/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Pigeon Point Systems. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Pigeon Point Systems nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. * ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. * PIGEON POINT SYSTEMS ("PPS") AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING * OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL * PPS OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, * OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR * PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF PPS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ #include <ipmitool/bswap.h> #include <ipmitool/hpm2.h> #include <ipmitool/ipmi_intf.h> #include <ipmitool/log.h> #include <ipmitool/bswap.h> #if HAVE_PRAGMA_PACK # pragma pack(push, 1) #endif /* HPM.x Get Capabilities request */ struct hpmx_cmd_get_capabilities_rq { uint8_t picmg_id; uint8_t hpmx_id; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKING; /* HPM.2 Get Capabilities response */ struct hpm2_cmd_get_capabilities_rp { uint8_t picmg_id; struct hpm2_lan_attach_capabilities caps; } ATTRIBUTE_PACKING; #if HAVE_PRAGMA_PACK # pragma pack(pop) #endif /* IPMI Get LAN Configuration Parameters command */ #define IPMI_LAN_GET_CONFIG 0x02 int hpm2_get_capabilities(struct ipmi_intf * intf, struct hpm2_lan_attach_capabilities * caps) { struct ipmi_rq req; struct ipmi_rs * rsp; struct hpmx_cmd_get_capabilities_rq rq; /* reset result */ memset(caps, 0, sizeof(struct hpm2_lan_attach_capabilities)); /* prepare request */ rq.picmg_id = 0; rq.hpmx_id = 2; /* prepare request */ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_PICMG; req.msg.cmd = HPM2_GET_LAN_ATTACH_CAPABILITIES; req.msg.data = (uint8_t *)&rq; req.msg.data_len = sizeof(rq); /* send */ rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (!rsp) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Error sending request."); return -1; } if (rsp->ccode == 0xC1) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "IPM Controller is not HPM.2 compatible"); return rsp->ccode; } else if (rsp->ccode) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Get HPM.x Capabilities request failed," " compcode = %x", rsp->ccode); return rsp->ccode; } /* check response length */ if (rsp->data_len < 2 || rsp->data_len > 10) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad response length, len=%d", rsp->data_len); return -1; } /* check HPM.x identifier */ if (rsp->data[1] != 2) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.x ID, id=%d", rsp->data[1]); return rsp->ccode; } /* * this hardly can happen, since completion code is already checked. * but check for safety */ if (rsp->data_len < 4) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad response length, len=%d", rsp->data_len); return -1; } /* copy HPM.2 capabilities */ memcpy(caps, rsp->data + 2, rsp->data_len - 2); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN /* swap bytes to convert from little-endian format */ caps->lan_channel_mask = BSWAP_16(caps->lan_channel_mask); #endif /* check HPM.2 revision */ if (caps->hpm2_revision_id != HPM2_REVISION) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.2 revision, rev=%d", caps->hpm2_revision_id); return -1; } if (!caps->lan_channel_mask) { return -1; } /* check response length */ if (rsp->data_len < 8) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad response length, len=%d", rsp->data_len); return -1; } /* check HPM.2 LAN parameters start */ if (caps->hpm2_lan_params_start < 0xC0) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.2 LAN params start, start=%x", caps->hpm2_lan_params_start); return -1; } /* check HPM.2 LAN parameters revision */ if (caps->hpm2_lan_params_rev != HPM2_LAN_PARAMS_REV) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.2 LAN params revision, rev=%d", caps->hpm2_lan_params_rev); return -1; } /* check for HPM.2 SOL extension */ if (!(caps->hpm2_caps & HPM2_CAPS_SOL_EXTENSION)) { /* no further checks */ return 0; } /* check response length */ if (rsp->data_len < 10) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad response length, len=%d", rsp->data_len); return -1; } /* check HPM.2 SOL parameters start */ if (caps->hpm2_sol_params_start < 0xC0) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.2 SOL params start, start=%x", caps->hpm2_sol_params_start); return -1; } /* check HPM.2 SOL parameters revision */ if (caps->hpm2_sol_params_rev != HPM2_SOL_PARAMS_REV) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.2 SOL params revision, rev=%d", caps->hpm2_sol_params_rev); return -1; } return 0; } int hpm2_get_lan_channel_capabilities(struct ipmi_intf * intf, uint8_t hpm2_lan_params_start, struct hpm2_lan_channel_capabilities * caps) { struct ipmi_rq req; struct ipmi_rs * rsp; uint8_t rq[4]; /* reset result */ memset(caps, 0, sizeof(struct hpm2_lan_channel_capabilities)); /* prepare request */ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.msg.netfn = IPMI_NETFN_TRANSPORT; req.msg.cmd = IPMI_LAN_GET_CONFIG; req.msg.data = (uint8_t *)&rq; req.msg.data_len = sizeof(rq); /* prepare request data */ rq[0] = 0xE; /* sending channel */ rq[1] = hpm2_lan_params_start; /* HPM.2 Channel Caps */ rq[2] = rq[3] = 0; /* send */ rsp = intf->sendrecv(intf, &req); if (!rsp) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Error sending request."); return -1; } if (rsp->ccode == 0x80) { lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "HPM.2 Channel Caps parameter is not supported"); return rsp->ccode; } else if (rsp->ccode) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Get LAN Configuration Parameters request failed," " compcode = %x", rsp->ccode); return rsp->ccode; } /* check response length */ if (rsp->data_len != sizeof (struct hpm2_lan_channel_capabilities) + 1) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad response length, len=%d", rsp->data_len); return -1; } /* check parameter revision */ if (rsp->data[0] != LAN_PARAM_REV(HPM2_LAN_PARAMS_REV, HPM2_LAN_PARAMS_REV)) { lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "Bad HPM.2 LAN parameter revision, rev=%d", rsp->data[0]); return -1; } /* copy parameter data */ memcpy(caps, &rsp->data[1], sizeof (struct hpm2_lan_channel_capabilities)); #if WORDS_BIGENDIAN /* swap bytes to convert from little-endian format */ caps->max_inbound_pld_size = BSWAP_16(caps->max_inbound_pld_size); caps->max_outbound_pld_size = BSWAP_16(caps->max_outbound_pld_size); #endif return 0; } int hpm2_detect_max_payload_size(struct ipmi_intf * intf) { struct hpm2_lan_attach_capabilities attach_caps; struct hpm2_lan_channel_capabilities channel_caps; int err; /* query HPM.2 support */ err = hpm2_get_capabilities(intf, &attach_caps); /* check if HPM.2 is supported */ if (err != 0 || !attach_caps.lan_channel_mask) { return err; } /* query channel capabilities */ err = hpm2_get_lan_channel_capabilities(intf, attach_caps.hpm2_lan_params_start, &channel_caps); /* check if succeeded */ if (err != 0) { return err; } /* update request and response sizes */ ipmi_intf_set_max_request_data_size(intf, channel_caps.max_inbound_pld_size - 7); ipmi_intf_set_max_response_data_size(intf, channel_caps.max_outbound_pld_size - 8); /* print debug info */ lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "Set maximum request size to %d\n" "Set maximum response size to %d", intf->max_request_data_size, intf->max_response_data_size); return 0; }