Lines Matching +full:1 +full:e
15 /bin/echo -e "$@" | fold >&2
19 /bin/echo -e "$@" | fold
23 /bin/echo -e "\033[1mNAME\033[0m"
24 /bin/echo -e "\tipkdbg - debug OpenBMC applications from an (internally) released firmware"
25 /bin/echo -e
26 /bin/echo -e "\033[1mSYNOPSIS\033[0m"
27 /bin/echo -e "\tipkdbg [-q] RELEASE FILE CORE [PACKAGE...]"
28 /bin/echo -e
29 /bin/echo -e "\033[1mDESCRIPTION\033[0m"
30 /bin/echo -e "\tRELEASE is the firmware release whose packages to install"
31 /bin/echo -e "\tFILE is the absolute path to the binary of interest in the target environment"
32 /bin/echo -e "\tCORE is an optional core file generated by FILE. Pass '-' for no core file"
33 /bin/echo -e "\tPACKAGES will be used to populate a temporary rootfs for debugging FILE"
34 /bin/echo -e
35 /bin/echo -e "\033[1mOPTIONS\033[0m"
36 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1m-h\033[0m"
37 /bin/echo -e "\tPrint this help."
38 /bin/echo -e
39 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1m-q\033[0m"
40 /bin/echo -e "\tQuit gdb once done. Intended for use in a scripting environment in combination"
41 /bin/echo -e "\twith a core file, as the backtrace will be printed as an implicit first command."
42 /bin/echo -e
43 /bin/echo -e "\033[1mENVIRONMENT\033[0m"
44 /bin/echo -e "\tThere are several important environment variables controlling the behaviour of"
45 /bin/echo -e "\tthe script:"
46 /bin/echo -e
47 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_OPKG_CACHE\033[0m"
48 /bin/echo -e "\tA package cache directory for opkg. Defaults to empty, disabling the cache."
49 /bin/echo -e
50 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_CONF_HOST\033[0m"
51 /bin/echo -e "\tHostname for access to opkg.conf over the web interface"
52 /bin/echo -e
53 /bin/echo -e "\tDefaults to '${IPKDBG_CONF_HOST}'"
54 /bin/echo -e
55 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_CONF_MNT\033[0m"
56 /bin/echo -e "\tMount-point for access to opkg.conf"
57 /bin/echo -e
58 /bin/echo -e "\tDefaults to '${IPKDBG_CONF_MNT}'"
59 /bin/echo -e
60 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_CONF_LOC\033[0m"
61 /bin/echo -e "\tGeo-location for access to opkg.conf"
62 /bin/echo -e
63 /bin/echo -e "\tDefaults to '${IPKDBG_CONF_LOC}'"
64 /bin/echo -e
65 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_CONF_ROOT\033[0m"
66 /bin/echo -e "\tPath to the directory containing build artifacts, for access to opkg.conf"
67 /bin/echo -e
68 /bin/echo -e "\tDefaults to '${IPKDBG_CONF_ROOT}'"
69 /bin/echo -e
70 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_CONF_USER\033[0m"
71 /bin/echo -e "\tUsername for access to opkg.conf over the web interface"
72 /bin/echo -e
73 /bin/echo -e "\tDefaults to \$USER ($USER)"
74 /bin/echo -e
75 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_GDB\033[0m"
76 /bin/echo -e "\tThe gdb(1) binary to invoke. Automatically detected if unset."
77 /bin/echo -e
78 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_WGET_OPTS\033[0m"
79 /bin/echo -e "\tUser options to pass to wget(1) when fetching opkg.conf. Defaults to"
80 /bin/echo -e "\t'$IPKDBG_WGET_OPTS'"
81 /bin/echo -e
82 /bin/echo -e "\t\033[1mIPKDBG_ZSTD\033[0m"
83 /bin/echo -e "\tThe zstd(1) binary to extract the compressed core dump. Automatically"
84 /bin/echo -e "\tdetected if unset."
85 /bin/echo -e
86 /bin/echo -e "\033[1mEXAMPLE\033[0m"
87 /bin/echo -e "\tipkdbg 1020.2206.20220208a \\"
88 /bin/echo -e "\t\t/usr/bin/nvmesensor - \\"
89 /bin/echo -e "\t\tdbus-sensors dbus-sensors-dbg"
98 h|\?) ipkdbg_help ; exit 1;;
101 shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
107 if [ "-" = "$1" ]
111 local src="$(realpath "$1")"
120 IPKDBG_BUILD=$1; shift
121 IPKDBG_FILE=$1; shift
122 IPKDBG_CORE=$(ipkdbg_core_extract "$1"); shift
140 exit 1
151 exit 1
162 exit 1
168 exit 1
175 local offset=$1
181 local root=$1
193 exit 1
201 exit 1
204 IPKDBG_DATA=$(awk '/^__ARCHIVE_BEGIN__$/ { print NR + 1; exit 0 }' $0)
223 local build=$1
229 local build=$1
235 local build=$1
241 local build=$1
246 local path=$1
248 cp "$path" "$output" > /dev/null 2>&1
252 local build=$1
257 local url=$1
268 exit 1
273 local build=$1
278 local build=$1
281 cp "$path" "$output" > /dev/null 2>&1
285 local build=$1
301 local build=$1
306 local build=$1
311 local build=$1
316 local build=$1
341 local core=$1
344 awk -F " " '{ print $1 }' # Chop off the arguments, we only want the binary path
348 ipkdbg_opkg find $@ | awk '{ print $1 }'
352 local pkg=$1
384 …_PKG="$(IPKDBG_ROOT=$IPKDBG_DB ipkdbg_opkg search ${IPKDBG_DB}${IPKDBG_FILE} | awk '{ print $1 }')"
397 exit 1