#pragma once /**************************************************************** * READ THIS WARNING FIRST * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions * for Redfish DMTF defined messages. * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the * parse_registries.py script. The definitions contained within * this file are owned by DMTF. Any modifications to these files * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF * github organization. ***************************************************************/ #include "registries.hpp" #include // clang-format off namespace redfish::registries::environmental { const Header header = { "Copyright 2023 DMTF. All rights reserved.", "#MessageRegistry.v1_6_2.MessageRegistry", "Environmental.1.0.1", "Environmental Message Registry", "en", "This registry defines messages related to environmental sensors, heating and cooling equipment, or other environmental conditions.", "Environmental", "1.0.1", "DMTF", }; constexpr const char* url = "https://redfish.dmtf.org/registries/Environmental.1.0.1.json"; constexpr std::array registry = { MessageEntry{ "FanFailed", { "Indicates that a fan has failed.", "Fan '%1' has failed.", "Warning", 1, { "string", }, "Check the fan hardware and replace any faulty component.", }}, MessageEntry{ "FanGroupCritical", { "Indicates that a fan group has a critical status.", "Fan group '%1' is in a critical state.", "Critical", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "FanGroupNormal", { "Indicates that a fan group has returned to normal operations.", "Fan group '%1' is operating normally.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "FanGroupWarning", { "Indicates that a fan group has a warning status.", "Fan group '%1' is in a warning state.", "Warning", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "FanInserted", { "Indicates that a fan was inserted or installed.", "Fan '%1' was inserted.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "FanRemoved", { "Indicates that a fan was removed.", "Fan '%1' was removed.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "FanRestored", { "Indicates that a fan was repaired or restored to normal operation.", "Fan '%1' was restored.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityAboveLowerCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is no longer below the lower critical threshold but is still outside of normal operating range.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is now above the %3 lower critical threshold but remains outside of normal range.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityAboveUpperCautionThreshold", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is above the upper caution threshold.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is above the %3 upper caution threshold.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityAboveUpperCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is above the upper critical threshold.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is above the %3 upper critical threshold.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityBelowLowerCautionThreshold", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is below the lower caution threshold.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is below the %3 lower caution threshold.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityBelowLowerCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is below the lower critical threshold.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is below the %3 lower critical threshold.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityBelowUpperCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is no longer above the upper critical threshold but is still outside of normal operating range.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is now below the %3 upper critical threshold but remains outside of normal range.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "HumidityNormal", { "Indicates that a humidity reading is now within normal operating range.", "Humidity '%1' reading of %2 percent is within normal operating range.", "OK", 2, { "string", "number", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureAboveLowerCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is no longer below the lower critical threshold but is still outside of normal operating range.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is now above the %3 lower critical threshold but remains outside of normal range.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureAboveLowerFatalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is no longer below the lower fatal threshold but is still outside of normal operating range.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is now above the %3 lower fatal threshold but remains outside of normal range.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureAboveUpperCautionThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is above the upper caution threshold.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is above the %3 upper caution threshold.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureAboveUpperCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is above the upper critical threshold.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is above the %3 upper critical threshold.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureAboveUpperFatalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is above the upper fatal threshold.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is above the %3 upper fatal threshold.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureBelowLowerCautionThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is below the lower caution threshold.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is below the %3 lower caution threshold.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureBelowLowerCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is below the lower critical threshold.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is below the %3 lower critical threshold.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureBelowLowerFatalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is below the lower fatal threshold.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is below the %3 lower fatal threshold.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureBelowUpperCriticalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is no longer above the upper critical threshold but is still outside of normal operating range.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is now below the %3 upper critical threshold but remains outside of normal range.", "Warning", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureBelowUpperFatalThreshold", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is no longer above the upper fatal threshold but is still outside of normal operating range.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is now below the %3 upper fatal threshold but remains outside of normal range.", "Critical", 3, { "string", "number", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureCritical", { "Indicates that a temperature reading exceeds an internal critical level.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) exceeds the critical level.", "Critical", 2, { "string", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureNoLongerCritical", { "Indicates that a temperature reading no longer exceeds an internal critical level but still exceeds an internal warning level.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) no longer exceeds the critical level.", "Warning", 2, { "string", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureNormal", { "Indicates that a temperature reading is now within normal operating range.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) is within normal operating range.", "OK", 2, { "string", "number", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "TemperatureWarning", { "Indicates that a temperature reading exceeds an internal warning level.", "Temperature '%1' reading of %2 degrees (C) exceeds the warning level.", "Warning", 2, { "string", "number", }, "Check the condition of the resource listed in OriginOfCondition.", }}, }; enum class Index { fanFailed = 0, fanGroupCritical = 1, fanGroupNormal = 2, fanGroupWarning = 3, fanInserted = 4, fanRemoved = 5, fanRestored = 6, humidityAboveLowerCriticalThreshold = 7, humidityAboveUpperCautionThreshold = 8, humidityAboveUpperCriticalThreshold = 9, humidityBelowLowerCautionThreshold = 10, humidityBelowLowerCriticalThreshold = 11, humidityBelowUpperCriticalThreshold = 12, humidityNormal = 13, temperatureAboveLowerCriticalThreshold = 14, temperatureAboveLowerFatalThreshold = 15, temperatureAboveUpperCautionThreshold = 16, temperatureAboveUpperCriticalThreshold = 17, temperatureAboveUpperFatalThreshold = 18, temperatureBelowLowerCautionThreshold = 19, temperatureBelowLowerCriticalThreshold = 20, temperatureBelowLowerFatalThreshold = 21, temperatureBelowUpperCriticalThreshold = 22, temperatureBelowUpperFatalThreshold = 23, temperatureCritical = 24, temperatureNoLongerCritical = 25, temperatureNormal = 26, temperatureWarning = 27, }; } // namespace redfish::registries::environmental