# Yocto in OpenBMC The Yocto Project is an open source collaboration project that provides templates, tools and methods to help you create custom Linux-based systems for embedded products regardless of the hardware architecture. OpenBMC uses the Yocto tools to manage configuration and creation of BMC images. ## Developing with Yocto There are two main use-cases for Yocto in OpenBMC: 1. Building from master or existing tags 2. Developing changes for submission to master The first is the easy case, and largely involves picking the system configuration to build before invoking `bitbake`. Examples for [Palmetto](cheatsheet.md#building-for-palmetto) and [Zaius](cheatsheet.md#building-for-zaius) are in the [cheatsheet](cheatsheet.md). The second case can be helped with Yocto's `devtool`. After running `. setup <machine>`, a tool called `devtool` will be in your path, and can be applied in several ways. If you have an existing source tree you'd like to integrate, running `devtool modify -n ${PACKAGE} ${SRCTREE}` first creates a new Yocto layer in your build directory where devtool stores recipe modifications. It then constructs a `.bbappend` for the package recipe and uses the `externalsource` class to replace the download, fetch, and patch steps with no-ops. The result is that when you build the package, it will use the local source directory as is. Keep in mind that the package recipe may not perform a clean and depending on what you are doing, you may need to run `${PACKAGE}` build system's clean command in `${SRCTREE}` to clear any built objects. Also if you change the source, you may need to run `bitbake -c cleansstate ${PACKAGE}` to clear BitBake's caches. Alternatively, if you don't already have a local source tree but would still like to modify the package, invoking `devtool modify ${PACKAGE}` will handle the fetch, unpack and patch phases for you and drop a source tree into your default workspace location. When you are all done, run `devtool reset ${PACKAGE}` to remove the `.bbappend` from the devtool Yocto layer. Further information on [devtool][0] can be found in the [Yocto Mega Manual][1]. ### Adding a file to your image There are a lot of examples of working with BitBake out there. The [recipe example][2] from OpenEmbedded is a great one and the premise of this OpenBMC tailored section. So you wrote some code. You've been scp'ing the compiled binary on to the OpenBMC system for a while and you know there is a better way. Have it built as part of your flash image. Run the devtool command to add your repo to the workspace. In my example I have a repo out on GitHub that contains my code. ``` devtool add welcome https://github.com/causten/hello.git ``` Now edit the bb file it created for you. You can just use `vim` but `devtool` can also edit the recipe `devtool edit-recipe welcome` without having to type the complete path. Add/Modify these lines. ``` do_install () { install -m 0755 -d ${D}${bindir} ${D}${datadir}/welcome install -m 0644 ${S}/hello ${D}${bindir} install -m 0644 ${S}/README.md ${D}${datadir}/welcome/ } ``` The install directives create directories and then copies the files into them. Now BitBake will pick them up from the traditional `/usr/bin` and `/usr/shared/doc/hello/README.md`. The Final Step is to tell BitBake that you need the `welcome` recipe ``` vim conf/local.conf IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " welcome" ``` That's it, recompile and boot your system, the binary `hello` will be in `/usr/bin` and the `README.md` will be in `/usr/shared/doc/welcome`. ### Know what your image has Sure you could flash and boot your system to see if your file made it, but there is a faster way. The `rootfs` directory down in the depths of the `build/tmp` path is the staging area where files are placed to be packaged. In my example to check if README.md was going to be added just do... ``` ls build/tmp/work/${MACHINE}-openbmc-linux-gnueabi/obmc-phosphor-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/share/welcome/README.md ``` NXP wrote a few examples of [useful](https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-94953) commands with BitBake that find the file too ``` bitbake -g obmc-phosphor-image && cat pn-depends.dot |grep welcome ``` [0]: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#using-devtool-in-your-sdk-workflow "devtool" [1]: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html "Yocto Mega Manual" [2]: http://www.embeddedlinux.org.cn/OEManual/recipes_examples.html "Recipe Example"