# Discord Rules

1. This community works together to build an Open Source BMC firmware. It's a
   community expectation that you will provide access to your code in the course
   of discussions. We are unable to build together if you are unable to share
   your code. The community is not a substitute for a support contract.

2. OpenBMC community members are volunteering their time to answer your
   questions. Please keep this in mind if you are waiting for a response.

3. All support questions must be asked in public channels. Do not send uninvited
   private messages to other community members. Private requests for help place
   an unfair burden of expectation on people volunteering their time. Further,
   others in the community cannot help if they cannot see the question.

4. Don't post the same question in multiple channels. Doing so fragments the
   conversation. If you're unsure of which channel to use, ask your question in
   `#general` and we may redirect you elsewhere.

5. Reflect on whether your standing in the community is appropriate for the help
   you are requesting. If you are new to the community, you will likely have the
   most success by asking detailed, specific questions about detailed, specific
   problems. Vague questions by unfamiliar people often go unanswered

6. Do not discuss undisclosed bugs that may have a security impact in Discord.
   Instead, email `openbmc-security@lists.ozlabs.org` and follow the [documented
