#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json import os from collections import OrderedDict import requests PRAGMA_ONCE = """#pragma once """ WARNING = """/**************************************************************** * READ THIS WARNING FIRST * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions * for Redfish DMTF defined messages. * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the * parse_registries.py script. The definitions contained within * this file are owned by DMTF. Any modifications to these files * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF * github organization. ***************************************************************/""" REGISTRY_HEADER = ( PRAGMA_ONCE + WARNING + """ #include "registries.hpp" #include // clang-format off namespace redfish::registries::{} {{ """ ) SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) include_path = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "redfish-core", "include", "registries") ) proxies = {"https": os.environ.get("https_proxy", None)} def make_getter(dmtf_name, header_name, type_name): url = "https://redfish.dmtf.org/registries/{}".format(dmtf_name) dmtf = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies) dmtf.raise_for_status() json_file = json.loads(dmtf.text, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) path = os.path.join(include_path, header_name) return (path, json_file, type_name, url) def openbmc_local_getter(): url = "https://github.com/openbmc/bmcweb/blob/master/redfish-core/include/registries/openbmc.json" with open( os.path.join( SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "redfish-core", "include", "registries", "openbmc.json", ), "rb", ) as json_file: json_file = json.load(json_file) path = os.path.join(include_path, "openbmc_message_registry.hpp") return (path, json_file, "openbmc", url) def update_registries(files): # Remove the old files for file, json_dict, namespace, url in files: try: os.remove(file) except BaseException: print("{} not found".format(file)) with open(file, "w") as registry: version_split = json_dict["RegistryVersion"].split(".") registry.write(REGISTRY_HEADER.format(namespace)) # Parse the Registry header info registry.write( "const Header header = {{\n" ' "{json_dict[@Redfish.Copyright]}",\n' ' "{json_dict[@odata.type]}",\n' " {version_split[0]},\n" " {version_split[1]},\n" " {version_split[2]},\n" ' "{json_dict[Name]}",\n' ' "{json_dict[Language]}",\n' ' "{json_dict[Description]}",\n' ' "{json_dict[RegistryPrefix]}",\n' ' "{json_dict[OwningEntity]}",\n' "}};\n" "constexpr const char* url =\n" ' "{url}";\n' "\n" "constexpr std::array registry =\n" "{{\n".format( json_dict=json_dict, url=url, version_split=version_split, ) ) messages_sorted = sorted(json_dict["Messages"].items()) for messageId, message in messages_sorted: registry.write( " MessageEntry{{\n" ' "{messageId}",\n' " {{\n" ' "{message[Description]}",\n' ' "{message[Message]}",\n' ' "{message[MessageSeverity]}",\n' " {message[NumberOfArgs]},\n" " {{".format( messageId=messageId, message=message ) ) paramTypes = message.get("ParamTypes") if paramTypes: for paramType in paramTypes: registry.write( '\n "{}",'.format(paramType) ) registry.write("\n },\n") else: registry.write("},\n") registry.write( ' "{message[Resolution]}",\n' " }}}},\n".format(message=message) ) registry.write("\n};\n\nenum class Index\n{\n") for index, (messageId, message) in enumerate(messages_sorted): messageId = messageId[0].lower() + messageId[1:] registry.write(" {} = {},\n".format(messageId, index)) registry.write( "}};\n}} // namespace redfish::registries::{}\n".format( namespace ) ) def get_privilege_string_from_list(privilege_list): privilege_string = "{{\n" for privilege_json in privilege_list: privileges = privilege_json["Privilege"] privilege_string += " {" for privilege in privileges: if privilege == "NoAuth": continue privilege_string += '"' privilege_string += privilege privilege_string += '",\n' if privilege != "NoAuth": privilege_string = privilege_string[:-2] privilege_string += "}" privilege_string += ",\n" privilege_string = privilege_string[:-2] privilege_string += "\n}}" return privilege_string def get_variable_name_for_privilege_set(privilege_list): names = [] for privilege_json in privilege_list: privileges = privilege_json["Privilege"] names.append("And".join(privileges)) return "Or".join(names) PRIVILEGE_HEADER = ( PRAGMA_ONCE + WARNING + """ #include "privileges.hpp" #include // clang-format off namespace redfish::privileges { """ ) def get_response_code(entry_id, entry): codes = { "InternalError": "internal_server_error", "OperationTimeout": "internal_server_error", "PropertyValueResourceConflict": "conflict", "ResourceInUse": "service_unavailable", "ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable": "service_unavailable", "ResourceCannotBeDeleted": "method_not_allowed", "PropertyValueModified": "ok", "InsufficientPrivilege": "forbidden", "AccountForSessionNoLongerExists": "forbidden", "ServiceDisabled": "service_unavailable", "ServiceInUnknownState": "service_unavailable", "EventSubscriptionLimitExceeded": "service_unavailable", "ResourceAtUriUnauthorized": "unauthorized", "SessionTerminated": "ok", "SubscriptionTerminated": "ok", "PropertyNotWritable": "forbidden", "MaximumErrorsExceeded": "internal_server_error", "GeneralError": "internal_server_error", "PreconditionFailed": "precondition_failed", "OperationFailed": "bad_gateway", "ServiceShuttingDown": "service_unavailable", "AccountRemoved": "ok", "PropertyValueExternalConflict": "conflict", "InsufficientStorage": "insufficient_storage", "OperationNotAllowed": "method_not_allowed", "ResourceNotFound": "not_found", "CouldNotEstablishConnection": "not_found", "AccessDenied": "forbidden", "Success": None, "Created": "created", "NoValidSession": "forbidden", "SessionLimitExceeded": "service_unavailable", "ResourceExhaustion": "service_unavailable", "AccountModified": "ok", "PasswordChangeRequired": None, "ResourceInStandby": "service_unavailable", "GenerateSecretKeyRequired": "forbidden", } code = codes.get(entry_id, "NOCODE") if code != "NOCODE": return code return "bad_request" def make_error_function( entry_id, entry, is_header, registry_name, namespace_name ): arg_nonstring_types = { "const boost::urls::url_view_base&": { "AccessDenied": [1], "CouldNotEstablishConnection": [1], "GenerateSecretKeyRequired": [1], "InvalidObject": [1], "PasswordChangeRequired": [1], "PropertyValueResourceConflict": [3], "ResetRequired": [1], "ResourceAtUriInUnknownFormat": [1], "ResourceAtUriUnauthorized": [1], "ResourceCreationConflict": [1], "ResourceMissingAtURI": [1], "SourceDoesNotSupportProtocol": [1], }, "const nlohmann::json&": { "ActionParameterValueError": [1], "ActionParameterValueFormatError": [1], "ActionParameterValueTypeError": [1], "PropertyValueExternalConflict": [2], "PropertyValueFormatError": [1], "PropertyValueIncorrect": [2], "PropertyValueModified": [2], "PropertyValueNotInList": [1], "PropertyValueOutOfRange": [1], "PropertyValueResourceConflict": [2], "PropertyValueTypeError": [1], "QueryParameterValueFormatError": [1], "QueryParameterValueTypeError": [1], }, "uint64_t": { "ArraySizeTooLong": [2], "InvalidIndex": [1], "StringValueTooLong": [2], "TaskProgressChanged": [2], }, } out = "" args = [] argtypes = [] for arg_index, arg in enumerate(entry.get("ParamTypes", [])): arg_index += 1 typename = "std::string_view" for typestring, entries in arg_nonstring_types.items(): if arg_index in entries.get(entry_id, []): typename = typestring argtypes.append(typename) args.append(f"{typename} arg{arg_index}") function_name = entry_id[0].lower() + entry_id[1:] arg = ", ".join(args) out += f"nlohmann::json {function_name}({arg})" if is_header: out += ";\n\n" else: out += "\n{\n" to_array_type = "" if argtypes: outargs = [] for index, typename in enumerate(argtypes): index += 1 if typename == "const nlohmann::json&": out += f"std::string arg{index}Str = arg{index}.dump(-1, ' ', true, nlohmann::json::error_handler_t::replace);\n" elif typename == "uint64_t": out += f"std::string arg{index}Str = std::to_string(arg{index});\n" for index, typename in enumerate(argtypes): index += 1 if typename == "const boost::urls::url_view_base&": outargs.append(f"arg{index}.buffer()") to_array_type = "" elif typename == "const nlohmann::json&": outargs.append(f"arg{index}Str") to_array_type = "" elif typename == "uint64_t": outargs.append(f"arg{index}Str") to_array_type = "" else: outargs.append(f"arg{index}") argstring = ", ".join(outargs) if argtypes: arg_param = f"std::to_array{to_array_type}({{{argstring}}})" else: arg_param = "{}" out += f" return getLog(redfish::registries::{namespace_name}::Index::{function_name}, {arg_param});" out += "\n}\n\n" if registry_name == "Base": args.insert(0, "crow::Response& res") if entry_id == "InternalError": if is_header: args.append( "std::source_location location = std::source_location::current()" ) else: args.append("const std::source_location location") arg = ", ".join(args) out += f"void {function_name}({arg})" if is_header: out += ";\n" else: out += "\n{\n" if entry_id == "InternalError": out += """BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL("Internal Error {}({}:{}) `{}`: ", location.file_name(), location.line(), location.column(), location.function_name());\n""" if entry_id == "ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable": out += "res.addHeader(boost::beast::http::field::retry_after, arg1);" res = get_response_code(entry_id, entry) if res: out += f" res.result(boost::beast::http::status::{res});\n" args_out = ", ".join([f"arg{x+1}" for x in range(len(argtypes))]) addMessageToJson = { "PropertyDuplicate": 1, "ResourceAlreadyExists": 2, "CreateFailedMissingReqProperties": 1, "PropertyValueFormatError": 2, "PropertyValueNotInList": 2, "PropertyValueTypeError": 2, "PropertyValueError": 1, "PropertyNotWritable": 1, "PropertyValueModified": 1, "PropertyMissing": 1, } addMessageToRoot = [ "SessionTerminated", "SubscriptionTerminated", "AccountRemoved", "Created", "Success", "PasswordChangeRequired", ] if entry_id in addMessageToJson: out += f" addMessageToJson(res.jsonValue, {function_name}({args_out}), arg{addMessageToJson[entry_id]});\n" elif entry_id in addMessageToRoot: out += f" addMessageToJsonRoot(res.jsonValue, {function_name}({args_out}));\n" else: out += f" addMessageToErrorJson(res.jsonValue, {function_name}({args_out}));\n" out += "}\n" out += "\n" return out def create_error_registry( entry, registry_version, registry_name, namespace_name, filename ): file, json_dict, namespace, url = entry base_filename = filename + "_messages" error_messages_hpp = os.path.join( SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "redfish-core", "include", f"{base_filename}.hpp" ) messages = json_dict["Messages"] with open( error_messages_hpp, "w", ) as out: out.write(PRAGMA_ONCE) out.write(WARNING) out.write( """ #include "http_response.hpp" #include #include #include #include // IWYU pragma: no_forward_declare crow::Response namespace redfish { namespace messages { """ ) if registry_name == "Base": out.write( f'constexpr const char* messageVersionPrefix = "{registry_name}.{registry_version}.";' ) out.write( """ constexpr const char* messageAnnotation = "@Message.ExtendedInfo"; /** * @brief Moves all error messages from the |source| JSON to |target| */ void moveErrorsToErrorJson(nlohmann::json& target, nlohmann::json& source); """ ) for entry_id, entry in messages.items(): message = entry["Message"] for index in range(1, 10): message = message.replace(f"'%{index}'", f"") message = message.replace(f"%{index}", f"") if registry_name == "Base": out.write("/**\n") out.write(f"* @brief Formats {entry_id} message into JSON\n") out.write(f'* Message body: "{message}"\n') out.write("*\n") arg_index = 0 for arg_index, arg in enumerate(entry.get("ParamTypes", [])): arg_index += 1 out.write( f"* @param[in] arg{arg_index} Parameter of message that will replace %{arg_index} in its body.\n" ) out.write("*\n") out.write( f"* @returns Message {entry_id} formatted to JSON */\n" ) out.write( make_error_function( entry_id, entry, True, registry_name, namespace_name ) ) out.write(" }\n") out.write("}\n") error_messages_cpp = os.path.join( SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "redfish-core", "src", f"{base_filename}.cpp" ) with open( error_messages_cpp, "w", ) as out: out.write(WARNING) out.write(f'\n#include "{base_filename}.hpp"\n') headers = [] headers.append('"registries.hpp"') if registry_name == "Base": reg_name_lower = "base" headers.append('"http_response.hpp"') headers.append('"logging.hpp"') headers.append("") headers.append("") headers.append("") headers.append("") else: reg_name_lower = namespace_name.lower() headers.append(f'"registries/{reg_name_lower}_message_registry.hpp"') headers.append("") headers.append("") headers.append("") headers.append("") if registry_name not in ("ResourceEvent", "HeartbeatEvent"): headers.append("") headers.append("") headers.append("") for header in headers: out.write(f"#include {header}\n") out.write( """ // Clang can't seem to decide whether this header needs to be included or not, // and is inconsistent. Include it for now // NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-include-cleaner) #include namespace redfish { namespace messages { """ ) if registry_name == "Base": out.write( """ static void addMessageToErrorJson(nlohmann::json& target, const nlohmann::json& message) { auto& error = target["error"]; // If this is the first error message, fill in the information from the // first error message to the top level struct if (!error.is_object()) { auto messageIdIterator = message.find("MessageId"); if (messageIdIterator == message.end()) { BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL( "Attempt to add error message without MessageId"); return; } auto messageFieldIterator = message.find("Message"); if (messageFieldIterator == message.end()) { BMCWEB_LOG_CRITICAL("Attempt to add error message without Message"); return; } error["code"] = *messageIdIterator; error["message"] = *messageFieldIterator; } else { // More than 1 error occurred, so the message has to be generic error["code"] = std::string(messageVersionPrefix) + "GeneralError"; error["message"] = "A general error has occurred. See Resolution for " "information on how to resolve the error."; } // This check could technically be done in the default construction // branch above, but because we need the pointer to the extended info field // anyway, it's more efficient to do it here. auto& extendedInfo = error[messages::messageAnnotation]; if (!extendedInfo.is_array()) { extendedInfo = nlohmann::json::array(); } extendedInfo.push_back(message); } void moveErrorsToErrorJson(nlohmann::json& target, nlohmann::json& source) { if (!source.is_object()) { return; } auto errorIt = source.find("error"); if (errorIt == source.end()) { // caller puts error message in root messages::addMessageToErrorJson(target, source); source.clear(); return; } auto extendedInfoIt = errorIt->find(messages::messageAnnotation); if (extendedInfoIt == errorIt->end()) { return; } const nlohmann::json::array_t* extendedInfo = (*extendedInfoIt).get_ptr(); if (extendedInfo == nullptr) { source.erase(errorIt); return; } for (const nlohmann::json& message : *extendedInfo) { addMessageToErrorJson(target, message); } source.erase(errorIt); } static void addMessageToJsonRoot(nlohmann::json& target, const nlohmann::json& message) { if (!target[messages::messageAnnotation].is_array()) { // Force object to be an array target[messages::messageAnnotation] = nlohmann::json::array(); } target[messages::messageAnnotation].push_back(message); } static void addMessageToJson(nlohmann::json& target, const nlohmann::json& message, std::string_view fieldPath) { std::string extendedInfo(fieldPath); extendedInfo += messages::messageAnnotation; nlohmann::json& field = target[extendedInfo]; if (!field.is_array()) { // Force object to be an array field = nlohmann::json::array(); } // Object exists and it is an array so we can just push in the message field.push_back(message); } """ ) out.write( """ static nlohmann::json getLog(redfish::registries::{namespace_name}::Index name, std::span args) {{ size_t index = static_cast(name); if (index >= redfish::registries::{namespace_name}::registry.size()) {{ return {{}}; }} return getLogFromRegistry(redfish::registries::{namespace_name}::header, redfish::registries::{namespace_name}::registry, index, args); }} """.format( namespace_name=namespace_name ) ) for entry_id, entry in messages.items(): out.write( f"""/** * @internal * @brief Formats {entry_id} message into JSON * * See header file for more information * @endinternal */ """ ) message = entry["Message"] out.write( make_error_function( entry_id, entry, False, registry_name, namespace_name ) ) out.write(" }\n") out.write("}\n") os.system(f"clang-format -i {error_messages_hpp} {error_messages_cpp}") def make_privilege_registry(): path, json_file, type_name, url = make_getter( "Redfish_1.5.0_PrivilegeRegistry.json", "privilege_registry.hpp", "privilege", ) with open(path, "w") as registry: registry.write(PRIVILEGE_HEADER) privilege_dict = {} for mapping in json_file["Mappings"]: # first pass, identify all the unique privilege sets for operation, privilege_list in mapping["OperationMap"].items(): privilege_dict[ get_privilege_string_from_list(privilege_list) ] = (privilege_list,) for index, key in enumerate(privilege_dict): (privilege_list,) = privilege_dict[key] name = get_variable_name_for_privilege_set(privilege_list) registry.write( "const std::array " "privilegeSet{name} = {key};\n".format( length=len(privilege_list), name=name, key=key ) ) privilege_dict[key] = (privilege_list, name) for mapping in json_file["Mappings"]: entity = mapping["Entity"] registry.write("// {}\n".format(entity)) for operation, privilege_list in mapping["OperationMap"].items(): privilege_string = get_privilege_string_from_list( privilege_list ) operation = operation.lower() registry.write( "const static auto& {}{} = privilegeSet{};\n".format( operation, entity, privilege_dict[privilege_string][1] ) ) registry.write("\n") registry.write( "} // namespace redfish::privileges\n// clang-format on\n" ) def to_pascal_case(text): s = text.replace("_", " ") s = s.split() if len(text) == 0: return text return "".join(i.capitalize() for i in s[0:]) def main(): dmtf_registries = ( ("base", "1.19.0"), ("composition", "1.1.2"), ("environmental", "1.0.1"), ("ethernet_fabric", "1.0.1"), ("fabric", "1.0.2"), ("heartbeat_event", "1.0.1"), ("job_event", "1.0.1"), ("license", "1.0.3"), ("log_service", "1.0.1"), ("network_device", "1.0.3"), ("platform", "1.0.1"), ("power", "1.0.1"), ("resource_event", "1.3.0"), ("sensor_event", "1.0.1"), ("storage_device", "1.2.1"), ("task_event", "1.0.3"), ("telemetry", "1.0.0"), ("update", "1.0.2"), ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--registries", type=str, default="privilege,openbmc," + ",".join([dmtf[0] for dmtf in dmtf_registries]), help="Comma delimited list of registries to update", ) args = parser.parse_args() registries = set(args.registries.split(",")) files = [] for registry, version in dmtf_registries: if registry in registries: registry_pascal_case = to_pascal_case(registry) files.append( make_getter( f"{registry_pascal_case}.{version}.json", f"{registry}_message_registry.hpp", registry, ) ) if "openbmc" in registries: files.append(openbmc_local_getter()) update_registries(files) create_error_registry( files[0], dmtf_registries[0][1], "Base", "base", "error" ) create_error_registry( files[5], dmtf_registries[5][1], "HeartbeatEvent", "heartbeat_event", "heartbeat", ) create_error_registry( files[12], dmtf_registries[12][1], "ResourceEvent", "resource_event", "resource", ) create_error_registry( files[15], dmtf_registries[15][1], "TaskEvent", "task_event", "task" ) if "privilege" in registries: make_privilege_registry() if __name__ == "__main__": main()