/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation. * Copyright (c) 2018-present Facebook. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <ipmid/api.h> #include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp> #include <commandutils.hpp> #include <ipmid/utils.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/message/types.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/timer.hpp> #include <sensorutils.hpp> #include <storagecommands.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> namespace ipmi { namespace storage { void registerStorageFunctions() __attribute__((constructor)); constexpr static const size_t maxMessageSize = 64; constexpr static const size_t maxFruSdrNameSize = 16; static constexpr int sensorMapUpdatePeriod = 2; using SensorMap = std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, DbusVariant>>; using ManagedObjectSensor = std::map<sdbusplus::message::object_path, std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, DbusVariant>>>; static uint16_t sdrReservationID; static boost::container::flat_map<std::string, ManagedObjectSensor> SensorCache; static SensorSubTree sensorTree; void registerSensorFunctions() __attribute__((constructor)); using ManagedObjectType = boost::container::flat_map< sdbusplus::message::object_path, boost::container::flat_map< std::string, boost::container::flat_map<std::string, DbusVariant>>>; using ManagedEntry = std::pair< sdbusplus::message::object_path, boost::container::flat_map< std::string, boost::container::flat_map<std::string, DbusVariant>>>; constexpr static const char* fruDeviceServiceName = "xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice"; constexpr static const size_t cacheTimeoutSeconds = 10; static std::vector<uint8_t> fruCache; static uint16_t cacheBus = 0xFFFF; static uint8_t cacheAddr = 0XFF; std::unique_ptr<sdbusplus::Timer> cacheTimer = nullptr; // we unfortunately have to build a map of hashes in case there is a // collision to verify our dev-id boost::container::flat_map<uint8_t, std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>> deviceHashes; static sdbusplus::bus_t dbus(ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()); using InterfaceName = std::string; using PropertyName = std::string; using ThresholdStr = std::string; enum class AlarmType { low, high }; struct Property { PropertyName name; ThresholdStr threshold; }; const std::vector<InterfaceName> thresholdCheckedOrder{ "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.HardShutdown", "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.SoftShutdown", "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical", "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning"}; const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::map<AlarmType, Property>> alarmProperties{ {"xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.HardShutdown", {{AlarmType::low, Property{"HardShutdownAlarmLow", "LNR"}}, {AlarmType::high, Property{"HardShutdownAlarmHigh", "UNR"}}}}, {"xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.SoftShutdown", {{AlarmType::low, Property{"SoftShutdownAlarmLow", "LNR"}}, {AlarmType::high, Property{"SoftShutdownAlarmHigh", "UNR"}}}}, {"xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical", {{AlarmType::low, Property{"CriticalAlarmLow", "LCR"}}, {AlarmType::high, Property{"CriticalAlarmHigh", "UCR"}}}}, {"xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning", {{AlarmType::low, Property{"WarningAlarmLow", "LNC"}}, {AlarmType::high, Property{"WarningAlarmHigh", "UNC"}}}}, }; static bool getSensorMap(std::string sensorConnection, std::string sensorPath, SensorMap& sensorMap) { static boost::container::flat_map< std::string, std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>> updateTimeMap; auto updateFind = updateTimeMap.find(sensorConnection); auto lastUpdate = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>(); if (updateFind != updateTimeMap.end()) { lastUpdate = updateFind->second; } auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(now - lastUpdate) .count() > sensorMapUpdatePeriod) { updateTimeMap[sensorConnection] = now; auto managedObj = dbus.new_method_call( sensorConnection.c_str(), "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors", "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects"); ManagedObjectSensor managedObjects; try { auto reply = dbus.call(managedObj); reply.read(managedObjects); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t&) { phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>( "Error getting managed objects from connection", phosphor::logging::entry("CONNECTION=%s", sensorConnection.c_str())); return false; } SensorCache[sensorConnection] = managedObjects; } auto connection = SensorCache.find(sensorConnection); if (connection == SensorCache.end()) { return false; } auto path = connection->second.find(sensorPath); if (path == connection->second.end()) { return false; } sensorMap = path->second; return true; } bool writeFru() { sdbusplus::message_t writeFru = dbus.new_method_call( fruDeviceServiceName, "/xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice", "xyz.openbmc_project.FruDeviceManager", "WriteFru"); writeFru.append(cacheBus, cacheAddr, fruCache); try { sdbusplus::message_t writeFruResp = dbus.call(writeFru); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t&) { // todo: log sel? phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>( "error writing fru"); return false; } return true; } void createTimer() { if (cacheTimer == nullptr) { cacheTimer = std::make_unique<sdbusplus::Timer>(writeFru); } } ipmi_ret_t replaceCacheFru(uint8_t devId) { static uint8_t lastDevId = 0xFF; bool timerRunning = (cacheTimer != nullptr) && !cacheTimer->isExpired(); if (lastDevId == devId && timerRunning) { return IPMI_CC_OK; // cache already up to date } // if timer is running, stop it and writeFru manually else if (timerRunning) { cacheTimer->stop(); writeFru(); } sdbusplus::message_t getObjects = dbus.new_method_call( fruDeviceServiceName, "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects"); ManagedObjectType frus; try { sdbusplus::message_t resp = dbus.call(getObjects); resp.read(frus); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t&) { phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>( "replaceCacheFru: error getting managed objects"); return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } deviceHashes.clear(); uint8_t fruHash = 0; uint8_t mbFruBus = 0, mbFruAddr = 0; auto device = getMbFruDevice(); if (device) { std::tie(mbFruBus, mbFruAddr) = *device; deviceHashes.emplace(0, std::make_pair(mbFruBus, mbFruAddr)); fruHash++; } for (const auto& fru : frus) { auto fruIface = fru.second.find("xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice"); if (fruIface == fru.second.end()) { continue; } auto busFind = fruIface->second.find("BUS"); auto addrFind = fruIface->second.find("ADDRESS"); if (busFind == fruIface->second.end() || addrFind == fruIface->second.end()) { phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>( "fru device missing Bus or Address", phosphor::logging::entry("FRU=%s", fru.first.str.c_str())); continue; } uint8_t fruBus = std::get<uint32_t>(busFind->second); uint8_t fruAddr = std::get<uint32_t>(addrFind->second); if (fruBus != mbFruBus || fruAddr != mbFruAddr) { deviceHashes.emplace(fruHash, std::make_pair(fruBus, fruAddr)); fruHash++; } } auto deviceFind = deviceHashes.find(devId); if (deviceFind == deviceHashes.end()) { return IPMI_CC_SENSOR_INVALID; } fruCache.clear(); sdbusplus::message_t getRawFru = dbus.new_method_call( fruDeviceServiceName, "/xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice", "xyz.openbmc_project.FruDeviceManager", "GetRawFru"); cacheBus = deviceFind->second.first; cacheAddr = deviceFind->second.second; getRawFru.append(cacheBus, cacheAddr); try { sdbusplus::message_t getRawResp = dbus.call(getRawFru); getRawResp.read(fruCache); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t&) { lastDevId = 0xFF; cacheBus = 0xFFFF; cacheAddr = 0xFF; return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } lastDevId = devId; return IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t ipmiStorageReadFRUData(ipmi_netfn_t, ipmi_cmd_t, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t dataLen, ipmi_context_t) { if (*dataLen != 4) { *dataLen = 0; return IPMI_CC_REQ_DATA_LEN_INVALID; } *dataLen = 0; // default to 0 in case of an error auto req = static_cast<GetFRUAreaReq*>(request); if (req->countToRead > maxMessageSize - 1) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } ipmi_ret_t status = replaceCacheFru(req->fruDeviceID); if (status != IPMI_CC_OK) { return status; } size_t fromFRUByteLen = 0; if (req->countToRead + req->fruInventoryOffset < fruCache.size()) { fromFRUByteLen = req->countToRead; } else if (fruCache.size() > req->fruInventoryOffset) { fromFRUByteLen = fruCache.size() - req->fruInventoryOffset; } size_t padByteLen = req->countToRead - fromFRUByteLen; uint8_t* respPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(response); *respPtr = req->countToRead; std::copy(fruCache.begin() + req->fruInventoryOffset, fruCache.begin() + req->fruInventoryOffset + fromFRUByteLen, ++respPtr); // if longer than the fru is requested, fill with 0xFF if (padByteLen) { respPtr += fromFRUByteLen; std::fill(respPtr, respPtr + padByteLen, 0xFF); } *dataLen = fromFRUByteLen + 1; return IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t ipmiStorageWriteFRUData(ipmi_netfn_t, ipmi_cmd_t, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t dataLen, ipmi_context_t) { if (*dataLen < 4 || *dataLen >= 0xFF + 3) // count written return is one byte, so limit to one // byte of data after the three request data bytes { *dataLen = 0; return IPMI_CC_REQ_DATA_LEN_INVALID; } auto req = static_cast<WriteFRUDataReq*>(request); size_t writeLen = *dataLen - 3; *dataLen = 0; // default to 0 in case of an error ipmi_ret_t status = replaceCacheFru(req->fruDeviceID); if (status != IPMI_CC_OK) { return status; } size_t lastWriteAddr = req->fruInventoryOffset + writeLen; if (fruCache.size() < lastWriteAddr) { fruCache.resize(req->fruInventoryOffset + writeLen); } std::copy(req->data, req->data + writeLen, fruCache.begin() + req->fruInventoryOffset); bool atEnd = false; if (fruCache.size() >= sizeof(FRUHeader)) { FRUHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<FRUHeader*>(fruCache.data()); size_t lastRecordStart = std::max( header->internalOffset, std::max(header->chassisOffset, std::max(header->boardOffset, header->productOffset))); // TODO: Handle Multi-Record FRUs? lastRecordStart *= 8; // header starts in are multiples of 8 bytes // get the length of the area in multiples of 8 bytes if (lastWriteAddr > (lastRecordStart + 1)) { // second byte in record area is the length int areaLength(fruCache[lastRecordStart + 1]); areaLength *= 8; // it is in multiples of 8 bytes if (lastWriteAddr >= (areaLength + lastRecordStart)) { atEnd = true; } } } uint8_t* respPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(response); if (atEnd) { // cancel timer, we're at the end so might as well send it cacheTimer->stop(); if (!writeFru()) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } *respPtr = std::min(fruCache.size(), static_cast<size_t>(0xFF)); } else { // start a timer, if no further data is sent in cacheTimeoutSeconds // seconds, check to see if it is valid createTimer(); cacheTimer->start(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>( std::chrono::seconds(cacheTimeoutSeconds))); *respPtr = 0; } *dataLen = 1; return IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t getFruSdrCount(size_t& count) { ipmi_ret_t ret = replaceCacheFru(0); if (ret != IPMI_CC_OK) { return ret; } count = deviceHashes.size(); return IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t getFruSdrs(size_t index, get_sdr::SensorDataFruRecord& resp) { ipmi_ret_t ret = replaceCacheFru(0); // this will update the hash list if (ret != IPMI_CC_OK) { return ret; } if (deviceHashes.size() < index) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } auto device = deviceHashes.begin() + index; uint8_t& bus = device->second.first; uint8_t& address = device->second.second; ManagedObjectType frus; sdbusplus::message_t getObjects = dbus.new_method_call( fruDeviceServiceName, "/", "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager", "GetManagedObjects"); try { sdbusplus::message_t resp = dbus.call(getObjects); resp.read(frus); } catch (const sdbusplus::exception_t&) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } boost::container::flat_map<std::string, DbusVariant>* fruData = nullptr; auto fru = std::find_if(frus.begin(), frus.end(), [bus, address, &fruData](ManagedEntry& entry) { auto findFruDevice = entry.second.find("xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice"); if (findFruDevice == entry.second.end()) { return false; } fruData = &(findFruDevice->second); auto findBus = findFruDevice->second.find("BUS"); auto findAddress = findFruDevice->second.find("ADDRESS"); if (findBus == findFruDevice->second.end() || findAddress == findFruDevice->second.end()) { return false; } if (std::get<uint32_t>(findBus->second) != bus) { return false; } if (std::get<uint32_t>(findAddress->second) != address) { return false; } return true; }); if (fru == frus.end()) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } std::string name; auto findProductName = fruData->find("BOARD_PRODUCT_NAME"); auto findBoardName = fruData->find("PRODUCT_PRODUCT_NAME"); if (findProductName != fruData->end()) { name = std::get<std::string>(findProductName->second); } else if (findBoardName != fruData->end()) { name = std::get<std::string>(findBoardName->second); } else { name = "UNKNOWN"; } if (name.size() > maxFruSdrNameSize) { name = name.substr(0, maxFruSdrNameSize); } size_t sizeDiff = maxFruSdrNameSize - name.size(); resp.header.record_id_lsb = 0x0; // calling code is to implement these resp.header.record_id_msb = 0x0; resp.header.sdr_version = ipmiSdrVersion; resp.header.record_type = 0x11; // FRU Device Locator resp.header.record_length = sizeof(resp.body) + sizeof(resp.key) - sizeDiff; resp.key.deviceAddress = 0x20; resp.key.fruID = device->first; resp.key.accessLun = 0x80; // logical / physical fru device resp.key.channelNumber = 0x0; resp.body.reserved = 0x0; resp.body.deviceType = 0x10; resp.body.entityID = 0x0; resp.body.entityInstance = 0x1; resp.body.oem = 0x0; resp.body.deviceIDLen = name.size(); name.copy(resp.body.deviceID, name.size()); return IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t ipmiStorageReserveSDR(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t dataLen, ipmi_context_t) { printCommand(+netfn, +cmd); if (*dataLen) { *dataLen = 0; return IPMI_CC_REQ_DATA_LEN_INVALID; } *dataLen = 0; // default to 0 in case of an error sdrReservationID++; if (sdrReservationID == 0) { sdrReservationID++; } *dataLen = 2; auto resp = static_cast<uint8_t*>(response); resp[0] = sdrReservationID & 0xFF; resp[1] = sdrReservationID >> 8; return IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t ipmiStorageGetSDR(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t dataLen, ipmi_context_t) { printCommand(+netfn, +cmd); if (*dataLen != 6) { *dataLen = 0; return IPMI_CC_REQ_DATA_LEN_INVALID; } auto requestedSize = *dataLen; *dataLen = 0; // default to 0 in case of an error constexpr uint16_t lastRecordIndex = 0xFFFF; auto req = static_cast<GetSDRReq*>(request); // reservation required for partial reads with non zero offset into // record if ((sdrReservationID == 0 || req->reservationID != sdrReservationID) && req->offset) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_RESERVATION_ID; } if (!getSensorSubtree(sensorTree) && sensorTree.empty()) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } size_t fruCount = 0; ipmi_ret_t ret = ipmi::storage::getFruSdrCount(fruCount); if (ret != IPMI_CC_OK) { return ret; } size_t lastRecord = sensorTree.size() + fruCount - 1; if (req->recordID == lastRecordIndex) { req->recordID = lastRecord; } if (req->recordID > lastRecord) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } uint16_t nextRecord = lastRecord >= static_cast<size_t>(req->recordID + 1) ? req->recordID + 1 : 0XFFFF; auto responseClear = static_cast<uint8_t*>(response); std::fill(responseClear, responseClear + requestedSize, 0); auto resp = static_cast<get_sdr::GetSdrResp*>(response); resp->next_record_id_lsb = nextRecord & 0xFF; resp->next_record_id_msb = nextRecord >> 8; if (req->recordID >= sensorTree.size()) { size_t fruIndex = req->recordID - sensorTree.size(); if (fruIndex >= fruCount) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } get_sdr::SensorDataFruRecord data; if (req->offset > sizeof(data)) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } ret = ipmi::storage::getFruSdrs(fruIndex, data); if (ret != IPMI_CC_OK) { return ret; } data.header.record_id_msb = req->recordID << 8; data.header.record_id_lsb = req->recordID & 0xFF; if (sizeof(data) < (req->offset + req->bytesToRead)) { req->bytesToRead = sizeof(data) - req->offset; } *dataLen = req->bytesToRead + 2; // next record std::memcpy(&resp->record_data, (char*)&data + req->offset, req->bytesToRead); return IPMI_CC_OK; } std::string connection; std::string path; uint16_t sensorIndex = req->recordID; for (const auto& sensor : sensorTree) { if (sensorIndex-- == 0) { if (!sensor.second.size()) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } connection = sensor.second.begin()->first; path = sensor.first; break; } } SensorMap sensorMap; if (!getSensorMap(connection, path, sensorMap)) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } uint8_t sensornumber = (req->recordID & 0xFF); get_sdr::SensorDataFullRecord record = {}; record.header.record_id_msb = req->recordID << 8; record.header.record_id_lsb = req->recordID & 0xFF; record.header.sdr_version = ipmiSdrVersion; record.header.record_type = get_sdr::SENSOR_DATA_FULL_RECORD; record.header.record_length = sizeof(get_sdr::SensorDataFullRecord) - sizeof(get_sdr::SensorDataRecordHeader); record.key.owner_id = 0x20; record.key.owner_lun = 0x0; record.key.sensor_number = sensornumber; record.body.entity_id = 0x0; record.body.entity_instance = 0x01; record.body.sensor_capabilities = 0x60; // auto rearm - todo hysteresis record.body.sensor_type = getSensorTypeFromPath(path); std::string type = getSensorTypeStringFromPath(path); auto typeCstr = type.c_str(); auto findUnits = sensorUnits.find(typeCstr); if (findUnits != sensorUnits.end()) { record.body.sensor_units_2_base = static_cast<uint8_t>(findUnits->second); } // else default 0x0 unspecified record.body.event_reading_type = getSensorEventTypeFromPath(path); auto sensorObject = sensorMap.find("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value"); if (sensorObject == sensorMap.end()) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } auto maxObject = sensorObject->second.find("MaxValue"); auto minObject = sensorObject->second.find("MinValue"); double max = 128; double min = -127; if (maxObject != sensorObject->second.end()) { max = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), maxObject->second); } if (minObject != sensorObject->second.end()) { min = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), minObject->second); } int16_t mValue; int8_t rExp; int16_t bValue; int8_t bExp; bool bSigned; if (!getSensorAttributes(max, min, mValue, rExp, bValue, bExp, bSigned)) { return IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; } // apply M, B, and exponents, M and B are 10 bit values, exponents are 4 record.body.m_lsb = mValue & 0xFF; // move the smallest bit of the MSB into place (bit 9) // the MSbs are bits 7:8 in m_msb_and_tolerance uint8_t mMsb = (mValue & (1 << 8)) > 0 ? (1 << 6) : 0; // assign the negative if (mValue < 0) { mMsb |= (1 << 7); } record.body.m_msb_and_tolerance = mMsb; record.body.b_lsb = bValue & 0xFF; // move the smallest bit of the MSB into place // the MSbs are bits 7:8 in b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb uint8_t bMsb = (bValue & (1 << 8)) > 0 ? (1 << 6) : 0; // assign the negative if (bValue < 0) { bMsb |= (1 << 7); } record.body.b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb = bMsb; record.body.r_b_exponents = bExp & 0x7; if (bExp < 0) { record.body.r_b_exponents |= 1 << 3; } record.body.r_b_exponents = (rExp & 0x7) << 4; if (rExp < 0) { record.body.r_b_exponents |= 1 << 7; } // todo fill out rest of units if (bSigned) { record.body.sensor_units_1 = 1 << 7; } // populate sensor name from path std::string name; size_t nameStart = path.rfind("/"); if (nameStart != std::string::npos) { name = path.substr(nameStart + 1, std::string::npos - nameStart); } std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '_', ' '); if (name.size() > FULL_RECORD_ID_STR_MAX_LENGTH) { name.resize(FULL_RECORD_ID_STR_MAX_LENGTH); } record.body.id_string_info = name.size(); std::strncpy(record.body.id_string, name.c_str(), sizeof(record.body.id_string)); if (sizeof(get_sdr::SensorDataFullRecord) < (req->offset + req->bytesToRead)) { req->bytesToRead = sizeof(get_sdr::SensorDataFullRecord) - req->offset; } *dataLen = 2 + req->bytesToRead; // bytesToRead + MSB and LSB of next record id std::memcpy(&resp->record_data, (char*)&record + req->offset, req->bytesToRead); return IPMI_CC_OK; } static int getSensorConnectionByName(std::string& name, std::string& connection, std::string& path) { if (!getSensorSubtree(sensorTree) && sensorTree.empty()) { return -1; } for (const auto& sensor : sensorTree) { path = sensor.first; if (path.find(name) != std::string::npos) { connection = sensor.second.begin()->first; return 0; } } return -1; } int getSensorThreshold(std::string& name, std::string& thresholdStr) { std::string connection; std::string path; int ret = -1; thresholdStr = ""; ret = getSensorConnectionByName(name, connection, path); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } SensorMap sensorMap; if (!getSensorMap(connection, path, sensorMap)) { return ret; } // Iterate threshold interfaces with priority order for (auto& interface : thresholdCheckedOrder) { auto interfaceProperty = alarmProperties.find(interface); if (interfaceProperty == alarmProperties.end()) { continue; } auto propertyValue = interfaceProperty->second; // Checks threshold properties value in sensorMap auto thresholdInterfaceSensorMap = sensorMap.find(interface); // Ignore if interface not set if (thresholdInterfaceSensorMap == sensorMap.end()) { continue; } auto& thresholdMap = thresholdInterfaceSensorMap->second; auto& propertyAlarmHigh = propertyValue.at(AlarmType::high); auto alarmHigh = thresholdMap.find(propertyAlarmHigh.name); if (alarmHigh != thresholdMap.end()) { if (std::get<bool>(alarmHigh->second)) { thresholdStr = propertyAlarmHigh.threshold; break; } } auto& propertyAlarmLow = propertyValue.at(AlarmType::low); auto alarmLow = thresholdMap.find(propertyAlarmLow.name); if (alarmLow != thresholdMap.end()) { if (std::get<bool>(alarmLow->second)) { thresholdStr = propertyAlarmLow.threshold; break; } } } return 0; } int getSensorValue(std::string& name, double& val) { std::string connection; std::string path; int ret = -1; ret = getSensorConnectionByName(name, connection, path); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } SensorMap sensorMap; if (!getSensorMap(connection, path, sensorMap)) { return ret; } auto sensorObject = sensorMap.find("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value"); if (sensorObject == sensorMap.end() || sensorObject->second.find("Value") == sensorObject->second.end()) { return ret; } auto& valueVariant = sensorObject->second["Value"]; val = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), valueVariant); return 0; } const static boost::container::flat_map<const char*, std::string, CmpStr> sensorUnitStr{{{"temperature", "C"}, {"voltage", "V"}, {"current", "mA"}, {"fan_tach", "RPM"}, {"fan_pwm", "RPM"}, {"power", "W"}}}; int getSensorUnit(std::string& name, std::string& unit) { std::string connection; std::string path; int ret = -1; ret = getSensorConnectionByName(name, connection, path); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } std::string sensorTypeStr = getSensorTypeStringFromPath(path); auto findSensor = sensorUnitStr.find(sensorTypeStr.c_str()); if (findSensor != sensorUnitStr.end()) { unit = findSensor->second; return 0; } else return -1; } ipmi_ret_t ipmiStorageGetFRUInvAreaInfo(ipmi_netfn_t, ipmi_cmd_t, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t dataLen, ipmi_context_t) { if (*dataLen != 1) { *dataLen = 0; return IPMI_CC_REQ_DATA_LEN_INVALID; } *dataLen = 0; // default to 0 in case of an error uint8_t reqDev = *(static_cast<uint8_t*>(request)); if (reqDev == 0xFF) { return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } ipmi_ret_t status = replaceCacheFru(reqDev); if (status != IPMI_CC_OK) { return status; } GetFRUAreaResp* respPtr = static_cast<GetFRUAreaResp*>(response); respPtr->inventorySizeLSB = fruCache.size() & 0xFF; respPtr->inventorySizeMSB = fruCache.size() >> 8; respPtr->accessType = static_cast<uint8_t>(GetFRUAreaAccessType::byte); *dataLen = sizeof(GetFRUAreaResp); return IPMI_CC_OK; } void registerStorageFunctions() { // <Get FRU Inventory Area Info> ipmiPrintAndRegister( NETFUN_STORAGE, static_cast<ipmi_cmd_t>(IPMINetfnStorageCmds::ipmiCmdGetFRUInvAreaInfo), NULL, ipmiStorageGetFRUInvAreaInfo, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // <READ FRU Data> ipmiPrintAndRegister( NETFUN_STORAGE, static_cast<ipmi_cmd_t>(IPMINetfnStorageCmds::ipmiCmdReadFRUData), NULL, ipmiStorageReadFRUData, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // <WRITE FRU Data> ipmiPrintAndRegister( NETFUN_STORAGE, static_cast<ipmi_cmd_t>(IPMINetfnStorageCmds::ipmiCmdWriteFRUData), NULL, ipmiStorageWriteFRUData, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // <Reserve SDR Repo> ipmiPrintAndRegister( NETFUN_STORAGE, static_cast<ipmi_cmd_t>(IPMINetfnStorageCmds::ipmiCmdReserveSDR), nullptr, ipmiStorageReserveSDR, PRIVILEGE_USER); // <Get Sdr> ipmiPrintAndRegister( NETFUN_STORAGE, static_cast<ipmi_cmd_t>(IPMINetfnStorageCmds::ipmiCmdGetSDR), nullptr, ipmiStorageGetSDR, PRIVILEGE_USER); return; } } // namespace storage } // namespace ipmi