uint64 & The IOMMU control register value.\\ \hline statusRegister & uint64 & The IOMMU status register value.\\ \hline eventLogEntry & string & A base-64 binary dump of the IOMMU fault-related event log entry, as defined in the IOMMU specification.\\ \hline deviceTableEntry & string & A base-64 representation of the value from the device table for a given requester ID.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level6 & uint64 & Page table entry for device virtual address in page level 6.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level5 & uint64 & Page table entry for device virtual address in page level 5.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level4 & uint64 & Page table entry for device virtual address in page level 4.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level3 & uint64 & Page table entry for device virtual address in page level 3.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level2 & uint64 & Page table entry for device virtual address in page level 2.\\ \hline pageTableEntry\_Level1 & uint64 & Page table entry for device virtual address in page level 1.\\ \jsontableend{IOMMU DMAr Error structure field table.} % CCIX PER error section. \section{CCIX PER Error Section} \label{section:ccixpererrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single CCIX PER Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for CCIX PER Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x91335EF6, 0xEBFB, 0x4478, \{0xA6, 0xA6, 0x88, 0xB7, 0x28, 0xCF, 0x75, 0xD7 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:ccixpererrorsection} length & uint64 & The length (in bytes) of the entire structure.\\ \hline validationBits & object & A CCIX PER Validation structure as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:ccixpervalidationstructure}.\\ \hline ccixSourceID & int & If the agent is an HA, SA, or RA, this indicates the CCIX Agent ID of the reporting component. Otherwise, this is the CCIX Device ID.\\ \hline ccixPortID & int & The CCIX Port ID that reported this error.\\ \hline ccixPERLog & string & A base64-represented binary dump of the CCIX PER Log structure, as defined in Section 7.3.2 of the CCIX Base Specification (Rev. 1.0).\\ \jsontableend{CCIX PER Error structure field table.} % CCIX PER Validation structure. \subsection{CCIX PER Validation Structure} \label{subsection:ccixpervalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields are valid in a CCIX PER Error section (\ref{section:ccixpererrorsection}) using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:ccixpervalidationstructure} ccixSourceIDValid & boolean & Whether the "ccixSourceID" field in the CCIX PER Error Section (\ref{section:ccixpererrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline ccixPortIDValid & boolean & Whether the "ccixPortID" field in the CCIX PER Error Section (\ref{section:ccixpererrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline ccixPERLogValid & boolean & Whether the "ccixPERLog" field in the CCIX PER Error Section (\ref{section:ccixpererrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{CCIX PER validation structure field table.} % CXL Protocol error section. \section{CXL Protocol Error Section} \label{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single CXL Protocol Error Section from a CPER record. The GUID used for CXL Protocol Error Sections is \texttt{\{ 0x80B9EFB4, 0x52B5, 0x4DE3, \{ 0xA7, 0x77, 0x68, 0x78, 0x4B, 0x77, 0x10, 0x48 \}\}}. \jsontable{table:cxlprotocolerrorsection} validationBits & object & A CXL Protocol Validation structure as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:cxlprotocolvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline agentType.value & uint64 & The raw value of the detecting CXL agent type.\\ agentType.name & string & The human readable name, if available, of the CXL agent type.\\ \hline agentAddress & object & One of the structures described in Subsection \ref{subsection:cxlprotocoldeviceagentaddressstructure} or Subsection \ref{subsection:cxlprotocolrcrbaddressstructure}. Included structure is dependent on the \texttt{agentType.value} field.\\ \hline deviceID & object & A CXL Device ID structure, as defined in Subsection \ref{subsection:cxlprotocoldeviceidstructure}.\\ \hline deviceSerial & uint64 (\textbf{optional}) & The CXL device serial number. Only included if the detecting device is a CXL device (field \texttt{agentType.value} has value 0).\\ \hline capabilityStructure & string & A base64-encoded binary dump of the CXL device's PCIe capability structure. This could either be a PCIe 1.1 Capability Structure (36-byte, padded to 60 bytes), or a PCIe 2.0 Capability Structure (60-byte). Only included if the detecting device is a CXL device (field \texttt{agentType.value} has value 0).\\ \hline dvsecLength & int & Length (in bytes) of the CXL DVSEC structure.\\ \hline errorLogLength & int & Length (in bytes) of the CXL Error Log structure.\\ \hline cxlDVSEC & string & A base64-encoded dump of the CXL DVSEC structure. For CXL 1.1 devices, this is a "CXL DVSEC For Flex Bus Devices" structure as defined in the CXL 1.1 specification. For CXL 1.1 host downstream ports, this is the "CXL DVSEC For Flex Bus Port" structure as defined in the CXL 1.1 specification.\\ \hline cxlErrorLog & string & A base64-encoded dump of the CXL error log. This field contains a copy of "CXL RAS Capability Structure", as defined in the CXL 1.1 specification.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Protocol Error structure field table.} % CXL Protocol Validation structure. \subsection{CXL Protocol Validation Structure} \label{subsection:cxlprotocolvalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields are valid in a CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:cxlprotocolvalidationstructure} cxlAgentTypeValid & boolean & Whether the "cxlAgentType" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cxlAgentAddressValid & boolean & Whether the "cxlAgentAddress" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline deviceIDValid & boolean & Whether the "deviceID" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline deviceSerialValid & boolean & Whether the "deviceSerial" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline capabiltyStructureValid & boolean & Whether the "capabilityStructure" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cxlDVSECValid & boolean & Whether the "cxlDVSEC" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cxlErrorLogValid & boolean & Whether the "cxlErrorLog" field in the CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Protocol validation structure field table.} % CXL Protocol Device Agent Address structure. \subsection{CXL Protocol Device Agent Address Structure} \label{subsection:cxlprotocoldeviceagentaddressstructure} This structure describes the address of a single CXL device agent, for use in a CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}). Included when the \texttt{agentType.value} field has the value "0". \jsontable{table:cxlprotocoldeviceagentaddressstructure} functionNumber & uint64 & The function number of the CXL device.\\ \hline deviceNumber & uint64 & The device number of the CXL device.\\ \hline busNumber & uint64 & The bus number of the CXL device.\\ \hline segmentNumber & uint64 & The segment number of the CXL device.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Protocol Device Agent Address structure field table.} % CXL Protocol RCRB Base Address structure. \subsection{CXL Protocol RCRB Base Address Structure} \label{subsection:cxlprotocolrcrbaddressstructure} This structure describes an RCRB base address, for use in a CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}). Included when the \texttt{agentType.value} field has the value "1". \jsontable{table:cxlprotocolrcrbaddressstructure} value & uint64 & The CXL port RCRB base address.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Protocol RCRB Base Address structure field table.} % CXL Protocol Device ID structure. \subsection{CXL Protocol Device ID Structure} \label{subsection:cxlprotocoldeviceidstructure} This structure describes the ID of a CXL device, for use in a CXL Protocol Error section (\ref{section:cxlprotocolerrorsection}). \jsontable{table:cxlprotocoldeviceidstructure} vendorID & uint64 & The vendor ID of the CXL device.\\ \hline deviceID & uint64 & The device ID of the CXL device.\\ \hline subsystemVendorID & uint64 & The subsystem vendor ID of the CXL device.\\ \hline subsystemDeviceID & uint64 & The subsystem device ID of the CXL device.\\ \hline classCode & uint64 & The class code of the CXL device.\\ \hline slotNumber & uint64 & The slot number of the CXL device.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Protocol Device ID structure field table.} % CXL Component error section. \section{CXL Component Error Section} \label{section:cxlcomponenterrorsection} This section describes the JSON format for a single CXL Component Error Section from a CPER record. There are several GUIDs used for CXL Component Error Sections, of which defined are:\\ \begin{itemize} \item CXL General Media Error (\texttt{\{ 0xfbcd0a77, 0xc260, 0x417f, \{ 0x85, 0xa9, 0x08, 0x8b, 0x16, 0x21, 0xeb, 0xa6 \}\}})\\ \item CXL DRAM Event Error (\texttt{\{ 0x601dcbb3, 0x9c06, 0x4eab, \{ 0xb8, 0xaf, 0x4e, 0x9b, 0xfb, 0x5c, 0x96, 0x24 \}\}})\\ \item CXL Memory Module Error (\texttt{\{ 0xfe927475, 0xdd59, 0x4339, \{ 0xa5, 0x86, 0x79, 0xba, 0xb1, 0x13, 0xb7, 0x74 \}\}})\\ \item CXL Physical Switch Error (\texttt{\{ 0x77cf9271, 0x9c02, 0x470b, \{ 0x9f, 0xe4, 0xbc, 0x7b, 0x75, 0xf2, 0xda, 0x97 \}\}})\\ \item CXL Virtual Switch Error (\texttt{\{ 0x40d26425, 0x3396, 0x4c4d, \{ 0xa5, 0xda, 0x3d, 0x47, 0x26, 0x3a, 0xf4, 0x25 \}\}})\\ \item CXL MLD Port Error (\texttt{\{ 0x8dc44363, 0x0c96, 0x4710, \{ 0xb7, 0xbf, 0x04, 0xbb, 0x99, 0x53, 0x4c, 0x3f \}\}})\\ \end{itemize} \jsontable{table:cxlcomponenterrorsection} validationBits & object & A CXL Component Validation structure as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:cxlcomponentvalidationstructure}.\\ \hline deviceID & object & A CXL Component Device ID structure as described in Subsection \ref{subsection:cxlcomponentdeviceidstructure}.\\ \hline deviceSerial & uint64 & The serial of the CXL component.\\ \hline cxlComponentEventLog.data & string (\textbf{optional}) & If a CXL component event log is attached (\texttt{validationBits.cxlComponentEventLogValid} is true), this is a base64-represented binary dump of the CXL Component Event Log as described within CXL Specification Section\\ \jsontableend{CXL Component Error structure field table.} % CXL Component Validation structure. \subsection{CXL Component Validation Structure} \label{subsection:cxlcomponentvalidationstructure} This structure describes which fields are valid in a CXL Component Error section (\ref{section:cxlcomponenterrorsection}) using boolean fields. \jsontable{table:cxlcomponentvalidationstructure} deviceIDValid & boolean & Whether the "deviceID" field of the CXL Component Error section (\ref{section:cxlcomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline deviceSerialValid & boolean & Whether the "deviceSerial" field of the CXL Component Error section (\ref{section:cxlcomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \hline cxlComponentEventLogValid & boolean & Whether the "cxlComponentEventLog" field of the CXL Component Error section (\ref{section:cxlcomponenterrorsection}) is valid.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Component validation structure field table.} % CXL Component Device ID structure. \subsection{CXL Component Device ID Structure} \label{subsection:cxlcomponentdeviceidstructure} This structure describes the ID of a CXL component, for use in a CXL Component Error section (\ref{section:cxlcomponenterrorsection}). \jsontable{table:cxlcomponentdeviceidstructure} vendorID & uint64 & The vendor ID of the CXL component.\\ \hline deviceID & uint64 & The device ID of the CXL component.\\ \hline functionNumber & uint64 & The function number of the CXL component.\\ \hline deviceNumber & uint64 & The device number of the CXL component.\\ \hline busNumber & uint64 & The bus of the CXL component.\\ \hline segmentNumber & uint64 & The segment of the CXL component.\\ \hline slotNumber & uint64 & The slot number of the CXL component.\\ \jsontableend{CXL Component Device ID structure field table.} \end{document}