#pragma once #include "bmcweb_config.h" #include "app.hpp" #include "async_resp.hpp" #include "error_messages.hpp" #include "filter_expr_executor.hpp" #include "filter_expr_printer.hpp" #include "http_request.hpp" #include "http_response.hpp" #include "json_formatters.hpp" #include "logging.hpp" #include "str_utility.hpp" #include <sys/types.h> #include <boost/beast/http/message.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <boost/beast/http/status.hpp> #include <boost/beast/http/verb.hpp> #include <boost/url/params_view.hpp> #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <cctype> #include <charconv> #include <compare> #include <cstdint> #include <functional> #include <iterator> #include <limits> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <ranges> #include <string> #include <string_view> #include <system_error> #include <utility> #include <vector> // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/url/impl/params_view.hpp> // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/beast/http/impl/message.hpp> // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/intrusive/detail/list_iterator.hpp> // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/algorithm/string/detail/classification.hpp> // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> // IWYU pragma: no_include <boost/type_index/type_index_facade.hpp> // IWYU pragma: no_include <stdint.h> namespace redfish { namespace query_param { enum class ExpandType : uint8_t { None, Links, NotLinks, Both, }; // A simple implementation of Trie to help |recursiveSelect|. class SelectTrieNode { public: SelectTrieNode() = default; const SelectTrieNode* find(const std::string& jsonKey) const { auto it = children.find(jsonKey); if (it == children.end()) { return nullptr; } return &it->second; } // Creates a new node if the key doesn't exist, returns the reference to the // newly created node; otherwise, return the reference to the existing node SelectTrieNode* emplace(std::string_view jsonKey) { auto [it, _] = children.emplace(jsonKey, SelectTrieNode{}); return &it->second; } bool empty() const { return children.empty(); } void clear() { children.clear(); } void setToSelected() { selected = true; } bool isSelected() const { return selected; } private: std::map<std::string, SelectTrieNode, std::less<>> children; bool selected = false; }; // Validates the property in the $select parameter. Every character is among // [a-zA-Z0-9#@_.] (taken from Redfish spec, section 9.6 Properties) inline bool isSelectedPropertyAllowed(std::string_view property) { // These a magic number, but with it it's less likely that this code // introduces CVE; e.g., too large properties crash the service. constexpr int maxPropertyLength = 60; if (property.empty() || property.size() > maxPropertyLength) { return false; } for (char ch : property) { if (std::isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) == 0 && ch != '#' && ch != '@' && ch != '.') { return false; } } return true; } struct SelectTrie { SelectTrie() = default; // Inserts a $select value; returns false if the nestedProperty is illegal. bool insertNode(std::string_view nestedProperty) { if (nestedProperty.empty()) { return false; } SelectTrieNode* currNode = &root; size_t index = nestedProperty.find_first_of('/'); while (!nestedProperty.empty()) { std::string_view property = nestedProperty.substr(0, index); if (!isSelectedPropertyAllowed(property)) { return false; } currNode = currNode->emplace(property); if (index == std::string::npos) { break; } nestedProperty.remove_prefix(index + 1); index = nestedProperty.find_first_of('/'); } currNode->setToSelected(); return true; } SelectTrieNode root; }; // The struct stores the parsed query parameters of the default Redfish route. struct Query { // Only bool isOnly = false; // Expand uint8_t expandLevel = 0; ExpandType expandType = ExpandType::None; // Skip std::optional<size_t> skip = std::nullopt; // Top static constexpr size_t maxTop = 1000; // Max entries a response contain std::optional<size_t> top = std::nullopt; // Filter std::optional<filter_ast::LogicalAnd> filter = std::nullopt; // Select // Unclear how to make this use structured initialization without this. // Might be a tidy bug? Ignore for now // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-redundant-member-init) SelectTrie selectTrie{}; }; // The struct defines how resource handlers in redfish-core/lib/ can handle // query parameters themselves, so that the default Redfish route will delegate // the processing. struct QueryCapabilities { bool canDelegateOnly = false; bool canDelegateTop = false; bool canDelegateSkip = false; uint8_t canDelegateExpandLevel = 0; bool canDelegateSelect = false; }; // Delegates query parameters according to the given |queryCapabilities| // This function doesn't check query parameter conflicts since the parse // function will take care of it. // Returns a delegated query object which can be used by individual resource // handlers so that handlers don't need to query again. inline Query delegate(const QueryCapabilities& queryCapabilities, Query& query) { Query delegated{}; // delegate only if (query.isOnly && queryCapabilities.canDelegateOnly) { delegated.isOnly = true; query.isOnly = false; } // delegate expand as much as we can if (query.expandType != ExpandType::None) { delegated.expandType = query.expandType; if (query.expandLevel <= queryCapabilities.canDelegateExpandLevel) { query.expandType = ExpandType::None; delegated.expandLevel = query.expandLevel; query.expandLevel = 0; } else { delegated.expandLevel = queryCapabilities.canDelegateExpandLevel; } } // delegate top if (query.top && queryCapabilities.canDelegateTop) { delegated.top = query.top; query.top = std::nullopt; } // delegate skip if (query.skip && queryCapabilities.canDelegateSkip) { delegated.skip = query.skip; query.skip = 0; } // delegate select if (!query.selectTrie.root.empty() && queryCapabilities.canDelegateSelect) { delegated.selectTrie = std::move(query.selectTrie); query.selectTrie.root.clear(); } return delegated; } inline bool getExpandType(std::string_view value, Query& query) { if (value.empty()) { return false; } switch (value[0]) { case '*': query.expandType = ExpandType::Both; break; case '.': query.expandType = ExpandType::NotLinks; break; case '~': query.expandType = ExpandType::Links; break; default: return false; } value.remove_prefix(1); if (value.empty()) { query.expandLevel = 1; return true; } constexpr std::string_view levels = "($levels="; if (!value.starts_with(levels)) { return false; } value.remove_prefix(levels.size()); auto it = std::from_chars(value.begin(), value.end(), query.expandLevel); if (it.ec != std::errc()) { return false; } value.remove_prefix( static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(value.begin(), it.ptr))); return value == ")"; } enum class QueryError { Ok, OutOfRange, ValueFormat, }; inline QueryError getNumericParam(std::string_view value, size_t& param) { std::from_chars_result r = std::from_chars(value.begin(), value.end(), param); // If the number wasn't representable in the type, it's out of range if (r.ec == std::errc::result_out_of_range) { return QueryError::OutOfRange; } // All other errors are value format if (r.ec != std::errc()) { return QueryError::ValueFormat; } return QueryError::Ok; } inline QueryError getSkipParam(std::string_view value, Query& query) { return getNumericParam(value, query.skip.emplace()); } inline QueryError getTopParam(std::string_view value, Query& query) { QueryError ret = getNumericParam(value, query.top.emplace()); if (ret != QueryError::Ok) { return ret; } // Range check for sanity. if (query.top > Query::maxTop) { return QueryError::OutOfRange; } return QueryError::Ok; } // Parses and validates the $select parameter. // As per OData URL Conventions and Redfish Spec, the $select values shall be // comma separated Resource Path // Ref: // 1. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-3.3 // 2. // https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.01/os/abnf/odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt inline bool getSelectParam(std::string_view value, Query& query) { std::vector<std::string> properties; bmcweb::split(properties, value, ','); if (properties.empty()) { return false; } // These a magic number, but with it it's less likely that this code // introduces CVE; e.g., too large properties crash the service. constexpr int maxNumProperties = 10; if (properties.size() > maxNumProperties) { return false; } for (const auto& property : properties) { if (!query.selectTrie.insertNode(property)) { return false; } } return true; } // Parses and validates the $filter parameter. inline bool getFilterParam(std::string_view value, Query& query) { query.filter = parseFilter(value); return query.filter.has_value(); } inline std::optional<Query> parseParameters(boost::urls::params_view urlParams, crow::Response& res) { Query ret{}; for (const boost::urls::params_view::value_type& it : urlParams) { if (it.key == "only") { if (!it.value.empty()) { messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); return std::nullopt; } ret.isOnly = true; } else if (it.key == "$expand" && BMCWEB_INSECURE_ENABLE_REDFISH_QUERY) { if (!getExpandType(it.value, ret)) { messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); return std::nullopt; } } else if (it.key == "$top") { QueryError topRet = getTopParam(it.value, ret); if (topRet == QueryError::ValueFormat) { messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); return std::nullopt; } if (topRet == QueryError::OutOfRange) { messages::queryParameterOutOfRange( res, it.value, "$top", "0-" + std::to_string(Query::maxTop)); return std::nullopt; } } else if (it.key == "$skip") { QueryError topRet = getSkipParam(it.value, ret); if (topRet == QueryError::ValueFormat) { messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); return std::nullopt; } if (topRet == QueryError::OutOfRange) { messages::queryParameterOutOfRange( res, it.value, it.key, "0-" + std::to_string(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())); return std::nullopt; } } else if (it.key == "$select") { if (!getSelectParam(it.value, ret)) { messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); return std::nullopt; } } else if (it.key == "$filter" && BMCWEB_INSECURE_ENABLE_REDFISH_QUERY) { if (!getFilterParam(it.value, ret)) { messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); return std::nullopt; } } else { // Intentionally ignore other errors Redfish spec, 7.3.1 if (it.key.starts_with("$")) { // Services shall return... The HTTP 501 Not Implemented // status code for any unsupported query parameters that // start with $ . messages::queryParameterValueFormatError(res, it.value, it.key); res.result(boost::beast::http::status::not_implemented); return std::nullopt; } // "Shall ignore unknown or unsupported query parameters that do // not begin with $ ." } } if (ret.expandType != ExpandType::None && !ret.selectTrie.root.empty()) { messages::queryCombinationInvalid(res); return std::nullopt; } return ret; } inline bool processOnly(crow::App& app, crow::Response& res, std::function<void(crow::Response&)>& completionHandler) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Processing only query param"); auto itMembers = res.jsonValue.find("Members"); if (itMembers == res.jsonValue.end()) { messages::queryNotSupportedOnResource(res); completionHandler(res); return false; } auto itMemBegin = itMembers->begin(); if (itMemBegin == itMembers->end() || itMembers->size() != 1) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG( "Members contains {} element, returning full collection.", itMembers->size()); completionHandler(res); return false; } auto itUrl = itMemBegin->find("@odata.id"); if (itUrl == itMemBegin->end()) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("No found odata.id"); messages::internalError(res); completionHandler(res); return false; } const std::string* url = itUrl->get_ptr<const std::string*>(); if (url == nullptr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("@odata.id wasn't a string????"); messages::internalError(res); completionHandler(res); return false; } // TODO(Ed) copy request headers? // newReq.session = req.session; std::error_code ec; auto newReq = std::make_shared<crow::Request>( crow::Request::Body{boost::beast::http::verb::get, *url, 11}, ec); if (ec) { messages::internalError(res); completionHandler(res); return false; } auto asyncResp = std::make_shared<bmcweb::AsyncResp>(); BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("setting completion handler on {}", logPtr(&asyncResp->res)); asyncResp->res.setCompleteRequestHandler(std::move(completionHandler)); app.handle(newReq, asyncResp); return true; } struct ExpandNode { nlohmann::json::json_pointer location; std::string uri; bool operator==(const ExpandNode& other) const { return location == other.location && uri == other.uri; } }; inline void findNavigationReferencesInArrayRecursive( ExpandType eType, nlohmann::json::array_t& array, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& jsonPtr, int depth, int skipDepth, bool inLinks, std::vector<ExpandNode>& out); inline void findNavigationReferencesInObjectRecursive( ExpandType eType, nlohmann::json::object_t& obj, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& jsonPtr, int depth, int skipDepth, bool inLinks, std::vector<ExpandNode>& out); // Walks a json object looking for Redfish NavigationReference entries that // might need resolved. It recursively walks the jsonResponse object, looking // for links at every level, and returns a list (out) of locations within the // tree that need to be expanded. The current json pointer location p is passed // in to reference the current node that's being expanded, so it can be combined // with the keys from the jsonResponse object inline void findNavigationReferencesRecursive( ExpandType eType, nlohmann::json& jsonResponse, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& jsonPtr, int depth, int skipDepth, bool inLinks, std::vector<ExpandNode>& out) { // If no expand is needed, return early if (eType == ExpandType::None) { return; } nlohmann::json::array_t* array = jsonResponse.get_ptr<nlohmann::json::array_t*>(); if (array != nullptr) { findNavigationReferencesInArrayRecursive(eType, *array, jsonPtr, depth, skipDepth, inLinks, out); } nlohmann::json::object_t* obj = jsonResponse.get_ptr<nlohmann::json::object_t*>(); if (obj == nullptr) { return; } findNavigationReferencesInObjectRecursive(eType, *obj, jsonPtr, depth, skipDepth, inLinks, out); } inline void findNavigationReferencesInArrayRecursive( ExpandType eType, nlohmann::json::array_t& array, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& jsonPtr, int depth, int skipDepth, bool inLinks, std::vector<ExpandNode>& out) { size_t index = 0; // For arrays, walk every element in the array for (auto& element : array) { nlohmann::json::json_pointer newPtr = jsonPtr / index; BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Traversing response at {}", newPtr.to_string()); findNavigationReferencesRecursive(eType, element, newPtr, depth, skipDepth, inLinks, out); index++; } } inline void findNavigationReferencesInObjectRecursive( ExpandType eType, nlohmann::json::object_t& obj, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& jsonPtr, int depth, int skipDepth, bool inLinks, std::vector<ExpandNode>& out) { // Navigation References only ever have a single element if (obj.size() == 1) { if (obj.begin()->first == "@odata.id") { const std::string* uri = obj.begin()->second.get_ptr<const std::string*>(); if (uri != nullptr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Found {} at {}", *uri, jsonPtr.to_string()); if (skipDepth == 0) { out.push_back({jsonPtr, *uri}); } return; } } } int newDepth = depth; auto odataId = obj.find("@odata.id"); if (odataId != obj.end()) { // The Redfish spec requires all resources to include the resource // identifier. If the object has multiple elements and one of them is // "@odata.id" then that means we have entered a new level / expanded // resource. We need to stop traversing if we're already at the desired // depth if (obj.size() > 1) { if (depth == 0) { return; } if (skipDepth > 0) { skipDepth--; } } if (skipDepth == 0) { newDepth--; } } // Loop the object and look for links for (auto& element : obj) { bool localInLinks = inLinks; if (!localInLinks) { // Check if this is a links node localInLinks = element.first == "Links"; } // Only traverse the parts of the tree the user asked for // Per section 7.3 of the redfish specification if (localInLinks && eType == ExpandType::NotLinks) { continue; } if (!localInLinks && eType == ExpandType::Links) { continue; } nlohmann::json::json_pointer newPtr = jsonPtr / element.first; BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Traversing response at {}", newPtr); findNavigationReferencesRecursive(eType, element.second, newPtr, newDepth, skipDepth, localInLinks, out); } } // TODO: When aggregation is enabled and we receive a partially expanded // response we may need need additional handling when the original URI was // up tree from a top level collection. // Isn't a concern until https://gerrit.openbmc.org/c/openbmc/bmcweb/+/60556 // lands. May want to avoid forwarding query params when request is uptree from // a top level collection. inline std::vector<ExpandNode> findNavigationReferences(ExpandType eType, int depth, int skipDepth, nlohmann::json& jsonResponse) { std::vector<ExpandNode> ret; const nlohmann::json::json_pointer root = nlohmann::json::json_pointer(""); // SkipDepth +1 since we are skipping the root by default. findNavigationReferencesRecursive(eType, jsonResponse, root, depth, skipDepth + 1, false, ret); return ret; } // Formats a query parameter string for the sub-query. // Returns std::nullopt on failures. // This function shall handle $select when it is added. // There is no need to handle parameters that's not compatible with $expand, // e.g., $only, since this function will only be called in side $expand handlers inline std::optional<std::string> formatQueryForExpand(const Query& query) { // query.expandLevel<=1: no need to do subqueries if (query.expandLevel <= 1) { return ""; } std::string str = "?$expand="; switch (query.expandType) { case ExpandType::Links: str += '~'; break; case ExpandType::NotLinks: str += '.'; break; case ExpandType::Both: str += '*'; break; case ExpandType::None: return ""; default: return std::nullopt; } str += "($levels="; str += std::to_string(query.expandLevel - 1); str += ')'; return str; } // Propagates the worst error code to the final response. // The order of error code is (from high to low) // 500 Internal Server Error // 511 Network Authentication Required // 510 Not Extended // 508 Loop Detected // 507 Insufficient Storage // 506 Variant Also Negotiates // 505 HTTP Version Not Supported // 504 Gateway Timeout // 503 Service Unavailable // 502 Bad Gateway // 501 Not Implemented // 401 Unauthorized // 451 - 409 Error codes (not listed explicitly) // 408 Request Timeout // 407 Proxy Authentication Required // 406 Not Acceptable // 405 Method Not Allowed // 404 Not Found // 403 Forbidden // 402 Payment Required // 400 Bad Request inline unsigned propogateErrorCode(unsigned finalCode, unsigned subResponseCode) { // We keep a explicit list for error codes that this project often uses // Higher priority codes are in lower indexes constexpr std::array<unsigned, 13> orderedCodes = { 500, 507, 503, 502, 501, 401, 412, 409, 406, 405, 404, 403, 400}; size_t finalCodeIndex = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); size_t subResponseCodeIndex = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < orderedCodes.size(); ++i) { if (orderedCodes[i] == finalCode) { finalCodeIndex = i; } if (orderedCodes[i] == subResponseCode) { subResponseCodeIndex = i; } } if (finalCodeIndex != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() && subResponseCodeIndex != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) { return finalCodeIndex <= subResponseCodeIndex ? finalCode : subResponseCode; } if (subResponseCode == 500 || finalCode == 500) { return 500; } if (subResponseCode > 500 || finalCode > 500) { return std::max(finalCode, subResponseCode); } if (subResponseCode == 401) { return subResponseCode; } return std::max(finalCode, subResponseCode); } // Propagates all error messages into |finalResponse| inline void propogateError(crow::Response& finalResponse, crow::Response& subResponse) { // no errors if (subResponse.resultInt() >= 200 && subResponse.resultInt() < 400) { return; } messages::moveErrorsToErrorJson(finalResponse.jsonValue, subResponse.jsonValue); finalResponse.result( propogateErrorCode(finalResponse.resultInt(), subResponse.resultInt())); } class MultiAsyncResp : public std::enable_shared_from_this<MultiAsyncResp> { public: // This object takes a single asyncResp object as the "final" one, then // allows callers to attach sub-responses within the json tree that need // to be executed and filled into their appropriate locations. This // class manages the final "merge" of the json resources. MultiAsyncResp(crow::App& appIn, std::shared_ptr<bmcweb::AsyncResp> finalResIn) : app(appIn), finalRes(std::move(finalResIn)) {} void addAwaitingResponse( const std::shared_ptr<bmcweb::AsyncResp>& res, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& finalExpandLocation) { res->res.setCompleteRequestHandler(std::bind_front( placeResultStatic, shared_from_this(), finalExpandLocation)); } void placeResult(const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& locationToPlace, crow::Response& res) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("placeResult for {}", locationToPlace); propogateError(finalRes->res, res); if (!res.jsonValue.is_object() || res.jsonValue.empty()) { return; } nlohmann::json& finalObj = finalRes->res.jsonValue[locationToPlace]; finalObj = std::move(res.jsonValue); } // Handles the very first level of Expand, and starts a chain of sub-queries // for deeper levels. void startQuery(const Query& query, const Query& delegated) { std::vector<ExpandNode> nodes = findNavigationReferences( query.expandType, query.expandLevel, delegated.expandLevel, finalRes->res.jsonValue); BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("{} nodes to traverse", nodes.size()); const std::optional<std::string> queryStr = formatQueryForExpand(query); if (!queryStr) { messages::internalError(finalRes->res); return; } for (const ExpandNode& node : nodes) { const std::string subQuery = node.uri + *queryStr; BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("URL of subquery: {}", subQuery); std::error_code ec; auto newReq = std::make_shared<crow::Request>( crow::Request::Body{boost::beast::http::verb::get, subQuery, 11}, ec); if (ec) { messages::internalError(finalRes->res); return; } auto asyncResp = std::make_shared<bmcweb::AsyncResp>(); BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("setting completion handler on {}", logPtr(&asyncResp->res)); addAwaitingResponse(asyncResp, node.location); app.handle(newReq, asyncResp); } } private: static void placeResultStatic(const std::shared_ptr<MultiAsyncResp>& multi, const nlohmann::json::json_pointer& locationToPlace, crow::Response& res) { multi->placeResult(locationToPlace, res); } crow::App& app; std::shared_ptr<bmcweb::AsyncResp> finalRes; }; inline void processTopAndSkip(const Query& query, crow::Response& res) { if (!query.skip && !query.top) { // No work to do. return; } nlohmann::json::object_t* obj = res.jsonValue.get_ptr<nlohmann::json::object_t*>(); if (obj == nullptr) { // Shouldn't be possible. All responses should be objects. messages::internalError(res); return; } BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Handling top/skip"); nlohmann::json::object_t::iterator members = obj->find("Members"); if (members == obj->end()) { // From the Redfish specification 7.3.1 // ... the HTTP 400 Bad Request status code with the // QueryNotSupportedOnResource message from the Base Message Registry // for any supported query parameters that apply only to resource // collections but are used on singular resources. messages::queryNotSupportedOnResource(res); return; } nlohmann::json::array_t* arr = members->second.get_ptr<nlohmann::json::array_t*>(); if (arr == nullptr) { messages::internalError(res); return; } if (query.skip) { // Per section 7.3.1 of the Redfish specification, $skip is run before // $top Can only skip as many values as we have size_t skip = std::min(arr->size(), *query.skip); arr->erase(arr->begin(), arr->begin() + static_cast<ssize_t>(skip)); } if (query.top) { size_t top = std::min(arr->size(), *query.top); arr->erase(arr->begin() + static_cast<ssize_t>(top), arr->end()); } } // Given a JSON subtree |currRoot|, this function erases leaves whose keys are // not in the |currNode| Trie node. inline void recursiveSelect(nlohmann::json& currRoot, const SelectTrieNode& currNode) { nlohmann::json::object_t* object = currRoot.get_ptr<nlohmann::json::object_t*>(); if (object != nullptr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Current JSON is an object"); auto it = currRoot.begin(); while (it != currRoot.end()) { auto nextIt = std::next(it); BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("key={}", it.key()); const SelectTrieNode* nextNode = currNode.find(it.key()); // Per the Redfish spec section 7.3.3, the service shall select // certain properties as if $select was omitted. This applies to // every TrieNode that contains leaves and the root. constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 5> reservedProperties = { "@odata.id", "@odata.type", "@odata.context", "@odata.etag", "error"}; bool reserved = std::ranges::find(reservedProperties, it.key()) != reservedProperties.end(); if (reserved || (nextNode != nullptr && nextNode->isSelected())) { it = nextIt; continue; } if (nextNode != nullptr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Recursively select: {}", it.key()); recursiveSelect(*it, *nextNode); it = nextIt; continue; } BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("{} is getting removed!", it.key()); it = currRoot.erase(it); } } nlohmann::json::array_t* array = currRoot.get_ptr<nlohmann::json::array_t*>(); if (array != nullptr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Current JSON is an array"); // Array index is omitted, so reuse the same Trie node for (nlohmann::json& nextRoot : *array) { recursiveSelect(nextRoot, currNode); } } } // The current implementation of $select still has the following TODOs due to // ambiguity and/or complexity. // 1. combined with $expand; https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish/issues/5058 was // created for clarification. // 2. respect the full odata spec; e.g., deduplication, namespace, star (*), // etc. inline void processSelect(crow::Response& intermediateResponse, const SelectTrieNode& trieRoot) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Process $select quary parameter"); recursiveSelect(intermediateResponse.jsonValue, trieRoot); } inline void processAllParams(crow::App& app, const Query& query, const Query& delegated, std::function<void(crow::Response&)>& completionHandler, crow::Response& intermediateResponse) { if (!completionHandler) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Function was invalid?"); return; } BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Processing query params"); // If the request failed, there's no reason to even try to run query // params. if (intermediateResponse.resultInt() < 200 || intermediateResponse.resultInt() >= 400) { completionHandler(intermediateResponse); return; } if (query.isOnly) { processOnly(app, intermediateResponse, completionHandler); return; } if (query.top || query.skip) { processTopAndSkip(query, intermediateResponse); } if (query.expandType != ExpandType::None) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Executing expand query"); auto asyncResp = std::make_shared<bmcweb::AsyncResp>( std::move(intermediateResponse)); asyncResp->res.setCompleteRequestHandler(std::move(completionHandler)); auto multi = std::make_shared<MultiAsyncResp>(app, asyncResp); multi->startQuery(query, delegated); return; } if (query.filter) { applyFilterToCollection(intermediateResponse.jsonValue, *query.filter); } // According to Redfish Spec Section 7.3.1, $select is the last parameter to // to process if (!query.selectTrie.root.empty()) { processSelect(intermediateResponse, query.selectTrie.root); } completionHandler(intermediateResponse); } } // namespace query_param } // namespace redfish