#pragma once #include "dbus-sensor_config.h" #include "SensorPaths.hpp" #include "Thresholds.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include <sdbusplus/asio/object_server.hpp> #include <sdbusplus/exception.hpp> #include <limits> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> constexpr size_t sensorFailedPollTimeMs = 5000; // Enable useful logging with sensor instrumentation // This is intentionally not DEBUG, avoid clash with usage in .cpp files constexpr bool enableInstrumentation = false; constexpr const char* sensorValueInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value"; constexpr const char* valueMutabilityInterfaceName = "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.ValueMutability"; constexpr const char* availableInterfaceName = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.Availability"; constexpr const char* operationalInterfaceName = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus"; constexpr const size_t errorThreshold = 5; struct SensorInstrumentation { // These are for instrumentation for debugging int numCollectsGood = 0; int numCollectsMiss = 0; int numStreakGreats = 0; int numStreakMisses = 0; double minCollected = 0.0; double maxCollected = 0.0; }; struct SetSensorError : sdbusplus::exception_t { const char* name() const noexcept override { return "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Errors.NotAllowed"; } const char* description() const noexcept override { return "Not allowed to set property value."; } int get_errno() const noexcept override { return EACCES; } }; struct Sensor { Sensor(const std::string& name, std::vector<thresholds::Threshold>&& thresholdData, const std::string& configurationPath, const std::string& objectType, bool isSettable, bool isMutable, const double max, const double min, std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection>& conn, PowerState readState = PowerState::always) : name(sensor_paths::escapePathForDbus(name)), configurationPath(configurationPath), objectType(configInterfaceName(objectType)), isSensorSettable(isSettable), isValueMutable(isMutable), maxValue(max), minValue(min), thresholds(std::move(thresholdData)), hysteresisTrigger((max - min) * 0.01), hysteresisPublish((max - min) * 0.0001), dbusConnection(conn), readState(readState), instrumentation(enableInstrumentation ? std::make_unique<SensorInstrumentation>() : nullptr) {} virtual ~Sensor() = default; virtual void checkThresholds(void) = 0; std::string name; std::string configurationPath; std::string objectType; bool isSensorSettable; /* A flag indicates if properties of xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value * interface are mutable. If mutable, then * xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.ValueMutability interface will be * instantiated. */ bool isValueMutable; double maxValue; double minValue; std::vector<thresholds::Threshold> thresholds; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> sensorInterface; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> association; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> availableInterface; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> operationalInterface; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> valueMutabilityInterface; double value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); double rawValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); bool overriddenState = false; bool internalSet = false; double hysteresisTrigger; double hysteresisPublish; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> dbusConnection; PowerState readState; size_t errCount{0}; std::unique_ptr<SensorInstrumentation> instrumentation; // This member variable provides a hook that can be used to receive // notification whenever this Sensor's value is externally set via D-Bus. // If interested, assign your own lambda to this variable, during // construction of your Sensor subclass. See ExternalSensor for example. std::function<void()> externalSetHook; using Level = thresholds::Level; using Direction = thresholds::Direction; std::array<std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>, thresholds::thresProp.size()> thresholdInterfaces; std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> getThresholdInterface(Level lev) { size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(lev); if (index >= thresholdInterfaces.size()) { std::cout << "Unknown threshold level \n"; return nullptr; } std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> interface = thresholdInterfaces[index]; return interface; } void updateInstrumentation(double readValue) const { // Do nothing if this feature is not enabled if constexpr (!enableInstrumentation) { return; } if (!instrumentation) { return; } // Save some typing auto& inst = *instrumentation; // Show constants if first reading (even if unsuccessful) if ((inst.numCollectsGood == 0) && (inst.numCollectsMiss == 0)) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << ": Configuration min=" << minValue << ", max=" << maxValue << ", type=" << objectType << ", path=" << configurationPath << "\n"; } // Sensors can use "nan" to indicate unavailable reading if (!std::isfinite(readValue)) { // Only show this if beginning a new streak if (inst.numStreakMisses == 0) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << ": Missing reading, Reading counts good=" << inst.numCollectsGood << ", miss=" << inst.numCollectsMiss << ", Prior good streak=" << inst.numStreakGreats << "\n"; } inst.numStreakGreats = 0; ++(inst.numCollectsMiss); ++(inst.numStreakMisses); return; } // Only show this if beginning a new streak and not the first time if ((inst.numStreakGreats == 0) && (inst.numCollectsGood != 0)) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << ": Recovered reading, Reading counts good=" << inst.numCollectsGood << ", miss=" << inst.numCollectsMiss << ", Prior miss streak=" << inst.numStreakMisses << "\n"; } // Initialize min/max if the first successful reading if (inst.numCollectsGood == 0) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << ": First reading=" << readValue << "\n"; inst.minCollected = readValue; inst.maxCollected = readValue; } inst.numStreakMisses = 0; ++(inst.numCollectsGood); ++(inst.numStreakGreats); // Only provide subsequent output if new min/max established if (readValue < inst.minCollected) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << ": Lowest reading=" << readValue << "\n"; inst.minCollected = readValue; } if (readValue > inst.maxCollected) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << ": Highest reading=" << readValue << "\n"; inst.maxCollected = readValue; } } int setSensorValue(const double& newValue, double& oldValue) { if (!internalSet) { if (insecureSensorOverride == 0 && !isSensorSettable && !getManufacturingMode()) { throw SetSensorError(); } oldValue = newValue; overriddenState = true; // check thresholds for external set value = newValue; checkThresholds(); // Trigger the hook, as an external set has just happened if (externalSetHook) { externalSetHook(); } } else if (!overriddenState) { oldValue = newValue; } return 1; } void setInitialProperties(const std::string& unit, const std::string& label = std::string(), size_t thresholdSize = 0) { if (readState == PowerState::on || readState == PowerState::biosPost || readState == PowerState::chassisOn) { setupPowerMatch(dbusConnection); } createAssociation(association, configurationPath); sensorInterface->register_property("Unit", unit); sensorInterface->register_property("MaxValue", maxValue); sensorInterface->register_property("MinValue", minValue); sensorInterface->register_property( "Value", value, [this](const double& newValue, double& oldValue) { return setSensorValue(newValue, oldValue); }); fillMissingThresholds(); for (auto& threshold : thresholds) { if (std::isnan(threshold.hysteresis)) { threshold.hysteresis = hysteresisTrigger; } std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> iface = getThresholdInterface(threshold.level); if (!iface) { std::cout << "trying to set uninitialized interface\n"; continue; } std::string level = propertyLevel(threshold.level, threshold.direction); std::string alarm = propertyAlarm(threshold.level, threshold.direction); if ((level.empty()) || (alarm.empty())) { continue; } size_t thresSize = label.empty() ? thresholds.size() : thresholdSize; iface->register_property( level, threshold.value, [&, label, thresSize](const double& request, double& oldValue) { oldValue = request; // todo, just let the config do this? threshold.value = request; thresholds::persistThreshold(configurationPath, objectType, threshold, dbusConnection, thresSize, label); // Invalidate previously remembered value, // so new thresholds will be checked during next update, // even if sensor reading remains unchanged. value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); // Although tempting, don't call checkThresholds() from here // directly. Let the regular sensor monitor call the same // using updateValue(), which can check conditions like // poweron, etc., before raising any event. return 1; }); iface->register_property(alarm, false); } if (!sensorInterface->initialize()) { std::cerr << "error initializing value interface\n"; } for (auto& thresIface : thresholdInterfaces) { if (thresIface) { if (!thresIface->initialize(true)) { std::cerr << "Error initializing threshold interface \n"; } } } if (isValueMutable) { valueMutabilityInterface = std::make_shared<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>( dbusConnection, sensorInterface->get_object_path(), valueMutabilityInterfaceName); valueMutabilityInterface->register_property("Mutable", true); if (!valueMutabilityInterface->initialize()) { std::cerr << "error initializing sensor value mutability interface\n"; valueMutabilityInterface = nullptr; } } if (!availableInterface) { availableInterface = std::make_shared<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>( dbusConnection, sensorInterface->get_object_path(), availableInterfaceName); availableInterface->register_property( "Available", true, [this](const bool propIn, bool& old) { if (propIn == old) { return 1; } old = propIn; if (!propIn) { updateValue(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); } return 1; }); availableInterface->initialize(); } if (!operationalInterface) { operationalInterface = std::make_shared<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>( dbusConnection, sensorInterface->get_object_path(), operationalInterfaceName); operationalInterface->register_property("Functional", true); operationalInterface->initialize(); } } static std::string propertyLevel(const Level lev, const Direction dir) { for (const thresholds::ThresholdDefinition& prop : thresholds::thresProp) { if (prop.level == lev) { if (dir == Direction::HIGH) { return std::string(prop.levelName) + "High"; } if (dir == Direction::LOW) { return std::string(prop.levelName) + "Low"; } } } return ""; } static std::string propertyAlarm(const Level lev, const Direction dir) { for (const thresholds::ThresholdDefinition& prop : thresholds::thresProp) { if (prop.level == lev) { if (dir == Direction::HIGH) { return std::string(prop.levelName) + "AlarmHigh"; } if (dir == Direction::LOW) { return std::string(prop.levelName) + "AlarmLow"; } } } return ""; } bool readingStateGood() const { return ::readingStateGood(readState); } void markFunctional(bool isFunctional) { if (operationalInterface) { operationalInterface->set_property("Functional", isFunctional); } if (isFunctional) { errCount = 0; } else { updateValue(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); } } void markAvailable(bool isAvailable) { if (availableInterface) { availableInterface->set_property("Available", isAvailable); errCount = 0; } } void incrementError() { if (!readingStateGood()) { markAvailable(false); return; } if (errCount >= errorThreshold) { return; } errCount++; if (errCount == errorThreshold) { std::cerr << "Sensor " << name << " reading error!\n"; markFunctional(false); } } bool inError() const { return errCount >= errorThreshold; } void updateValue(const double& newValue) { // Ignore if overriding is enabled if (overriddenState) { return; } if (!readingStateGood()) { markAvailable(false); updateValueProperty(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); return; } updateValueProperty(newValue); updateInstrumentation(newValue); // Always check thresholds after changing the value, // as the test against hysteresisTrigger now takes place in // the thresholds::checkThresholds() method, // which is called by checkThresholds() below, // in all current implementations of sensors that have thresholds. checkThresholds(); if (!std::isnan(newValue)) { markFunctional(true); markAvailable(true); } } void updateProperty( std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>& interface, double& oldValue, const double& newValue, const char* dbusPropertyName) const { if (requiresUpdate(oldValue, newValue)) { oldValue = newValue; if (interface && !(interface->set_property(dbusPropertyName, newValue))) { std::cerr << "error setting property " << dbusPropertyName << " to " << newValue << "\n"; } } } bool requiresUpdate(const double& lVal, const double& rVal) const { const auto lNan = std::isnan(lVal); const auto rNan = std::isnan(rVal); if (lNan || rNan) { return (lNan != rNan); } return std::abs(lVal - rVal) > hysteresisPublish; } private: // If one of the thresholds for a dbus interface is provided // we have to set the other one as dbus properties are never // optional. void fillMissingThresholds() { for (thresholds::Threshold& thisThreshold : thresholds) { bool foundOpposite = false; thresholds::Direction opposite = thresholds::Direction::HIGH; if (thisThreshold.direction == thresholds::Direction::HIGH) { opposite = thresholds::Direction::LOW; } for (thresholds::Threshold& otherThreshold : thresholds) { if (thisThreshold.level != otherThreshold.level) { continue; } if (otherThreshold.direction != opposite) { continue; } foundOpposite = true; break; } if (foundOpposite) { continue; } thresholds.emplace_back(thisThreshold.level, opposite, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); } } void updateValueProperty(const double& newValue) { // Indicate that it is internal set call, not an external overwrite internalSet = true; updateProperty(sensorInterface, value, newValue, "Value"); internalSet = false; } };