# Subproject Maintainership and Forward Progress - [Subproject Maintainership and Forward Progress](#subproject-maintainership-and-forward-progress) - [Process](#process) - [Problem Description](#problem-description) - [Scope](#scope) - [Considerations](#considerations) - [Social](#social) - [Technical](#technical) - [Security](#security) - [Synthesis of Considerations](#synthesis-of-considerations) - [Defining and Determining Unresponsiveness](#defining-and-determining-unresponsiveness) ## Process 1. A complaint is raised to the TOF about lack of forward progress in a subproject 2. The TOF validates the complaint against the [pre-conditions and definitions described below](#defining-and-determining-unresponsiveness) 1. The complaint is valid if all the pre-conditions are met and the behavior exceeds the limits outlined in the definitions below 2. The complaint is partially valid if the pre-conditions are met and but the behaviour does not exceed the limits outlined in the definitions below 3. The complaint is invalid if the pre-conditions are not met 3. If the complaint is valid the TOF notifies the current maintainers of the impending addition of maintainers 1. The TOF identifies the set of candidate maintainers 2. If willing candidates exist, one or more are added as subproject maintainers 3. Otherwise, the TOF members mentor the complainant on maintenance until there is consensus they would be considered a candidate. The TOF then introduces the complainant as a maintainer 4. If the complaint is partially valid then the TOF must notify the maintainers of the impending addition of maintainers in the event of continued unresponsiveness 5. If the complaint is invalid then no further action is taken ## Problem Description OpenBMC is a Linux distribution specialised for Baseboard Management Controllers (BMCs). While it exploits existing open-source projects where possible, the OpenBMC community also maintains many integrated projects that are specific to its use-cases. By observation, BMC firmware encounters a lot of diversity in use-cases as well as board and platform design. The shape of the project's community reflects the fact that developing OpenBMC-based systems is most effectively done by the companies designing the platforms. Reverse-engineering efforts exist([1][],[2][]) but do not represent the typical path by which platform support enters the project. As a consequence the community tends to be dominated by people contributing to the project to support the needs of their employer, and are broadly motivated by platform-specific requirements rather than general capabilities. The motivation for contribution by those in the community tends to be extrinsic. [1]: https://github.com/Keno/openbmc/commit/327da25efde4fc54b27586be3914159136f03784 [2]: https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/7baebe77f0f8963e06d5ddeec6c737f5@rnplus.nl/ A consequence of this latter point is that engagement in the community can vary greatly with time based on events beyond the control of contributors and maintainers, through changes of roles, organisational direction or other factors like completion of support for a given platform. Extrinsic motivation driving variation in engagement is at odds with the consistency required by maintainer roles for the many integrated projects owned by the OpenBMC community. --- The [Technical Oversight Forum (TOF) contract][tof-contract] paints the TOF's role in the project with broad brush strokes: [tof-contract]: /tof/contract.md > The TOF handles the processes around accepting new features into OpenBMC, > creating new subprojects (git repositories), approving subproject maintainers, > handling and enforcement of subproject maintainer issues, and many other > technical leadership concerns related to OpenBMC. and: > Issues the TOF handle include: > > - Approval of new bitbake meta layers. > - Approval of new subprojects. > - Supervising subproject maintainers. > - Resolving subproject maintainer disputes. > - Guidance and oversight of the technical direction of OpenBMC. These broad brush strokes touch on the TOF's responsibilities towards maintenance but the subject receives no further treatment. --- [TOF issue #20][tof-issue-20] motivates exploration of a mechanism for it to introduce maintainers to subprojects to ensure the community can make forward progress when the existing maintainers become unresponsive. [tof-issue-20]: https://github.com/openbmc/technical-oversight-forum/issues/20 ## Scope While all unresponsive maintainers are problematic maintainers to some extent, it's not true that all problematic maintainers are unresponsive maintainers. This discussion specifically considers defining a mechanism to allow forward progress at the subproject scope in the face of unresponsive maintainers. It does not consider the more general problem of problematic maintainers. ## Considerations The social, technical and security impacts of the TOF changing a subproject's maintainers are considered in the context of the following principle: > [Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive > study.][bias-for-action] [bias-for-action]: https://www.aboutamazon.com/about-us/leadership-principles The principle is used to prompt the question "Are the consequences easily reversed?" for each of the concerns below. ### Social The [maintainer-workflow][] document recognises the personal effort required to become a maintainer: [maintainer-workflow]: /maintainer-workflow.md > Repository maintainers ought to have the following traits as recognized by a > consensus of their peers: > > - responsible: have a continuing desire to ensure only high-quality code goes > into the repo > - leadership: foster open-source aware practices such as [FOSS][] > - expertise: typically demonstrated by significant contributions to the code > or code reviews [foss]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software Further, the community of maintainers inside the project [isn't broad enough to accommodate the review load][ed-is-only-human]. While unresponsive maintainers can be frustrating for contributors and a concern for the project, the problem needs to be weighed against the risk of alienating those who have (previously) put in the effort to build the project to its current capabilities. Healing alienation is at best intensive if not a futile effort; it is hard to reverse. This suggests that the TOF stepping in to remove maintainership responsibilities from community members without their consent is likely counter-productive, [contrary to the initial proposal][initial-proposal]. [ed-is-only-human]: https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAH2-KxAsq8=+kYZHb9n_fxE80SuU29yT90Hb0k72bKfY8pnWEQ@mail.gmail.com/ [initial-proposal]: https://github.com/openbmc/technical-oversight-forum/issues/20#issuecomment-1272667701 ### Technical At least two technical concerns exist: 1. Contributors promoted to maintainers may lack or have no way to learn the nuances and context for the current state of the codebase in question. There may be a period (or periods) of instability until these issues are resolved. 2. An unresponsive maintainer's knowledge of the codebase may age to the point that it no-longer applies in the event that they attempt to return to the subproject By the bias-for-action thought framework, (1) shouldn't be much of a concern in practice - it should be feasible to revert changes if necessary. This same approach applies in the case of (2) so long as the work is done in good faith. The process does need to consider the scenario where changes are not made in good faith. ### Security Security concerns cut both ways. It's possible that: 1. Contributors promoted to maintainers knowingly make changes that impact the security posture of the project, or behave in a way that erodes or fails to build the community's trust in their decision making. 2. Not removing rights of an unresponsive maintainer from the subproject exposes the project to a security hazard in the event that their account is compromised. The first concern suggests that the contributors must have established trust relationships in the community before earning the responsibility of maintainership. It's hard to reverse a problem that isn't known to exist (though it may be possible to quickly revert the problematic code once its existence is known). Security problems can have an impact on the project's reputation; damage to reputation is also difficult to reverse, therefore the TOF needs to have confidence in any promotions. The second concern exists even for active maintainers and the process required to handle it might be the same: Removing rights until it's established that the compromise has been addressed. Unannounced activity from an otherwise unresponsive maintainer should itself be notable. ### Synthesis of Considerations By the discussion above, a method for enabling forward progress should focus on putting guard-rails in place for the TOF to safely on-board new maintainers to a subproject. This is in contrast to not concerning itself too much with unresponsive maintainers, beyond recognising that they have met some bar of unresponsiveness in order to trigger the on-boarding process for new maintainers. ## Defining and Determining Unresponsiveness Defining unresponsiveness sets expectations for both contributors and maintainers. Contributors can expect to have their work reviewed inside this period, and maintainers should endeavour to not let patches lapse. Responsiveness is a social contract. A tension exists between contributors needing feedback to maintain momentum against maintainers' available time both inside and outside the project. Maintainers are people: Life happens. Sometimes it is possible to communicate expected absences or hand over responsibilities, other times that may not happen. It's likely that unresponsiveness requires a fair margin in favour of maintainers, and that more than one instance should be needed before triggering the ability for the TOF to on-board new maintainers. Further, as it is a social contract it should be a socially-driven process: Inspection of the state of affairs in a subproject should only be performed if there are complaints about it, rather than using automation to detect the conditions. Unresponsiveness can appear at multiple scopes: 1. Patch scope: Maintainers may ignore a given patch while attending to others 2. Subproject scope: Maintainers may ignore a given repository while attending to others 3. Project scope: Maintainers may cease involvement in the project entirely Unresponsiveness at the patch scope would suggest a failure by the contributor and the maintainer to build consensus. It is already the role of the TOF to mediate these cases; this proposal considers such problems as out of scope. Unresponsiveness at the subproject scope but not the project scope suggests its at least possible to discuss on-boarding new maintainers to affected subprojects. Where possible, this is the preferred route to enabling forward progress. Failure of this process is again a failure of consensus, and is handled using existing mechanisms. The proposal concentrates on unresponsiveness at the project scope: Without regard to reason it is not possible to hold discussion with the maintainers in question. Lack of activity in a subproject is not evidence of lack of responsiveness. A pre-condition must be that unmerged contributions exist and remain unaddressed for the defined period. Further, multiple instances of unresponsiveness should be measured serially. Unresponsiveness is a property of behaviour in time: while the number of unaddressed contributions increases the impact and may increase frustrations, for any one period of unresponsiveness there is only one instance of the behaviour. Unresponsiveness also needs to be measured in terms of the set of maintainers. If any maintainer of a subproject is responsive in the project it's possible to make forward progress or to consider unaddressed contributions in terms of failed consensus. Therefore it is a pre-condition that all maintainers of a subproject are unresponsive at the project scope before the TOF may on-board new maintainers to enable forward progress. The following values apply when the pre-conditions are met: 1. Maintainers are considered unresponsive after failing to address contributions for a minimum period of 1 month. 2. The TOF may on-board new maintainers to the subproject after 3 notifications of unresponsiveness have been issued to the subproject's maintainers in a 12 month period.