#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // IWYU pragma: no_include namespace http_helpers { enum class ContentType { NoMatch, ANY, // Accepts: */* CBOR, HTML, JSON, OctetStream, EventStream, }; struct ContentTypePair { std::string_view contentTypeString; ContentType contentTypeEnum; }; constexpr std::array contentTypes{{ {"application/cbor", ContentType::CBOR}, {"application/json", ContentType::JSON}, {"application/octet-stream", ContentType::OctetStream}, {"text/html", ContentType::HTML}, {"text/event-stream", ContentType::EventStream}, }}; inline ContentType getPreferedContentType(std::string_view header, std::span preferedOrder) { size_t lastIndex = 0; while (lastIndex < header.size() + 1) { size_t index = header.find(',', lastIndex); if (index == std::string_view::npos) { index = header.size(); } std::string_view encoding = header.substr(lastIndex, index); if (!header.empty()) { header.remove_prefix(1); } lastIndex = index + 1; // ignore any q-factor weighting (;q=) std::size_t separator = encoding.find(";q="); if (separator != std::string_view::npos) { encoding = encoding.substr(0, separator); } // If the client allows any encoding, given them the first one on the // servers list if (encoding == "*/*") { return ContentType::ANY; } const auto* knownContentType = std::find_if(contentTypes.begin(), contentTypes.end(), [encoding](const ContentTypePair& pair) { return pair.contentTypeString == encoding; }); if (knownContentType == contentTypes.end()) { // not able to find content type in list continue; } // Not one of the types requested if (std::find(preferedOrder.begin(), preferedOrder.end(), knownContentType->contentTypeEnum) == preferedOrder.end()) { continue; } return knownContentType->contentTypeEnum; } return ContentType::NoMatch; } inline bool isContentTypeAllowed(std::string_view header, ContentType type, bool allowWildcard) { auto types = std::to_array({type}); ContentType allowed = getPreferedContentType(header, types); if (allowed == ContentType::ANY) { return allowWildcard; } return type == allowed; } } // namespace http_helpers