#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import shutil import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zipfile from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from io import BytesIO import generate_schema_enums import requests from generate_schema_collections import generate_top_collections VERSION = "DSP8010_2022.3" WARNING = """/**************************************************************** * READ THIS WARNING FIRST * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions * for Redfish DMTF defined schemas. * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the * update_schemas.py script. The definitions contained within * this file are owned by DMTF. Any modifications to these files * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF * github organization. ***************************************************************/""" # To use a new schema, add to list and rerun tool include_list = [ "AccountService", "ActionInfo", "Assembly", "AttributeRegistry", "Bios", "Cable", "CableCollection", "Certificate", "CertificateCollection", "CertificateLocations", "CertificateService", "Chassis", "ChassisCollection", "ComputerSystem", "ComputerSystemCollection", "Drive", "DriveCollection", "EnvironmentMetrics", "EthernetInterface", "EthernetInterfaceCollection", "Event", "EventDestination", "EventDestinationCollection", "EventService", "FabricAdapter", "FabricAdapterCollection", "Fan", "FanCollection", "IPAddresses", "JsonSchemaFile", "JsonSchemaFileCollection", # redfish/v1/JsonSchemas "LogEntry", "LogEntryCollection", "LogService", "LogServiceCollection", "Manager", "ManagerAccount", "ManagerAccountCollection", "ManagerCollection", "ManagerDiagnosticData", "ManagerNetworkProtocol", "Memory", "MemoryCollection", "Message", "MessageRegistry", "MessageRegistryCollection", "MessageRegistryFile", "MessageRegistryFileCollection", "MetricDefinition", "MetricDefinitionCollection", "MetricReport", "MetricReportCollection", "MetricReportDefinition", "MetricReportDefinitionCollection", "OperatingConfig", "OperatingConfigCollection", "PCIeDevice", "PCIeDeviceCollection", "PCIeFunction", "PCIeFunctionCollection", "PhysicalContext", "PCIeSlots", "Power", "PowerSubsystem", "PowerSupply", "PowerSupplyCollection", "Privileges", # Used in Role "Processor", "ProcessorCollection", "RedfishError", "RedfishExtensions", "Redundancy", "Resource", "Role", "RoleCollection", "Sensor", "SensorCollection", "ServiceRoot", "Session", "SessionCollection", "SessionService", "Settings", "SoftwareInventory", "SoftwareInventoryCollection", "Storage", "StorageCollection", "StorageController", "StorageControllerCollection", "Task", "TaskCollection", "TaskService", "TelemetryService", "Thermal", "ThermalMetrics", "ThermalSubsystem", "Triggers", "TriggersCollection", "UpdateService", "VLanNetworkInterfaceCollection", "VLanNetworkInterface", "VirtualMedia", "VirtualMediaCollection", "odata", "odata-v4", "redfish-error", "redfish-payload-annotations", "redfish-schema", "redfish-schema-v1", ] SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) proxies = {"https": os.environ.get("https_proxy", None)} r = requests.get( "https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/" + VERSION + ".zip", proxies=proxies, ) r.raise_for_status() static_path = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "static", "redfish", "v1") ) cpp_path = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "redfish-core", "include") ) schema_path = os.path.join(static_path, "schema") json_schema_path = os.path.join(static_path, "JsonSchemas") metadata_index_path = os.path.join(static_path, "$metadata", "index.xml") zipBytesIO = BytesIO(r.content) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipBytesIO) class SchemaVersion: """ A Python class for sorting Redfish schema versions. Allows sorting Redfish versions in the way humans expect, by comparing version strings as lists (ie 0_2_0 comes before 0_10_0) in the way humans expect. It does case insensitive schema name comparisons """ def __init__(self, key): key = str.casefold(key) split_tup = key.split(".") self.version_pieces = [split_tup[0]] if len(split_tup) < 2: return version = split_tup[1] if version.startswith("v"): version = version[1:] if any(char.isdigit() for char in version): self.version_pieces.extend([int(x) for x in version.split("_")]) def __lt__(self, other): return self.version_pieces < other.version_pieces # Remove the old files skip_prefixes = "Oem" if os.path.exists(schema_path): files = [ os.path.join(schema_path, f) for f in os.listdir(schema_path) if not f.startswith(skip_prefixes) ] for f in files: os.remove(f) if os.path.exists(json_schema_path): files = [ os.path.join(json_schema_path, f) for f in os.listdir(json_schema_path) if not f.startswith(skip_prefixes) ] for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) else: shutil.rmtree(f) try: os.remove(metadata_index_path) except FileNotFoundError: pass if not os.path.exists(schema_path): os.makedirs(schema_path) if not os.path.exists(json_schema_path): os.makedirs(json_schema_path) csdl_filenames = [] json_schema_files = defaultdict(list) for zip_file in zip_ref.infolist(): if zip_file.is_dir(): continue if zip_file.filename.startswith("csdl/"): csdl_filenames.append(os.path.basename(zip_file.filename)) elif zip_file.filename.startswith("json-schema/"): filename = os.path.basename(zip_file.filename) filenamesplit = filename.split(".") # exclude schemas again to save flash space if filenamesplit[0] not in include_list: continue json_schema_files[filenamesplit[0]].append(filename) elif zip_file.filename.startswith("openapi/"): pass elif zip_file.filename.startswith("dictionaries/"): pass # sort the json files by version for key, value in json_schema_files.items(): value.sort(key=SchemaVersion, reverse=True) # Create a dictionary ordered by schema name json_schema_files = OrderedDict( sorted(json_schema_files.items(), key=lambda x: SchemaVersion(x[0])) ) csdl_filenames.sort(key=SchemaVersion) with open(metadata_index_path, "w") as metadata_index: metadata_index.write('\n') metadata_index.write( "\n' ) for filename in csdl_filenames: # filename looks like Zone_v1.xml with open(os.path.join(schema_path, filename), "wb") as schema_out: content = zip_ref.read(os.path.join("csdl", filename)) content = content.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n") schema_out.write(content) filenamesplit = filename.split("_") if filenamesplit[0] not in include_list: continue metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) xml_root = ET.fromstring(content) edmx = "{http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx}" edm = "{http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm}" for edmx_child in xml_root: if edmx_child.tag == edmx + "DataServices": for data_child in edmx_child: if data_child.tag == edm + "Schema": namespace = data_child.attrib["Namespace"] if namespace.startswith("RedfishExtensions"): metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) else: metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write(" \n") metadata_index.write( " \n" " \n' ' \n' " \n" " \n" ) # TODO:Issue#32 There's a bug in the script that currently deletes this # schema (because it's an OEM schema). Because it's the only six, and we # don't update schemas very often, we just manually fix it. Need a # permanent fix to the script. metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write(' \n') metadata_index.write(" \n") metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write(" \n") metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write(" \n") metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write( ' \n' ) metadata_index.write(" \n") metadata_index.write("\n") for schema, version in json_schema_files.items(): zip_filepath = os.path.join("json-schema", version[0]) schemadir = os.path.join(json_schema_path, schema) os.makedirs(schemadir) with open(os.path.join(schemadir, schema + ".json"), "wb") as schema_file: schema_file.write(zip_ref.read(zip_filepath).replace(b"\r\n", b"\n")) with open(os.path.join(cpp_path, "schemas.hpp"), "w") as hpp_file: hpp_file.write( "#pragma once\n" "{WARNING}\n" "// clang-format off\n" "#include \n" "\n" "namespace redfish\n" "{{\n" " constexpr std::array schemas {{\n".format(WARNING=WARNING) ) for schema_file in json_schema_files: hpp_file.write(' "{}",\n'.format(schema_file)) hpp_file.write(" };\n}\n") zip_ref.close() generate_schema_enums.main() generate_top_collections() # Now delete the xml schema files we aren't supporting if os.path.exists(schema_path): files = [ os.path.join(schema_path, f) for f in os.listdir(schema_path) if not f.startswith(skip_prefixes) ] for filename in files: # filename will include the absolute path filenamesplit = filename.split("/") name = filenamesplit.pop() namesplit = name.split("_") if namesplit[0] not in include_list: print("excluding schema: " + filename) os.remove(filename)