# OpenBMC Gerrit Setup/Integration
**Document Purpose:** Walkthrough configuring your workstation and a Gerrit
account. This is needed to participate in OpenBMC's
Gerrit-based code reviews.
**Prerequisites:** Current Linux, Mac, or Windows system. Git packages
installed. E-mail account (recommended to use the same e-mail
address for both Gerrit and GitHub).
## Initial Setup
##### Update Git Identity
* `git config --global --add user.name "Your name" (eg. John Smith)`
* `git config --global --add user.email "youremail@your-domain"
(eg. jsmith@somedomain.com)`
* (Optional) `git config --global --add diff.tool "preferred diff tool"
(eg. gvimdiff or meld)`
##### Setup SSH Keys
Create keys: ```ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@your-domain"```
* Recommended to use the defaults instead of picking your own directory/file
Add Keys to GitHub:
Add Keys to OpenBMC's Gerrit Server:
* Login to [Gerrit](https://gerrit.openbmc.org/) with your GitHub
* Go to
* Your information should be auto-filled, so click "Next".
* If successful you should see a blank screen, feel free to exit out.
##### Add e-mail to Gerrit
* Login to [Gerrit](https://gerrit.openbmc.org/)
* Enter e-mail in Settings -> Contact Information -> Register New E-Mail
* Check e-mail for confirmation and click the link to confirm
##### Add full name to Gerrit
* Enter your full name in Settings -> Profile -> Full name
##### Add SSH config entry
Add the following to `~/.ssh/config`:
Host openbmc.gerrit
Hostname gerrit.openbmc.org
Port 29418
* **NOTE**: There is a bug in AFS that requires `AFSTokenPassing no` to be
added to the SSH entry if using AFS.
* Your Gerrit Username can be found in Gerrit under Settings -> Profile -> Username
* Ensure proper permissions for for your .ssh directory: `chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*`
##### Confirm Setup Success
Test connectivity to Gerrit by attempting to clone a repo
* `git clone ssh://openbmc.gerrit/openbmc/docs`
* If successful you should see something like:
`Checking out files: 100% (45/45), done.`
##### Add Hooks
Inside the repo you just cloned, enter the following commands:
gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir)
scp -p -P 29418 openbmc.gerrit:hooks/commit-msg ${gitdir}/hooks
This will enhance the `git commit` command to add a `Change-Id` to your commit
message which Gerrit uses to track the review.
##### Push Code Change to Gerrit
Now that your workstation and Gerrit are configured, you are ready to make code
changes and push them to Gerrit for code review. Here is what the basic workflow
will look like.
* Make your code changes
* Add those files to the index to be committed:
`git add [file1 file2 ... fileN]`
* Commit your changes, adding a Signed-off-by line to it (more on
[writing good commit messages](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#submitting-changes)):
`git commit --signoff`
* Push your changes to Gerrit for code review:
`git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master`
* Go to [Gerrit web interface](https://gerrit.openbmc.org/), click on
your new review, and add reviewers based on `OWNERS` file in the repo.
##### Conclusion
If you've completed all of the above steps successfully, that's it! You have now
set up Gerrit and know how to submit your code changes for review!
Submitting changes for review is just one of many steps in the contributing
process. Please see
for best practices.