#pragma once #include "dbus_utility.hpp" #include "generated/enums/resource.hpp" #include "generated/enums/sensor.hpp" #include "generated/enums/thermal.hpp" #include "str_utility.hpp" #include "utils/dbus_utils.hpp" #include "utils/json_utils.hpp" #include <sdbusplus/unpack_properties.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <format> #include <ranges> #include <string> #include <string_view> #include <tuple> #include <utility> #include <vector> namespace redfish { namespace sensor_utils { static constexpr std::string_view powerNode = "Power"; static constexpr std::string_view sensorsNode = "Sensors"; static constexpr std::string_view thermalNode = "Thermal"; /** * Possible states for physical inventory leds */ enum class LedState { OFF, ON, BLINK, UNKNOWN }; /** * D-Bus inventory item associated with one or more sensors. */ class InventoryItem { public: explicit InventoryItem(const std::string& objPath) : objectPath(objPath) { // Set inventory item name to last node of object path sdbusplus::message::object_path path(objectPath); name = path.filename(); if (name.empty()) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR("Failed to find '/' in {}", objectPath); } } std::string objectPath; std::string name; bool isPresent = true; bool isFunctional = true; bool isPowerSupply = false; int powerSupplyEfficiencyPercent = -1; std::string manufacturer; std::string model; std::string partNumber; std::string serialNumber; std::set<std::string> sensors; std::string ledObjectPath; LedState ledState = LedState::UNKNOWN; }; inline std::string getSensorId(std::string_view sensorName, std::string_view sensorType) { std::string normalizedType(sensorType); auto remove = std::ranges::remove(normalizedType, '_'); normalizedType.erase(std::ranges::begin(remove), normalizedType.end()); return std::format("{}_{}", normalizedType, sensorName); } inline std::pair<std::string, std::string> splitSensorNameAndType(std::string_view sensorId) { size_t index = sensorId.find('_'); if (index == std::string::npos) { return std::make_pair<std::string, std::string>("", ""); } std::string sensorType{sensorId.substr(0, index)}; std::string sensorName{sensorId.substr(index + 1)}; // fan_pwm and fan_tach need special handling if (sensorType == "fantach" || sensorType == "fanpwm") { sensorType.insert(3, 1, '_'); } return std::make_pair(sensorType, sensorName); } namespace sensors { inline std::string_view toReadingUnits(std::string_view sensorType) { if (sensorType == "voltage") { return "V"; } if (sensorType == "power") { return "W"; } if (sensorType == "current") { return "A"; } if (sensorType == "fan_tach") { return "RPM"; } if (sensorType == "temperature") { return "Cel"; } if (sensorType == "fan_pwm" || sensorType == "utilization" || sensorType == "humidity") { return "%"; } if (sensorType == "altitude") { return "m"; } if (sensorType == "airflow") { return "cft_i/min"; } if (sensorType == "energy") { return "J"; } return ""; } inline sensor::ReadingType toReadingType(std::string_view sensorType) { if (sensorType == "voltage") { return sensor::ReadingType::Voltage; } if (sensorType == "power") { return sensor::ReadingType::Power; } if (sensorType == "current") { return sensor::ReadingType::Current; } if (sensorType == "fan_tach") { return sensor::ReadingType::Rotational; } if (sensorType == "temperature") { return sensor::ReadingType::Temperature; } if (sensorType == "fan_pwm" || sensorType == "utilization") { return sensor::ReadingType::Percent; } if (sensorType == "humidity") { return sensor::ReadingType::Humidity; } if (sensorType == "altitude") { return sensor::ReadingType::Altitude; } if (sensorType == "airflow") { return sensor::ReadingType::AirFlow; } if (sensorType == "energy") { return sensor::ReadingType::EnergyJoules; } return sensor::ReadingType::Invalid; } } // namespace sensors /** * @brief Returns the Redfish State value for the specified inventory item. * @param inventoryItem D-Bus inventory item associated with a sensor. * @param sensorAvailable Boolean representing if D-Bus sensor is marked as * available. * @return State value for inventory item. */ inline resource::State getState(const InventoryItem* inventoryItem, const bool sensorAvailable) { if ((inventoryItem != nullptr) && !(inventoryItem->isPresent)) { return resource::State::Absent; } if (!sensorAvailable) { return resource::State::UnavailableOffline; } return resource::State::Enabled; } /** * @brief Returns the Redfish Health value for the specified sensor. * @param sensorJson Sensor JSON object. * @param valuesDict Map of all sensor DBus values. * @param inventoryItem D-Bus inventory item associated with the sensor. Will * be nullptr if no associated inventory item was found. * @return Health value for sensor. */ inline std::string getHealth(nlohmann::json& sensorJson, const dbus::utility::DBusPropertiesMap& valuesDict, const InventoryItem* inventoryItem) { // Get current health value (if any) in the sensor JSON object. Some JSON // objects contain multiple sensors (such as PowerSupplies). We want to set // the overall health to be the most severe of any of the sensors. std::string currentHealth; auto statusIt = sensorJson.find("Status"); if (statusIt != sensorJson.end()) { auto healthIt = statusIt->find("Health"); if (healthIt != statusIt->end()) { std::string* health = healthIt->get_ptr<std::string*>(); if (health != nullptr) { currentHealth = *health; } } } // If current health in JSON object is already Critical, return that. This // should override the sensor health, which might be less severe. if (currentHealth == "Critical") { return "Critical"; } const bool* criticalAlarmHigh = nullptr; const bool* criticalAlarmLow = nullptr; const bool* warningAlarmHigh = nullptr; const bool* warningAlarmLow = nullptr; const bool success = sdbusplus::unpackPropertiesNoThrow( dbus_utils::UnpackErrorPrinter(), valuesDict, "CriticalAlarmHigh", criticalAlarmHigh, "CriticalAlarmLow", criticalAlarmLow, "WarningAlarmHigh", warningAlarmHigh, "WarningAlarmLow", warningAlarmLow); if (success) { // Check if sensor has critical threshold alarm if ((criticalAlarmHigh != nullptr && *criticalAlarmHigh) || (criticalAlarmLow != nullptr && *criticalAlarmLow)) { return "Critical"; } } // Check if associated inventory item is not functional if ((inventoryItem != nullptr) && !(inventoryItem->isFunctional)) { return "Critical"; } // If current health in JSON object is already Warning, return that. This // should override the sensor status, which might be less severe. if (currentHealth == "Warning") { return "Warning"; } if (success) { // Check if sensor has warning threshold alarm if ((warningAlarmHigh != nullptr && *warningAlarmHigh) || (warningAlarmLow != nullptr && *warningAlarmLow)) { return "Warning"; } } return "OK"; } inline void setLedState(nlohmann::json& sensorJson, const InventoryItem* inventoryItem) { if (inventoryItem != nullptr && !inventoryItem->ledObjectPath.empty()) { switch (inventoryItem->ledState) { case LedState::OFF: sensorJson["IndicatorLED"] = resource::IndicatorLED::Off; break; case LedState::ON: sensorJson["IndicatorLED"] = resource::IndicatorLED::Lit; break; case LedState::BLINK: sensorJson["IndicatorLED"] = resource::IndicatorLED::Blinking; break; default: break; } } } /** * @brief Builds a json sensor representation of a sensor. * @param sensorName The name of the sensor to be built * @param sensorType The type (temperature, fan_tach, etc) of the sensor to * build * @param chassisSubNode The subnode (thermal, sensor, etc) of the sensor * @param propertiesDict A dictionary of the properties to build the sensor * from. * @param sensorJson The json object to fill * @param inventoryItem D-Bus inventory item associated with the sensor. Will * be nullptr if no associated inventory item was found. */ inline void objectPropertiesToJson( std::string_view sensorName, std::string_view sensorType, std::string_view chassisSubNode, const dbus::utility::DBusPropertiesMap& propertiesDict, nlohmann::json& sensorJson, InventoryItem* inventoryItem) { if (chassisSubNode == sensorsNode) { std::string subNodeEscaped = getSensorId(sensorName, sensorType); // For sensors in SensorCollection we set Id instead of MemberId, // including power sensors. sensorJson["Id"] = std::move(subNodeEscaped); std::string sensorNameEs(sensorName); std::replace(sensorNameEs.begin(), sensorNameEs.end(), '_', ' '); sensorJson["Name"] = std::move(sensorNameEs); } else if (sensorType != "power") { // Set MemberId and Name for non-power sensors. For PowerSupplies and // PowerControl, those properties have more general values because // multiple sensors can be stored in the same JSON object. std::string sensorNameEs(sensorName); std::replace(sensorNameEs.begin(), sensorNameEs.end(), '_', ' '); sensorJson["Name"] = std::move(sensorNameEs); } const bool* checkAvailable = nullptr; bool available = true; const bool success = sdbusplus::unpackPropertiesNoThrow( dbus_utils::UnpackErrorPrinter(), propertiesDict, "Available", checkAvailable); if (!success) { messages::internalError(); } if (checkAvailable != nullptr) { available = *checkAvailable; } sensorJson["Status"]["State"] = getState(inventoryItem, available); sensorJson["Status"]["Health"] = getHealth(sensorJson, propertiesDict, inventoryItem); // Parameter to set to override the type we get from dbus, and force it to // int, regardless of what is available. This is used for schemas like fan, // that require integers, not floats. bool forceToInt = false; nlohmann::json::json_pointer unit("/Reading"); if (chassisSubNode == sensorsNode) { sensorJson["@odata.type"] = "#Sensor.v1_2_0.Sensor"; sensor::ReadingType readingType = sensors::toReadingType(sensorType); if (readingType == sensor::ReadingType::Invalid) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR("Redfish cannot map reading type for {}", sensorType); } else { sensorJson["ReadingType"] = readingType; } std::string_view readingUnits = sensors::toReadingUnits(sensorType); if (readingUnits.empty()) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR("Redfish cannot map reading unit for {}", sensorType); } else { sensorJson["ReadingUnits"] = readingUnits; } } else if (sensorType == "temperature") { unit = "/ReadingCelsius"_json_pointer; sensorJson["@odata.type"] = "#Thermal.v1_3_0.Temperature"; // TODO(ed) Documentation says that path should be type fan_tach, // implementation seems to implement fan } else if (sensorType == "fan" || sensorType == "fan_tach") { unit = "/Reading"_json_pointer; sensorJson["ReadingUnits"] = thermal::ReadingUnits::RPM; sensorJson["@odata.type"] = "#Thermal.v1_3_0.Fan"; setLedState(sensorJson, inventoryItem); forceToInt = true; } else if (sensorType == "fan_pwm") { unit = "/Reading"_json_pointer; sensorJson["ReadingUnits"] = thermal::ReadingUnits::Percent; sensorJson["@odata.type"] = "#Thermal.v1_3_0.Fan"; setLedState(sensorJson, inventoryItem); forceToInt = true; } else if (sensorType == "voltage") { unit = "/ReadingVolts"_json_pointer; sensorJson["@odata.type"] = "#Power.v1_0_0.Voltage"; } else if (sensorType == "power") { std::string lower; std::ranges::transform(sensorName, std::back_inserter(lower), bmcweb::asciiToLower); if (lower == "total_power") { sensorJson["@odata.type"] = "#Power.v1_0_0.PowerControl"; // Put multiple "sensors" into a single PowerControl, so have // generic names for MemberId and Name. Follows Redfish mockup. sensorJson["MemberId"] = "0"; sensorJson["Name"] = "Chassis Power Control"; unit = "/PowerConsumedWatts"_json_pointer; } else if (lower.find("input") != std::string::npos) { unit = "/PowerInputWatts"_json_pointer; } else { unit = "/PowerOutputWatts"_json_pointer; } } else { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR("Redfish cannot map object type for {}", sensorName); return; } // Map of dbus interface name, dbus property name and redfish property_name std::vector< std::tuple<const char*, const char*, nlohmann::json::json_pointer>> properties; properties.reserve(7); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "Value", unit); if (chassisSubNode == sensorsNode) { properties.emplace_back( "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning", "WarningHigh", "/Thresholds/UpperCaution/Reading"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back( "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning", "WarningLow", "/Thresholds/LowerCaution/Reading"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back( "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical", "CriticalHigh", "/Thresholds/UpperCritical/Reading"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back( "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical", "CriticalLow", "/Thresholds/LowerCritical/Reading"_json_pointer); } else if (sensorType != "power") { properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning", "WarningHigh", "/UpperThresholdNonCritical"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning", "WarningLow", "/LowerThresholdNonCritical"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical", "CriticalHigh", "/UpperThresholdCritical"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical", "CriticalLow", "/LowerThresholdCritical"_json_pointer); } // TODO Need to get UpperThresholdFatal and LowerThresholdFatal if (chassisSubNode == sensorsNode) { properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "MinValue", "/ReadingRangeMin"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "MaxValue", "/ReadingRangeMax"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Accuracy", "Accuracy", "/Accuracy"_json_pointer); } else if (sensorType == "temperature") { properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "MinValue", "/MinReadingRangeTemp"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "MaxValue", "/MaxReadingRangeTemp"_json_pointer); } else if (sensorType != "power") { properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "MinValue", "/MinReadingRange"_json_pointer); properties.emplace_back("xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value", "MaxValue", "/MaxReadingRange"_json_pointer); } for (const std::tuple<const char*, const char*, nlohmann::json::json_pointer>& p : properties) { for (const auto& [valueName, valueVariant] : propertiesDict) { if (valueName != std::get<1>(p)) { continue; } // The property we want to set may be nested json, so use // a json_pointer for easy indexing into the json structure. const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& key = std::get<2>(p); const double* doubleValue = std::get_if<double>(&valueVariant); if (doubleValue == nullptr) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR("Got value interface that wasn't double"); continue; } if (!std::isfinite(*doubleValue)) { if (valueName == "Value") { // Readings are allowed to be NAN for unavailable; coerce // them to null in the json response. sensorJson[key] = nullptr; continue; } BMCWEB_LOG_WARNING("Sensor value for {} was unexpectedly {}", valueName, *doubleValue); continue; } if (forceToInt) { sensorJson[key] = static_cast<int64_t>(*doubleValue); } else { sensorJson[key] = *doubleValue; } } } } } // namespace sensor_utils } // namespace redfish