Lines Matching refs:ip
85 # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code
112 # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code
186 [Documentation] Enable DHCP when static ip configured and verify static ip
233 [Documentation] Enable DHCP when no static ip configured and verify dhcp ip
268 [Documentation] Verify to configure vmi static ip address with different user roles.
281 [Documentation] Verify to configure vmi static ip address with operator user role.
434 # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code
445 # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code
564 [Documentation] Update user role and update vmi static ip address.
565 [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${ip} ${gateway} ${netmask}
571 # ip IP address to be added (e.g. "").
580 Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${ip} ${gateway} ${netmask} ${valid_status_code}
584 [Documentation] Update user role and read vmi static ip address.