/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. * ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING * OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL * SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, * OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR * PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "lan.h" #include "rmcp.h" #include "asf.h" #include "auth.h" #define IPMI_LAN_TIMEOUT 2 #define IPMI_LAN_RETRY 4 #define IPMI_LAN_PORT 0x26f #define IPMI_LAN_CHANNEL_E 0x0e /* * LAN interface is required to support 45 byte request transactions and * 42 byte response transactions. */ #define IPMI_LAN_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE 38 /* 45 - 7 */ #define IPMI_LAN_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE 34 /* 42 - 8 */ extern const struct valstr ipmi_privlvl_vals[]; extern const struct valstr ipmi_authtype_session_vals[]; extern int verbose; struct ipmi_rq_entry * ipmi_req_entries; static struct ipmi_rq_entry * ipmi_req_entries_tail; static uint8_t bridge_possible = 0; static int ipmi_lan_send_packet(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint8_t * data, int data_len); static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_recv_packet(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_poll_recv(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static int ipmi_lan_setup(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static int ipmi_lan_keepalive(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_recv_sol(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_send_sol(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_v2_payload * payload); static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_send_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rq * req); static int ipmi_lan_send_rsp(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rs * rsp); static int ipmi_lan_open(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static void ipmi_lan_close(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static int ipmi_lan_ping(struct ipmi_intf * intf); static void ipmi_lan_set_max_rq_data_size(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint16_t size); static void ipmi_lan_set_max_rp_data_size(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint16_t size); struct ipmi_intf ipmi_lan_intf = { name: "lan", desc: "IPMI v1.5 LAN Interface", setup: ipmi_lan_setup, open: ipmi_lan_open, close: ipmi_lan_close, sendrecv: ipmi_lan_send_cmd, sendrsp: ipmi_lan_send_rsp, recv_sol: ipmi_lan_recv_sol, send_sol: ipmi_lan_send_sol, keepalive: ipmi_lan_keepalive, set_max_request_data_size: ipmi_lan_set_max_rq_data_size, set_max_response_data_size: ipmi_lan_set_max_rp_data_size, target_addr: IPMI_BMC_SLAVE_ADDR, }; static struct ipmi_rq_entry * ipmi_req_add_entry(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rq * req, uint8_t req_seq) { struct ipmi_rq_entry * e; e = malloc(sizeof(struct ipmi_rq_entry)); if (e == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "ipmitool: malloc failure"); return NULL; } memset(e, 0, sizeof(struct ipmi_rq_entry)); memcpy(&e->req, req, sizeof(struct ipmi_rq)); e->intf = intf; e->rq_seq = req_seq; if (ipmi_req_entries == NULL) ipmi_req_entries = e; else ipmi_req_entries_tail->next = e; ipmi_req_entries_tail = e; lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+3, "added list entry seq=0x%02x cmd=0x%02x", e->rq_seq, e->req.msg.cmd); return e; } static struct ipmi_rq_entry * ipmi_req_lookup_entry(uint8_t seq, uint8_t cmd) { struct ipmi_rq_entry * e = ipmi_req_entries; while (e && (e->rq_seq != seq || e->req.msg.cmd != cmd)) { if (e->next == NULL || e == e->next) return NULL; e = e->next; } return e; } static void ipmi_req_remove_entry(uint8_t seq, uint8_t cmd) { struct ipmi_rq_entry * p, * e, * saved_next_entry; e = p = ipmi_req_entries; while (e && (e->rq_seq != seq || e->req.msg.cmd != cmd)) { p = e; e = e->next; } if (e) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+3, "removed list entry seq=0x%02x cmd=0x%02x", seq, cmd); saved_next_entry = e->next; p->next = (p->next == e->next) ? NULL : e->next; /* If entry being removed is first in list, fix up list head */ if (ipmi_req_entries == e) { if (ipmi_req_entries != p) ipmi_req_entries = p; else ipmi_req_entries = saved_next_entry; } /* If entry being removed is last in list, fix up list tail */ if (ipmi_req_entries_tail == e) { if (ipmi_req_entries_tail != p) ipmi_req_entries_tail = p; else ipmi_req_entries_tail = NULL; } if (e->msg_data) { free(e->msg_data); e->msg_data = NULL; } free(e); e = NULL; } } static void ipmi_req_clear_entries(void) { struct ipmi_rq_entry * p, * e; e = ipmi_req_entries; while (e) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+3, "cleared list entry seq=0x%02x cmd=0x%02x", e->rq_seq, e->req.msg.cmd); if (e->next != NULL) { p = e->next; free(e); e = p; } else { free(e); e = NULL; break; } } ipmi_req_entries = NULL; } static int get_random(void *data, int len) { int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); int rv; if (fd < 0) return errno; if (len < 0) { close(fd); return errno; /* XXX: ORLY? */ } rv = read(fd, data, len); close(fd); return rv; } static int ipmi_lan_send_packet(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint8_t * data, int data_len) { if (verbose > 2) printbuf(data, data_len, "send_packet"); return send(intf->fd, data, data_len, 0); } static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_recv_packet(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { static struct ipmi_rs rsp; fd_set read_set; fd_set err_set; struct timeval tmout; int ret; FD_ZERO(&read_set); FD_SET(intf->fd, &read_set); FD_ZERO(&err_set); FD_SET(intf->fd, &err_set); tmout.tv_sec = intf->session->timeout; tmout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(intf->fd + 1, &read_set, NULL, &err_set, &tmout); if (ret < 0 || FD_ISSET(intf->fd, &err_set) || !FD_ISSET(intf->fd, &read_set)) return NULL; /* the first read may return ECONNREFUSED because the rmcp ping * packet--sent to UDP port 623--will be processed by both the * BMC and the OS. * * The problem with this is that the ECONNREFUSED takes * priority over any other received datagram; that means that * the Connection Refused shows up _before_ the response packet, * regardless of the order they were sent out. (unless the * response is read before the connection refused is returned) */ ret = recv(intf->fd, &rsp.data, IPMI_BUF_SIZE, 0); if (ret < 0) { FD_ZERO(&read_set); FD_SET(intf->fd, &read_set); FD_ZERO(&err_set); FD_SET(intf->fd, &err_set); tmout.tv_sec = intf->session->timeout; tmout.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(intf->fd + 1, &read_set, NULL, &err_set, &tmout); if (ret < 0 || FD_ISSET(intf->fd, &err_set) || !FD_ISSET(intf->fd, &read_set)) return NULL; ret = recv(intf->fd, &rsp.data, IPMI_BUF_SIZE, 0); if (ret < 0) return NULL; } if (ret == 0) return NULL; rsp.data[ret] = '\0'; rsp.data_len = ret; if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp.data, rsp.data_len, "recv_packet"); return &rsp; } /* * parse response RMCP "pong" packet * * return -1 if ping response not received * returns 0 if IPMI is NOT supported * returns 1 if IPMI is supported * * udp.source = 0x026f // RMCP_UDP_PORT * udp.dest = ? // udp.source from rmcp-ping * udp.len = ? * udp.check = ? * rmcp.ver = 0x06 // RMCP Version 1.0 * rmcp.__res = 0x00 // RESERVED * rmcp.seq = 0xff // no RMCP ACK * rmcp.class = 0x06 // RMCP_CLASS_ASF * asf.iana = 0x000011be // ASF_RMCP_IANA * asf.type = 0x40 // ASF_TYPE_PONG * asf.tag = ? // asf.tag from rmcp-ping * asf.__res = 0x00 // RESERVED * asf.len = 0x10 // 16 bytes * asf.data[3:0]= 0x000011be // IANA# = RMCP_ASF_IANA if no OEM * asf.data[7:4]= 0x00000000 // OEM-defined (not for IPMI) * asf.data[8] = 0x81 // supported entities * // [7]=IPMI [6:4]=RES [3:0]=ASF_1.0 * asf.data[9] = 0x00 // supported interactions (reserved) * asf.data[f:a]= 0x000000000000 */ static int ipmi_handle_pong(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rs * rsp) { struct rmcp_pong * pong; if (rsp == NULL) return -1; pong = (struct rmcp_pong *)rsp->data; lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Received IPMI/RMCP response packet: \n" " IPMI%s Supported\n" " ASF Version %s\n" " RMCP Version %s\n" " RMCP Sequence %d\n" " IANA Enterprise %ld\n", (pong->sup_entities & 0x80) ? "" : " NOT", (pong->sup_entities & 0x01) ? "1.0" : "unknown", (pong->rmcp.ver == 6) ? "1.0" : "unknown", pong->rmcp.seq, ntohl(pong->iana)); return (pong->sup_entities & 0x80) ? 1 : 0; } /* build and send RMCP presence ping packet * * RMCP ping * * udp.source = ? * udp.dest = 0x026f // RMCP_UDP_PORT * udp.len = ? * udp.check = ? * rmcp.ver = 0x06 // RMCP Version 1.0 * rmcp.__res = 0x00 // RESERVED * rmcp.seq = 0xff // no RMCP ACK * rmcp.class = 0x06 // RMCP_CLASS_ASF * asf.iana = 0x000011be // ASF_RMCP_IANA * asf.type = 0x80 // ASF_TYPE_PING * asf.tag = ? // ASF sequence number * asf.__res = 0x00 // RESERVED * asf.len = 0x00 * */ static int ipmi_lan_ping(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct asf_hdr asf_ping = { .iana = htonl(ASF_RMCP_IANA), .type = ASF_TYPE_PING, }; struct rmcp_hdr rmcp_ping = { .ver = RMCP_VERSION_1, .class = RMCP_CLASS_ASF, .seq = 0xff, }; uint8_t * data; int len = sizeof(rmcp_ping) + sizeof(asf_ping); int rv; data = malloc(len); if (data == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "ipmitool: malloc failure"); return -1; } memset(data, 0, len); memcpy(data, &rmcp_ping, sizeof(rmcp_ping)); memcpy(data+sizeof(rmcp_ping), &asf_ping, sizeof(asf_ping)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending IPMI/RMCP presence ping packet"); rv = ipmi_lan_send_packet(intf, data, len); free(data); data = NULL; if (rv < 0) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Unable to send IPMI presence ping packet"); return -1; } if (ipmi_lan_poll_recv(intf) == 0) return 0; return 1; } /* * The "thump" functions are used to send an extra packet following each * request message. This may kick-start some BMCs that get confused with * bad passwords or operate poorly under heavy network load. */ static void ipmi_lan_thump_first(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { /* is this random data? */ uint8_t data[16] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0x20, 0x18, 0xc8, 0xc2, 0x01, 0x01, 0x3c }; ipmi_lan_send_packet(intf, data, 16); } static void ipmi_lan_thump(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { uint8_t data[10] = "thump"; ipmi_lan_send_packet(intf, data, 10); } static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_poll_recv(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct rmcp_hdr rmcp_rsp; struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq_entry * entry; int x=0, rv; uint8_t our_address = intf->my_addr; if (our_address == 0) our_address = IPMI_BMC_SLAVE_ADDR; rsp = ipmi_lan_recv_packet(intf); while (rsp != NULL) { /* parse response headers */ memcpy(&rmcp_rsp, rsp->data, 4); switch (rmcp_rsp.class) { case RMCP_CLASS_ASF: /* ping response packet */ rv = ipmi_handle_pong(intf, rsp); return (rv <= 0) ? NULL : rsp; case RMCP_CLASS_IPMI: /* handled by rest of function */ break; default: lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid RMCP class: %x", rmcp_rsp.class); rsp = ipmi_lan_recv_packet(intf); continue; } x = 4; rsp->session.authtype = rsp->data[x++]; memcpy(&rsp->session.seq, rsp->data+x, 4); x += 4; memcpy(&rsp->session.id, rsp->data+x, 4); x += 4; if (rsp->session.id == (intf->session->session_id + 0x10000000)) { /* With SOL, authtype is always NONE, so we have no authcode */ rsp->session.payloadtype = IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL; rsp->session.msglen = rsp->data[x++]; rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number = rsp->data[x++] & 0x0F; rsp->payload.sol_packet.acked_packet_number = rsp->data[x++] & 0x0F; rsp->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count = rsp->data[x++]; rsp->payload.sol_packet.is_nack = rsp->data[x] & 0x40; rsp->payload.sol_packet.transfer_unavailable = rsp->data[x] & 0x20; rsp->payload.sol_packet.sol_inactive = rsp->data[x] & 0x10; rsp->payload.sol_packet.transmit_overrun = rsp->data[x] & 0x08; rsp->payload.sol_packet.break_detected = rsp->data[x++] & 0x04; x++; /* On ISOL there's and additional fifth byte before the data starts */ lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL sequence number : 0x%02x", rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL acked packet : 0x%02x", rsp->payload.sol_packet.acked_packet_number); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL accepted char count : 0x%02x", rsp->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL is nack : %s", rsp->payload.sol_packet.is_nack? "true" : "false"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL xfer unavailable : %s", rsp->payload.sol_packet.transfer_unavailable? "true" : "false"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL inactive : %s", rsp->payload.sol_packet.sol_inactive? "true" : "false"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL transmit overrun : %s", rsp->payload.sol_packet.transmit_overrun? "true" : "false"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "SOL break detected : %s", rsp->payload.sol_packet.break_detected? "true" : "false"); } else { /* Standard IPMI 1.5 packet */ rsp->session.payloadtype = IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_IPMI; if (intf->session->active && (rsp->session.authtype || intf->session->authtype)) x += 16; rsp->session.msglen = rsp->data[x++]; rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_addr = rsp->data[x++]; rsp->payload.ipmi_response.netfn = rsp->data[x] >> 2; rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_lun = rsp->data[x++] & 0x3; x++; /* checksum */ rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rs_addr = rsp->data[x++]; rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_seq = rsp->data[x] >> 2; rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rs_lun = rsp->data[x++] & 0x3; rsp->payload.ipmi_response.cmd = rsp->data[x++]; rsp->ccode = rsp->data[x++]; if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp->data, rsp->data_len, "ipmi message header"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< IPMI Response Session Header"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Authtype : %s", val2str(rsp->session.authtype, ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Sequence : 0x%08lx", (long)rsp->session.seq); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Session ID : 0x%08lx", (long)rsp->session.id); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< IPMI Response Message Header"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Rq Addr : %02x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_addr); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< NetFn : %02x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.netfn); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Rq LUN : %01x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_lun); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Rs Addr : %02x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rs_addr); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Rq Seq : %02x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_seq); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Rs Lun : %01x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rs_lun); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Command : %02x", rsp->payload.ipmi_response.cmd); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, "<< Compl Code : 0x%02x", rsp->ccode); /* now see if we have outstanding entry in request list */ entry = ipmi_req_lookup_entry(rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_seq, rsp->payload.ipmi_response.cmd); if (entry) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+2, "IPMI Request Match found"); if ((intf->target_addr != our_address) && bridge_possible) { if ((rsp->data_len) && (rsp->payload.ipmi_response.netfn == 7) && (rsp->payload.ipmi_response.cmd != 0x34)) { if (verbose > 2) printbuf(&rsp->data[x], rsp->data_len-x, "bridge command response"); } /* bridged command: lose extra header */ if (entry->bridging_level && rsp->payload.ipmi_response.netfn == 7 && rsp->payload.ipmi_response.cmd == 0x34) { entry->bridging_level--; if (rsp->data_len - x - 1 == 0) { rsp = !rsp->ccode ? ipmi_lan_recv_packet(intf) : NULL; if (!entry->bridging_level) entry->req.msg.cmd = entry->req.msg.target_cmd; if (rsp == NULL) { ipmi_req_remove_entry(entry->rq_seq, entry->req.msg.cmd); } continue; } else { /* The bridged answer data are inside the incoming packet */ memmove(rsp->data + x - 7, rsp->data + x, rsp->data_len - x - 1); rsp->data[x - 8] -= 8; rsp->data_len -= 8; entry->rq_seq = rsp->data[x - 3] >> 2; if (!entry->bridging_level) entry->req.msg.cmd = entry->req.msg.target_cmd; continue; } } else { //x += sizeof(rsp->payload.ipmi_response); if (rsp->data[x-1] != 0) lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "WARNING: Bridged " "cmd ccode = 0x%02x", rsp->data[x-1]); } } ipmi_req_remove_entry(rsp->payload.ipmi_response.rq_seq, rsp->payload.ipmi_response.cmd); } else { lprintf(LOG_INFO, "IPMI Request Match NOT FOUND"); rsp = ipmi_lan_recv_packet(intf); continue; } } break; } /* shift response data to start of array */ if (rsp && rsp->data_len > x) { rsp->data_len -= x; if (rsp->session.payloadtype == IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_IPMI) rsp->data_len -= 1; /* We don't want the checksum */ memmove(rsp->data, rsp->data + x, rsp->data_len); memset(rsp->data + rsp->data_len, 0, IPMI_BUF_SIZE - rsp->data_len); } return rsp; } /* * IPMI LAN Request Message Format * +--------------------+ * | rmcp.ver | 4 bytes * | rmcp.__reserved | * | rmcp.seq | * | rmcp.class | * +--------------------+ * | session.authtype | 9 bytes * | session.seq | * | session.id | * +--------------------+ * | [session.authcode] | 16 bytes (AUTHTYPE != none) * +--------------------+ * | message length | 1 byte * +--------------------+ * | message.rs_addr | 6 bytes * | message.netfn_lun | * | message.checksum | * | message.rq_addr | * | message.rq_seq | * | message.cmd | * +--------------------+ * | [request data] | data_len bytes * +--------------------+ * | checksum | 1 byte * +--------------------+ */ static struct ipmi_rq_entry * ipmi_lan_build_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rq * req, int isRetry) { struct rmcp_hdr rmcp = { .ver = RMCP_VERSION_1, .class = RMCP_CLASS_IPMI, .seq = 0xff, }; uint8_t * msg, * temp; int cs, mp, tmp; int ap = 0; int len = 0; int cs2 = 0, cs3 = 0; struct ipmi_rq_entry * entry; struct ipmi_session * s = intf->session; static int curr_seq = 0; uint8_t our_address = intf->my_addr; if (our_address == 0) our_address = IPMI_BMC_SLAVE_ADDR; if (isRetry == 0) curr_seq++; if (curr_seq >= 64) curr_seq = 0; // Bug in the existing code where it keeps on adding same command/seq pair // in the lookup entry list. // Check if we have cmd,seq pair already in our list. As we are not changing // the seq number we have to re-use the node which has existing // command and sequence number. If we add then we will have redundant node with // same cmd,seq pair entry = ipmi_req_lookup_entry(curr_seq, req->msg.cmd); if (entry) { // This indicates that we have already same command and seq in list // No need to add once again and we will re-use the existing node. // Only thing we have to do is clear the msg_data as we create // a new one below in the code for it. if (entry->msg_data) { free(entry->msg_data); entry->msg_data = NULL; } } else { // We dont have this request in the list so we can add it // to the list entry = ipmi_req_add_entry(intf, req, curr_seq); if (entry == NULL) return NULL; } len = req->msg.data_len + 29; if (s->active && s->authtype) len += 16; if (intf->transit_addr != intf->my_addr && intf->transit_addr != 0) len += 8; msg = malloc(len); if (msg == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "ipmitool: malloc failure"); return NULL; } memset(msg, 0, len); /* rmcp header */ memcpy(msg, &rmcp, sizeof(rmcp)); len = sizeof(rmcp); /* ipmi session header */ msg[len++] = s->active ? s->authtype : 0; msg[len++] = s->in_seq & 0xff; msg[len++] = (s->in_seq >> 8) & 0xff; msg[len++] = (s->in_seq >> 16) & 0xff; msg[len++] = (s->in_seq >> 24) & 0xff; memcpy(msg+len, &s->session_id, 4); len += 4; /* ipmi session authcode */ if (s->active && s->authtype) { ap = len; memcpy(msg+len, s->authcode, 16); len += 16; } /* message length */ if ((intf->target_addr == our_address) || !bridge_possible) { entry->bridging_level = 0; msg[len++] = req->msg.data_len + 7; cs = mp = len; } else { /* bridged request: encapsulate w/in Send Message */ entry->bridging_level = 1; msg[len++] = req->msg.data_len + 15 + (intf->transit_addr != intf->my_addr && intf->transit_addr != 0 ? 8 : 0); cs = mp = len; msg[len++] = IPMI_BMC_SLAVE_ADDR; msg[len++] = IPMI_NETFN_APP << 2; tmp = len - cs; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs, tmp); cs2 = len; msg[len++] = IPMI_REMOTE_SWID; msg[len++] = curr_seq << 2; msg[len++] = 0x34; /* Send Message rqst */ entry->req.msg.target_cmd = entry->req.msg.cmd; /* Save target command */ entry->req.msg.cmd = 0x34; /* (fixup request entry) */ if (intf->transit_addr == intf->my_addr || intf->transit_addr == 0) { msg[len++] = (0x40|intf->target_channel); /* Track request*/ } else { entry->bridging_level++; msg[len++] = (0x40|intf->transit_channel); /* Track request*/ cs = len; msg[len++] = intf->transit_addr; msg[len++] = IPMI_NETFN_APP << 2; tmp = len - cs; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs, tmp); cs3 = len; msg[len++] = intf->my_addr; msg[len++] = curr_seq << 2; msg[len++] = 0x34; /* Send Message rqst */ msg[len++] = (0x40|intf->target_channel); /* Track request */ } cs = len; } /* ipmi message header */ msg[len++] = intf->target_addr; msg[len++] = req->msg.netfn << 2 | (req->msg.lun & 3); tmp = len - cs; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs, tmp); cs = len; if (!entry->bridging_level) msg[len++] = IPMI_REMOTE_SWID; /* Bridged message */ else if (entry->bridging_level) msg[len++] = intf->my_addr; entry->rq_seq = curr_seq; msg[len++] = entry->rq_seq << 2; msg[len++] = req->msg.cmd; lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> IPMI Request Session Header (level %d)", entry->bridging_level); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Authtype : %s", val2str(s->authtype, ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Sequence : 0x%08lx", (long)s->in_seq); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Session ID : 0x%08lx", (long)s->session_id); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> IPMI Request Message Header"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Rs Addr : %02x", intf->target_addr); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> NetFn : %02x", req->msg.netfn); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Rs LUN : %01x", 0); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Rq Addr : %02x", IPMI_REMOTE_SWID); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Rq Seq : %02x", entry->rq_seq); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Rq Lun : %01x", 0); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG+1, ">> Command : %02x", req->msg.cmd); /* message data */ if (req->msg.data_len) { memcpy(msg+len, req->msg.data, req->msg.data_len); len += req->msg.data_len; } /* second checksum */ tmp = len - cs; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs, tmp); /* bridged request: 2nd checksum */ if (entry->bridging_level) { if (intf->transit_addr != intf->my_addr && intf->transit_addr != 0) { tmp = len - cs3; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs3, tmp); } tmp = len - cs2; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs2, tmp); } if (s->active) { /* * s->authcode is already copied to msg+ap but some * authtypes require portions of the ipmi message to * create the authcode so they must be done last. */ switch (s->authtype) { case IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD5: temp = ipmi_auth_md5(s, msg+mp, msg[mp-1]); memcpy(msg+ap, temp, 16); break; case IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD2: temp = ipmi_auth_md2(s, msg+mp, msg[mp-1]); memcpy(msg+ap, temp, 16); break; } } if (s->in_seq) { s->in_seq++; if (s->in_seq == 0) s->in_seq++; } entry->msg_len = len; entry->msg_data = msg; return entry; } static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_send_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rq * req) { struct ipmi_rq_entry * entry; struct ipmi_rs * rsp = NULL; int try = 0; int isRetry = 0; lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "ipmi_lan_send_cmd:opened=[%d], open=[%d]", intf->opened, intf->open); if (intf->opened == 0 && intf->open != NULL) { if (intf->open(intf) < 0) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Failed to open LAN interface"); return NULL; } lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "\topened=[%d], open=[%d]", intf->opened, intf->open); } for (;;) { isRetry = ( try > 0 ) ? 1 : 0; entry = ipmi_lan_build_cmd(intf, req, isRetry); if (entry == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Aborting send command, unable to build"); return NULL; } if (ipmi_lan_send_packet(intf, entry->msg_data, entry->msg_len) < 0) { try++; usleep(5000); ipmi_req_remove_entry(entry->rq_seq, entry->req.msg.target_cmd); continue; } /* if we are set to noanswer we do not expect response */ if (intf->noanswer) break; if (ipmi_oem_active(intf, "intelwv2")) ipmi_lan_thump(intf); usleep(100); rsp = ipmi_lan_poll_recv(intf); /* Duplicate Request ccode most likely indicates a response to a previous retry. Ignore and keep polling. */ if((rsp != NULL) && (rsp->ccode == 0xcf)) { rsp = NULL; rsp = ipmi_lan_poll_recv(intf); } if (rsp) break; usleep(5000); if (++try >= intf->session->retry) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " No response from remote controller"); break; } } // We need to cleanup the existing entries from the list. Because if we // keep it and then when we send the new command and if the response is for // old command it still matches it and then returns success. // This is the corner case where the remote controller responds very slowly. // // Example: We have to send command 23 and 2d. // If we send command,seq as 23,10 and if we dont get any response it will // retry 4 times with 23,10 and then come out here and indicate that there is no // reponse from the remote controller and will send the next command for // ie 2d,11. And if the BMC is slow to respond and returns 23,10 then it // will match it in the list and will take response of command 23 as response // for command 2d and return success. So ideally when retries are done and // are out of this function we should be clearing the list to be safe so that // we dont match the old response with new request. // [23, 10] --> BMC // [23, 10] --> BMC // [23, 10] --> BMC // [23, 10] --> BMC // [2D, 11] --> BMC // <-- [23, 10] // here if we maintain 23,10 in the list then it will get matched and consider // 23 response as response for 2D. ipmi_req_clear_entries(); return rsp; } static uint8_t * ipmi_lan_build_rsp(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rs * rsp, int * llen) { struct rmcp_hdr rmcp = { .ver = RMCP_VERSION_1, .class = RMCP_CLASS_IPMI, .seq = 0xff, }; struct ipmi_session * s = intf->session; int cs, mp, ap = 0, tmp; int len; uint8_t * msg; len = rsp->data_len + 22; if (s->active) len += 16; msg = malloc(len); if (msg == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "ipmitool: malloc failure"); return NULL; } memset(msg, 0, len); /* rmcp header */ memcpy(msg, &rmcp, 4); len = sizeof(rmcp); /* ipmi session header */ msg[len++] = s->active ? s->authtype : 0; if (s->in_seq) { s->in_seq++; if (s->in_seq == 0) s->in_seq++; } memcpy(msg+len, &s->in_seq, 4); len += 4; memcpy(msg+len, &s->session_id, 4); len += 4; /* session authcode, if session active and authtype is not none */ if (s->active && s->authtype) { ap = len; memcpy(msg+len, s->authcode, 16); len += 16; } /* message length */ msg[len++] = rsp->data_len + 8; /* message header */ cs = mp = len; msg[len++] = IPMI_REMOTE_SWID; msg[len++] = rsp->msg.netfn << 2; tmp = len - cs; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs, tmp); cs = len; msg[len++] = IPMI_BMC_SLAVE_ADDR; msg[len++] = (rsp->msg.seq << 2) | (rsp->msg.lun & 3); msg[len++] = rsp->msg.cmd; /* completion code */ msg[len++] = rsp->ccode; /* message data */ if (rsp->data_len) { memcpy(msg+len, rsp->data, rsp->data_len); len += rsp->data_len; } /* second checksum */ tmp = len - cs; msg[len++] = ipmi_csum(msg+cs, tmp); if (s->active) { uint8_t * d; switch (s->authtype) { case IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD5: d = ipmi_auth_md5(s, msg+mp, msg[mp-1]); memcpy(msg+ap, d, 16); break; case IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD2: d = ipmi_auth_md2(s, msg+mp, msg[mp-1]); memcpy(msg+ap, d, 16); break; } } *llen = len; return msg; } static int ipmi_lan_send_rsp(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rs * rsp) { uint8_t * msg; int len = 0; int rv; msg = ipmi_lan_build_rsp(intf, rsp, &len); if (len <= 0 || msg == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Invalid response packet"); if (msg != NULL) { free(msg); msg = NULL; } return -1; } rv = sendto(intf->fd, msg, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&intf->session->addr, intf->session->addrlen); if (rv < 0) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Packet send failed"); if (msg != NULL) { free(msg); msg = NULL; } return -1; } if (msg != NULL) { free(msg); msg = NULL; } return 0; } /* * IPMI SOL Payload Format * +--------------------+ * | rmcp.ver | 4 bytes * | rmcp.__reserved | * | rmcp.seq | * | rmcp.class | * +--------------------+ * | session.authtype | 9 bytes * | session.seq | * | session.id | * +--------------------+ * | message length | 1 byte * +--------------------+ * | sol.seq | 5 bytes * | sol.ack_seq | * | sol.acc_count | * | sol.control | * | sol.__reserved | * +--------------------+ * | [request data] | data_len bytes * +--------------------+ */ uint8_t * ipmi_lan_build_sol_msg(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_v2_payload * payload, int * llen) { struct rmcp_hdr rmcp = { .ver = RMCP_VERSION_1, .class = RMCP_CLASS_IPMI, .seq = 0xff, }; struct ipmi_session * session = intf->session; /* msg will hold the entire message to be sent */ uint8_t * msg; int len = 0; len = sizeof(rmcp) + // RMCP Header (4) 10 + // IPMI Session Header 5 + // SOL header payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count; // The actual payload msg = malloc(len); if (msg == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "ipmitool: malloc failure"); return NULL; } memset(msg, 0, len); /* rmcp header */ memcpy(msg, &rmcp, sizeof(rmcp)); len = sizeof(rmcp); /* ipmi session header */ msg[len++] = 0; /* SOL is always authtype = NONE */ msg[len++] = session->in_seq & 0xff; msg[len++] = (session->in_seq >> 8) & 0xff; msg[len++] = (session->in_seq >> 16) & 0xff; msg[len++] = (session->in_seq >> 24) & 0xff; msg[len++] = session->session_id & 0xff; msg[len++] = (session->session_id >> 8) & 0xff; msg[len++] = (session->session_id >> 16) & 0xff; msg[len++] = ((session->session_id >> 24) + 0x10) & 0xff; /* Add 0x10 to MSB for SOL */ msg[len++] = payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count + 5; /* sol header */ msg[len++] = payload->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number; msg[len++] = payload->payload.sol_packet.acked_packet_number; msg[len++] = payload->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count; msg[len] = payload->payload.sol_packet.is_nack ? 0x40 : 0; msg[len] |= payload->payload.sol_packet.assert_ring_wor ? 0x20 : 0; msg[len] |= payload->payload.sol_packet.generate_break ? 0x10 : 0; msg[len] |= payload->payload.sol_packet.deassert_cts ? 0x08 : 0; msg[len] |= payload->payload.sol_packet.deassert_dcd_dsr ? 0x04 : 0; msg[len] |= payload->payload.sol_packet.flush_inbound ? 0x02 : 0; msg[len++] |= payload->payload.sol_packet.flush_outbound ? 0x01 : 0; len++; /* On SOL there's and additional fifth byte before the data starts */ if (payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count) { /* We may have data to add */ memcpy(msg + len, payload->payload.sol_packet.data, payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count); len += payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count; } session->in_seq++; if (session->in_seq == 0) session->in_seq++; *llen = len; return msg; } /* * is_sol_packet */ static int is_sol_packet(struct ipmi_rs * rsp) { return (rsp && (rsp->session.payloadtype == IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL)); } /* * sol_response_acks_packet */ static int sol_response_acks_packet(struct ipmi_rs * rsp, struct ipmi_v2_payload * payload) { return (is_sol_packet(rsp) && payload && (payload->payload_type == IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL) && (rsp->payload.sol_packet.acked_packet_number == payload->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number)); } /* * ipmi_lan_send_sol_payload * */ static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_send_sol_payload(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_v2_payload * payload) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp = NULL; uint8_t * msg; int len; int try = 0; if (intf->opened == 0 && intf->open != NULL) { if (intf->open(intf) < 0) return NULL; } msg = ipmi_lan_build_sol_msg(intf, payload, &len); if (len <= 0 || msg == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Invalid SOL payload packet"); if (msg != NULL) { free(msg); msg = NULL; } return NULL; } lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, ">> SENDING A SOL MESSAGE\n"); for (;;) { if (ipmi_lan_send_packet(intf, msg, len) < 0) { try++; usleep(5000); continue; } /* if we are set to noanswer we do not expect response */ if (intf->noanswer) break; if (payload->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number == 0) { /* We're just sending an ACK. No need to retry. */ break; } usleep(100); rsp = ipmi_lan_recv_sol(intf); /* Grab the next packet */ if (sol_response_acks_packet(rsp, payload)) break; else if (is_sol_packet(rsp) && rsp->data_len) { /* * We're still waiting for our ACK, but we more data from * the BMC */ intf->session->sol_data.sol_input_handler(rsp); } usleep(5000); if (++try >= intf->session->retry) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " No response from remote controller"); break; } } if (msg != NULL) { free(msg); msg = NULL; } return rsp; } /* * is_sol_partial_ack * * Determine if the response is a partial ACK/NACK that indicates * we need to resend part of our packet. * * returns the number of characters we need to resend, or * 0 if this isn't an ACK or we don't need to resend anything */ static int is_sol_partial_ack(struct ipmi_v2_payload * v2_payload, struct ipmi_rs * rsp) { int chars_to_resend = 0; if (v2_payload && rsp && is_sol_packet(rsp) && sol_response_acks_packet(rsp, v2_payload) && (rsp->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count < v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count)) { if (rsp->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count == 0) { /* We should not resend data */ chars_to_resend = 0; } else { chars_to_resend = v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count - rsp->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count; } } return chars_to_resend; } /* * set_sol_packet_sequence_number */ static void set_sol_packet_sequence_number(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_v2_payload * v2_payload) { /* Keep our sequence number sane */ if (intf->session->sol_data.sequence_number > 0x0F) intf->session->sol_data.sequence_number = 1; v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number = intf->session->sol_data.sequence_number++; } /* * ipmi_lan_send_sol * * Sends a SOL packet.. We handle partial ACK/NACKs from the BMC here. * * Returns a pointer to the SOL ACK we received, or * 0 on failure * */ struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_send_sol(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_v2_payload * v2_payload) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; int chars_to_resend = 0; v2_payload->payload_type = IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL; /* * Payload length is just the length of the character * data here. */ v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.acked_packet_number = 0; /* NA */ set_sol_packet_sequence_number(intf, v2_payload); v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count = 0; /* NA */ rsp = ipmi_lan_send_sol_payload(intf, v2_payload); /* Determine if we need to resend some of our data */ chars_to_resend = is_sol_partial_ack(v2_payload, rsp); while (chars_to_resend) { /* * We first need to handle any new data we might have * received in our NACK */ if (rsp->data_len) intf->session->sol_data.sol_input_handler(rsp); set_sol_packet_sequence_number(intf, v2_payload); /* Just send the required data */ memmove(v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.data, v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.data + rsp->payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count, chars_to_resend); v2_payload->payload.sol_packet.character_count = chars_to_resend; rsp = ipmi_lan_send_sol_payload(intf, v2_payload); chars_to_resend = is_sol_partial_ack(v2_payload, rsp); } return rsp; } /* * check_sol_packet_for_new_data * * Determine whether the SOL packet has already been seen * and whether the packet has new data for us. * * This function has the side effect of removing an previously * seen data, and moving new data to the front. * * It also "Remembers" the data so we don't get repeats. * */ static int check_sol_packet_for_new_data(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rs *rsp) { static uint8_t last_received_sequence_number = 0; static uint8_t last_received_byte_count = 0; int new_data_size = 0; if (rsp && (rsp->session.payloadtype == IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL)) { uint8_t unaltered_data_len = rsp->data_len; if (rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number == last_received_sequence_number) { /* * This is the same as the last packet, but may include * extra data */ new_data_size = rsp->data_len - last_received_byte_count; if (new_data_size > 0) { /* We have more data to process */ memmove(rsp->data, rsp->data + rsp->data_len - new_data_size, new_data_size); } rsp->data_len = new_data_size; } /* *Rember the data for next round */ if (rsp && rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number) { last_received_sequence_number = rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number; last_received_byte_count = unaltered_data_len; } } return new_data_size; } /* * ack_sol_packet * * Provided the specified packet looks reasonable, ACK it. */ static void ack_sol_packet(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct ipmi_rs * rsp) { if (rsp && (rsp->session.payloadtype == IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL) && (rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number)) { struct ipmi_v2_payload ack; memset(&ack, 0, sizeof(struct ipmi_v2_payload)); ack.payload_type = IPMI_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SOL; /* * Payload length is just the length of the character * data here. */ ack.payload_length = 0; /* ACK packets have sequence numbers of 0 */ ack.payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number = 0; ack.payload.sol_packet.acked_packet_number = rsp->payload.sol_packet.packet_sequence_number; ack.payload.sol_packet.accepted_character_count = rsp->data_len; ipmi_lan_send_sol_payload(intf, &ack); } } /* * ipmi_recv_sol * * Receive a SOL packet and send an ACK in response. * */ static struct ipmi_rs * ipmi_lan_recv_sol(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp = ipmi_lan_poll_recv(intf); ack_sol_packet(intf, rsp); /* * Remembers the data sent, and alters the data to just * include the new stuff. */ check_sol_packet_for_new_data(intf, rsp); return rsp; } /* send a get device id command to keep session active */ static int ipmi_lan_keepalive(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq req = { msg: { netfn: IPMI_NETFN_APP, cmd: 1, }}; if (!intf->opened) return 0; rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (rsp == NULL) return -1; if (rsp->ccode > 0) return -1; return 0; } /* * IPMI Get Channel Authentication Capabilities Command */ static int ipmi_get_auth_capabilities_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq req; struct ipmi_session * s = intf->session; uint8_t msg_data[2]; msg_data[0] = IPMI_LAN_CHANNEL_E; msg_data[1] = s->privlvl; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_APP; req.msg.cmd = 0x38; req.msg.data = msg_data; req.msg.data_len = 2; rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (rsp == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_INFO, "Get Auth Capabilities command failed"); return -1; } if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp->data, rsp->data_len, "get_auth_capabilities"); if (rsp->ccode > 0) { lprintf(LOG_INFO, "Get Auth Capabilities command failed: %s", val2str(rsp->ccode, completion_code_vals)); return -1; } lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Channel %02x Authentication Capabilities:", rsp->data[0]); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Privilege Level : %s", val2str(req.msg.data[1], ipmi_privlvl_vals)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Auth Types : %s%s%s%s%s", (rsp->data[1] & 1<data[1] & 1<data[1] & 1<data[1] & 1<data[1] & 1<data[2] & IPMI_AUTHSTATUS_PER_MSG_DISABLED) ? "dis" : "en"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " User level auth : %sabled", (rsp->data[2] & IPMI_AUTHSTATUS_PER_USER_DISABLED) ? "dis" : "en"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Non-null users : %sabled", (rsp->data[2] & IPMI_AUTHSTATUS_NONNULL_USERS_ENABLED) ? "en" : "dis"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Null users : %sabled", (rsp->data[2] & IPMI_AUTHSTATUS_NULL_USERS_ENABLED) ? "en" : "dis"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Anonymous login : %sabled", (rsp->data[2] & IPMI_AUTHSTATUS_ANONYMOUS_USERS_ENABLED) ? "en" : "dis"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, ""); s->authstatus = rsp->data[2]; if (s->password && (s->authtype_set == 0 || s->authtype_set == IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD5) && (rsp->data[1] & 1<authtype = IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD5; } else if (s->password && (s->authtype_set == 0 || s->authtype_set == IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD2) && (rsp->data[1] & 1<authtype = IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_MD2; } else if (s->password && (s->authtype_set == 0 || s->authtype_set == IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD) && (rsp->data[1] & 1<authtype = IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_PASSWORD; } else if (s->password && (s->authtype_set == 0 || s->authtype_set == IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_OEM) && (rsp->data[1] & 1<authtype = IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_OEM; } else if ((s->authtype_set == 0 || s->authtype_set == IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_NONE) && (rsp->data[1] & 1<authtype = IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_NONE; } else { if (!(rsp->data[1] & 1<authtype_set)) lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Authentication type %s not supported", val2str(s->authtype_set, ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); else lprintf(LOG_ERR, "No supported authtypes found"); return -1; } lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Proceeding with AuthType %s", val2str(s->authtype, ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); return 0; } /* * IPMI Get Session Challenge Command * returns a temporary session ID and 16 byte challenge string */ static int ipmi_get_session_challenge_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq req; struct ipmi_session * s = intf->session; uint8_t msg_data[17]; memset(msg_data, 0, 17); msg_data[0] = s->authtype; memcpy(msg_data+1, s->username, 16); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_APP; req.msg.cmd = 0x39; req.msg.data = msg_data; req.msg.data_len = 17; /* 1 byte for authtype, 16 for user */ rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (rsp == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Get Session Challenge command failed"); return -1; } if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp->data, rsp->data_len, "get_session_challenge"); if (rsp->ccode > 0) { switch (rsp->ccode) { case 0x81: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Invalid user name"); break; case 0x82: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "NULL user name not enabled"); break; default: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Get Session Challenge command failed: %s", val2str(rsp->ccode, completion_code_vals)); } return -1; } memcpy(&s->session_id, rsp->data, 4); memcpy(s->challenge, rsp->data + 4, 16); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Opening Session"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Session ID : %08lx", (long)s->session_id); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Challenge : %s", buf2str(s->challenge, 16)); return 0; } /* * IPMI Activate Session Command */ static int ipmi_activate_session_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq req; struct ipmi_session * s = intf->session; uint8_t msg_data[22]; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_APP; req.msg.cmd = 0x3a; msg_data[0] = s->authtype; msg_data[1] = s->privlvl; /* supermicro oem authentication hack */ if (ipmi_oem_active(intf, "supermicro")) { uint8_t * special = ipmi_auth_special(s); memcpy(s->authcode, special, 16); memset(msg_data + 2, 0, 16); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " OEM Auth : %s", buf2str(special, 16)); } else { memcpy(msg_data + 2, s->challenge, 16); } /* setup initial outbound sequence number */ get_random(msg_data+18, 4); req.msg.data = msg_data; req.msg.data_len = 22; s->active = 1; lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Privilege Level : %s", val2str(msg_data[1], ipmi_privlvl_vals)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Auth Type : %s", val2str(s->authtype, ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (rsp == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Activate Session command failed"); s->active = 0; return -1; } if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp->data, rsp->data_len, "activate_session"); if (rsp->ccode) { fprintf(stderr, "Activate Session error:"); switch (rsp->ccode) { case 0x81: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tNo session slot available"); break; case 0x82: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tNo slot available for given user - " "limit reached"); break; case 0x83: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tNo slot available to support user " "due to maximum privilege capacity"); break; case 0x84: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tSession sequence out of range"); break; case 0x85: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tInvalid session ID in request"); break; case 0x86: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tRequested privilege level " "exceeds limit"); break; case 0xd4: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\tInsufficient privilege level"); break; default: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "\t%s", val2str(rsp->ccode, completion_code_vals)); } return -1; } memcpy(&s->session_id, rsp->data + 1, 4); s->in_seq = rsp->data[8] << 24 | rsp->data[7] << 16 | rsp->data[6] << 8 | rsp->data[5]; if (s->in_seq == 0) ++s->in_seq; if (s->authstatus & IPMI_AUTHSTATUS_PER_MSG_DISABLED) s->authtype = IPMI_SESSION_AUTHTYPE_NONE; else if (s->authtype != (rsp->data[0] & 0xf)) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Invalid Session AuthType %s in response", val2str(s->authtype, ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); return -1; } bridge_possible = 1; lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "\nSession Activated"); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Auth Type : %s", val2str(rsp->data[0], ipmi_authtype_session_vals)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Max Priv Level : %s", val2str(rsp->data[9], ipmi_privlvl_vals)); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Session ID : %08lx", (long)s->session_id); lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, " Inbound Seq : %08lx\n", (long)s->in_seq); return 0; } /* * IPMI Set Session Privilege Level Command */ static int ipmi_set_session_privlvl_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq req; uint8_t privlvl = intf->session->privlvl; uint8_t backup_bridge_possible = bridge_possible; if (privlvl <= IPMI_SESSION_PRIV_USER) return 0; /* no need to set higher */ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_APP; req.msg.cmd = 0x3b; req.msg.data = &privlvl; req.msg.data_len = 1; bridge_possible = 0; rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); bridge_possible = backup_bridge_possible; if (rsp == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Set Session Privilege Level to %s failed", val2str(privlvl, ipmi_privlvl_vals)); return -1; } if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp->data, rsp->data_len, "set_session_privlvl"); if (rsp->ccode > 0) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Set Session Privilege Level to %s failed: %s", val2str(privlvl, ipmi_privlvl_vals), val2str(rsp->ccode, completion_code_vals)); return -1; } lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Set Session Privilege Level to %s\n", val2str(rsp->data[0], ipmi_privlvl_vals)); return 0; } static int ipmi_close_session_cmd(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct ipmi_rq req; uint8_t msg_data[4]; uint32_t session_id = intf->session->session_id; if (intf->session->active == 0) return -1; intf->target_addr = IPMI_BMC_SLAVE_ADDR; bridge_possible = 0; /* Not a bridge message */ memcpy(&msg_data, &session_id, 4); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_APP; req.msg.cmd = 0x3c; req.msg.data = msg_data; req.msg.data_len = 4; rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (rsp == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Close Session command failed"); return -1; } if (verbose > 2) printbuf(rsp->data, rsp->data_len, "close_session"); if (rsp->ccode == 0x87) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Failed to Close Session: invalid " "session ID %08lx", (long)session_id); return -1; } if (rsp->ccode > 0) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Close Session command failed: %s", val2str(rsp->ccode, completion_code_vals)); return -1; } lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Closed Session %08lx\n", (long)session_id); return 0; } /* * IPMI LAN Session Activation (IPMI spec v1.5 section 12.9) * * 1. send "RMCP Presence Ping" message, response message will * indicate whether the platform supports IPMI * 2. send "Get Channel Authentication Capabilities" command * with AUTHTYPE = none, response packet will contain information * about supported challenge/response authentication types * 3. send "Get Session Challenge" command with AUTHTYPE = none * and indicate the authentication type in the message, response * packet will contain challenge string and temporary session ID. * 4. send "Activate Session" command, authenticated with AUTHTYPE * sent in previous message. Also sends the initial value for * the outbound sequence number for BMC. * 5. BMC returns response confirming session activation and * session ID for this session and initial inbound sequence. */ static int ipmi_lan_activate_session(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { int rc; /* don't fail on ping because its not always supported. * Supermicro's IPMI LAN 1.5 cards don't tolerate pings. */ if (!ipmi_oem_active(intf, "supermicro")) ipmi_lan_ping(intf); /* Some particular Intel boards need special help */ if (ipmi_oem_active(intf, "intelwv2")) ipmi_lan_thump_first(intf); rc = ipmi_get_auth_capabilities_cmd(intf); if (rc < 0) { goto fail; } rc = ipmi_get_session_challenge_cmd(intf); if (rc < 0) goto fail; rc = ipmi_activate_session_cmd(intf); if (rc < 0) goto fail; intf->abort = 0; rc = ipmi_set_session_privlvl_cmd(intf); if (rc < 0) goto fail; return 0; fail: lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Error: Unable to establish LAN session"); return -1; } static void ipmi_lan_close(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { if (intf->abort == 0) ipmi_close_session_cmd(intf); if (intf->fd >= 0) close(intf->fd); ipmi_req_clear_entries(); ipmi_intf_session_cleanup(intf); intf->opened = 0; intf->manufacturer_id = IPMI_OEM_UNKNOWN; intf = NULL; } static int ipmi_lan_open(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { int rc; struct ipmi_session *s; if (intf == NULL || intf->session == NULL) return -1; s = intf->session; if (s->port == 0) s->port = IPMI_LAN_PORT; if (s->privlvl == 0) s->privlvl = IPMI_SESSION_PRIV_ADMIN; if (s->timeout == 0) s->timeout = IPMI_LAN_TIMEOUT; if (s->retry == 0) s->retry = IPMI_LAN_RETRY; if (s->hostname == NULL || strlen((const char *)s->hostname) == 0) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "No hostname specified!"); return -1; } intf->abort = 1; intf->session->sol_data.sequence_number = 1; if (ipmi_intf_socket_connect (intf) == -1) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Could not open socket!"); return -1; } if (intf->fd < 0) { lperror(LOG_ERR, "Connect to %s failed", s->hostname); intf->close(intf); return -1; } intf->opened = 1; /* try to open session */ rc = ipmi_lan_activate_session(intf); if (rc < 0) { intf->close(intf); intf->opened = 0; return -1; } intf->manufacturer_id = ipmi_get_oem(intf); /* automatically detect interface request and response sizes */ hpm2_detect_max_payload_size(intf); return intf->fd; } static int ipmi_lan_setup(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { intf->session = malloc(sizeof(struct ipmi_session)); if (intf->session == NULL) { lprintf(LOG_ERR, "ipmitool: malloc failure"); return -1; } memset(intf->session, 0, sizeof(struct ipmi_session)); /* setup default LAN maximum request and response sizes */ intf->max_request_data_size = IPMI_LAN_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE; intf->max_response_data_size = IPMI_LAN_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE; return 0; } static void ipmi_lan_set_max_rq_data_size(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint16_t size) { if (size + 7 > 0xFF) { size = 0xFF - 7; } intf->max_request_data_size = size; } static void ipmi_lan_set_max_rp_data_size(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint16_t size) { if (size + 8 > 0xFF) { size = 0xFF - 8; } intf->max_response_data_size = size; }