{ "$id": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics.v1_2_0.json", "$ref": "#/definitions/NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics", "$schema": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/redfish-schema-v1.json", "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2024 DMTF. For the full DMTF copyright policy, see http://www.dmtf.org/about/policies/copyright", "definitions": { "Actions": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "The available actions for this resource.", "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available actions for this resource.", "patternProperties": { "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": { "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.", "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "number", "null", "object", "string" ] } }, "properties": { "#NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics.ResetMetrics": { "$ref": "#/definitions/ResetMetrics" }, "Oem": { "$ref": "#/definitions/OemActions", "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource." } }, "type": "object" }, "Ethernet": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "The network function metrics for an Ethernet interface.", "longDescription": "This type shall describe the Ethernet-related network function metrics.", "patternProperties": { "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": { "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.", "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "number", "null", "object", "string" ] } }, "properties": { "NumOffloadedIPv4Conns": { "description": "The total number of offloaded TCP/IPv4 connections.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of offloaded TCP/IPv4 connections.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "NumOffloadedIPv6Conns": { "description": "The total number of offloaded TCP/IPv6 connections.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of offloaded TCP/IPv6 connections.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] } }, "type": "object" }, "FibreChannel": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "The network function metrics for a Fibre Channel interface.", "longDescription": "This type shall describe the Fibre Channel-related network function metrics.", "patternProperties": { "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": { "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.", "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "number", "null", "object", "string" ] } }, "properties": { "PortLoginAccepts": { "description": "The total number of port login (PLOGI) accept (ACC) responses.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of PLOGI ACC responses received by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "PortLoginRejects": { "description": "The total number of port login (PLOGI) reject (RJT) responses.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of PLOGI RJT responses received by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "PortLoginRequests": { "description": "The total number of port login (PLOGI) requests transmitted.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of PLOGI requests sent by this function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "RXCongestionFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Congestion Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Congestion FPINs received by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "RXDeliveryFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Delivery Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Delivery FPINs received by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "RXExchanges": { "description": "The total number of Fibre Channel exchanges received.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Fibre Channel exchanges received.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "RXLinkIntegrityFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Link Integrity Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Link Integrity FPINs received by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "RXPeerCongestionFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Peer Congestion Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Peer Congestion FPINs received by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "RXSequences": { "description": "The total number of Fibre Channel sequences received.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Fibre Channel sequences received.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "TXCongestionFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Congestion Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) sent.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Congestion FPINs sent by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "TXDeliveryFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Delivery Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) sent.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Delivery FPINs sent by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "TXExchanges": { "description": "The total number of Fibre Channel exchanges transmitted.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Fibre Channel exchanges transmitted.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "TXLinkIntegrityFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Link Integrity Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) sent.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Link Integrity FPINs sent by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "TXPeerCongestionFPINs": { "description": "The total number of Peer Congestion Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) sent.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Peer Congestion FPINs sent by this Fibre Channel function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "TXSequences": { "description": "The total number of Fibre Channel sequences transmitted.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of Fibre Channel sequences transmitted.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" } }, "type": "object" }, "NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "The `NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics` schema contains usage and health statistics for a network function of a network adapter.", "longDescription": "This resource shall represent the network metrics for a single network function of a network adapter in a Redfish implementation.", "patternProperties": { "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": { "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.", "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "number", "null", "object", "string" ] } }, "properties": { "@odata.context": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/context" }, "@odata.etag": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/etag" }, "@odata.id": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/id" }, "@odata.type": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/odata-v4.json#/definitions/type" }, "Actions": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Actions", "description": "The available actions for this resource.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the available actions for this resource." }, "Description": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Description" }, { "type": "null" } ], "readonly": true }, "Ethernet": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Ethernet", "description": "The network function metrics specific to Ethernet adapters.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain network function metrics specific to Ethernet adapters." }, "FibreChannel": { "$ref": "#/definitions/FibreChannel", "description": "The network function metrics specific to Fibre Channel adapters.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain network function metrics specific to Fibre Channel adapters.", "versionAdded": "v1_1_0" }, "Id": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Id", "readonly": true }, "Name": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Name", "readonly": true }, "Oem": { "$ref": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/Resource.json#/definitions/Oem", "description": "The OEM extension property.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the OEM extensions. All values for properties that this object contains shall conform to the Redfish Specification-described requirements." }, "RXAvgQueueDepthPercent": { "description": "The average RX queue depth as the percentage.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the average RX queue depth as a percentage, typically `0` to `100`.", "minimum": 0, "readonly": true, "type": [ "number", "null" ], "units": "%" }, "RXBytes": { "description": "The total number of bytes received on a network function.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of bytes received on a network function, inclusive of all protocol overhead.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "units": "By" }, "RXFrames": { "description": "The total number of frames received on a network function.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of frames received on a network function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "RXMulticastFrames": { "description": "The total number of good multicast frames received on a network function since reset.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of good multicast frames received on a network function since reset, including host and remote management passthrough traffic.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "RXQueuesEmpty": { "description": "Whether nothing is in a network function's RX queues to DMA.", "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether nothing is in a network function's RX queues to DMA.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "RXQueuesFull": { "description": "The number of RX queues that are full.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of RX queues that are full.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "RXUnicastFrames": { "description": "The total number of good unicast frames received on a network function since reset.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of good unicast frames received on a network function since reset.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "TXAvgQueueDepthPercent": { "description": "The average TX queue depth as the percentage.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the average TX queue depth as a percentage, typically `0` to `100`.", "minimum": 0, "readonly": true, "type": [ "number", "null" ], "units": "%" }, "TXBytes": { "description": "The total number of bytes sent on a network function.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of bytes sent on a network function, inclusive of all protocol overhead.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ], "units": "By" }, "TXFrames": { "description": "The total number of frames sent on a network function.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of frames sent on a network function.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "TXMulticastFrames": { "description": "The total number of good multicast frames transmitted on a network function since reset.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of good multicast frames transmitted on a network function since reset, including host and remote management passthrough traffic.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "TXQueuesEmpty": { "description": "Whether all TX queues for a network function are empty.", "longDescription": "This property shall indicate whether all TX queues for a network function are empty.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "boolean", "null" ] }, "TXQueuesFull": { "description": "The number of TX queues that are full.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the number of TX queues that are full.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] }, "TXUnicastFrames": { "description": "The total number of good unicast frames transmitted on a network function since reset.", "longDescription": "This property shall contain the total number of good unicast frames transmitted on a network function since reset, including host and remote management passthrough traffic.", "readonly": true, "type": [ "integer", "null" ] } }, "required": [ "@odata.id", "@odata.type", "Id", "Name" ], "type": "object" }, "OemActions": { "additionalProperties": true, "description": "The available OEM-specific actions for this resource.", "longDescription": "This type shall contain the available OEM-specific actions for this resource.", "patternProperties": { "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": { "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.", "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "number", "null", "object", "string" ] } }, "properties": {}, "type": "object" }, "ResetMetrics": { "additionalProperties": false, "description": "This action resets the summary metrics related to this device.", "longDescription": "This action shall reset any time intervals or counted values for this device.", "parameters": {}, "patternProperties": { "^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?@(odata|Redfish|Message)\\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": { "description": "This property shall specify a valid odata or Redfish property.", "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "number", "null", "object", "string" ] } }, "properties": { "target": { "description": "Link to invoke action", "format": "uri-reference", "type": "string" }, "title": { "description": "Friendly action name", "type": "string" } }, "type": "object", "versionAdded": "v1_2_0" } }, "language": "en", "owningEntity": "DMTF", "release": "2024.1", "title": "#NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics.v1_2_0.NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics" }