Lines Matching refs:Element

42     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_snmp_alerts_heading}
64 ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${xpath_snmp_alerts_heading} ${snmp_page_heading}
66 Click Element ${xpath_add_destination}
67 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_snmp_alert_destination_heading}
68 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_ip_address_input_button}
69 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_port_optional_input_button}
70 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_cancel_button}
71 Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_snmp_add_destination_button}
209 Click Element ${xpath_snmp_alerts_sub_menu}
273 Click Element ${xpath_settings_menu}
274 Click Element ${xpath_snmp_alerts_sub_menu}
276 Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=30
288 Click Element ${xpath_add_destination}
289 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_snmp_alert_destination_heading}
293 Click Element ${xpath_snmp_add_destination_button}
299 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_select_all_snmp} timeout=30s
300 Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_select_all_snmp} 0 0
301 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec Click Element ${xpath_delete_button}
303 Click Element ${xpath_delete_destination}
305 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value
395 ... Click Element ${xpath_cancel_button}
397 ... Click Element ${xpath_cancel_button}
403 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_settings_menu} timeout=30s
404 Click Element ${xpath_settings_menu}
405 Click Element ${xpath_network_sub_menu}
427 Click Element ${xpath_settings_menu}
428 Click Element ${xpath_snmp_alerts_sub_menu}