/* // Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include "IntelCPUSensor.hpp" #include "Thresholds.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include "VariantVisitors.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // clang-format off // this needs to be included last or we'll have build issues #include #if !defined(PECI_MBX_INDEX_DDR_DIMM_TEMP) #define PECI_MBX_INDEX_DDR_DIMM_TEMP MBX_INDEX_DDR_DIMM_TEMP #endif // clang-format on static constexpr bool debug = false; boost::container::flat_map> gCpuSensors; boost::container::flat_map> inventoryIfaces; enum State { OFF, // host powered down ON, // host powered on READY // host powered on and mem test passed - fully ready }; struct CPUConfig { CPUConfig(const uint64_t& bus, const uint64_t& addr, const std::string& name, const State& state) : bus(bus), addr(addr), name(name), state(state) {} int bus; int addr; std::string name; State state; bool operator<(const CPUConfig& rhs) const { // NOLINTNEXTLINE return (name < rhs.name); } }; static constexpr const char* peciDev = "/dev/peci-"; static constexpr const char* peciDevPath = "/sys/bus/peci/devices/"; static constexpr const char* rescanPath = "/sys/bus/peci/rescan"; static constexpr const unsigned int rankNumMax = 8; namespace fs = std::filesystem; static constexpr auto sensorTypes{std::to_array({"XeonCPU"})}; static constexpr auto hiddenProps{std::to_array( {IntelCPUSensor::labelTcontrol, "Tthrottle", "Tjmax"})}; void detectCpuAsync( boost::asio::steady_timer& pingTimer, boost::asio::steady_timer& creationTimer, boost::asio::io_context& io, sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objectServer, std::shared_ptr& dbusConnection, boost::container::flat_set& cpuConfigs, ManagedObjectType& sensorConfigs); std::string createSensorName(const std::string& label, const std::string& item, const int& cpuId) { std::string sensorName = label; if (item != "input") { sensorName += " " + item; } std::string cpuStr = "CPU" + std::to_string(cpuId); constexpr const char* subLabel = "DIMM"; std::size_t found = label.find(subLabel); if (found != std::string::npos) { sensorName = cpuStr + " " + sensorName; } else { sensorName += " " + cpuStr; } // converting to Upper Camel case whole name bool isWordEnd = true; std::transform(sensorName.begin(), sensorName.end(), sensorName.begin(), [&isWordEnd](int c) { if (std::isspace(c) != 0) { isWordEnd = true; } else { if (isWordEnd) { isWordEnd = false; return std::toupper(c); } } return c; }); return sensorName; } bool createSensors(boost::asio::io_context& io, sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objectServer, std::shared_ptr& dbusConnection, boost::container::flat_set& cpuConfigs, ManagedObjectType& sensorConfigs) { bool available = false; for (const CPUConfig& cpu : cpuConfigs) { if (cpu.state != State::OFF) { available = true; std::shared_ptr& iface = inventoryIfaces[cpu.name]; if (iface != nullptr) { continue; } iface = objectServer.add_interface( cpuInventoryPath + std::string("/") + cpu.name, "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item"); iface->register_property("PrettyName", cpu.name); iface->register_property("Present", true); iface->initialize(); } } if (!available) { return false; } if (sensorConfigs.empty()) { return false; } std::vector hwmonNamePaths; findFiles(fs::path(peciDevPath), R"(peci-\d+/\d+-.+/peci[-_].+/hwmon/hwmon\d+/name$)", hwmonNamePaths, 6); if (hwmonNamePaths.empty()) { std::cerr << "No CPU sensors in system\n"; return false; } boost::container::flat_set scannedDirectories; boost::container::flat_set createdSensors; for (const fs::path& hwmonNamePath : hwmonNamePaths) { auto hwmonDirectory = hwmonNamePath.parent_path(); auto ret = scannedDirectories.insert(hwmonDirectory.string()); if (!ret.second) { continue; // already searched this path } fs::path::iterator it = hwmonNamePath.begin(); std::advance(it, 6); // pick the 6th part for a PECI client device name std::string deviceName = *it; size_t bus = 0; size_t addr = 0; if (!getDeviceBusAddr(deviceName, bus, addr)) { continue; } std::ifstream nameFile(hwmonNamePath); if (!nameFile.good()) { std::cerr << "Failure reading " << hwmonNamePath << "\n"; continue; } std::string hwmonName; std::getline(nameFile, hwmonName); nameFile.close(); if (hwmonName.empty()) { // shouldn't have an empty name file continue; } if (debug) { std::cout << "Checking: " << hwmonNamePath << ": " << hwmonName << "\n"; } std::string sensorType; const SensorData* sensorData = nullptr; const std::string* interfacePath = nullptr; const SensorBaseConfiguration* baseConfiguration = nullptr; for (const auto& [path, cfgData] : sensorConfigs) { sensorData = &cfgData; for (const char* type : sensorTypes) { sensorType = type; auto sensorBase = sensorData->find(configInterfaceName(sensorType)); if (sensorBase != sensorData->end()) { baseConfiguration = &(*sensorBase); break; } } if (baseConfiguration == nullptr) { std::cerr << "error finding base configuration for" << hwmonName << "\n"; continue; } auto configurationBus = baseConfiguration->second.find("Bus"); auto configurationAddress = baseConfiguration->second.find("Address"); if (configurationBus == baseConfiguration->second.end() || configurationAddress == baseConfiguration->second.end()) { std::cerr << "error finding bus or address in configuration"; continue; } if (std::get(configurationBus->second) != bus || std::get(configurationAddress->second) != addr) { continue; } interfacePath = &path.str; break; } if (interfacePath == nullptr) { std::cerr << "failed to find match for " << hwmonName << "\n"; continue; } auto findCpuId = baseConfiguration->second.find("CpuID"); if (findCpuId == baseConfiguration->second.end()) { std::cerr << "could not determine CPU ID for " << hwmonName << "\n"; continue; } int cpuId = std::visit(VariantToUnsignedIntVisitor(), findCpuId->second); auto directory = hwmonNamePath.parent_path(); std::vector inputPaths; if (!findFiles(directory, R"((temp|power)\d+_(input|average|cap)$)", inputPaths, 0)) { std::cerr << "No temperature sensors in system\n"; continue; } // iterate through all found temp sensors for (const auto& inputPath : inputPaths) { auto fileParts = splitFileName(inputPath); if (!fileParts) { continue; } auto& [type, nr, item] = *fileParts; auto inputPathStr = inputPath.string(); auto labelPath = boost::replace_all_copy(inputPathStr, item, "label"); std::ifstream labelFile(labelPath); if (!labelFile.good()) { std::cerr << "Failure reading " << labelPath << "\n"; continue; } std::string label; std::getline(labelFile, label); labelFile.close(); std::string sensorName = createSensorName(label, item, cpuId); auto findSensor = gCpuSensors.find(sensorName); if (findSensor != gCpuSensors.end()) { if (debug) { std::cout << "Skipped: " << inputPath << ": " << sensorName << " is already created\n"; } continue; } // check hidden properties bool show = true; for (const char* prop : hiddenProps) { if (label == prop) { show = false; break; } } /* * Find if there is DtsCritOffset is configured in config file * set it if configured or else set it to 0 */ double dtsOffset = 0; if (label == "DTS") { auto findThrOffset = baseConfiguration->second.find("DtsCritOffset"); if (findThrOffset != baseConfiguration->second.end()) { dtsOffset = std::visit(VariantToDoubleVisitor(), findThrOffset->second); } } std::vector sensorThresholds; std::string labelHead = label.substr(0, label.find(' ')); parseThresholdsFromConfig(*sensorData, sensorThresholds, &labelHead); if (sensorThresholds.empty()) { if (!parseThresholdsFromAttr(sensorThresholds, inputPathStr, IntelCPUSensor::sensorScaleFactor, dtsOffset, 0)) { std::cerr << "error populating thresholds for " << sensorName << "\n"; } } auto& sensorPtr = gCpuSensors[sensorName]; // make sure destructor fires before creating a new one sensorPtr = nullptr; sensorPtr = std::make_shared( inputPathStr, sensorType, objectServer, dbusConnection, io, sensorName, std::move(sensorThresholds), *interfacePath, cpuId, show, dtsOffset); sensorPtr->setupRead(); createdSensors.insert(sensorName); if (debug) { std::cout << "Mapped: " << inputPath << " to " << sensorName << "\n"; } } } if (static_cast(!createdSensors.empty()) != 0U) { std::cout << "Sensor" << (createdSensors.size() == 1 ? " is" : "s are") << " created\n"; } return true; } bool exportDevice(const CPUConfig& config) { std::ostringstream hex; hex << std::hex << config.addr; const std::string& addrHexStr = hex.str(); std::string busStr = std::to_string(config.bus); std::string parameters = "peci-client 0x" + addrHexStr; std::string devPath = peciDevPath; std::string delDevice = devPath + "peci-" + busStr + "/delete_device"; std::string newDevice = devPath + "peci-" + busStr + "/new_device"; std::string newClient = devPath + busStr + "-" + addrHexStr + "/driver"; std::filesystem::path devicePath(newDevice); const std::string& dir = devicePath.parent_path().string(); for (const auto& path : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(dir)) { if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(path)) { continue; } const std::string& directoryName = path.path().filename(); if (directoryName.starts_with(busStr) && directoryName.ends_with(addrHexStr)) { if (debug) { std::cout << parameters << " on bus " << busStr << " is already exported\n"; } std::ofstream delDeviceFile(delDevice); if (!delDeviceFile.good()) { std::cerr << "Error opening " << delDevice << "\n"; return false; } delDeviceFile << parameters; delDeviceFile.close(); break; } } std::ofstream deviceFile(newDevice); if (!deviceFile.good()) { std::cerr << "Error opening " << newDevice << "\n"; return false; } deviceFile << parameters; deviceFile.close(); if (!std::filesystem::exists(newClient)) { std::cerr << "Error creating " << newClient << "\n"; return false; } std::cout << parameters << " on bus " << busStr << " is exported\n"; return true; } void detectCpu(boost::asio::steady_timer& pingTimer, boost::asio::steady_timer& creationTimer, boost::asio::io_context& io, sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objectServer, std::shared_ptr& dbusConnection, boost::container::flat_set& cpuConfigs, ManagedObjectType& sensorConfigs) { size_t rescanDelaySeconds = 0; static bool keepPinging = false; int peciFd = -1; for (CPUConfig& config : cpuConfigs) { if (config.state == State::READY) { continue; } std::fstream rescan{rescanPath, std::ios::out}; if (rescan.is_open()) { std::vector peciPaths; std::ostringstream searchPath; searchPath << std::hex << "peci-" << config.bus << "/" << config.bus << "-" << config.addr; findFiles(fs::path(peciDevPath + searchPath.str()), R"(peci_cpu.dimmtemp.+/hwmon/hwmon\d+/name$)", peciPaths, 3); if (!peciPaths.empty()) { config.state = State::READY; rescanDelaySeconds = 1; } else { findFiles(fs::path(peciDevPath + searchPath.str()), R"(peci_cpu.cputemp.+/hwmon/hwmon\d+/name$)", peciPaths, 3); if (!peciPaths.empty()) { config.state = State::ON; rescanDelaySeconds = 3; } else { // https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/abi-testing.html#abi-sys-bus-peci-rescan rescan << "1"; } } if (config.state != State::READY) { keepPinging = true; } continue; } std::string peciDevPath = peciDev + std::to_string(config.bus); peci_SetDevName(peciDevPath.data()); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg) if ((peci_Lock(&peciFd, PECI_NO_WAIT) != PECI_CC_SUCCESS) || (peciFd < 0)) { std::cerr << "unable to open " << peciDevPath << " " << std::strerror(errno) << "\n"; detectCpuAsync(pingTimer, creationTimer, io, objectServer, dbusConnection, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs); return; } State newState = State::OFF; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg) if (peci_Ping(config.addr) == PECI_CC_SUCCESS) { bool dimmReady = false; for (unsigned int rank = 0; rank < rankNumMax; rank++) { std::array pkgConfig{}; uint8_t cc = 0; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg) if (peci_RdPkgConfig(config.addr, PECI_MBX_INDEX_DDR_DIMM_TEMP, rank, 4, pkgConfig.data(), &cc) == PECI_CC_SUCCESS) { // Depending on CPU generation, both 0 and 0xFF can be used // to indicate no DIMM presence if (((pkgConfig[0] != 0xFF) && (pkgConfig[0] != 0U)) || ((pkgConfig[1] != 0xFF) && (pkgConfig[1] != 0U))) { dimmReady = true; break; } } else { break; } } if (dimmReady) { newState = State::READY; } else { newState = State::ON; } } if (config.state != newState) { if (newState != State::OFF) { if (config.state == State::OFF) { std::array pkgConfig{}; uint8_t cc = 0; if (peci_RdPkgConfig(config.addr, PECI_MBX_INDEX_CPU_ID, 0, 4, pkgConfig.data(), &cc) == PECI_CC_SUCCESS) { std::cout << config.name << " is detected\n"; if (!exportDevice(config)) { newState = State::OFF; } } else { newState = State::OFF; } } if (newState == State::ON) { rescanDelaySeconds = 3; } else if (newState == State::READY) { rescanDelaySeconds = 5; std::cout << "DIMM(s) on " << config.name << " is/are detected\n"; } } config.state = newState; } if (config.state != State::READY) { keepPinging = true; } if (debug) { std::cout << config.name << ", state: " << config.state << "\n"; } peci_Unlock(peciFd); } if (rescanDelaySeconds != 0U) { creationTimer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(rescanDelaySeconds)); creationTimer.async_wait([&](const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { return; // we're being canceled } if (!createSensors(io, objectServer, dbusConnection, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs) || keepPinging) { detectCpuAsync(pingTimer, creationTimer, io, objectServer, dbusConnection, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs); } }); } else if (keepPinging) { detectCpuAsync(pingTimer, creationTimer, io, objectServer, dbusConnection, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs); } } void detectCpuAsync( boost::asio::steady_timer& pingTimer, boost::asio::steady_timer& creationTimer, boost::asio::io_context& io, sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objectServer, std::shared_ptr& dbusConnection, boost::container::flat_set& cpuConfigs, ManagedObjectType& sensorConfigs) { pingTimer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(1)); pingTimer.async_wait([&](const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { return; // we're being canceled } detectCpu(pingTimer, creationTimer, io, objectServer, dbusConnection, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs); }); } bool getCpuConfig(const std::shared_ptr& systemBus, boost::container::flat_set& cpuConfigs, ManagedObjectType& sensorConfigs, sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objectServer) { bool useCache = false; sensorConfigs.clear(); // use new data the first time, then refresh for (const char* type : sensorTypes) { if (!getSensorConfiguration(type, systemBus, sensorConfigs, useCache)) { return false; } useCache = true; } // check PECI client addresses and names from CPU configuration // before starting ping operation for (const char* type : sensorTypes) { for (const auto& [path, cfgData] : sensorConfigs) { for (const auto& [intf, cfg] : cfgData) { if (intf != configInterfaceName(type)) { continue; } auto findName = cfg.find("Name"); if (findName == cfg.end()) { continue; } std::string nameRaw = std::visit(VariantToStringVisitor(), findName->second); std::string name = std::regex_replace(nameRaw, illegalDbusRegex, "_"); auto present = std::optional(); // if we can't detect it via gpio, we set presence later for (const auto& [suppIntf, suppCfg] : cfgData) { if (suppIntf.find("PresenceGpio") != std::string::npos) { present = cpuIsPresent(suppCfg); break; } } if (inventoryIfaces.find(name) == inventoryIfaces.end() && present) { auto iface = objectServer.add_interface( cpuInventoryPath + std::string("/") + name, "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item"); iface->register_property("PrettyName", name); iface->register_property("Present", *present); iface->initialize(); inventoryIfaces[name] = std::move(iface); } auto findBus = cfg.find("Bus"); if (findBus == cfg.end()) { std::cerr << "Can't find 'Bus' setting in " << name << "\n"; continue; } uint64_t bus = std::visit(VariantToUnsignedIntVisitor(), findBus->second); auto findAddress = cfg.find("Address"); if (findAddress == cfg.end()) { std::cerr << "Can't find 'Address' setting in " << name << "\n"; continue; } uint64_t addr = std::visit(VariantToUnsignedIntVisitor(), findAddress->second); if (debug) { std::cout << "bus: " << bus << "\n"; std::cout << "addr: " << addr << "\n"; std::cout << "name: " << name << "\n"; std::cout << "type: " << type << "\n"; } cpuConfigs.emplace(bus, addr, name, State::OFF); } } } if (static_cast(!cpuConfigs.empty()) != 0U) { std::cout << "CPU config" << (cpuConfigs.size() == 1 ? " is" : "s are") << " parsed\n"; return true; } return false; } int main() { boost::asio::io_context io; auto systemBus = std::make_shared(io); boost::container::flat_set cpuConfigs; sdbusplus::asio::object_server objectServer(systemBus, true); objectServer.add_manager("/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors"); boost::asio::steady_timer pingTimer(io); boost::asio::steady_timer creationTimer(io); boost::asio::steady_timer filterTimer(io); ManagedObjectType sensorConfigs; filterTimer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(1)); filterTimer.async_wait([&](const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { return; // we're being canceled } if (getCpuConfig(systemBus, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs, objectServer)) { detectCpuAsync(pingTimer, creationTimer, io, objectServer, systemBus, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs); } }); std::function eventHandler = [&](sdbusplus::message_t& message) { if (message.is_method_error()) { std::cerr << "callback method error\n"; return; } if (debug) { std::cout << message.get_path() << " is changed\n"; } // this implicitly cancels the timer filterTimer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(1)); filterTimer.async_wait([&](const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { return; // we're being canceled } if (getCpuConfig(systemBus, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs, objectServer)) { detectCpuAsync(pingTimer, creationTimer, io, objectServer, systemBus, cpuConfigs, sensorConfigs); } }); }; std::vector> matches = setupPropertiesChangedMatches(*systemBus, sensorTypes, eventHandler); systemBus->request_name("xyz.openbmc_project.IntelCPUSensor"); setupManufacturingModeMatch(*systemBus); io.run(); return 0; }