// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright OpenBMC Authors
#pragma once
 *                 READ THIS WARNING FIRST
 * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions
 * for Redfish DMTF defined messages.
 * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the
 * parse_registries.py script.  The definitions contained within
 * this file are owned by DMTF.  Any modifications to these files
 * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF
 * github organization.
#include "registries.hpp"

#include <array>

// clang-format off

namespace redfish::registries::telemetry
const Header header = {
    "Copyright 2023 DMTF. All rights reserved.",
    "Telemetry Message Registry",
    "This registry defines the messages for telemetry related events.",
constexpr const char* url =

constexpr std::array registry =
            "Indicates that a discrete trigger condition is met.",
            "Metric '%1' has the value '%2', which meets the discrete condition of trigger '%3'",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is no longer below the lower critical trigger threshold, but is still outside of normal operating range.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is now above the %3 lower critical threshold of trigger '%4' but remains outside of normal range",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is above the upper critical trigger threshold.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is above the %3 upper critical threshold of trigger '%4'",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is above the upper warning trigger threshold.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is above the %3 upper warning threshold of trigger '%4'",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is below the lower critical trigger threshold.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is below the %3 lower critical threshold of trigger '%4'",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is below the lower warning trigger threshold.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is below the %3 lower warning threshold of trigger '%4'",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is no longer above the upper critical trigger threshold, but is still outside of normal operating range.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is now below the %3 upper critical threshold of trigger '%4' but remains outside of normal range",
            "Check the condition of the metric that reported the trigger.",
            "Indicates that a numeric metric reading is now within normal operating range.",
            "Metric '%1' value of %2 is within normal operating range of trigger '%3'",


enum class Index
    triggerDiscreteConditionMet = 0,
    triggerNumericAboveLowerCritical = 1,
    triggerNumericAboveUpperCritical = 2,
    triggerNumericAboveUpperWarning = 3,
    triggerNumericBelowLowerCritical = 4,
    triggerNumericBelowLowerWarning = 5,
    triggerNumericBelowUpperCritical = 6,
    triggerNumericReadingNormal = 7,
} // namespace redfish::registries::telemetry