# Setting a unique hostname to the BMC machine on first boot Author: Asmitha KR Other contributors: None Created: 2019-05-07 ## Problem Description In OpenBMC, the hostname discovery is done by the avahi Dbus service at the startup. In a network where there are multiple OpenBMC machines, avahi keeps getting the hostname conflict and the service name conflict. Hence, the problem is to find a solution that resolves these conflicts. ## Background and References The detailed issue regarding the hostname and service name conflicts is described in the following links. https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/1741. https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/avahi/2018-January/002492.html https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/issues/117 ## Requirements None. ## Proposed Design To solve this, we are proposing a service which assigns a unique hostname to the BMC and runs on the very first boot. one of the ways to generate the unique hostname is to append the Serial Number retrieved from Inventory Manager to the existing default hostname. ## Alternatives Considered None. ## Impacts None. ## Testing None.