Lines Matching +full:throttle +full:- +full:period +full:- +full:us

31 #include "qemu/help-texts.h"
32 #include "qemu-main.h"
36 #include "ui/kbd-state.h"
39 #include "sysemu/runstate-action.h"
40 #include "sysemu/cpu-throttle.h"
42 #include "qapi/qapi-commands-block.h"
43 #include "qapi/qapi-commands-machine.h"
44 #include "qapi/qapi-commands-misc.h"
46 #include "qemu-version.h"
48 #include "qemu/main-loop.h"
50 #include "qemu/error-report.h"
107 static NSInteger cbchangecount = -1;
296 ------------------------------------------------------
298 ------------------------------------------------------
306 * pointing device an absolute-position one?"], but is only updated on
310 * and whether we capture the mouse when in non-absolute mode.
322 - (void) switchSurface:(pixman_image_t *)image;
323 - (void) grabMouse;
324 - (void) ungrabMouse;
325 - (void) setFullGrab:(id)sender;
326 - (void) handleMonitorInput:(NSEvent *)event;
327 - (bool) handleEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
328 - (bool) handleEventLocked:(NSEvent *)event;
329 - (void) notifyMouseModeChange;
330 - (BOOL) isMouseGrabbed;
331 - (QEMUScreen) gscreen;
332 - (void) raiseAllKeys;
351 - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
388 - (void) dealloc
406 - (BOOL) isOpaque
411 - (void) viewDidMoveToWindow
416 - (void) selectConsoleLocked:(unsigned int)index
431 - (void) hideCursor
439 - (void) unhideCursor
447 - (void)setMouseX:(int)x y:(int)y on:(bool)on
456 position.y = screen.height - mouseY;
465 - (void)setCursor:(QEMUCursor *)given_cursor
480 bounds.size.width = cursor->width;
481 bounds.size.height = cursor->height;
485 cursor->data,
486 cursor->width * cursor->height * 4,
491 cursor->width, //width
492 cursor->height, //height
495 cursor->width * 4, //bytesPerRow
513 - (void) drawRect:(NSRect) rect
563 clipRect.origin.y = (float)h - (clipRect.origin.y + clipRect.size.height);
576 - (NSSize)fixAspectRatio:(NSSize)max
613 - (NSSize) screenSafeAreaSize
617 size.width -= insets.left + insets.right;
618 size.height -= + insets.bottom;
622 - (void) resizeWindow
637 - (void) updateBounds
643 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
645 - (void) updateUIInfoLocked
666 CVTime period = CVDisplayLinkGetNominalOutputVideoRefreshPeriod(displayLink);
668 if (!(period.flags & kCVTimeIsIndefinite)) {
670 1000 * period.timeValue / period.timeScale);
671 info.refresh_rate = (int64_t)1000 * period.timeScale / period.timeValue;
693 - (void) updateUIInfo
698 * startup phase -- we haven't yet registered dcl with the QEMU UI
712 - (void) switchSurface:(pixman_image_t *)image
736 - (void) setFullGrab:(id)sender
766 - (void) toggleKey: (int)keycode {
771 - (void) handleMonitorInput:(NSEvent *)event
835 - (bool) handleEvent:(NSEvent *)event
842 - (bool) handleEventLocked:(NSEvent *)event
851 * Check -[NSEvent modifierFlags] here.
854 * -[NSEvent modifierFlags], NSEventTypeFlagsChanged but these operations
863 * ---------------------------
869 * ---------------
876 * -[NSEvent keyCode] of an event whose -[NSEvent type] is
879 * - It does not work when the application is inactive as described above.
880 * - It malfactions *after* the modifier state is changed while the
881 * application is inactive. It is because -[NSEvent keyCode] does not tell
1011 [self selectConsoleLocked:key - '0' - 1]; /* ascii math */
1031 // don't pass the guest a spurious key-up if we treated this
1032 // command-key combo as a host UI action
1044 * This is in-line with standard Mac OS X UI behaviour.
1073 - (void) handleMouseEvent:(NSEvent *)event button:(InputButton)button down:(bool)down
1086 - (void) handleMouseEvent:(NSEvent *)event
1099 qemu_input_queue_abs(dcl.con, INPUT_AXIS_Y, screen.height - p.y * d, 0, screen.height);
1109 - (void) mouseExited:(NSEvent *)event
1116 - (void) mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)event
1123 - (void) mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)event
1128 - (void) mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
1133 - (void) rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
1138 - (void) otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
1143 - (void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event
1148 - (void) rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event
1153 - (void) otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)event
1158 - (void) mouseUp:(NSEvent *)event
1167 - (void) rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event
1172 - (void) otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)event
1177 - (void) grabMouse
1182 …[[self window] setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"QEMU %s - (Press " UC_CTRL_KEY " " UC_ALT_KE…
1184 … [[self window] setTitle:@"QEMU - (Press " UC_CTRL_KEY " " UC_ALT_KEY " G to release Mouse)"];
1190 - (void) ungrabMouse
1204 - (void) notifyMouseModeChange {
1223 - (BOOL) isMouseGrabbed {return isMouseGrabbed;}
1224 - (QEMUScreen) gscreen {return screen;}
1231 - (void) raiseAllKeys
1238 - (void) raiseAllButtons
1251 ------------------------------------------------------
1253 ------------------------------------------------------
1259 - (void)doToggleFullScreen:(id)sender;
1260 - (void)showQEMUDoc:(id)sender;
1261 - (void)zoomToFit:(id) sender;
1262 - (void)displayConsole:(id)sender;
1263 - (void)pauseQEMU:(id)sender;
1264 - (void)resumeQEMU:(id)sender;
1265 - (void)displayPause;
1266 - (void)removePause;
1267 - (void)restartQEMU:(id)sender;
1268 - (void)powerDownQEMU:(id)sender;
1269 - (void)ejectDeviceMedia:(id)sender;
1270 - (void)changeDeviceMedia:(id)sender;
1271 - (BOOL)verifyQuit;
1272 - (void)openDocumentation:(NSString *)filename;
1273 - (IBAction) do_about_menu_item: (id) sender;
1274 - (void)adjustSpeed:(id)sender;
1278 - (id) init
1325 - (void) dealloc
1334 - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) note
1340 - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification
1350 * Sleep here, because returning will cause OSX to kill us
1357 - (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)theApplication
1362 - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:
1369 - (void)windowDidChangeScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
1374 - (void)windowDidEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
1379 - (void)windowDidExitFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
1385 - (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *)notification
1392 - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender
1404 - (NSApplicationPresentationOptions) window:(NSWindow *)window
1414 * [-NSWindowDelegate windowDidResignKey:] is used here instead of
1415 * [-NSApplicationDelegate applicationWillResignActive:] because it cannot
1418 - (void) windowDidResignKey: (NSNotification *)aNotification
1429 - (void) doToggleFullScreen:(id)sender
1434 - (void) setFullGrab:(id)sender
1442 - (void) openDocumentation: (NSString *) filename
1468 - (void)showQEMUDoc:(id)sender
1476 - (void)zoomToFit:(id) sender
1485 - (void)toggleZoomInterpolation:(id) sender
1497 - (void)displayConsole:(id)sender
1505 - (void)pauseQEMU:(id)sender
1516 - (void)resumeQEMU:(id) sender
1527 - (void)displayPause
1531 xCoord = ([cocoaView frame].size.width - [pauseLabel frame].size.width)/2;
1532 …yCoord = [cocoaView frame].size.height - [pauseLabel frame].size.height - ([pauseLabel frame].size…
1540 - (void)removePause
1546 - (void)restartQEMU:(id)sender
1554 - (void)powerDownQEMU:(id)sender
1564 - (void)ejectDeviceMedia:(id)sender
1585 - (void)changeDeviceMedia:(id)sender
1626 - (BOOL)verifyQuit
1641 - (IBAction) do_about_menu_item: (id) sender
1669 - (void)adjustSpeed:(id)sender
1671 int throttle_pct; /* throttle percentage */
1689 // get the throttle percentage
1704 - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)event
1772 for (p = 10; p >= 0; p--)
1783 /* Calculate the throttle percentage */
1784 throttle_pct = -1 * percentage + 100;
1876 deviceName = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", currentDevice->value->device] retain];
1878 if(currentDevice->value->removable) {
1879 …em alloc] initWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Change %s...", currentDevice->value->device]
1886 …nuItem alloc] initWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Eject %s", currentDevice->value->device]
1893 currentDevice = currentDevice->next;
1914 - (void)pasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)sender provideDataForType:(NSPasteboardType)type
1926 info->types[QEMU_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_TEXT].available &&
1927 info->types[QEMU_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_TEXT].data == NULL) {
1934 NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:info->types[QEMU_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_TEXT].data
1935 length:info->types[QEMU_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_TEXT].size];
1960 if (info->owner == &cbpeer || info->selection != QEMU_CLIPBOARD_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD) {
1979 switch (notify->type) {
1981 cocoa_clipboard_update_info(notify->info);
2019 * create qemu-main thread
2063 NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(x, [cocoaView gscreen].height - y - h, w, h);
2071 pixman_image_t *image = surface->image;
2091 graphic_hw_update(dcl->con);
2097 cbinfo->types[QEMU_CLIPBOARD_TYPE_TEXT].available = true;
2118 [cocoaView setCursor:qemu_console_get_cursor(dcl->con)];
2130 // Pull this console process up to being a fully-fledged graphical
2142 if (opts->has_full_screen && opts->full_screen) {
2145 if (opts->u.cocoa.has_full_grab && opts->u.cocoa.full_grab) {
2149 if (opts->has_show_cursor && opts->show_cursor) {
2152 if (opts->u.cocoa.has_swap_opt_cmd) {
2153 swap_opt_cmd = opts->u.cocoa.swap_opt_cmd;
2156 if (opts->u.cocoa.has_left_command_key && !opts->u.cocoa.left_command_key) {
2160 if (opts->u.cocoa.has_zoom_to_fit && opts->u.cocoa.zoom_to_fit) {
2164 if (opts->u.cocoa.has_zoom_interpolation && opts->u.cocoa.zoom_interpolation) {
2173 * holds the BQL and is synchronously waiting for us to