/* // Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "node.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace redfish { using ReadingsObjType = std::vector>; using EventServiceConfig = std::tuple; static constexpr const char* eventFormatType = "Event"; static constexpr const char* metricReportFormatType = "MetricReport"; static constexpr const char* eventServiceFile = "/var/lib/bmcweb/eventservice_config.json"; class Subscription { public: std::string id; std::string destinationUrl; std::string protocol; std::string retryPolicy; std::string customText; std::string eventFormatType; std::string subscriptionType; std::vector registryMsgIds; std::vector registryPrefixes; std::vector httpHeaders; // key-value pair std::vector metricReportDefinitions; Subscription(const Subscription&) = delete; Subscription& operator=(const Subscription&) = delete; Subscription(Subscription&&) = delete; Subscription& operator=(Subscription&&) = delete; Subscription(const std::string& inHost, const std::string& inPort, const std::string& inPath, const std::string& inUriProto) : eventSeqNum(1), host(inHost), port(inPort), path(inPath), uriProto(inUriProto) { conn = std::make_shared( crow::connections::systemBus->get_io_context(), host, port, path); } ~Subscription() {} void sendEvent(const std::string& msg) { std::vector> reqHeaders; for (const auto& header : httpHeaders) { for (const auto& item : header.items()) { std::string key = item.key(); std::string val = item.value(); reqHeaders.emplace_back(std::pair(key, val)); } } conn->setHeaders(reqHeaders); conn->sendData(msg); } void sendTestEventLog() { nlohmann::json logEntryArray; logEntryArray.push_back({}); nlohmann::json& logEntryJson = logEntryArray.back(); logEntryJson = {{"EventId", "TestID"}, {"EventType", "Event"}, {"Severity", "OK"}, {"Message", "Generated test event"}, {"MessageId", "OpenBMC.0.1.TestEventLog"}, {"MessageArgs", nlohmann::json::array()}, {"EventTimestamp", crow::utility::dateTimeNow()}, {"Context", customText}}; nlohmann::json msg = {{"@odata.type", "#Event.v1_4_0.Event"}, {"Id", std::to_string(eventSeqNum)}, {"Name", "Event Log"}, {"Events", logEntryArray}}; this->sendEvent(msg.dump()); this->eventSeqNum++; } void filterAndSendReports(const std::string& id, const std::string& readingsTs, const ReadingsObjType& readings) { std::string metricReportDef = "/redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReportDefinitions/" + id; // Empty list means no filter. Send everything. if (metricReportDefinitions.size()) { if (std::find(metricReportDefinitions.begin(), metricReportDefinitions.end(), metricReportDef) == metricReportDefinitions.end()) { return; } } nlohmann::json metricValuesArray = nlohmann::json::array(); for (const auto& it : readings) { metricValuesArray.push_back({}); nlohmann::json& entry = metricValuesArray.back(); entry = {{"MetricId", std::get<0>(it)}, {"MetricProperty", std::get<1>(it)}, {"MetricValue", std::to_string(std::get<2>(it))}, {"Timestamp", std::get<3>(it)}}; } nlohmann::json msg = { {"@odata.id", "/redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports/" + id}, {"@odata.type", "#MetricReport.v1_3_0.MetricReport"}, {"Id", id}, {"Name", id}, {"Timestamp", readingsTs}, {"MetricReportDefinition", {{"@odata.id", metricReportDef}}}, {"MetricValues", metricValuesArray}}; this->sendEvent(msg.dump()); } private: uint64_t eventSeqNum; std::string host; std::string port; std::string path; std::string uriProto; std::shared_ptr conn; }; static constexpr const bool defaultEnabledState = true; static constexpr const uint32_t defaultRetryAttempts = 3; static constexpr const uint32_t defaultRetryInterval = 30; static constexpr const char* defaulEventFormatType = "Event"; static constexpr const char* defaulSubscriptionType = "RedfishEvent"; static constexpr const char* defaulRetryPolicy = "TerminateAfterRetries"; class EventServiceManager { private: bool serviceEnabled; uint32_t retryAttempts; uint32_t retryTimeoutInterval; EventServiceManager(const EventServiceManager&) = delete; EventServiceManager& operator=(const EventServiceManager&) = delete; EventServiceManager(EventServiceManager&&) = delete; EventServiceManager& operator=(EventServiceManager&&) = delete; EventServiceManager() : noOfEventLogSubscribers(0), noOfMetricReportSubscribers(0) { // Load config from persist store. initConfig(); } size_t noOfEventLogSubscribers; size_t noOfMetricReportSubscribers; std::shared_ptr matchTelemetryMonitor; boost::container::flat_map> subscriptionsMap; public: static EventServiceManager& getInstance() { static EventServiceManager handler; return handler; } void loadDefaultConfig() { serviceEnabled = defaultEnabledState; retryAttempts = defaultRetryAttempts; retryTimeoutInterval = defaultRetryInterval; } void initConfig() { std::ifstream eventConfigFile(eventServiceFile); if (!eventConfigFile.good()) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "EventService config not exist"; loadDefaultConfig(); return; } auto jsonData = nlohmann::json::parse(eventConfigFile, nullptr, false); if (jsonData.is_discarded()) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "EventService config parse error."; loadDefaultConfig(); return; } nlohmann::json jsonConfig; if (json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonData, "Configuration", jsonConfig)) { if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonConfig, "ServiceEnabled", serviceEnabled)) { serviceEnabled = defaultEnabledState; } if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject( jsonConfig, "DeliveryRetryAttempts", retryAttempts)) { retryAttempts = defaultRetryAttempts; } if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject( jsonConfig, "DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds", retryTimeoutInterval)) { retryTimeoutInterval = defaultRetryInterval; } } else { loadDefaultConfig(); } nlohmann::json subscriptionsList; if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonData, "Subscriptions", subscriptionsList)) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "EventService: Subscriptions not exist."; return; } for (nlohmann::json& jsonObj : subscriptionsList) { std::string protocol; if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "Protocol", protocol)) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Invalid subscription Protocol exist."; continue; } std::string destination; if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "Destination", destination)) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Invalid subscription destination exist."; continue; } std::string host; std::string urlProto; std::string port; std::string path; bool status = validateAndSplitUrl(destination, urlProto, host, port, path); if (!status) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Failed to validate and split destination url"; continue; } std::shared_ptr subValue = std::make_shared(host, port, path, urlProto); subValue->destinationUrl = destination; subValue->protocol = protocol; if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject( jsonObj, "DeliveryRetryPolicy", subValue->retryPolicy)) { subValue->retryPolicy = defaulRetryPolicy; } if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "EventFormatType", subValue->eventFormatType)) { subValue->eventFormatType = defaulEventFormatType; } if (!json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "SubscriptionType", subValue->subscriptionType)) { subValue->subscriptionType = defaulSubscriptionType; } json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "Context", subValue->customText); json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "MessageIds", subValue->registryMsgIds); json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "RegistryPrefixes", subValue->registryPrefixes); json_util::getValueFromJsonObject(jsonObj, "HttpHeaders", subValue->httpHeaders); json_util::getValueFromJsonObject( jsonObj, "MetricReportDefinitions", subValue->metricReportDefinitions); std::string id = addSubscription(subValue, false); if (id.empty()) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Failed to add subscription"; } } return; } void updateSubscriptionData() { // Persist the config and subscription data. nlohmann::json jsonData; nlohmann::json& configObj = jsonData["Configuration"]; configObj["ServiceEnabled"] = serviceEnabled; configObj["DeliveryRetryAttempts"] = retryAttempts; configObj["DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds"] = retryTimeoutInterval; nlohmann::json& subListArray = jsonData["Subscriptions"]; subListArray = nlohmann::json::array(); for (const auto& it : subscriptionsMap) { nlohmann::json entry; std::shared_ptr subValue = it.second; entry["Context"] = subValue->customText; entry["DeliveryRetryPolicy"] = subValue->retryPolicy; entry["Destination"] = subValue->destinationUrl; entry["EventFormatType"] = subValue->eventFormatType; entry["HttpHeaders"] = subValue->httpHeaders; entry["MessageIds"] = subValue->registryMsgIds; entry["Protocol"] = subValue->protocol; entry["RegistryPrefixes"] = subValue->registryPrefixes; entry["SubscriptionType"] = subValue->subscriptionType; entry["MetricReportDefinitions"] = subValue->metricReportDefinitions; subListArray.push_back(entry); } const std::string tmpFile(std::string(eventServiceFile) + "_tmp"); std::ofstream ofs(tmpFile, std::ios::out); const auto& writeData = jsonData.dump(); ofs << writeData; ofs.close(); BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "EventService config updated to file."; if (std::rename(tmpFile.c_str(), eventServiceFile) != 0) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Error in renaming temporary file: " << tmpFile.c_str(); } } EventServiceConfig getEventServiceConfig() { return {serviceEnabled, retryAttempts, retryTimeoutInterval}; } void setEventServiceConfig(const EventServiceConfig& cfg) { bool updateConfig = false; if (serviceEnabled != std::get<0>(cfg)) { serviceEnabled = std::get<0>(cfg); if (serviceEnabled && noOfMetricReportSubscribers) { registerMetricReportSignal(); } else { unregisterMetricReportSignal(); } updateConfig = true; } if (retryAttempts != std::get<1>(cfg)) { retryAttempts = std::get<1>(cfg); updateConfig = true; } if (retryTimeoutInterval != std::get<2>(cfg)) { retryTimeoutInterval = std::get<2>(cfg); updateConfig = true; } if (updateConfig) { updateSubscriptionData(); } } void updateNoOfSubscribersCount() { size_t eventLogSubCount = 0; size_t metricReportSubCount = 0; for (const auto& it : subscriptionsMap) { std::shared_ptr entry = it.second; if (entry->eventFormatType == eventFormatType) { eventLogSubCount++; } else if (entry->eventFormatType == metricReportFormatType) { metricReportSubCount++; } } noOfEventLogSubscribers = eventLogSubCount; if (noOfMetricReportSubscribers != metricReportSubCount) { noOfMetricReportSubscribers = metricReportSubCount; if (noOfMetricReportSubscribers) { registerMetricReportSignal(); } else { unregisterMetricReportSignal(); } } } std::shared_ptr getSubscription(const std::string& id) { auto obj = subscriptionsMap.find(id); if (obj == subscriptionsMap.end()) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "No subscription exist with ID:" << id; return nullptr; } std::shared_ptr subValue = obj->second; return subValue; } std::string addSubscription(const std::shared_ptr subValue, const bool updateFile = true) { std::srand(static_cast(std::time(0))); std::string id; int retry = 3; while (retry) { id = std::to_string(std::rand()); auto inserted = subscriptionsMap.insert(std::pair(id, subValue)); if (inserted.second) { break; } --retry; }; if (retry <= 0) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Failed to generate random number"; return std::string(""); } updateNoOfSubscribersCount(); if (updateFile) { updateSubscriptionData(); } return id; } bool isSubscriptionExist(const std::string& id) { auto obj = subscriptionsMap.find(id); if (obj == subscriptionsMap.end()) { return false; } return true; } void deleteSubscription(const std::string& id) { auto obj = subscriptionsMap.find(id); if (obj != subscriptionsMap.end()) { subscriptionsMap.erase(obj); updateNoOfSubscribersCount(); updateSubscriptionData(); } } size_t getNumberOfSubscriptions() { return subscriptionsMap.size(); } std::vector getAllIDs() { std::vector idList; for (const auto& it : subscriptionsMap) { idList.emplace_back(it.first); } return idList; } bool isDestinationExist(const std::string& destUrl) { for (const auto& it : subscriptionsMap) { std::shared_ptr entry = it.second; if (entry->destinationUrl == destUrl) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "Destination exist already" << destUrl; return true; } } return false; } void sendTestEventLog() { for (const auto& it : this->subscriptionsMap) { std::shared_ptr entry = it.second; entry->sendTestEventLog(); } } void getMetricReading(const std::string& service, const std::string& objPath, const std::string& intf) { std::size_t found = objPath.find_last_of("/"); if (found == std::string::npos) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Invalid objPath received"; return; } std::string idStr = objPath.substr(found + 1); if (idStr.empty()) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Invalid ID in objPath"; return; } crow::connections::systemBus->async_method_call( [idStr{std::move(idStr)}]( const boost::system::error_code ec, boost::container::flat_map< std::string, std::variant>& resp) { if (ec) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "D-Bus call failed to GetAll metric readings."; return; } const std::string* timestampPtr = std::get_if(&resp["Timestamp"]); if (!timestampPtr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Failed to Get timestamp."; return; } ReadingsObjType* readingsPtr = std::get_if(&resp["Readings"]); if (!readingsPtr) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Failed to Get Readings property."; return; } if (!readingsPtr->size()) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "No metrics report to be transferred"; return; } for (const auto& it : EventServiceManager::getInstance().subscriptionsMap) { std::shared_ptr entry = it.second; if (entry->eventFormatType == metricReportFormatType) { entry->filterAndSendReports(idStr, *timestampPtr, *readingsPtr); } } }, service, objPath, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "GetAll", intf); } void unregisterMetricReportSignal() { if (matchTelemetryMonitor) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Metrics report signal - Unregister"; matchTelemetryMonitor.reset(); matchTelemetryMonitor = nullptr; } } void registerMetricReportSignal() { if (!serviceEnabled || matchTelemetryMonitor) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Not registering metric report signal."; return; } BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG << "Metrics report signal - Register"; std::string matchStr( "type='signal',member='ReportUpdate', " "interface='xyz.openbmc_project.MonitoringService.Report'"); matchTelemetryMonitor = std::make_shared( *crow::connections::systemBus, matchStr, [this](sdbusplus::message::message& msg) { if (msg.is_method_error()) { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR << "TelemetryMonitor Signal error"; return; } std::string service = msg.get_sender(); std::string objPath = msg.get_path(); std::string intf = msg.get_interface(); getMetricReading(service, objPath, intf); }); } bool validateAndSplitUrl(const std::string& destUrl, std::string& urlProto, std::string& host, std::string& port, std::string& path) { // Validate URL using regex expression // Format: ://:/ // protocol: http/https const std::regex urlRegex( "(http|https)://([^/\\x20\\x3f\\x23\\x3a]+):?([0-9]*)(/" "([^\\x20\\x23\\x3f]*\\x3f?([^\\x20\\x23\\x3f])*)?)"); std::cmatch match; if (!std::regex_match(destUrl.c_str(), match, urlRegex)) { BMCWEB_LOG_INFO << "Dest. url did not match "; return false; } urlProto = std::string(match[1].first, match[1].second); if (urlProto == "http") { #ifndef BMCWEB_INSECURE_ENABLE_HTTP_PUSH_STYLE_EVENTING return false; #endif } host = std::string(match[2].first, match[2].second); port = std::string(match[3].first, match[3].second); path = std::string(match[4].first, match[4].second); if (port.empty()) { if (urlProto == "http") { port = "80"; } else { port = "443"; } } if (path.empty()) { path = "/"; } return true; } }; } // namespace redfish