#pragma once /**************************************************************** * READ THIS WARNING FIRST * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions * for Redfish DMTF defined messages. * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the * parse_registries.py script. The definitions contained within * this file are owned by DMTF. Any modifications to these files * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF * github organization. ***************************************************************/ #include "registries.hpp" #include // clang-format off namespace redfish::registries::composition { const Header header = { "Copyright 2019-2023 DMTF. All rights reserved.", "#MessageRegistry.v1_6_2.MessageRegistry", "Composition.1.1.2", "Composition Message Registry", "en", "This registry defines the messages for composition related events.", "Composition", "1.1.2", "DMTF", }; constexpr const char* url = "https://redfish.dmtf.org/registries/Composition.1.1.2.json"; constexpr std::array registry = { MessageEntry{ "ConstrainedResourceAlreadyReserved", { "Indicates that the requested resources are already reserved in response to a constrained composition request.", "The requested resources are reserved under reservation '%1'.", "Critical", 1, { "string", }, "Delete the reservation containing the resources and resubmit the request.", }}, MessageEntry{ "EmptyManifest", { "Indicates that the manifest contains no stanzas or that a stanza in the manifest contains no request.", "The provided manifest is empty or a stanza in the manifest contains no request.", "Warning", 0, {}, "Provide a request content for the manifest and resubmit.", }}, MessageEntry{ "IncompatibleZone", { "Indicates that not all referenced resource blocks are in the same resource zone.", "The requested resource blocks span multiple resource zones.", "Critical", 0, {}, "Request resource blocks from the same resource zone.", }}, MessageEntry{ "NoResourceMatch", { "Indicates that the service could not find a matching resource based on the given parameters.", "The requested resources of type '%1' are not available for allocation.", "Critical", 1, { "string", }, "Change parameters associated with the resource, such as quantity or performance, and resubmit the request.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceBlockChanged", { "Indicates that a resource block has changed. This is not used whenever there is another event message for that specific change, such as when only the state has changed.", "Resource block '%1' has changed on the service.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceBlockCompositionStateChanged", { "Indicates that the composition state of a resource block has changed, specifically the value of the `CompositionState` property within `CompositionStatus`.", "The composition status of the resource block '%1' has changed.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceBlockInUse", { "Indicates that the composition request contains a resource block that is unable to participate in more compositions.", "Resource block '%1' cannot be part of any new compositions.", "Warning", 1, { "string", }, "Remove the resource block from the request and resubmit the request.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceBlockInvalid", { "Indicates that the `Id` of a referenced resource block is no longer valid.", "Resource block '%1' is not valid.", "Critical", 1, { "string", }, "Remove the resource block and resubmit the request.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceBlockNotFound", { "Indicates that the referenced resource block was not found.", "Resource block '%1' was not found.", "Critical", 1, { "string", }, "Remove the resource block and resubmit the request.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceBlockStateChanged", { "Indicates that the state of a resource block has changed, specifically the value of the `State` property within `Status`.", "The state of resource block '%1' has changed.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "ResourceZoneMembershipChanged", { "Indicates that the membership of a resource zone has changed due to resource blocks being added or removed from the resource zone.", "The membership of resource zone '%1' has been changed.", "OK", 1, { "string", }, "None.", }}, MessageEntry{ "SpecifiedResourceAlreadyReserved", { "Indicates that a resource block is already reserved in response to a specific composition request.", "Resource block '%1' is already reserved under reservation '%2'.", "Critical", 2, { "string", "string", }, "Delete the reservation containing the resource block or select a different resource block and resubmit the request.", }}, MessageEntry{ "UnableToProcessStanzaRequest", { "Indicates that the manifest provided for the `Compose` action contains a stanza with `Content` that could not be processed.", "The provided manifest for the Compose action of type %1 contains a stanza with Id of value '%2' with a Content parameter that could not be processed.", "Critical", 2, { "string", "string", }, "Add the Content parameter to the stanza or remove the stanza, and resubmit the request.", }}, }; enum class Index { constrainedResourceAlreadyReserved = 0, emptyManifest = 1, incompatibleZone = 2, noResourceMatch = 3, resourceBlockChanged = 4, resourceBlockCompositionStateChanged = 5, resourceBlockInUse = 6, resourceBlockInvalid = 7, resourceBlockNotFound = 8, resourceBlockStateChanged = 9, resourceZoneMembershipChanged = 10, specifiedResourceAlreadyReserved = 11, unableToProcessStanzaRequest = 12, }; } // namespace redfish::registries::composition