# Redfish bmcweb provides an implementation of the [Redfish][1] API. This document details the Redfish schemas supported by bmcweb. This document also discusses some of the details of that implementation and different implementations available for certain areas. ## Redfish Schema The redfish implementation shall pass the [Redfish Service Validator](https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-Service-Validator "Validator") with no warnings or errors The following redfish schemas and fields are targeted for OpenBMC. This is a living document, and these schemas are subject to change. The latest Redfish schemas can be found [here](https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/) If using a previously unused schema, you will need to add it to the included schema list in `scripts/update_schemas.py` and run `update_schemas.py`. Fields common to all schemas - @odata.id - @odata.type - Id - Name ### /redfish/v1/ #### ServiceRoot - AccountService - AggregationService - CertificateService - Chassis - EventService - JsonSchemas - Links/ManagerProvidingService - Links/Sessions - Managers - RedfishVersion - Registries - SessionService - Systems - Tasks - TelemetryService - UUID - UpdateService ### /redfish/v1/AccountService/ #### AccountService - AccountLockoutDuration - AccountLockoutThreshold - Accounts - Description - LDAP - MaxPasswordLength - MinPasswordLength - Oem/OpenBMC/AuthMethods/BasicAuth - Oem/OpenBMC/AuthMethods/Cookie - Oem/OpenBMC/AuthMethods/SessionToken - Oem/OpenBMC/AuthMethods/TLS - Oem/OpenBMC/AuthMethods/XToken - Roles - ServiceEnabled ### /redfish/v1/AggregationService/ #### AggregationService - AggregationSources - Description - ServiceEnabled ### /redfish/v1/AggregationService/AggregationSources #### AggregationSourceCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ #### ManagerAccountCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/{ManagerAccountId}/ #### ManagerAccount - AccountTypes - Description - Enabled - Links/Role - Locked - Locked@Redfish.AllowableValues - Password - PasswordChangeRequired - RoleId - UserName ### /redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates/ #### CertificateCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/ #### RoleCollection - Description - Members - By default will contain 3 roles, "Administrator", "Operator", and "ReadOnly" - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/{RoleId}/ #### Role - AssignedPrivileges - For the default roles, the following privileges will be assigned by default - Administrator: Login, ConfigureManager, ConfigureUsers, ConfigureSelf, ConfigureComponents - Operator: Login, ConfigureComponents, ConfigureSelf - ReadOnly: Login, ConfigureSelf - Description - IsPredefined - Will be set to true for all default roles. If the given role is non-default, or has been modified from default, will be marked as false. - OemPrivileges - RoleId ### /redfish/v1/Cables/ #### CableCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Cables/{CableId}/ #### Cable - CableType - LengthMeters ### /redfish/v1/CertificateService/ #### CertificateService - Actions - CertificateLocations - Description ### /redfish/v1/CertificateService/CertificateLocations/ #### CertificateLocations - Description - Links/Certificates - Links/Certificates@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/ #### ChassisCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/ #### Chassis - Actions - ChassisType - Links/ComputerSystems - Links/ManagedBy - PCIeDevices - Power - Shall be included if component contains voltage/current sensing components, otherwise will be omitted. - PowerState - Sensors - Status - Thermal - Shall be included if component contains temperature sensors, otherwise shall be omitted. ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Drive/ #### Drive - Members (This is dependent on a entity manager association from Chassis to Drives, The name of the association is `chassis<->drive`) ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Drive/{DriveId}/ #### Drive - Drives - Drives@odata.count - Status (this is dependant on a entity manager association from Chassis to Drives) ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/EnvironmentMetrics/ #### EnvironmentMetrics ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Power/ #### Power - PowerControl - PowerSupplies - Redundancy - Voltages ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Sensors/ #### SensorCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Sensors/{Id}/ #### Sensor - Reading - ReadingRangeMax - ReadingRangeMin - ReadingType - ReadingUnits - Status - Thresholds ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Thermal/ #### Thermal - Fans - Redundancy - Temperatures ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Thermal#/Temperatures/{SensorName}/ #### Temperature - MemberId - Status - ReadingCelsius - UpperThresholdNonCritical - UpperThresholdCritical - LowerThresholdNonCritical - LowerThresholdCritical - MinReadingRange - MaxReadingRange _threshold fields only present if defined for sensor, otherwise absent_ ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Thermal#/Fans/{FanName}/ #### Fan - MemberId - Status - Reading - ReadingUnits - UpperThresholdNonCritical - UpperThresholdCritical - LowerThresholdNonCritical - LowerThresholdCritical - MinReadingRange - MaxReadingRange - Redundancy _threshold fields only present if defined for sensor, otherwise absent_ ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Thermal#/Redundancy/{RedundancyName}/ #### Redundancy - MemberId - RedundancySet - Mode - Status - MinNumNeeded - MaxNumSupported ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/ThermalSubsystem #### ThermalSubsystem - Status ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Power#/PowerControl/{ControlName}/ #### PowerControl - MemberId - PowerConsumedWatts - PowerMetrics/IntervalInMin - PowerMetrics/MinConsumedWatts - PowerMetrics/MaxConsumedWatts - PowerMetrics/AverageConsumedWatts - RelatedItem - Should list systems and related chassis ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Power#/Voltages/{VoltageName}/ #### Voltage - MemberId - Status - ReadingVolts - UpperThresholdNonCritical - UpperThresholdCritical - LowerThresholdNonCritical - LowerThresholdCritical - MinReadingRange - MaxReadingRange - PhysicalContext - RelatedItem ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Power#/PowerSupplies/{PSUName}/ #### PowerSupply - MemberId - Status - LininputVoltage - Model - manufacturer - FirmwareVersion - SerialNumber - PartNumber - RelatedItem - Redundancy ### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Power#/Redundancy/{RedundancyName}/ #### Redundancy - MemberId - RedundancySet - Mode - Status - MinNumNeeded - MaxNumSupported ### /redfish/v1/EventService/ #### EventService - Actions - DeliveryRetryAttempts - Defaults to 3 - DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds - EventFormatTypes - RegistryPrefixes - ResourceTypes - SSEFilterPropertiesSupported - ServiceEnabled - Status - Subscriptions ### /redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/ #### EventDestinationCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/{EventName}/ #### EventDestination - Id - Destination - EventTypes - Context - OriginResources - Protocol ### /redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/ #### JsonSchemaFileCollection - Description - Members@odata.count - Members ### /redfish/v1/JsonSchemas/{Id}/ #### JsonSchemaFile - Schema - Description - Languages - Languages@odata.count - Location - Location@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Managers/ #### ManagerCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/ #### Manager - Actions - DateTime - DateTimeLocalOffset - Description - EthernetInterfaces - FirmwareVersion - GraphicalConsole - LastResetTime - Links/ActiveSoftwareImage - Links/ManagerForChassis - Links/ManagerForChassis@odata.count - Links/ManagerForServers - Links/ManagerForServers@odata.count - Links/ManagerInChassis - Links/SoftwareImages - Links/SoftwareImages@odata.count - LogServices - ManagerType - Manufacturer - Model - NetworkProtocol - Oem - PartNumber - PowerState - SerialConsole - SerialNumber - ServiceEntryPointUUID - SparePartNumber - Status - UUID ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/ #### EthernetInterfaceCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/{EthernetInterfaceId}/ #### EthernetInterface - DHCPv4 - DHCPv6 - Description - FQDN - HostName - IPv4Addresses - IPv4StaticAddresses - IPv6AddressPolicyTable - IPv6Addresses - IPv6DefaultGateway - IPv6StaticAddresses - InterfaceEnabled - LinkStatus - MACAddress - NameServers - SpeedMbps - StaticNameServers - Status - VLANs ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/{EthernetInterfaceId}/VLANs/ #### VLanNetworkInterfaceCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/ The [LogService][2] resource provides properties for monitoring and configuring events for the service or resource to which it is associated. Within bmcweb, the LogService object resides under the System resource. It tracks all events for the system. The LogService supports multiple log entry types. bmcweb has support for the `Event` type. This is the new Redfish-defined type. bmcweb supports two different implementations of the `LogService/EventLog/Entries` URI. The default implementation uses rsyslog to write Redfish events from the journal to the persistent /var/log/ filesystem. The bmcweb software then looks for these files in /var/log/ and returns the appropriate Redfish EventLog Entries for these. More details on adding events can be found [here][3] The other implementation of EventLog Entries can be enabled by compiling bmcweb with the `-DBMCWEB_ENABLE_REDFISH_DBUS_LOG_ENTRIES=ON` option. This will cause bmcweb to look to [phosphor-logging][4] for any D-Bus log entries. These will then be translated to Redfish EventLog Entries. These two implementations do not work together, so choosing one will disable the other. #### LogServiceCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/RedfishLog/ #### LogService - Entries - OverWritePolicy - Actions - Status - DateTime - MaxNumberOfRecords ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/LogServices/RedfishLog/Entries/{LogEntryId}/ #### LogEntry - Message - Created - EntryType ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/ManagerDiagnosticData/ #### ManagerDiagnosticData - ServiceRootUptimeSeconds ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol/ #### ManagerNetworkProtocol - Description - FQDN - HTTP - HTTPS - HostName - IPMI - NTP - SSH - Status ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates/ #### CertificateCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates/{CertificateId}/ #### Certificate - CertificateString - Description - Issuer - KeyUsage - Subject - ValidNotAfter - ValidNotBefore ### /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/Truststore/Certificates/ #### CertificateCollection - Description - error ### /redfish/v1/Registries/ #### MessageRegistryFileCollection - Description - Members - Should support Base, CommonMessages, and EventingMessages - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Registries/{MessageRegistryFileId}/ #### MessageRegistryFile - Description - Languages - Languages@odata.count - Location - Location@odata.count - Registry ### /redfish/v1/SessionService/ #### SessionService - Description - ServiceEnabled - SessionTimeout - Sessions ### /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/ #### SessionCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/{SessionId}/ #### Session - ClientOriginIPAddress - Description - Oem - UserName ### /redfish/v1/Systems/ #### ComputerSystemCollection - Members - Should support one system - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Bios/ #### Bios - Actions - Description - Links/ActiveSoftwareImage - Links/SoftwareImages - Links/SoftwareImages@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ #### ComputerSystem - Actions - AssetTag - Bios - BiosVersion - Boot - BootProgress - Description - HostWatchdogTimer - IdlePowerSaver/Enable - IdlePowerSaver/EnterUtilizationPercent - IdlePowerSaver/EnterDwellTimeSeconds - IdlePowerSaver/ExitUtilizationPercent - IdlePowerSaver/ExitDwellTimeSeconds - IndicatorLED - LastResetTime - Links/Chassis - Links/ManagedBy - LocationIndicatorActive - LogServices - Manufacturer - Memory - MemorySummary - Model - PartNumber - PowerMode - PowerRestorePolicy - PowerState - ProcessorSummary - Processors - SerialNumber - Status - Storage - SubModel - SystemType ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/EthernetInterfaces/ #### EthernetInterfaceCollection - Members - Members@odata.count - Description ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/FabricAdapters/ #### FabricAdapterCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/FabricAdapters/{FabricAdapterId}/ #### FabricAdapter - Location - Model - PartNumber - SerialNumber - SparePartNumber - Status ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/ #### LogServiceCollection - Description - Members - Should default to one member, named SEL - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/ #### LogService - Actions - DateTime - DateTimeLocalOffset - Description - Entries - OverWritePolicy ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/ #### LogEntryCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/{LogEntryId}/ #### LogEntry - AdditionalDataURI - Created - EntryType - Message - Modified - Resolved - Severity ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/SEL/Entries/ #### LogEntryCollection - Members - Members@odata.count - Description - @odata.nextLink ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/SEL/Entries/{LogEntryId}/ #### LogEntry - MessageArgs - Severity - SensorType - Message - MessageId - Created - EntryCode - EntryType ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Memory/ #### MemoryCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Memory/{MemoryId}/ #### Memory - AllowedSpeedsMHz - BaseModuleType - BusWidthBits - CapacityMiB - DataWidthBits - ErrorCorrection - FirmwareRevision - Manufacturer - Model - OperatingSpeedMhz - PartNumber - RankCount - SerialNumber - SparePartNumber - Status ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Memory/{MemoryId}/MemoryMetrics/ #### MemoryMetrics - Description - HealthData ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/ #### PCIeDeviceCollection - Description - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/PCIeDevices/{PCIeDevice}/ - PCIeInterface - LanesInUse ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Processors/ #### ProcessorCollection - Members - Should Support CPU1 and CPU2 for dual socket systems - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Processors/{ProcessorId}/ #### Processor - InstructionSet - Manufacturer - MaxSpeedMHz - PartNumber - ProcessorArchitecture - ProcessorId - ProcessorType - SerialNumber - Socket - SparePartNumber - Status - TotalCores - TotalThreads - Version ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/ #### StorageCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/{StorageId}/ #### Storage - Drives - Drives@odata.count - Status ### /redfish/v1/Systems/system/Storage/{StorageId}/Drive/{DriveId}/ #### Storage - CapacityBytes - Links - Status ### /redfish/v1/TaskService/ #### TaskService - CompletedTaskOverWritePolicy - DateTime - LifeCycleEventOnTaskStateChange - ServiceEnabled - Status - Tasks ### /redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks/ #### TaskCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/ #### TelemetryService - MaxReports - MetricReportDefinitions - MetricReports - MinCollectionInterval - Status - Triggers ### /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReportDefinitions/ #### MetricReportDefinitionCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports/ #### MetricReportCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/Triggers/ #### TriggersCollection - Members - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/UpdateService/ #### UpdateService - Actions - Description - FirmwareInventory - HttpPushUri - HttpPushUriOptions - MaxImageSizeBytes - ServiceEnabled ### /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/ #### SoftwareInventoryCollection - Members - Should Support BMC, ME, CPLD and BIOS - Members@odata.count ### /redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory/{SoftwareInventoryId}/ #### SoftwareInventory - Description - RelatedItem@odata.count - RelatedItem - Status - Updateable - Version [1]: https://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish [2]: https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/LogService.json [3]: https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/architecture/redfish-logging-in-bmcweb.md [4]: https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-logging